Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

246 个评价
SFM: Easy Nice Lighting
由 Landeyx 制作
Valve has added some nice touches in SFM, making it easy for users to make some awesome things easily, today I will light up (get it?) a trick for SFM lighting.
Valve has added some nice touches in SFM, making it easy for users to make some awesome things easily, today I will light up (get it?) a trick for SFM lighting.
My name is Landeyx, and today I'll show you how to do this, it's pretty easy.
If you use this trick, your lighting will look somewhat like this:

This can also be coloured:

How To Do The Lighting
Step 1: Spawn a model

Step 2: Go into the motion set editor

Step 3: Hold ctrl and select a bone (I prefer the neck bone)

Step 4: Something should light up in the animotion set, right click it and hover over utilities and click "create lights"

Step 5: Play arround with the lights which are just created and create some nice lighting

Make sure to edit your render settings to Depth of field 1024 override and turn motion blur off.

Thanks for reading!
Rate this guide up if you liked it, may not be super-detailled but I hope it helps you!

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