Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

39 ratings
The HL2RP Minging Guide
By Allegra Chicken™ (Hiatus)
End up getting banned before you can even start your age of terror on a ♥♥♥♥ HL2RP server? You've come to the right place young Padawan!
The Basics
There are some basics you should know about being a proper minge.

Citizens may want to help
If you are planning to do an attack like glitching into the nexus to get guns and start a revolt or uprising, bored Citizen roleplayers may want to flock to your banner! Only kill Citizens if you want to Mass RDM to the full extent or if they start to attack you!

Target bad servers or crusade to help one with potential!
What is crusading? Minging to help a server! Believe it or not minging can benefit an extremely boring server by adding some pop. Getting weapons via glitching and becoming Black Market Dealers can bring in some well needed Rebel and Gang RP on a very boring Anti-Rebel RP server. Not in the mood to crusade? Target bad servers like Earthfall Network and Lemonpunch (ded) as it will be much safer and easier to minge on there!

Use your time wisely
Your time as a minge on a server is most often limited, starting that revolt you wanted to start can be ticked away by a permaban for punchwhoring. Be smart! don't get a name like "pro minge" or something in the likes of that! Admins now-a-days are very lazy and most often simply permaban people with names like this. Use the oppurtunity you have on your target server wisely as it may be your last!

Be weary of Crybabies and Admins
Your time minging can be cut short when an admin stalks you, hungry for bans or angry Crybabies seeking to purge out minges. Be weary of who you trust and be extra careful when admins are about.

Cheating is completley optional
You may have seen minges on youtube like the Bob Good militia using cheats almost always, cheating is a gamble, you can be fine without cheats and not have to worry about VACs(I never will use cheats keep in mind). Cheating may assist you in finding salesman all over the map, even hidden ones like the Admin Salesman.
Know the Map
All steps are important to being a succesful minge, however none is more important than your knowledge of the map. See what map your target server uses. Running from the CPs? your knowledge of the sewers could save you! Glitching into the Nexus? be the first to yell to your pals, "The Armoury is over here!". Go onto singeplayer and memorize the streets, important locations, the underground, and most importantly the Nexus (becuase its an impracticle maze) of the map your target server uses. If you want to glitch into the Nexus, calculate how many partners you will need. City 45's Nexus is the hardest to glitch into keep in mind, as the only enterence is sealed off by four doors, leaving you needing a group of five to get into the Nexus.
Know the Server
Server communities vary in the responsibility of their admins, when most players are on, what the CP ratio is, and other things. Studying the server for some time to find such quirks can help you espicially if your goal involves other playes (like glitching into the nexus and starting an uprising with your stolen loot). Roleplay for some time and make a good impression of yourself, see how many players are on throughout the day, see when the admins are on, and if the CPs are numerous and egotistic. An important one to know is if the Nexus Armoury Salesman sells to citizens. Some servers you may find are good, it is nice to leave them be and roleplay with the other players on it, a good server is
Know your Glitches
Glitches are a useful skill to have, and an almost neccesary one! There are many glitches in Clockwork, the list below are the most useful.
The Flying Suitcase
A very complicated glitch that is tough to muster the neccesary materials. Most servers today have plugins that do not allow picked-up props to collide with the player carrying it. To bypass this, you will need a suitcase which you spawn with, and a light flat prop like an old bike or maybe even a radio (THESE PROPS NEED TO SPAWN WITHIN THE MAP NOT VIA PLAYERS)

Place the suitcase on the ground, and put your flat prop you found on top of it.

Edge over to the suitcase and pick it up.

Remain looking at the suitcase whilst the suitcase collides with the flat prop and lifts you up.

Continue doing this until you reach your sky high-destination, look slowly towards it until you start to move to its direction.

Once over your destination, let go of the suitcase and realize how smart you are.

This glitch can be used to access rooftops which can give you access to buildings like the nexus, or even the holy trinity of minging... the admin salesman (which most often is non-existant). If you have a wallhack you could have a better chance to see if your target server has an admin salesman (hax are 4 scrubs u no).

Door Entry Glitches
These glitches are the most common glitches you will do in your minging career. They are generally simple, but be weary of admins and CPs that may catch you!

/animATW 1

The most simplest and easiest glitch you can do. It requires a duo. To do it a partner must face the door and type "/animATW 1" into the chat and he will go into an arrest position. The other partner must simply push him until he nearly goes out of the other side where he will be stuck, then the pushed partner must fallover (/charfallover in chat or in F1 Menu). If there is a button to open the door, the pushed parter can let his pals in. However on some servers this is patched and you will need another way to get inside.

Fallover Glitch

If the /animATW 1 glitch is patched on a server the minges must divert. This is yet another very simple glitch that requires a duo. To do this one partner must fallover via /charfallover or use the F1 menu. The standing up parter will place his head very close to the door. Hopefully the fallen over player will be stuck in the door and he can then be pushed inside by his partner where he will fallover again and be in the wanted destination.

The Industrial 17 Magic Radio

A simple yet somewhat effective glitch that needs the target server to not block off the slums for the use of the Magic Radio (Located Only in rp_industrial_17_v1. This glitch is generally simple, and ocasionally you can even take the Radio with you into your Glitching Adventure. Magic Radios are located in the Basketball Court and one is also right next to the cybercafe in the sewers. Once you find a radio, grab it and look for the door you want to get through. Stand right on front of the door and whack the radio as fast as possible towards you and the door until you get through. On certain doors like the Nexus chain-link fence you can glitch the radio through as well. Be warned however, the glitch may rob a lot of health from you and in rarer cases may wind up putting the radio on the other side of your door without letting you in. The Magic Radio can also be used as an easier alternative to the Flying Suitcase, use the same instructions just cancel out the bits revolving around the other prop.
Gather some pals!
Its very boring to roleplay alone, let alone minge! Gather some trusted buddies you have and minge together! or if you think taking the risk of telling some bored roleplayer on the streets to help you do so, be warned that this stranger may report you and can get you banned.
Remember all of what this guide tells you and will be a very successful minge! Remember friends, you minge to send the message that HL2RP must change or be destroyed.
Allegra Chicken™ (Hiatus)  [author] 12 Jun, 2019 @ 2:31am 
Guys I've made this guide 3 years ago, I don't even play Gmod anymore lol.
RÖGGO 6 Jun, 2019 @ 11:19pm 
bind for fallover for 1 sec please
Bob good "Mr. fish" 26 May, 2019 @ 8:47am 
brent 14 Jan, 2019 @ 6:21am 
nice guide on becoming a wannabe
Shower 29 Jun, 2018 @ 4:47am 
? 29 Jun, 2018 @ 4:42am 
u forgot the Industrial 17 teleportation glitch
Shower 9 Jun, 2018 @ 4:45am 
is it possible to do a solo animatw gltich
Shower 25 May, 2018 @ 10:08pm 
I need some "friends" to assist me
when he saw the gyatt 2 Sep, 2017 @ 2:37am 
If it's possible, get multiple characters of your own in if you have multiple players since then you can do things much more efficiently when minging in.
Watereaters 19 Mar, 2017 @ 8:33pm