Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

Este objeto no es compatible con Counter-Strike 2. Consulta la página de instrucciones para saber por qué razón no es compatible con Counter-Strike 2.
AWP - 2Face
Arma: AWP
Estilo del acabado: Pátina
Etiquetas: Acabado de arma
Publicado el
8.866 MB
30 ABR 2016 a las 9:02 a. m.
1 nota sobre cambios ( ver )

¿‎Te gustaría ver este artículo aceptado e incluido oficialmente en‎ Counter-Strike 2?

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Hello Guys,

this is my new skin. Its an Awp this time with a nice effect. If factory new, it appears with a white color, some textures and some soft colors in it.

If the condition gets worst, it changes his color to a dark blue with green highlights on it. The Artwork on it will stay the same.

Thats it. Same old story, rate if u like and if u really liked it tell your friends ;)

Thanks once again
