Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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How to KennyS Guide
By kenichis
This guide will show you how to mlg awp kennys people xddddddd
1. How to get skins
First you have to buy alot of skins even if theyre crap you need skins to win in this call of duty ripoff

Buy 69 awp asimovs and 420 p250 sand dunes and 360 knives

Remember to only buy awps in the match because they are kennys and theyre the best weapon in the game the ak is ♥♥♥♥ you can only use it for suicide bombing like isis that is also cool but kennys is better
2. Map selection
Be sure to only roll dust 2 because dust 2 is the ultimate kennys map and it is the only real map in the game, the only other real map is vertigo i very like vertigo it is a nice map

Russian teammates are the best they teach me to speak russian and how to kennys

Always scream in your mic and yell Cyka Blyat wich means rush b in russian because thats what they told me
3. How to rush B the correct way
First you need to buy awps or p90s and scream in your mic while running to B, dont bother buying grenades because they are useless xdddd if your teammates try to go a be sure to shoot them in the head because they are griefing you and helping the enemy team
4. Final thoughts
Now that you know how to KennyS it is time for you to reach for the ultimate rank silver 1 and get more awp asimovs and p90s

Good luck my child
DAJJAL 8 Jul, 2016 @ 10:26pm 
wow! this guide helped me get into fazE thanks mister!