Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

59 ratings
How to be an Admin
By Sudden
The purpose of this guide is to provide Admins of servers running Sourcemod with a quick reference to the most used/useful commands, as well as some useful resources. As every gaming group has their own rules and community, this guide will NOT touch on how to act or what to do in certain situations. Again, as every gaming group is unique, this guide will NOT teach you how to gain admin status. This is a resource for existing, or soon-to-be admins.
Type status in console to get the SteamID3 of players
Paste this into resource sites for more information about the player. will give you a player's SteamID, SteamID64, a link to their profile, and their location.

 will give you some more information about a player like previous names and profile pictures. will give you the info gives, as well as information on whether or not the player has been marked as a scammer, and links to all of their profiles on trading sites. Useful when dealing with cases of scamming on your server.
This section is direct from the wiki as it was easy enough to understand. Some methods of targeting may or may not work based on your server's setup.
I would recommend using names, userid, or @ rather than steamid

  • name - Exact name match, or partial name match (if the partial string is unique).
  • #userid - If userid is numeric, the player will be targeted by their userid (found via the "users" command).
  • #steamid - Matches by Steam ID. If you use colons (:), you must enclose in quotes. Otherwise, you can use an underscore (_) instead. Examples: "#STEAM_0:1:4433", #STEAM_0_1_4433
  • #<name> - Exact name match after the # sign.
  • @all - All players (available on most commands).
  • @bots - All bots (available on most commands).
  • @alive - All alive players (available on most commands that accept alive players).
  • @dead - All dead players (available on most commands that accept dead players).
  • @humans - All non-bot players (available on most commands).
  • @aim - Current player the admin is directly aiming at.
  • @me - Target self.
  • @!me - Target everyone but yourself.
    Note that name matches occur last, "magic targets" (such as # and @) are processed first. This means that "@all" will target @all players, even if there is a player named "@all". You should target "#@all" instead.
  • @red - All RED team members
  • @blue - All BLU team members

  • /slay @blue
  • /noclip @me
  • /ban H4ck0r aimbot 0
  • /mute @all
Commands are used with an ! in chat or a / (if enabled)
/ means that players won’t see the commands you put into chat
Commands can also be done in the console (also won't be seen in chat). As most commands are through sourcemod, a prefix has to be added (sm_) ex: sm_burn <player> <time>
Although some commands can take multiple parameters, they are not always necessary. For instance, /mute can be /mute <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason] or you can do /mute <#userid|name> which will mute the player for the default value of 15 minutes.
/ban <player> <60> <spawn camping> will ban the player for 60 seconds, not minutes!
Also note that the use of > and < are to show input. You don't actually type those when entering commands.

  • Show admins
    • !admins
    • Shows admins currently on server
    • Your server may have changed the word, but by default the command is "admins"
  • Admin Menu (if enabled)
    • !admin
    • Contains "shortcut" for commands
    • I only recommend using the admin console to change player gravity
  • Bans
    • ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason]
    • 0 for permanent
    • Bans can be edited in sourcebans
  • Censoring
    • /mute <#userid|name> <minutes>
    • Mute is for mic, gag is for chat, silence = mute + gag
    • If no time is specified, default is 15 mins
  • Correcting Behavior
    • /slay <#userid|name>
    • /slap <#userid|name>
    • /slap <#userid|name> <damage to player>
  • Invincibility
    • /buddha - invincibility
    • /god - invincibility that ignores physics (Can't rocket/sticky jump, can't be airblasted)
  • Noclip
    • /noclip @me
  • Notifications
    • Text pop-ups for every player
    • /tsay - Sends a top-left message to all players. If no color is specified, the text will be white. Colors available are: white, red, green, blue, yellow, purple, cyan, orange, pink, olive, lime, violet, lightblue. The names are not case sensitive. (Not good for notifications, best for being silly)
    • /msay - Sends a message as a menu panel (Players must press assigned key to close)
    • /csay - Sends a centered message to all players. (Not good for notifications since any plugin using csay can override your text)
    • /hsay - Sends a message to all players via a center-bottom hint box.
    • Bind <key> “sm_msay do NOT shoot flames into the top of spawn”
  • Teleporting
    • /bring <player> - teleports the target to you
    • /goto <player> - teleports you to the target
    • Bind <key> sm_bring Sudden

For a full list of Sourcemod commands, visit:
This section is separate from commands as addcond requires sv_cheats 1.

  • /addcond <name> <addcond #> <time>
  • Console: sm_addcond <name> <addcond #> <time>
  • 74 – double size
  • 75 – half size
  • 82 - go kart
  • 87 – player locked in place, cannot turn
  • 86 – swim in the air
For a full list of addcond commands, visit:
Bind shortcuts
Bind useful or frequently used commands to keyboard or mouse keys.
Make sure the key you are binding is not already in-use.
Keybinds must be made using the Developer Console, and therefore must have appropriate prefixes (sm_)
bind KP_HOME "sm_msay do NOT spawn-camp!"

Commands can be chained using semi-colons;
bind ctrl "say !GiveMeACarSoICanGoFar; sm_addcond sudden 82 20; sm_tsay Sudden was given a go kart!"

More advanced binds are called scripts. They can be saved as a config (.CFG) files, with the bound key defined in the script.
echo "| Sell Bind Loaded |" alias sellingbindL0 "say Selling an unusual !; alias sellingbind sellingbindL1" alias sellingbindL1 "say Also buying strange weapons!; alias sellingbind sellingbindL0" alias sellingbind sellingbindL0 bind n sellingbind
Banning a Hacker
When you ban a hacker, BAN THEM WHILE THEY ARE ON THE SERVER (in-game) instead of after they disconnect.
When you ban a player from in-game or Sourcebans while they are on the server, it will provide the player's IP address on the ban record in Sourcebans. Sometimes you may have to go onto Sourcebans and add a second ban for them, listed as IP ban. This will effectively stop most script kiddies from rejoining your server on their account or their alt accounts.

If the hacker has a name changer that mimics the names of other players, you have two options:
  1. Using the admin menu (!admin), go to a section such as ban, and write down the numbers of the two players with the same name. Repeat when the hacker's name changes again. Did you notice that the number stays the same when the hacker changes names? This is the userid of the player. Ban them using the admin panel or via chat/console command.

  2. Type status into the developer console. Then copy the userids, names, and SteamIDs of the players. Find the two names that are similar, then use their userID or their steamID(see Resources section) to determine which one is the hacker.
Hackers with name-changers will generally be level 0, possibly already having VAC bans from other games or private profiles.
Example of a Successful Ban
Here on the dashboard I noticed a player, whose name I did not recognize was blocked from entering one of the servers.


A player named Skalinski was blocked from connecting to our Halo Bloodgulch TF2 server.


After clicking for his/her ban details, it revealed that the ban fell under a player named Sake. Sake was banned automatically by Source Mod Anti Cheat (SMAC), and then I gave him an IP ban.


Now comes the research. Was this the same account using a different name? Or did the player make an alt account and try to connect to the server?


Viewing the player's recent name history on Steam, there is no mention of "Skalinski".


Upon further research using a third-party tool, it was confirmed that the player never changed their name to "Skalinski".


So what does this mean? It tells us that the player made an alt account and tried to connect to the server on the alt. The IP ban prevented the alt account from joining, and will effectively prevent any other alts belonging to the player from joining in the future. This is why it is essential to ban hackers ON THE SERVER (in-game) instead of using Sourcebans, and then follow-up with an IP ban using Sourcebans, as described in the previous section.
Using Sourcebans
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Snow 24 Jan, 2021 @ 5:22am 
how do i make myself admin
Sudden  [author] 22 Dec, 2019 @ 3:49pm 
@big brain
Try using a single or double quote around their name. This tells the command that you want to include the portion after the space as the same name.
broke up 21 Dec, 2019 @ 5:07am 
What if there's a spacebar in the player's name, how would I execute a sm command?
Sudden  [author] 29 Jun, 2018 @ 7:45am 
Each community has their own application process. Most will have a Steam Group or Forum-based website where the application process will be laid out in detail.
Sudden  [author] 11 Apr, 2018 @ 6:54pm 
You become an admin by applying to a TF2 community or starting your own community.
animedino79 11 Apr, 2018 @ 6:16pm 
but i wanna know how to become an admin so i can spawn bots, easy bots
Sudden  [author] 30 Dec, 2016 @ 11:54pm 
I made ANOTHER new guide, check it out!
Sudden  [author] 23 Aug, 2016 @ 10:14pm 
Spork 2 May, 2016 @ 1:53am 
Best thumbnail picture ever