DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

DARK SOULS™ II: Scholar of the First Sin

"Good to be back."
InstantTrain  [author] 8 Jan, 2016 @ 1:17am 
I understand the reasoning behind it, but I do feel a lot of the changes are "harder for harder's sake", and I expect a little more out of From than that.
Iriseon 8 Jan, 2016 @ 12:57am 
Co-op and pvp are the best things about Dark Souls 2. The port is also functional. 60 fps plays and looks better. What I didn't like about 2 was the extra health items with slower estus, the gangs of hard trash versus easier bosses, and level design was pretty but disconnected and horizontal. That and crippling lack of being able to cheese with zweihander from the start.
Bat Religion 7 Jan, 2016 @ 10:12pm 
i think ds2 pvp and coop is better than ds1. not great but better than ds1
Iriseon 7 Jan, 2016 @ 9:46pm 
insert another rant here about how DS2 did everything but pvp and co-op wrong
Bat Religion 6 Jan, 2016 @ 7:00am 
good ol Majula