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Lieat Walkthrough/Achievments
By pursin
A complete walkthrough for the story of all three parts, as well as for achievments.
Also, how to fix text issues.
To start off...
For people who haven't gone and looked at the discussions, simply downlaod the "MS Gothic" font from the internet and install it.

This game is fantastic, but extremly short. If you're here for achievments, you can literally speedrun the game in under an hour and get every achievment. If you actually read, (which you should) it may take 3-5 hours.

So, I'll have the achievments lined out in the walkthrough at the first point you can get it at. As from what i can tell, the achievments are only attainable in specific parts. This is denoted by the shape of the border on the picture. (I'm not sure if it's like that for all of them, but for instance, I couldn't get the "Five More Minutes" achievment in part 1 after sleeping twice, but I could get in part 2 after sleeping twice. The border matches all of the other part 2 achievments, so it's kind of just a guess.)
Part 1 achievments (Red, with ends pointing in.)
Part 2 achievments (Blue, with ends pointing in.)
Part 3 achievments (Black, with ends pointing out.)

I won't go over equipment locations other than the "Big Liar" in part 1, and Legendary equipment in part 3. If you want all of the locations refer to this guide.

And now we begin.
Lieat I
You start off the story just outside of Vermillion town.

Walk up the path to enter.
The bottom left house in the town contains the informant Rosalie Rosemarie, but there's no *need* to talk to her yet.... but every conversation in this is worth seeing.

Enter the house that is above the one with boxes stacked outside. This one contains the informant Carol Deledda. Search her dresser to find Big Liar and get the achievment.

Talk to Carol
Lies begin to appear from this point. I'll say when they advance the story, so you daon't have to figh tthe ones in the top-left and bottom-right of the town, but you may want to fight every single one you can to get Efina to level 10. (It's not that hard to do though, and there's a point can basically grind later in part 1.)

Proceed to talk to Keith Rigfire at the top-right of the town. (Outside of his house.)
Enter his house and take his candy from the black cabinet in his dining room.

Talk to Carol in her house again and fight (what might be) your first lie.
If you follow the guide linked in the beginning, you can just spam attack using the legendary weapons through all three parts of the game. Even without them, the battles rarely require thinking.
After leaving the house you'll be left alone. Go back in and play a game with Carol to score yourself some candy (it's behind her back.)

Go to your house (the one with boxes stacked outside) and put some panties on your head by searching the dresser. Classy.

Go to Rosalie's house (bottom-left) and talk to her. Proceed to the library (big house under Keith's) and talk to the the cat-human, Levin.
Talk to Leo to fail at a word chain game </3

Enter Keith's house and talk to him. Defeat the lie that says "I finished making dinner". (the rest are truths, but you can fight them regardless.)
Om-nom-nom, talk to Keith again, then go into the left room and talk to his sister, Rachel. Eat her lie that appears in the top-right.
Go outside of town and keep pressing Z on ont of the red moths flying around. Slaughter it.

Go back home and talk to Leo, then have some fun by bothering Carol in the middle of the night.


On the top-left of town, there's a pathway (alleyway) inbetween the two houses
(Which everyone seems to have a problem finding.)

Enter it to get murdered and recieve a bad end.

Reload your game

Go back home and sleep in your bed
Once you finally try to sleep you just get woken. Poor Efina :(

Enter the alleyway mentioned previously, and walk upwards.

Go talk to Rosalia in her house so she can contact the police.
Because apperently you can't.....

Go back home and finally sleep, now that you have the fresh memories of a corpse in your head.
After meeting Niel and company, and ditching your toddler, go speak to Rosalie
She has yellow hair in the CG, but green in her character sprite D:

Go talk to Keith in his house, then talk to his sister.
After being rejected, go to the alleyway and talk to Niel.
"Dead. is now just "Red."

Exit the alleyway and you start to play as the abandoned toddler. Go to the library and search the book on the table that Levin was reading before.
As well, as Efina trying to pronounce Vampire, which the the BEST part of part I. "Pie-ya!"

Talk Rachel to sleep in her room, then talk to Niel in his house (to the right of yours)
You can talk to him again to get candy.

Leave the house to be reunited with your guardian. Go Interrogate Kieth. Eat the "I Never Went Outside" and "The Wolf is Dangerous" lies.
Talk to him again, then try to go outside.
Read the book on the table in the right of the room, then the one on the table in the room above.
Try to break into Rachel's room, and eat the three lies that appear.
Dodge the big lie, and proceed into the kitchen (center room) then unlock the door in the top left.
Search the bookshelf in the top-left.

Once you're rescued, I recomend attacking the smaller lies until you reach level ten. (Can attack the bigger lies too, but they may muder you in return)

Unequip all of your equipment, and walk into the alley to find another dead(?) body, and let the boss kill you.

Eat 15 cookies (you should have that many by now.) and beat the boss. By level 10 Efina should have her AOE fire attack. Use it to kill the small lies, and tripple knife on the boss. Use cherry candy if you take too much damage, and Big Liar if you need SP.

In the post-game room, go to the object in the right on the table. Choose the "LIAR" track, and drag the speed abr all the way down.
Lieat II
After robbing a poor drunk man....
Proceed straight up and try to enter the building. Gain entry by telling a sob-story about your mother.
Go straight up again, but go up the stairs in the top right, and enter the middle room.
Steal the money from the top-right bookshelf.
Shame on you.

Talk to the girl in the room, Olivia.
Go back to the main room (entrance room?) and enter the bar (under the stairs..... the right room in the hallway)
Talk the womanizer at the bookshelf, Lucas. Eat his lie
Don't worry Lucas, I think it's more interesting when people are depressed as well.

Enter the room at the top of the main room (inbetween the stairs) and interact with the executioner. I mean the manager.
After being whipped, go up the stairs on the left in the main room, and enter your room (the far left one)
Once seperated from him, talk to Hal, get candy, and keep talking to him until you find out phones exist in this world.

Go to your bed (the one on the right.) and sleep. Then.... sleep again.

Go to the game room (the left, across form the bar) and play with Olivia.
Then force the sheep kid to play with you (in the room to the right of Olivia's)
Then.... guess what? Play with Lucas in the bar, and learn to spell your name.
Eat the lie that appears in the main room.
Re-enter the bar and eat the "I'm not drunk" lie.
See Lucas lose his finger :O

Go to the room with the cross, and eat the "I don't have a girlfriend!" lie in the top-left.

Go back to your room, talk to Hal, and go to sleep.
It's a good thing you slept in your clothes because you got woken up...... again.
Go to the bar, and exterminate three blue rats
(you may have to spam "z")
(EDIT: Some people have had trouble getting this achievment in the bar. If this happens you can apparently get in in another room that contains blue rats.)

Find jesus in the auditorium (the room with the cross)
Once you're playing as Hal, go poke Efina 3 (or more) times.

Go talk to the manager about jesus in her room (where you forced the sheep boy to play with you before.)
Go back to your room and talk to Lucas two (three?) times.
Go back to the manager's room and talk to her again.
Talk to Olivia about her boy problems.
As Efina go talk to Brett (red hair cop) in the room to the right of yours. Then talk to the captain.
Go to the main room and talk to Hal to join back up with him.
Go to Olivia's room and talk to William, who wants you to talk to him outside the room.
Eat his "It happened before i came!" lie, then get one-uped by him.
Talk to the manager in her room and eat her "I'm not worried!" and "William is a human!" lies.
After talking to her again, go talk to Olivia in her room (So much in-depth gameplay.)
Eat her "We don't fight!" lie, and lose at a card game.
Go to the game room and come up with a cheat to beat their cheat, go back to your room, then go back to the game room.... again.
After the game, talk to Olivia, and get dumped like the trash you are.
Search the trash pile to the left of Efina and score some candy.

Try to open the door, then take out your anger on Efina.
Eat the three lies that appeared, then eat the two that appear afterwards.
Go back to the main hall, and approach the lie in the center.

Same startegy as first boss.
Go back to your room and talk to the captain.


Unequip all of your equipment and lose to William's lie.

Use the same startegy as the other bosses.
Eat William's Lie.
Go to the hallway to witnessa touching scene.
The next day, go to the main hall, the entrance to the resort, and talk to everyone.

Lieat III
Obviously, the first thing to do it try on the funny glasses. It takes priority over all.
Go up the stairs and into the next room. On the table to the left take the "funny glasses" that are laying there.
They're equipable, but I'm dissapointed they don't make the character sprite of her wearing them permanent. :/

None of the maids like you, so might as well leave that room.

Head back downstairs and into the sparkling doors.
Talk to the man(?) in front of the big sparkling cube at the top of the room.
Go back upstairs and talk to the guy at the left-most window.
Learn about the fantathief. (Is he orange?)

Go back downstairs and talk to him again.
Efina gets "analized" by the new girl.

Talk to the new girl, Iris, and make her hate your guts.
Talk to Wilber (the guy in the middle of them)
Talk to Enos again, and do nothing as the fantathief screws everyone.
Try to leave the mansion, then go back and talk to Iris.
Go upstairs, into the next room, and enter the right-most door (not counting the blocked one)
Go tot eh bottom left between the box and the wall, look downwards and search to find the part 3 legendary weapons.

Try to go upstairs, then go to the first door on the left.
I literally ran around in that room being creeped out by the thing following me.
Investigate the creepy eye on the wall, then go to the left-most door and talk to the maids.
(All of them at once, the each one individually.)
Go the the room on the right of the stairs and sleep in the bed.

In the room to the right of the maid one, check teh trashcan at the top-left.
Show the medicine bag to the purple maid.
Go to the first room to the right of the stairs and try to search the dresser.
Get the key from the table.
Search the dresser now that you have the key and get the maid outfit.
You also get one that's equipable for Efina.... with no sprite change, so it's just a stat-booster.
Show the maid uniform to the pink maid.
Go back to the room with the mirror, and next to the right trashcans a message appears on the wall.
Read it, and go back to the room you found the legendary weapons in.
Search the trashcan at the mid-right of the room.
Show the photos to the brown maid, then the orange maid.
Talk to Iris next to the stairs, then search the dresser with the maid outfits again.
Show the medicine to Iris.
Go back to the room with the mirror, search the crumpled up papers, then search the memo pad on the desk.
Talk to the maids to end this investigation.
Go eat the big creepy eye-lie.
Go upstairs and walk forward.

Basically the same strategy you've been using, but using fire is unnesesary.

After beating the fantathief, enter the double-door room at the top.
Grab the paper, look in the mirror, then enter 8018 on the lock.
Go to leave the room and get ambushed.
Talk to Brett, and enter the left room.

In this order, enter the shadows:

Eat the lock, go back to the room and talk to teh Captain to have him go with you.

Enter the first room on the right.
Hold "Z" and move forward to move the spikes out fo your way as you go through the room.
Eat the lock, go back to the room and have Iris follow you.

Enter the room all the way on the right and search the darkness.
Walk in a spiral, eat the lock, and enter the room again.
Once Brett saves you from teh ambush of lies, leave the room. (Eating the lies that block your way.)
Once you're playing as Sid....


Then walk straight down the hallway. Don't interact with anything.
Do the same thing once you go down the hallway as Efina.
Lose to Sid. (You don't have a choice, lol)

As Sid, before you reach the end of the hallway, search teh eye on the wall, twice and talk to the ones inside.
As Efina, go back outside, and this time beat Cid. With legendary weapons, it isn't hard.
(Make sure you're under level 12)

Reload again.
Talk to the people in the eye again.
As Efina, this time grind on the lies in the hallway until you're level 13.
Go beat Sid again.

The End
Thanks for reading.
If I accidently left something out, let me know D:

Also, I used teh header text to differentiate form my random tidbits (sort of), but let me know if I should remove the blue.

To the other guy with an achievment guide. Sorry, didn't see it before posting this. Yours is better anyways lol
[UNSC] Gortys Eternal 9 Jan @ 8:44am 
+Rep great guide, got 100% taking my time in about 3 hours.
друг ඞ 8 Jan @ 12:58am 
unsure if this is the case in anything other than lieat 2 but you can press either left or right arrow keys and get the option to "stay still" in battle, which might help with some achievements
Dirgny 29 Dec, 2024 @ 3:33pm 
salvou demais!!
thiharess 17 Jul, 2024 @ 8:25pm 
You're a life saver!!
Mira :) 7 Jun, 2024 @ 8:50pm 
Thanks a million for the guide! 💛
pouet 11 Apr, 2024 @ 9:10am 
Thank you for the guide :D !
Meco! 8 Mar, 2023 @ 8:50pm 
Thank you! :ec_love:
TIDAKTAHU 22 Apr, 2022 @ 3:45am 
:madokavictory: Thank you to bring this guide. it helps me a lot~
Blaze 3 Aug, 2021 @ 2:53pm 
wow this was helpful I was only missing the achievment for "to the flame" and I never thought of that to be honest -__-"
StonerCat Collective 23 Jul, 2021 @ 5:13am 
I got it in the bar earlier today, rat hitboxes are a bit finnicky, but it worked. you can just fight the same one rat 3 times in a row and it works