Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

101 Bewertungen
[TTT]Fassinator (fixed and improved)
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Weapon
Addon Tags: Fun, Scenic
1.517 MB
26. Feb. 2016 um 13:21
22. Mai 2018 um 13:16
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[TTT]Fassinator (fixed and improved)

In 2 Kollektionen von LeBroomer
LeBroomers TTT Collection (Big)
256 Inhalte
LeBroomers TTT Collection (Small)
214 Inhalte
This is an explosive barrel spawning gun for the Traitor in the gamemode TTT. It is tarned as a deagle. On secondary fire it is playing the "WTF boooom" sound.
Pls do not try it in any other gamemode.

Idea and base code from:

Newest Item: TTT Demonic Possession

10 Kommentare
.Walum 14. März 2021 um 12:02 
Please change:
left click: shoot
right click: place barrel
or make that the barrels instantly explode when you place them
atm we dont use it because you need to swap weapons to get them barrels to explode which makes it very unusable :(

Would be nice!:BrownCow:
MooseGoneMad 2. März 2019 um 6:13 
Is there a command that I could do to increase ammo capacity?
RoiEX 22. März 2017 um 11:59 
"tarned"? "Disguised"!
Bartsch 19. März 2017 um 11:58 
Hey, I have a modification idea/request. Could you maybe add me as a friend? Thanks ;-P
LeBroomer  [Autor] 1. März 2016 um 8:51 
Yep like the Rotation Gun. Im thinking about getting it a viewmodel and deleting the hook from that weapon as well.
Hagen 1. März 2016 um 8:17 
Lol really? xD
LeBroomer  [Autor] 1. März 2016 um 7:10 
For all, who had the question, if the HUD could despawn if you was hit in the Deadringer with the Fassinator: It is fixed. The problem was caused by a HUD hook, who was created to greet Dhalucard ;)
Hagen 28. Feb. 2016 um 2:51 
LeBroomer  [Autor] 28. Feb. 2016 um 2:23 
Ah stimmt das habe ich noch gar nicht so spezifisch getestet, aber in der Version davor hatte der Ersteller einen Syntaxfehler der zu Scripting Errors geführt hat und das ist das einzige was ich mir vorstellen konnte, was dazu geführt haben könnte.
Hagen 28. Feb. 2016 um 0:32 
Ist auch das mit dem das das Hud weggeht wenn man mit ihm in den Dead Ringer kommt behoben? o: