Freaking Meatbags

Freaking Meatbags

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Final Boss Guide (level 15)
By 9warbane
An explanation of what to do.
Not optimized/perfect.
Final Boss Guide (level 15)
Written below but the video goes into better detail.

  • Objective is to kill the two eyes and the mouth.
  • Need blue and red resources the most.
  • Set up towers to push one of the north tentacles with electric drone from top tentacle right eye.
  • Set up road boosters for miners to use (forces them to not walk into a tentacle).
  • Build missile tower to permanently push the tentacle back enough for your miners.

  • Your goal is to build defense around your base that can survive the strong waves and get decked out with missile drones.

  • 3 to 4 missile drones is enough with 2 missile towers, 2 electric towers and walls.
  • Kill the eyes first then the mouth
  • The eyes can be hard to see when they are killed.

  • After strong enemies will spawn, be there to defend then deal as mush damage as possible to the mouth.
PlacidVI 15 Mar, 2021 @ 6:40pm 
the boss also has three additional attack patterns. asides from spawning minions

1. a tentacle swipe that kills anything inside the area between tentacles, triggered by being inside the attack range and damaging the eyes/mouth.

2. a Lazer pillar attack that homes in on your main robot, that gets triggered more often if you are attacking the left eye. this is easily avoided as an attack indicator follows you around letting you know where the beam initially lands. It is possible to damage the boss or its tentacles by kiting the beam towards them.

3. a tentacle poke attack that lands a second or two after the shadow appears on the ground and squishes anything there. a little bit harder to spot if you aren't paying attention. like the lazer pillar attack, it triggers more if you attack the right eye.