Plague Inc: Evolved

Plague Inc: Evolved

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Plague Inc: Evolved - COMPLETE Achievement Guide (v1.19.1)
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234 achievements in total! Hooray!

This guide is written in PLAIN TEXT, mainly based on v1.19.1. We'll keep an eye on updates.

Search feature is pretty handy. Use 'Ctrl + F' to navigate through this loooooong guide.

If you have some good ideas, feel free to leave a comment or contact us, we are grateful for your help perfecting this guide.

Latest Major Update: 2022.10.28
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This guide is based on a Chinese guide, and has been authorized by the author - [CN]Solara, who is also the main editor of this guide.

Now we shall have a comprehensive understanding of each specific achievement.

All of the 234 achievements fall into these catagories:
  • 001-035: Original achievements for standard plagues
  • 036-040: Neurax Worm achievements
  • 041-068: Necroa Virus achievements (057-068 are story-related)
  • 069-092: Simian Flu achievements
  • 093-124: Official Scenario achievements
  • 125-128: Cheat Mode achievements
  • 129-138: Multiplayer achievements
  • 139: Tutorial achievement
  • 140-172: Shadow Plague achievements (164-172 are special events)
  • 173-176: Brexit achievements
  • 177-179: "Perfectionist" achievements
  • 180-183: Achievements added in v1.15 (+3 official scenarios)
  • 184-199: Achievements added in v1.16 (+2 official scenarios)
  • 200-211: Achievements added in v1.17 (Fake News scenario update)
  • 212-229: Achievements added in v1.18 (Cure Mode update)
  • 230-234: Achievements added in v1.19 (Frozen Virus Cure Mode update)

In order to make loading process faster, we made this guide a PLAIN TEXT version with a few links to some other useful guides. Thanks for your understanding.

If you have any problems with this guide, or you want to translate it into other languages, please feel free to leave a message to us.
Apart from English version, this guide seems to have spread to some other languages.

Simplified Chinese version made by [CN]Solara:

Russian version made by Freak From Hell:
001. The End Plague
Description: Win one game with any disease type and any difficulty

It's obvious, isn't it?

Well, not that obvious I guess.
  • Use Bacteria on Casual difficulty. Start in China.
  • Devolve any mutated symptoms.
  • Evolve Air 1-2, Water 1-2, Extreme Bioaerosol, Cold Resistance 1, Heat Resistance 1 and Drug Resistance 1. Wait until all human beings become infected.
  • Stop devolving symptoms. Evolve Coughing, Sneezing, Immune Supression, Total Organ Failure, Anaemia, Haemophilia, Internal Haemorrhaging, Haemorrhagic Shock and any other symptoms you like.
  • You win! Cheers!

-But how about Cure? -Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about.
002. The Bottle Smasher
Description: Smash a Blue cure bubble and slow down the Research Team

When the cure is in development, research teams travel all over the world and leave a blue cure bubble behind. Pop it, done!
003. Evolve Your Disease
Description: Evolve your disease to become stronger

Spend DNA points to upgrade your disease. Any traits will do.
004-010. XXX Victory
7 achievements are involved in this series:
- 004. Bacteria Victory
- 005. Virus Victory
- 006. Fungus Victory
- 007. Parasite Victory
- 008. Prion Victory
- 009. Nano-Virus Victory
- 010. Bio-weapon Victory

Description: Win a game with XXX on Normal Difficulty or higher

Just to remind, you can't get the achievement on Casual difficulty.
011. Unlock Cheatmodes
Description: Unlock the cheats by winning a game on Brutal for ALL disease types

As the description: Immune Strain, Hidden Strain, Unlimited Strain and Turbo Strain will be unlocked after you have beaten the game on Brutal for all disease types.

Furthermore, winning the game on Mega-Brutal for all diseases grants you access to another two cheat modes: Shuffle Strain and Lucky Dip Strain, which are related to achievements 125-128.
012-013. Russian/China Nuclear Retaliation
This series contains 2 achievements:
012. Russian Nuclear Retaliation
013. Chinese Nuclear Retaliation

Description: Make the USA nuke Russia/China

Start as Prion on Brutal.
Note: Prion is the best for specific achievements that have several pop-up news.
  • Start in USA and evolve Drug Resistance 1-2
  • Evolve some transmission traits and infect the whole world, devolve any symptoms mutated
  • Now start killing people. Evolve Fever to kill in a slow pace. Also, don't forget to evolve Neural Atrophy 1-2-3 and Genetic Hardening 1-2 to slow down the cure
  • When the US population drops by 10-50%, you will receive a message:" USA President Taken Ill"
  • Evolve Insanity and wait for the next message:" New President of USA Selected"
  • Evolve Cold Resistance 1-2 if you want USA nuke Russia, or Bird 1-2 for China
  • A message "USA Threaten Russia / USA Threaten China" will pop up eventually
  • Evolve Paralysis and wait for victory:" USA Nukes Russia/China"

Here's a much more detailed guide made by Hahkun. Thank you, Hahkun!
014. Plague in Space
Description: Infect astronauts before they launch a space mission

Start as Prion on Normal difficulty. (Of course Prion!)

  • Start wherever you like and evolve Air 1 & 2 + Water 1 & 2 + Extreme Bioaerosol
  • Remain hidden until you have infected the whole world.
  • Now evolve some non-lethal symptoms and low-lethal symptoms (e.g. Coughing, Pneumonia, Fever, Tumours) to draw attention.
  • Wait for "Space Cure mission planned" pop-up. Save your progress at this point.
  • Now wait for "Space Cure mission launches!" pop-up.
  • Evolve some lethal symptoms, like Internal Haemorrhaging and Systemic Infection, to kill those astronauts and leave them in space permanently
  • In the end, you'll receive a message stating that space cure mission has failed.

Note: Mechanism behind this event is still a mystery. In order to get this achievement, please be patient.
015. Olympic Spoiler
Description: Help the Olympics go viral in the UK

Compared to other in-game events, this one does not base on any condition and has a much higher probability to occur.

  • Start with any standard plagues on Normal. You will get a pop-up entitled "London Olympics Mystery", which indicates that Olympics is about to come back to London.
  • Keep evolving and infecting people. Wait for another pop-up "London Olympics Back On!"
  • Now it's imperative to infect UK before the third pop-up appears. Evolve any traits that may have a positive effect on infecting UK, such as Air & Water transmission, Cold Resistance and Drug Resistance.
  • If you manage to have UK infected, "London Olympics Infect UK" will eventually pop-up.
    In converse you'll receive "London Olympics a success" and it's time to try again.

Telluric: "London 2012 mystery is now Rio 2016 Mystery"

Red_Menace013: "Humorously, although the name of the Olympics host country for the in-game pop-up has changed, the end result of completing it was actually left untouched - if you successfully infect the "Rio" Olympics, the U.K. still ends up getting infected and not Brazil..."
016. Touchscreen Trash
Description: Disrupt the iCure and stop it helping cure research

Another pure random event. Good luck!
You can start the game with any standard plague
Prion is highly recommended.

  • Start wherever you like. Do anything you want.
  • Your disease will get spotted eventually. And humans begin to develop a cure. During cure development, Apple$oft may announce a new device called "iCure". This event can be identified by a pop-up "iCure Device Announced".
  • After some time, iCure will be released globally. You'll receive "iCure Released Globally!" pop-up when this happens.
  • Evolve Sweating symptom. After a while, "iCure a Failure!" should pop up, along with an achievement prompt. Otherwise, "iCure a success!" will appear, which means you need a restart.

It can also be done with Necroa Virus, as long as you have evolved Hyper Salivation before iCure's global release. can also be done with Shadow Plague, as long as you have evolved Steroidal Boost before iCure's global release.
017. Oink oink
Description: Discover the Swineflu Combo

Evolve the following transmission and symptom traits:
- Livestock 1 & 2
- Coughing
- Pneumonia
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
Now wait for "Swine Flu Symptom Combo" pop-up, it may take some time

Combo Effect: Increase cure development work.
018. Red Rain
Description: Discover the Profuse Bleeding combo

Evolve Haemophilia and Skin Lesions symptoms. Wait for "Profuse Bleeding Symptom Combo" pop-up.

Combo Effect: Increases infectivity and lethality.
019. Contaminated Package
Description: Let humans spread the disease via blood transfusion

Evolve the following transmissions:
- Blood 1 & 2
- Insect 1 & 2
- Extreme Haematophagy
Now wait for "Contaminated blood in XXX" pop-up.

Please note that this event will no longer be able to trigger once all countries / regions are infected. Make sure you don't infect too fast. Retry if necessary.
020. Long Shot
Description: Discover the Projectile Vomiting combo

Evolve Coughing and Vomiting symptoms. Wait for "Projectile Vomiting Symptom Combo" pop-up.

Combo Effect: Increases infectivity.
021. Brainzzzz
Description: Discover the Waking Dead combo

Evolve Insomnia and Anaemia symptoms. Wait for "Waking Dead Symptom Combo" pop-up.
Not Walking Dead... Awwwww
Combo Effect: Decrease cure reasearch rate.
022. Brown Streets
Description: Discover the Public Defecation combo

Evolve Diarrhea and Insanity symptoms. Wait for "Public Defecation Symptom Combo" pop-up.

Combo Effect: Increases infectivity as well as cure research rate.
023. Uh Oh
Description: Discover the Oops symptom combo

Evolve Diarrhea and Sneezing symptoms. Wait for "Oops Symptom Combo" pop-up.

Combo Effect: Slightly increases infectivity and severity. Small penalty to cure research rate
024. STALKERs delight
Description: Cause a nuclear meltdown

Keep an eye on the news banner. Watch out for this message:" New round of nuclear tests considered". If this message shows up, save progress immediately. A nuclear meltdown will happen after your disease has cause few casualties. BOOM!
025. Peer Pressure
Description: Have your plague discovered after riots force a government investigation

This one is simple.
It is recommended to use Bacteria on Normal difficulty.

  • Start wherever you like. Evolve Coughing symptom only.
  • Infect more people by spending DNA points on transmission and ability traits. Devolve any symptoms other than Coughing.
  • Keep devolving symptoms. After the initial country / region has no healthy people left, these pop-ups should appear in order:
    - Rumours of mysterious illness in XXX
    - Protesters claim 'Mystery Plague' is Real
    - Riots in XXX over 'Mystery Plague'
    - 'Mystery Plague' is Real
  • You will acquire this achievement when the last pop-up shows up.
026. RMS Watch List
Description: Get your Plague on the RMS Watch List

Once your disease has been found, no matter how severe it is, it will eventually be placed on the watchlist.

Although it's placed on WHO watchlist rather than RMS watchlist now. Haha
027. Insane Bolt
Description: Sprint to victory and set a world record by winning the game with Bacteria in under 365 days

The description is partially wrong, because you don't have to set a world record. You just need to beat the game with Bacteria under one year.

Here is a step-by-step guide in case you don't know how to achieve it. Thank you, Robert!
028. Patient Who?
Description: Stop the CDC finding Patient Zero

Another event with some pop-ups. You know what to do: Prion and Normal difficulty.

  • Start wherever you like. Spread the plague with a few non-lethal symptoms, such as Coughing, Pneumonia and so on. Devolve any lethal symptoms.
  • Now wait for this message "CDC teams hunt 'Patient Zero'".
    Note: "Patient Zero" is a random event. You may want to save after this message appears.
  • Hang in there for the next incoming message "CDC teams close to 'Patient Zero'".
  • It's time to evolve some not-so-lethal symptoms like Necrosis and Dysentery. Don't kill people too fast, otherwise the game will end pretty soon.
  • CDC fails to identify 'Patient Zero' because of high casualties. Achievement unlocked!

Note: If cure research reaches 60% and theres still no message - try again.

Here's a guaranteed guide by elpfan77. Thank you, elpfan77!
029-035. XXX Master
7 achievements are involved in this series:
- 029. Bacteria Master
- 030. Virus Master
- 031. Fungus Master
- 032. Parasite Master
- 033. Prion Master
- 034. Nano-Virus Master
- 035. Bioweapon Master

Description: Beat XXX on mega-brutal difficulty

Here we recommend some Mega-Brutal guides made by Tatsur0. It's written in detail, so don't miss anything. Thank you, Tatsur0!
036. Assuming Direct Control
Description: Win a game by enslaving humanity with the Neurax Worm

How to enslave humanity?
  • Infect everyone
  • Evolve Transcendence. It's located in the top-left corner.
037. Worm Food
Description: Win a game by eradicating humanity with the Neurax Worm

How to eat up humanity?
  • Infect everyone
  • DO NOT evolve Transcendence. Evolve lethal symptoms to kill all people in the world.
    Suicide (left branch), Brain Haemorrhage (right branch) and Acute Encephalitis (middle branch) are the best to achieve this.
038. Trojan Horse
Description: Create a trojan plane and use it to infect a new country with the Neurax Worm

Evolve special ability Trojan Plane 1. In a while, an orange plane bubble would appear somewhere on the map. Drag the bubble towards its destination to send the trojan plane.
039. Neurax Worm Victory
Description: Win a game with Neurax Worm on Normal Difficulty or higher

This achievement will be unlocked if you manage to enslave or eradicate humanity. Either way is ok, but I prefer the former one :)
040. Neurax Master
Description: Beat Neurax Worm disease type on mega-brutal difficulty

Here's a Neurax Worm Mega-Brutal guide made by Tatsur0. Thank you, Tatsur0!
041. The Glorious Dead
Description: Win a game with the Necroa Virus

Yeah, zombies!

Normally you'll get this achievement by converting everyone into zombie. But do you know that you can win without creating a single zombie? See achievement No. 053 if you are interested :)
042. Necroa Master
Description: Beat Necroa Virus disease type on mega-brutal difficulty

Here, Necroa Virus Mega-Brutal guide made by Barry McCockinner and Tatsur0. Thank you, Barry McCockinner and Tatsur0!
043. Tank
Description: Discover the Tank combo

Evolve Anabolic Boost and Bone Dysplasia symptoms
Wait for "Tank Symptom combo" to pop up.

Combo Effect: Increase zombie severity.
044. Boomer
Description: Discover the Boomer combo

Evolve Autothysis (symptom) and Liquefactive Necrosis (ability)
Wait for "Boomer Symptom combo" to pop up.

Combo Effect: Increase zombie severity.
045. Spitter
Description: Discover the Spitter combo

Evolve Naja Mortis and Enhanced Sensory Integration symptoms
Wait for "Spitter Symptom combo" pop-up.

Combo Effect: Increase zombie severity.
046. Runner
Description: Discover the Runner combo

Evolve Enhanced Motor Control (symptom) and Engorged Quadriceps (ability)
Wait for "Runner Symptom combo" pop-up.

Combo Effect: Increase zombie severity.
047. Walking Contradiction
Description: Discover the Walking Contradiction combo

Evolve Photophobia and Cathameral Shift symptoms
Wait for "Walking Contradiction Symptom combo" pop-up.

Combo Effect: Slightly decrease zombie severity.
048. Flash Mob
Description: Successfully use the Zombie Horde active ability

  • Evolve special ability Horde Instinct after you've generated some zombies using Cytopathic Reanimation symptom.
  • You can see a horde icon on the left of the map, indicating Zombie Horde active ability is available.
  • Click on the icon. Click on where the horde start moving. Then click on the destination. That's it.

Note: This active ability requires zombie population.
049. I'll Be Back
Description: Successfully use the Zombie re-animate active ability

  • Evolve special ability Regenerative Activation after you've generated some zombies using Cytopathic Reanimation symptom.
  • You can see a dead hand icon on the left of the map, indicating Zombie Reanimate active ability is available.
  • Click on the icon. Click on where you want to revive the dead. Done!

Note: This active ability requires dead population.
050. Is it a bird?
Description: Discover the Vampire Bat combo

Evolve Bat 1-2 transmission and Vampiric Hunger symptom
Wait for "Vampire Bat Symptom combo" pop-up.

Combo Effect: Increase infectivity and zombie severity.
051. Use your head
Description: Discover the Cranial Dispersion combo

Evolve Air 3 transmission and Cranial Elephantitis symptom
Wait for "Cranial Dispersion Symptom combo" pop-up.

Combo Effect: Increase chance of contamination.
052. Jaws
Description: Discover the Blood in the Air combo

Evolve Delirium and Hyperosmia symptoms
Wait for "Blood in the Air Symptom combo" pop-up.

Combo Effect: Increase zombie severity.
053. Not Another Zombie Game
Description: Win a game with the Necroa Virus without making a single zombie

A tough achievement for sure.

1. Pre-game
This guide has been tested on Normal difficulty.
I recommend to try on Normal and strictly follow the instructions.

REMEMBER TO SAVE GAME anytime if necessary!

Start with genes:
  • ATP Boost
  • Creationist
  • Aerocyte
  • Extremophile
Necroa Virus special gene is no longer needed, since we don't create zombies.

2. Infection Stage
Objective 1: Infect everyone on the world while remaining hidden.
Objective 2: Leave at least 62 DNA points for next stage.

  • Start in India. Evolve Saliva 1, Zoonotic Shift and Bat 1 as soon as possible. Devolve any mutated symptoms in this stage.
  • Keep an eye on the news banner (top-left side of the map). Watch out for this news:" Colony of Rabid Bats Triggers Town Evacuation". Now devolve Bat 1 and save game.
  • Wait for the coming up news:" WHO Starts Rabies Eradication Initiative". Save your progress.
  • Gain some DNA points and evolve Cold Resistance 1-2, Heat Resistance 1 and Drug Resistance 1. The order doesn't matter, but make sure you have enough DNA points to devolve any possible symptoms.
  • After a long time waiting, the final news will appear in the banner:" Film About Rabies Epidemic Becomes Global Hit". Save game.
  • Wait until all human life have been infected. Check your remaining DNA points - shouldn't less than 62. Save game.

3. Eradication Stage
Objective: Wipe out humanity without Cytopathic Reanimaton mutated.
I assume that you definitely not want to evolve it by yourself.

  • Evolve the following symptoms in one shot:
    - Insomnia
    - Fever
    - Photophobia
    - Coma
    - Acute Encephalitis
    - Hyper Salivation
  • Now your disease will be found - same as usual. But this time, humans may get into trouble by treating Necroa Virus as a mutated strain of rabies. Save game if you see this pop-up:" XXX 'is a form of Rabies'", where "XXX" is your disease name.
  • Now the cure development has fallen into an endless loop, and will stop if you're lucky enough. Prepare for victory!

4. Important Notes
Don't miss this section!

  • Under normal circumstances, it will take 4000-4500 days from start to end. Please be patient and careful.
  • If "Colony of Rabid Bats Triggers Town Evacuation" message doesn't show up before India is fully infected - load game / retry.
  • If your disease gets caught before 100% infection - load game / retry.
  • If you don't have enough DNA points to evolve all required symptoms at once - load game / retry.
    - A useful criterion is how many times Necroa Virus has mutated before 100% infection. If your answer is 5 or above, I suggest you better have a retry.
  • If cure development reaches 90% and "XXX 'is a form of Rabies'" still doesn't show up - load game / retry.
  • Don't feel relieved even though "XXX 'is a form of Rabies'" has appeared. Human beings are clever, and they will continue their research by denying the link between XXX and rabies. If "XXX / Rabies link 'false'" appears, use Genetic Hardening and Genetic Reshuffle to slow down the cure.
  • Some symptoms can also reduce the cure research rate, like Delirum and Psychosis. However...
  • If Cytopathic Reanimation mutated... you know what to do!
054. Tasty
Description: Discover the Bath Time combo

Evolve Polyphagia, Autophagia and Cannibalism symptoms
Wait for "Bath Time Symptom combo" pop-up.

Combo Effect: Increase disease infectivity and severity.
055. Who Needs DEET
Description: Avoid insect bites

When zombies emerge, a message "Insect Population Boom" may occur, indicating that insect numbers are increasing due to corpses and zombies, which significantly increase zombie decay rate.

Evolve Insect transmission. "Insects Repelled by Zombies" will pop-up soon. Now insects don't feed on zombies anymore.

Zombie decay rate backs to normal. Achievement unlocked.
056. Z-Com: Enemy Undead
Description: Destroy a Z Com fortress

Z-Com will be established when there are zombies on earth. It can be easily identified by a small blue fortress icon.

Increase your zombie combat advantages, send zombie horde to take it down, or both. You'll see a red cross on the icon if a fortress is destroyed.
057-059. USA - Necroa Virus Origin
These 3 achievements are associated with Darkwater, a secret organization that has created Necroa Virus.

057. Non Starter
Description: Stop DarkWater from analysing the Necroa Virus

058. Dead End
Description: Stop DarkWater from discovering a Necroa Virus weakness

059. Big Bang
Description: Kill the DarkWater research team

It is recommend to achieve them on Normal difficulty.
Also, they all come from one opening, but are in different branches. Save game if necessary.

1. Opening
  • Start in USA and evolve Saliva 1 transmission and Drug Resistance 1 ability within 70 days. Wait for this pop-up - "DarkWater 'Concerned' For Missing Geneticist". This message will turn up exactly on 70-th day. If you don't see it, restart the game.
  • Later, two related pieces of news will show up in the news banner. They are:
    - DarkWater Denies Containment Breach in Weapons Facility
    - DarkWater Weapons Facility Shut Down Over Security Fears
  • Now begin to create zombie via Insomnia symptom:
    Insomnia -> Fever -> Photophobia -> Delirium -> Cytopathic Reanimation

2. Non Starter (No. 057)
  • After zombies have emerged, A pop-up will appear:" DarkWater created XXX", where "XXX" is your disease name.
    Note 1: Save progress if you want an easy access to achievements 058 and 059 as well.
    Note 2: If "Authorities can't protect from XXX" shows up instead, please try again.
  • Evolve Segmented Genome on the transmission page. Later, XXX has changed its genetic structure and "DarkWater fails to analyse XXX" should pop up.

3. Dead End (No. 058)
  • If you don't Segmented Genome, "DarkWater successfully analyses XXX" will appear instead.
    Note: Save progress if you want an easy access to achievement 059 as well.
  • Evolve Genetic Hardening ability. Soon, "DarkWater fail to find XXX weakness" should show up, stating that DarkWater is not able to find genetic weakness of XXX.

4. Big Bang (No. 059)
  • If you don't evolve Genetic Hardening, "DarkWater begin Z-REST experiment" will appear instead.
  • Evolve Autothysis symptom. DarkWater team will be eliminated by exploding zombies - "DarkWater's Z-REST device a failure".
060-062. Egypt - Necroa Virus Origin
These 3 achievements are associated with Giza Pyramid, where is the orgin of Necroa Virus - an ancient plague that has not been discovered for centuries.

060. Getting Colder
Description: Trick the Egyptian DNA tests

061. It's a Trap!
Description: Wipe out the Giza expedition

062. Revenge of Osiris
Description: Invalidate the knowledge of the pharaohs

It is recommend to achieve them on Normal difficulty.
Also, they all come from one opening, but are in different branches. Save game if necessary.

1. Opening
  • Start in Egypt and evolve Saliva 1 transmission and Heat Resistance 1 ability within 70 days. Wait for this pop-up - "Exploration of Secret Tomb in Pyramid of Giza Continues". This message will turn up exactly on 70-th day. If you don't see it, restart the game.
  • Later, two related pieces of news will show up in the news banner. They are:
    - Pyramid of Giza Hieroglyphs 'Warn of Ancient Plague'
    - Mummy From Pyramid of Giza Tomb Has 'Odd Bite Marks'
  • Now begin to create zombie via Insomnia symptom:
    Insomnia -> Fever -> Photophobia -> Delirium -> Cytopathic Reanimation

2. Getting Colder (No. 060)
  • After zombies have emerged, A pop-up will appear:" XXX may have come from Pyramid of Giza", where "XXX" is your disease name.
    Note 1: Save progress if you want an easy access to achievements 061 and 062 as well.
    Note 2: If "Authorities can't protect from XXX" shows up instead, please try again.
  • Devolve Heat Resistance 1. Later, "XXX DNA disproves Giza link" should pop up, saying that XXX doesn't originate from Giza Pyramid due to lack of heat resistance gene.

3. It's a Trap! (No. 061)
  • If you don't devolve Heat Resistance 1, "XXX DNA supports Giza link" will appear instead.
    Note: Save progress if you want an easy access to achievement 062 as well.
  • Evolve Ambush Predation ability. Soon, "Giza Pyramid expedition a failure" should show up, stating that expedition team has been wiped out by presumed-dead zombies.

4. Revenge of Osiris (No. 062)
  • If you don't evolve Ambush Predation, "Giza Pyramid expedition successful" will appear instead.
  • Evolve Cranial Elephantitis symptom. It invalidates the Giza findings - "Giza findings cause major military loss".
063-065. Ukraine - Necroa Virus Origin
These 3 achievements are associated with Chernobyl exclusion zone, where is the orgin of Necroa Virus - a plague created by high doses of radiation.

063. Hide and Seek
Description: Prevent link with Chernobyl exclusion zone

064. Test This!
Description: Force Chernobyl research to be put on hold

065. Breathe Deep
Description: Infect the Chernobyl research team

It is recommend to achieve them on Normal difficulty.
Also, they all come from one opening, but are in different branches. Save game if necessary.

1. Opening
  • Start in Ukraine and evolve Saliva 1 and Zoonotic Shift transmission within 70 days. Wait for this pop-up - "Chernobyl tourist recovered from animal attack". This message will turn up exactly on 70-th day. If you don't see it, restart the game.
  • Later, two related pieces of news will show up in the news banner. They are:
    - Chernobyl tour group attacked by wild dogs
    - Military deployed in Chernobyl over rabid animals
  • Now begin to create zombie via Insomnia symptom:
    Insomnia -> Fever -> Photophobia -> Delirium -> Cytopathic Reanimation

2. Hide and Seek (No. 063)
  • After zombies have emerged, A pop-up will appear:" XXX 'originated in Chernobyl'", where "XXX" is your disease name.
    Note 1: Save progress if you want an easy access to achievements 064 and 065 as well.
    Note 2: If "Authorities can't protect from XXX" shows up instead, please try again.
  • Devolve Zoonotic Shift. Later, "Chernobyl animals not infected with XXX" should pop up, saying that XXX doesn't originate from Chernobyl, because it cannot infect animals without proper genes.

3. Test This! (No. 064)
  • If you don't devolve Zoonotic Shift, "Chernobyl animals infected with XXX" will appear instead.
    Note: Save progress if you want an easy access to achievement 065 as well.
  • Evolve either Bird 2, Rodent 2, or Bat 2. Soon, "Tests on Chernobyl animals fail" should show up, stating that animals from Chernobyl have extreme aggression, which makes it impossible to do behavorial tests.

4. Breathe Deep (No. 065)
  • If you don't evolve any of the transmission above, "Chernobyl animal tests successful" will appear instead.
  • Evolve Air 3 transmission. It can cause serious containment breach - "Chernobyl animal autopsy compromises lab"
066-068. UK - Necroa Virus Origin
These 3 achievements are associated with PfiGlax pharma company, who used Necroa Virus as an effective AIDS cure.

066. Due Diligence
Description: Stop PfiGlax finding a link to the Necroa Virus

067. Banana Skin
Description: Prevent PfiGlax modifing the Necroa Virus

068. Don't Ask Me
Description: Make the PfiGlax modification project fail

It is recommend to achieve them on Normal difficulty with ATP Boost gene equipped.
Also, they all come from one opening, but are in different branches. Save game if necessary.

1. Opening
  • Start in UK and evolve Saliva 1 transmission and Segmented Genome within 70 days. Wait for this pop-up - "PfiGlax announces early success for AIDS cure". This message will turn up exactly on 70-th day. If you don't see it, restart the game.
  • Later, two related pieces of news will show up in the news banner. They are:
    - Blog claims PfiGlax struggling with virus mutation
    - PfiGlax executives in huge share sell off
  • Now begin to create zombie via Insomnia symptom:
    Insomnia -> Fever -> Photophobia -> Delirium -> Cytopathic Reanimation

2. Due Diligence (No. 066)
  • After zombies have emerged, A pop-up will appear:" PfiGlax linked to XXX", where "XXX" is your disease name.
    Note 1: Save progress if you want an easy access to achievements 067 and 068 as well.
    Note 2: If "Authorities can't protect from XXX" shows up instead, please try again.
  • Evolve Genetic Reshuffle 1-2. Later, "No PfiGlax link to XXX" should pop up, saying that XXX can't be a strain of AIDS cure.

3. Banana Skin (No. 067)
  • If you don't evolve Genetic Reshuffle 1-2, "PfiGlax link to XXX confirmed" will appear instead.
    Note: Save progress if you want an easy access to achievement 068 as well.
  • Evolve Autolytic Delay, Putrefactive Resistance and Liquefactive Resistance ability. Soon, "PfiGlax fails to manipulate XXX" should show up, stating that PfiGlax has failed to modify Necroa Virus to increase zombie decay.

4. Don't Ask Me (No. 068)
  • If you fail to evolve those abilities above, "PfiGlax able to manipulate XXX" will appear instead.
  • Evolve Mummification ability. It invalidates the genetic modification - "PfiGlax modification project fails".
069. Simian Master
Description: Beat the Simian Flu on mega-brutal difficulty

We recommend another guide made by Tatsur0. Thank you again!
070. Great EscApe
Description: Break apes out of the primate shelter

Evolve Simian Neuro-genesis and wait for news reporting the escape of apes from the Gen-sys Lab.
071. Apes will Rise!
Description: Destroy humanity with the Simian Flu and let the apes take over

Win as simian flu on any difficulty.
072. Family. Future.
Description: Create an ape colony to bring intelligent apes together

Evolve special ability Ape Colonies and set up a colony in any country.
073. The Traveller
Description: Move intelligent apes to a new country

Evolve special ability Organized Travel and use it to move apes to another country.
074. Go Simian-faeces
Description: Destroy a Gen-Sys lab

Evolve special ability Ape Rampage
When a Gen-sys lab appears, simply destroy it with Ape Rampage.
075. EvacuApe
Description: Evade a drone attack

During the middlegame, you may discover a drone attack at random. If you find a colony is inside its attack range, move it to safe place by Organized Travel.
076. Attack of the Drones
Description: Have a colony destroyed by a drone

In contrast with the previous one, allow a colony to be destroyed.
077. Not Just a Pretty Face
Description: Make every ape in the world intelligent

Just to remind, Organized Travel infects throughout the journey (not only the destination!)
078. ExterminApe
Description: Scare humans into becoming hostile to apes

You will probably get it during normal gameplay. Watch for the pop up: Apes cause terror in XXX.
079. Ape's Creed
Description: Discover the Assassin Combo

Evolve special ability Weapon Creation and Covert Expertise.
Wait for 'Assassin Combo' to pop up.

Combo Effect: Give apes a combat advantage.
080. Red Ape Redemption
Description: Discover the Red Ape Redemption Combo

Evolve special ability Horseback Riding, Primal Hunt and War Paint.
Wait for 'Red Ape Redemption' to pop up.

Combo Effect: Give apes a combat advantage.
081. Do it like they do
Description: Discover the Discovery Channel Combo

Evolve Sebaceous Excretion transmission and special ability Primal Hunt and Social Cohesion.
Make sure you have at least one colony and wait for 'Discovery Channel Combo' to pop up.

Combo Effect: Increases ape to ape transmission.
082. Rude Awakening
Description: Discover the Rude Awakening Combo

Evolve special ability Scouts and Excrement.
Wait for 'Rude Awakening Combo' to pop up.

Combo Effect: Increases ape to ape transmission.
083. Blind Genius
Description: Discover the Blind Genius Combo

Evolve Blindness and Neuro-Enhancement 3.
Wait until 'Blind Genius Combo' pop up.

Combo Effect: Increases research speed (negative effect)
084. Like Flies Around...
Description: Discover the Fly Magnet Combo

Evolve Diarrhea symptom and transmissions Hominidae Bridge and Excrement.
Wait until 'Fly Magnet Combo' pop up.

Combo Effect: Increases cross-species transmission.
085. Not Necroa
Description: Discover the Zombie Panic Combo

Evolve Photophobia and transmissions Bat 1-2 and Blood 1.
Wait until 'Zombie Panic Combo' pop up.

Combo Effect: Slows research speed.
086. Apes. Together. Strong.
Description: Gather 500,000 apes in a single country

There are 408738 apes in Central Africa, 32978 in East Africa, 31014 in West Africa, 21585 in Sudan and 18039 in India.

Use Organized Travel to gather them together. Or you can simply use Path Finder ability when all apes in these areas are infected.
087. No Idea
Description: Evolve 'Total Brain Death' in the first year and win

  • Recommend on Casual Difficulty.
  • You don't need to win in the first year.
  • Don't create intelligent apes until cure reaches 70%. Otherwise Gen-Sys labs will be all around the world and you'll find it hard to stop cure research.
088. Did I mean to do that?
Description: Reverse Simian evolution

Devolve Simian Neuro-genesis and the achievement will pop up, easy-peasy.
089. Shouldn't Keep Pets
Description: Allow all the apes to die

The easiest way is to infect all the apes and devolve Simian Neuro-genesis, they will all die.
And you can get achievement 077, 088, 089 in a single run.
090. An Ape is for Life…
Description: …Not just for Christmas

  • Win the game
  • Starting country must be Greenland
  • Set up a colony in Greenland and remain undestroyed till game ends.

Recommend on Casual difficulty.
Hint: You can move an ape colony inside a country to evade drone attacks. Like from southern Greenland to northern Greenland.
091. Film Fanatic
Description: Recreate the setting of the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes film

This achievement is tricky.

Here's a detailed guide made by Morkbrand. Thank you Morkbrand!
092. The Future is Bright
Description: End the game with apes and humans living together peacefully

Another tricky achievement.

0. If you want to try it for yourself...
There are some requirements as follows: (I'm not sure if it's sufficient)
  • Make all the apes intelligent.
  • Zero human casualities.
    Note: I'm not sure whether or not those who died in natural disasters are taken into account.
  • Low disease severity.
  • At least 90% apes survive at last.
  • Humans cannot become hostile to apes, which means DO NOT use Ape Rampage ability under any circumstances.
  • Except for the first Gen-Sys lab, other labs shouldn't be attacked or destroyed. When Gen-Sys start killing apes, use Organised Travel to evade.
  • DO NOT evolve Hominidae Bridge.
  • Cure reaches 100% and all human cured.

When these conditions meet, you'll receive an ending game pop-up: "Humans have successfully cured XXX. Without any danger of disease, apes and humans can peacefully coexist and a bright future beckons", with an ape icon on it. (NOT a captured ape icon!)

If you have no idea about what to do, see below for help.

1. Pre-game
This guide has been tested on Normal difficulty.
Save game if necessary.

Let's begin with genes:
  • ATP Boost
  • Ion Surge
  • Aquacyte
  • Extremophile
  • Viral Affinity
Ion Surge is a helpful gene when you want to spend less DNA points on devolving symptoms.

2. Make every ape intelligent
Objective 1: Infect every ape on this planet.
Objective 2: Remain hidden and leave at least 300 DNA points for next stage.

  • Devolve any symptoms in this stage, no exception.
  • Start in Central Africa. Evolve Simian Neuro-genesis and Ape Colonies as soon as you can. Establish an ape colony in Central Africa.
  • Evolve Social Cohesion and Sebaceous Excretion to speed up the infection.
  • Evolve Organised Travel, Logistics and Seafaring for further expansion.
  • It's time to travel around the world and spread the virus! The way you do it doesn't matter. The main idea is to infect every ape and set up colonies to acquire more DNA points. Here's a list of what I've done when I was testing this guide:
    - Travel: West Africa -> Argentina, through Brazil and Bolivia.
    - Set up an ape colony in West Africa.
    - Travel: Algeria/Libya -> Greenland, through France, UK and Iceland.
    - Travel: East Africa -> South Africa, through Zimbabwe and Botswana.
    - Travel: East Africa -> New Zealand, through Madagascar and Australia.
    - Set up an ape colony in East Africa.
    - Travel: Argentina -> Caribbean, through Peru and Colombia.
    - Travel: France -> Russia, through most European countries.
    - Travel: Russia -> Indonesia, through India and other countries.
    - Travel: India -> Japan, through China and Korea.
    - Travel: China -> New Guinea, through Philippines.
    - Set up ape colonies in India, China and Indonesia.
    - Travel: Colombia -> Canada, through C. America, Mexico and USA.
  • Check if all the countries have infected apes.
  • Evolve Cognitive Shift and Education. Set up a colony in USA.
  • Be patient and gather DNA points. Evolve Cold Resistance 1-2, Drug Resistance 1-2, Primal Awareness, War Paint, Covert Expertise and Horseback Riding on the ability page.
  • Accumulate DNA points until it exceeds 300, or 400 if you're cautious.

3. The Future is Bright
  • Watch out for the sound effects when a Gen-Sys lab appears!
  • Whether your disease has been spotted or not, evolve the following traits:
    - Air 1-2, Water 1-2 and Extreme Bioaerosol
    - Fomites 1-3
    - Bird 1-2
    - Neuro-enhancement 1-2
    - Heat Resistance 1-2
  • In order to maintain low severity and zero lethality, devolve any symptoms other than Neuro-enhancement 1-2.
  • Now the only problem left is the apes. The number of ape deaths should not go over 60000. To achieve this, you must evade Gen-Sys hunting using migrate ability. If a Gen-Sys lab has located in a place where...
    (1) has 2000 apes or less - Leave it alone.
    (2) has 10000 apes or more - Evacuate all apes immediately.
    (3) has 2000-10000 apes - Let 30%-50% of the apes die and then evacuate.
  • When Cure reaches 100%, you'll receive a message with an ape icon on it, stating that "Humans have successfully cured your diesease. Without any danger of disease, apes and humans can peacefully coexist and a bright future beckons."
    Note: NOT a captured ape!
093-112. Official Scenarios
This achievement series includes:
093. Complete Artificial Organs
094. Complete Black Death
095. Complete Created Equal
096. Complete Frozen Virus
097. Complete Global Warming
098. Complete Golden Age
099. Complete Ice Age
100. Complete Mirror Earth
101. Complete Nipah Virus
102. Complete Pirate Plague
103. Complete Santa's Little Helper
104. Complete Shut Down Everything
105. Complete Smallpox
106. Complete Sovereign Default
107. Complete Swine Flu
108. Complete Teleportation
109. Complete Unknown Origin
110. Complete Volcanic Ash
111. Complete Who Cares
112. Complete Xenophobia

Description: Score 3 biohazards with XXX scenario

Recommend to do on Casual or Normal difficulty.
Most scenarios can be easily beaten with Neurax Worm.
And there're many useful guides in the community. Find your favorite ones :)
113-115. The GODLY achievements
These are definitely the most time-consuming and luck-draining achievements. What's even worse is that they can no longer be unlocked on Casual difficulty after an update.

Good news, everyone! Developers have slightly tweaked the score required to get 3 biohazards in part of the V1.0 update.

Rome was not built in one day, enjoy!

113. Super Sparrow
Description: Get 3 biohazards with each disease on Normal or higher in Pirate Plague scenario

114. Lava God
Description: Get 3 biohazards with each disease on Normal or higher in Volcanic Ash scenario

115. Mr President
Description: Get 3 biohazards with each disease on Normal or higher in Shut Down Everything scenario

The most important things you must have (in order):
  • Skill
  • Luck
  • Patience ---- S/L in case you're out of luck

They can be obtained in a legitimate way. Take your time in this S/L & RNG hell. Good luck!

Regular Plagues
Super Sparrow requires lots of S/L, only thing I can say is to keep low severity and prey.

Nasty islands (and useful traits)
Caribbean <- USA, Mexico, UK
(Rodent > Drug > Heat/Insect)
Greenland <- Russia, Norway
(Cold > Drug > Livestock)
Madagascar <- Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Australia
New Guinea <- Australia, India, New Zealand, Indonesia
(Heat/Insect > Drug, Rodent, Livestock)
Philippines <- China, Indonesia, Japan, Australia
(Rodent > Heat/Insect)

  • Genetic Code: Cytochrome Surge, Genetic Mimic, Aquacyte, Urbophile, Sympto-Stasis
  • Start in China as Bacteria, evolve Rash, Sweating, Skin Lesions, Coughing, Sneezing
  • Evolve Air 1 & 2, Cold Resistance 1, Drug Resistance 1
  • Evolve Water 1&2, Extreme Bioaerosol, Heat Resistance 1, Cold Resistance 2
  • Evolve Rodent 1, Drug Resistance 2, (Optional: Insect 1)
  • From now on, only evolve Transmissions and Abilities, devolve any lethal symptoms mutated!
  • Save your game once China has been fully infected. Check out for infected boats. If no boats go to Philippines within 30 days, load recent game and try again.
  • Now keep an eye on New Guinea. No boats? Load and try again.
  • Madagascar...
  • Greenland...
  • Caribbean...
  • Evolve Total Organ Failure, Necrosis, Haemorrhagic Shock, Internal Haemorrhaging and win
  • If you manage to beat Bacteria in Pirate Plague scenario on Normal within 1 hour - congratulations! Now you can move on to Virus!
  • ...
  • You did it! Congratulations! Now move on to Parasite, Prion, Nano-Virus and Bio-Weapon!

Special Remarks:
Virus: Genetic Mimic -> Base Oxidisation / Creationist, mid-game mutations really sucks

Bio-Weapon: Cytochrome Surge -> ATP Boost, Sympto-Stasis -> Patho-Stasis
  • I will only list the timing of those special abilities, it's really important controling lethality not to draw too much attention in the mid-game.
  • Evolve GC 1 (Gene Compression) & NAN 1 (Nucleic Acid Neutralisation) right after evolving Skin Lesions, skip Coughing and Sneezing(symptoms are too expensive without Sympto-Stasis)
  • Evolve "DMG 1, GC 2" between Air 1 and Air 2; NAN 2 after Air 2, and get Coughing and Sneezing
  • Evolve GC 3, DMG 2 get NAN 3 after Rodent 1 (get Heat 1 after Drug 2)
  • You don't have to save DNA for lethal symptoms since Bio-Weapon has the best: Annihilate Gene for only 10 DNA, so get transmissions and abilities to spread faster in those counties that have a port to one of the nasty islands. Might as well get Genetic Hardening, though not necessary
  • Get DMG 3 when lethality reach an uncomfortable point
  • Won in 324 days with only 10% cure, hope I've got this straight.

  • Cytochrome Surge -> ATP Boost
  • Evolve Code Fragment Interception after Sweating
  • Evolve Code Segment Interception after Sneezing
  • You won't have to worry about the cure since you will be spreading around the world and stablizing in four months, the cure remains below 80%
  • OVERLOAD as soon as you get each of the tier-one resistances
  • Keep in mind that Insomnia, Paranoia, Inflammation, Seizures, Insanity, Paralysis, Coma are really really cheap (other symptom costs are also reduced by 1)

Here's a guide for Mr President:
Since people are more sensitive in this scenario, we have to be sneaky ---- Transmissions.
  • Genetic Code: ATP Boost, Darwinist, Aquacyte, Urbophile, Trans-Stasis
  • Start on Normal difficulty in China
  • Evolve Rodent 1, Livestock 1, Bird 1 & 2, Water 1, Air 1, Water 2, Air 2 and Extreme Bioaerosol
  • Evolve Cold Resistance 1 & 2, Drug Resistance 1 & 2
  • Evolve Heat Resistance 1 and Blood 1 for Caribbean and Africa
  • Ramp up lethality!! Go for Internal Haemorrhaging & Hermorrhagic Shock or Total Organ Failure depending on previous mutations, go lethal!!
  • -------Done-------
  • Works fine for Bacteria, Virus, Nano-Virus, Bio-Weapon, Prion but struggling with Parasite.
  • Nano-Virus needs some focus on its special ability, especially overload!

Here's a guide for Lava God:
We don't need to worry about those nasty islands, the only concern is how to spread fast without the help of airplanes ---- Birds and Teracyte.
  • Genetic Code: ATP Boost, Darwinist, Teracyte, Extremophile, Sympto-Stasis
  • Start on Normal difficulty in India
  • Evolve Livestock 1, Rash, Sweating and Skin Lesions
  • Evolve Water 1, Bird 1 & 2, Water 2
  • Evolve Coughing, Sneezing, Pneumonia, Cysts, Abscesses
  • Evolve Cold Resistance 1 & 2, Drug Resistance 1
  • Evolve Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Insect 1, Blood 1, Rodent 1, Drug Resistance 2
  • Wait until at most two of the following islands are not infected: Greenland, Iceland, Caribbean, Madagascar, New Zealand, New Guinea, Philippines
  • Evolve Necrosis, Dysentery
  • When all of the countries are infected, go for maximum lethality: Total Organ Failure, Haemorrhagic Shock, Internal Haemorrhaging and so on
  • You will be able to evolve all the symptoms and Genetic Reshuffle 1--3 at the end

Neurax Worm
Neurax Worm is OP, you can infect those annoying islands with trojan planes.

Fungus is not so hard if you utilize the special ability.
You spread by Spore Burst and Bird 1 & 2, so 3 scenarios can be done in a similar way.

Here's an example for Lava God:
  • Genetic Code: ATP Boost, Darwinist, Aquacyte, Extremophile, Patho-Stasis
  • Start on Normal difficulty in China
  • Evolve Cysts, Abscesses (Increase Severity for more DNA) and Spore Burst * 6
  • Evolve Water 1 and Spore Eruption
  • Evolve Water 2 and Spore Burst * 4 (Save some for those nasty islands in the late game)
  • Evolve Air 1 & 2 and Extreme Bioaerosol
  • Evolve Cold Resistance 1, Bird 1 & 2, Drug Resistance 1, Cold Resistance 2, Drug Resistance 2
  • Evolve Rash, Sweating, Skin Lesions and Necrosis
  • Evolve Heat Resistance 1 & 2 and System Infection
  • Check for uninfected countries, wait until Spore Burst * 2 and Spore Eruption can take all of them down, make sure you infect all the countries before you proceed
  • Evolve Hermorrhagic Shock, Coma, Total Organ Failure and Internal Hermorrhaging
  • Just ramp up lethality and use Genetic Reshuffle for a higher score
  • I won in only 268 days and an insane score 124750, so I sure it's pretty consistant.

For Super Sparrow, change Aquacyte to Aerocyte and evolve Air before Water.
For Mr President, change Aquacyte to Suppression and keep an eye on the cure.
113-115-Part 2. Necroa & Simian - PAIN
Necroa Virus
Since your score mostly depends on your speed, you have to be aggressive.
In order to get 3 biohazards, you have to finish in about a year.
Those guides for Necroa on Mega-Brutal does not work, since it's based on steady development and usually wins in 500 days.

Here's a method for Super Sparrow and Mr President:
  • Start on Normal difficulty in Saudi Arabia
  • Genetic Code: ATP Boost, Darwinist, Aerocyte, Xerophile, Spliced Activation
  • Main idea: Quickly spread upon the world using Saudi Arabia's airplanes, then grind out with special ability Zombie Horde
  • Evolve Zoonotic Shift, Insect 1, Bat 1, Bat 2. Save your game after evolving Bat 1, load if you didn't mutate Hyper Salivation in about 100 days.
  • Evolve Polyphagia, Gastroenteritis, Drug Resistance 1 and save.
  • If Saudi shuts airports before you infect Australia and one of the North American countries, load your game.
  • Save some DNA points waiting for the second mutate, load if you didn't get Cannibalism in about 200 days.
  • Evolve Cytopathic Reanimation, Anaerobic Resuscitation, Enhanced Motor Control, Masticatory Tension, Anabolic Boost.
  • Evolve Horde Instinct, Structured Travel, Dyskinetic Movement, Echopraxia, Engorged Quadriceps and save your game.
  • Time to utilize special ability Zombie Horde, thanks to Spliced Activation it only costs 2 per use.
  • Send Zombies whenever you have DNA points, try to infect the world ASAP.
  • When you are about to infect the whole world, your should have some spare DNA points, evolve Peptide Surge, Dermal Calcification, Cranial Elephantitis, Bone Dysplasia.
  • Evolve Acidic Reflux, Naja Mortis, Autothysis.
  • It's an easy win from now on.
  • If you are concerned with ZCOM, evolve Horde Mentality, Horde Vocalisation (and Horde Pheromones if you have enough DNA points) and send Waves of Zombies at ZCOM, they don't even stand a chance.

Necroa for Lava God is extremely hard, here's a not-guarenteed method
Similar to the method above, main idea is to mutate Cannibalism and I'll only list the differences:
  • Genetic Code: Aerocyte -> Aquacyte, Xerophile -> Rurophile
  • Starting country: Saudi Arabia -> India
  • Evolve Zoonotic Shift, Hyper Salivation, Bat 1, Bat2 at the beginning and wait for Polyphagia to mutate.
  • Evolve Gastroenteritis, Autophagia, Bird 1, Drug Resistance 1 and wait for Cannibalism to mutate.
  • After India is fully infected, S/L until you get an airplane to USA
  • When you are upgrading special ability Zombie Horde, also evolve Drifting Fermentation and head directly to Brazil ---- ZCOM will mostly set their base there.
  • After evolving Acidic Reflux, Naja Mortis, Autothysis, follow by Lumbrical Hypertrophy, Adrenal Surge, Hyperosmia, Temporal Lobe Manipulation, Enhanced Sensory Integration, Cathemeral Shift, Vampire Hunger ---- as much as you can.
  • Extremely hard but not impossible, good luck!

Here's a more detailed and consistent guide by CABBAGE_MEDAL, thank you!

Simian Flu
Set 5 colonies while sending apes around the world, evolve Hominidae Bridge, BOOM!
Sounds easy, but it's not gonna be need to have your apes around the world in around 8 months......
When I am talking about infect, I mean apes.
  • Genetic Code: ATP Boost, ATP Overdose, Teracyte, Extremophile, Leadership
  • Start on Normal difficulty in Central Africa
  • Evolve Simian Neuro-Genesis, Inter-Genus Dissemination 1 & 2
  • Wait for the apes break out from the lab, restart if it took more than 25 days.
  • Evolve Ape Colonies and set your first colony in Central Africa (Make sure it's close to Sudan)
  • Evolve Organised Travel and send your colony to East Africa while infecting Sudan and set a colony in Central Africa (Close to West Africa) and another one in Sudan
  • Send the colony in Central Africa to West Africa after it generates DNA and set your fourth colony in Central Africa again.
  • By this time, Saudi Arabia should be infected, evolve Logistics and send them to Russia while infecting Iraq, Iran, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, China
  • Evolve Seafaring and send a troop from Saudi Arabia to New Zealand while infecting India, Indonesia, Australia
  • Evolve Cognitive Shift and Education, your apes must have arrived in Russia
  • Send a troop from Russia to Mexico while infecting Baltic States, Poland, Gemany, France, Caribbean, C.America; another troop to Canada while infecting Scandinavian countries, Iceland and Greenland; and the last one from Morocco to Argentina while infecting Brazil and Bolivia
  • Set your last colony in Indonesia and evolve Cold Resistance 1 and Drug Resistance 1
  • Evolve Photophobia, Subconjunctival Bleed, Subconjunctival Haemorrhage, Headache, Joint Pain AND Hominidae Bridge, restart if it took you more than 9 months to reach this point
  • Evolve Bird 1 & 2, Air 1, Water 1, Fomites 1--3, Bat 1 & 2
  • When a Gen-Sys lab pops up, evolve Ape Rampage and break it as you have intellegent apes all over the world
  • Send a troop from S. E. Asia to New Guinea while infecting Phlippines, and another troop from China to Japan while infecting Korea, the last one from U.K to Iceland
  • Ramp up symptoms, which I will not specify but try to get those that both increases infectivity and lethality! Don't forget to get Drug resistance 2 and Cold Resistance 2.
  • After you get all of the 'good' symptoms, it's time for the final blow - Total Brain Death. Evolve Air 2, Water 2, Extreme Bioaerosol afterwards, otherwise people die too quickly before they infect others in Canada.
  • I finished in 435 days / 47%cure, 462 days / 11% cure and got scores around 73000, so I'm pretty sure you will still get 3 biohazzards even when you get kind of unlucky.
  • Remark: you create the Planet of Apes when you wipe out the majority of humanity, so you don't have to kill EVERYONE to win, that means you can leave Greenland alone
113-115. Epilogue - Difficulty
Disclaimer: Only based on our understanding of the game, may not be so accurate...
It may encourage you while grinding the GODLY achievements.
Do not get frustrated, some of them are REALLY hard!

Lava God
Mr President
Super Sparrow
Neurax Worm OP
Necroa Virus
Simian Flu
116. Who needs brains
Description: Take humanity back to the stone age

Use Frozen Virus in official scenario and meet the requirements:
  • Infect everyone.
  • Evolve Neanderthal Regression symptom. Make sure that you have already evolved Full DNA Repair on the ability page.
You'll get the achievement when game ends.
117. Published Scenario
Description: Publish a Plague Inc: Evolved Scenario to Steam Workshop

Pretty self-explanatory.
118. Call PETA
Description: Make a celebrity cry

Use Nipah Virus in official scenario
Recommend on Casual difficulty
Remember to save your progress.

1. Gene combination
  • Cytochrome Surge
  • Genetic Mimic
  • Aquacyte
  • Extremophile
  • Translesion +
We need to procrastinate and devolve any mutated symptoms.

2. Spread your plague
Objective 1: Trigger "'Pugapoo' dog" event.
Objective 2: Infect everyone without being spotted.
  • Start in India. Evolve Hendra Traits and Horse 1 transmission ASAP. Leave Dog transmission alone.
  • Evolve Drug Resistance 1, Genetic Hardening 1 and Cold Resistance 1-2.
    Note: Nipah Virus is unstable and will mutate frequently. Make sure you have spare DNA to devolve symptoms.
  • Watch out for "Kim Shardakian buys new 'Pugapoo' dog" in the news banner. Save game if it appears.
    Note: If it doesn't show up before 50% infection of the world, you'd better start over again.
  • Check your DNA points - shouldn't less than 100. Save game.
    Note: This save can be used to unlock achievement No.119 as well.

3. Kill the dog!
  • Evolve these traits:
    - Dog
    - Respiratory Shift
    - Nausea
    - Vomiting
    - Pulmonary Oedema
    - Haemoptysis
    - Pulmonary Haemorrhage
  • Now you can let pathogen mutate freely. However, if Respiratory Failure mutates, devolve it immediately.
  • Wait for "XXX kills Kim Shardakian's dog" shows up. Mission accomplished.
  • But if nothing happens or "Kim Shardakian's dog gets pampered" pops up, load your progress and retry.

It's not guaranteed to obtain this achievement, but you'll eventually have it after some trial.
119. Contagion Cancelled
Description: Prevent a film about your plague being made

Use Nipah Virus in official scenario
Recommend on Casual difficulty
Remember to save your progress

1. Gene combination
2. Spread your plague
Please refer to the corresponding content in "118. Call PETA". If you have saved a game as requested, simply load it and continue.

3. Interrupt film making!
  • Evolve Swine 1-2 and Bat 2 transmission.
    Note: You can finish this step in the previous stage, but that will cause your plague to mutate too often, which means that you have to spend more DNA points on devolving symptoms.
  • Evolve some symptoms at will. "XXX film announced" will show up at some later time.
  • It's time to evolve Memory Loss. Soon you'll received a message, stating that the film has failed because actors cannot memorize lines. *facepalm*
  • If you see "XXX film raises awareness worldwide!" instead, please load and try again.

Note: Still, the success rate is high, but not 100%.
120. Who needs Science
Description: Show the world how useful homeopathy is

Use Nipah Virus in official scenario
Recommend on Casual difficulty
Remember to save your progress.

1. Gene combination
We can let the plague mutate in a controllable way. Here's a suggestion:
  • ATP Boost
  • Creationist
  • Aquacyte
  • Extremophile
  • Ionised Helix

2. Infect and mutate
  • Evolve the following traits in order ASAP:
    - Horse 1-2
    - Dog
    - Cold Resistance 1-2
    - Heat Resistance 1
    - Drug Resistance 1
    - Genetic Hardening 1-2
  • Leave all mutations alone. You'll need them to earn more DNA points.
  • Wait until the infected poopulation exceeds 50%.

3. Loot medical stores!
  • Normally, Lude Jaw will stand out and claim that there is a homeopathic cure for your disease. This event can be identified by "Lude Jaw claims XXX cure" pop-up.
    Note: This often happens before 100% infection. If it doesn't appear in time, you'd better try again.
  • Now evolve Encephalitic Shift and the following symptoms:
    - Headache
    - Nuchal rigidity
    - Fever
    - Photophobia
    - Blurred Vision
    - Hallucinations
    - Drowsiness
    - Confusion
    - Memory Loss
  • After "Lude Jaw triggers infection in YYY" poping up, the achievement will be unlocked.
  • However, if you see "Lude Jaw revealed to be 'con artist'" in the news banner, try again.
121. I never asked for this
Description: Feel the negative side of artificial organs

Griroesh has made a detailed guide. Hope this would help you. Thank you Griroesh!
122. GLaDOS Says Hi
Description: Make a teleport attempt end in tragedy

Use Teleport in official scenario
Recommend as Parasite on Casual

Why not Prion?
Here's the reason: In this scenario, your priority is to prevent people from escaping to islands by infecting as many people as possible. Therefore, Parasite with Symbiosis ability is a solid choice.

  • Initial genes - ATP Boost, Base Oxidisation, Aquacyte, Extremophile and Sympto-Stasis.
  • Start in Saudi Arabia. Evolve the following traits in order as soon as possible:
    - Symbiosis 1 & 2
    - Rash
    - Sweating
    - Skin Lesions
    - Symbiosis 3
    - Coughing
    - Sneezing
    - Pneumonia
    - Cysts
    - Bird 1
    - Water 1
    - Air 1
    - Cold Resistance 1
    - Drug Resistance 1
  • By now, most countries / regions will have infected population and your disease should be spotted. Stupid human beings attempt to teleport to somewhere 'safe'. Sorry, nowhere is safe.
  • Sit down, drink some tea and watch people vanish - "Portal attempt in XXX failure".
123. Ultimate Christmas
Description: Discover the Ultimate Christmas Combo

Use Santa's Little Helper in official scenarios.

Evolve Red-Suited Pilot and Red-Nosed Guide on the ability page. Wait for "Ultimate Christmas combo" pop-up.

Combo Effect: Increase infectivity and happiness.
124. On The Naughty List
Description: Put humanity on Santa's naughty list

Use Santa's Little Helper in official scenarios.

Evolve Sloth, Gluttony, Jealousy and Intoxication symptoms. Wait for "On The Naughty List Combo" pop-up.

Combo Effect: Decrease happiness.
125-128. Cheatmode achievements
4 cheatmode achievements are as follows:

125. Normal Shuffle
Description: Win 5 times in a row on normal difficulty with the shuffle strain enabled

126. Mega-Brutal Shuffle
Description: Win 5 times in a row on mega-brutal difficulty with the shuffle strain enabled

127. Bingo!
Description: Win 5 times in a row on normal difficulty with the lucky dip strain enabled

128. Lottery Winner!
Description: Win 5 times in a row on mega brutal difficulty with the lucky dip strain enabled

Normal Shuffle will be automatically unlocked once you've gained Mega-Brutal Shuffle achievement. Same for Bingo!

rjdimo made a guide on how to achieve Mega-Brutal Shuffle and Lottery Winner! Check it out:
129-130. Multiplayer VS. achievements
Only 2 achievements available right now. Awwwww

129. Genetic Challenger
Description: Play a VS multiplayer game through to the end

130. Genetic Domination
Description: Play and win a VS multiplayer game

These achievements will be unlocked at the end of a multiplayer game. So do not exit or disconnect at middlegame.
131-132. 'Infectious' achievements
131. Beta Infection
Description: Play a multiplayer VS game to completion with someone who already has the Beta Infection achievement

132. Ndemic Infection
Description: Play a multiplayer VS game with someone who already has the Ndemic Infection

Beta Infection & Ndemic Infection are spreading very fast now. You'll get infected after a few multiplayer matches.

Or you can find someone in this thread to play with:
133. Brief Acquaintance
Description: Play a Co-op multiplayer game through to the end

This achievement will be unlocked once a co-op game is finished. So disconnect or exit at middlegame is not an option.
134. One Night Stand
Description: Win a Quick Match Co-op multiplayer game

As the description says, "Quick Match" is required to obtain this achievement.

One simple way to do this is to win a quick match with your friend. You have to find a time when not many players are in the co-op game lobby, enter quick match with your friend simultaneously. There is a big chance to match you with your friend.
135. Friends With benefits
Description: Win a Co-op multiplayer game on Casual Difficulty

Stay hidden till everyone is infected, then evolve TOF and fight against cure. Just like what you do in singleplayer on Casual difficulty.
136. Comrade-In-Arms
Description: Win a Co-op multiplayer game on Normal Difficulty

This one is a little bit harder, but is still easy for experienced partners.

"Friends With Benefits" will be unlocked as well on Normal difficulty.
137. BFF
Description: Win a Co-op multiplayer game on Brutal Difficulty

"Friends With Benefits" and "Comrade-In-Arms" will be unlocked as well on Brutal difficulty.
138. Nuclear Warfare
Description: Launch a Nuclear Strike in a multiplayer game

In order to get this achievement, you have to play in multiplayer - both vs. mode and co-op mode are okay.
It is recommended to play against PlagueBot in vs. practice mode. Or you grab a friend to help you do it.

- What does the Nuclear Strike do?
- The Nuclear Strike can destroy one certain country/region instantaneously. What's more - it is YOU who decide where is going to be destroyed!

Now let's get back on track. Here's what you need to do.

1. In vs. mode
  • We recommend you to equip Safe House gene and start in Sweden, where gives you a big boost with 31 DNA points.
  • Keep an eye on the news banner, one of the following 7 news should come up soon after the game starts:
    - XXX invests heavily in Nuclear First Strike systems
    - XXX reveals groundbreaking Nuclear technology
    - XXX invests billions in Nuclear Weapons
    - XXX amazes world with Nuclear arsenal
    - Suspicious Nuclear weapons testing in XXX
    - Global summit held to discuss Nuclear capability of XXX
    - XXX accused of Nuclear Weapons testing
    XXX is where the Nuclear Strike comes from.
  • Evolve Unscheduled Flight on the ability page, then infect XXX with a trojan plane.
  • Evolve Air 1 & 2, Insomnia, Paranoia, Psychosis, Insanity, Corpse DNA 1 and Immune Shock, wait patiently till XXX is 100% infected. It's better not to let your opponent infect XXX, otherwise it will fail in some cases.
  • Use Immune Shock in XXX, "Further suspicious Nuclear Testing in XXX" should appear immediately. If "XXX to cease Nuclear Weapons Testing" comes up instead, please retry.
  • Wait for a while, a nuclear bubble will rise in XXX - it allows you to release a nuclear bomb and strike on any one country/region.
  • You'll acquire this achievement after the game ends (not after the strike).

2. In co-op mode
It's pretty much the same as what you need to do in vs. mode. But we remake this part for your convenience. :)
  • We recommend you to start in USA, where gives you access to most countries/regions.
  • Keep an eye on the news banner, one of the following 7 news should come up soon after the game starts:
    - XXX invests heavily in Nuclear First Strike systems
    - XXX reveals groundbreaking Nuclear technology
    - XXX invests billions in Nuclear Weapons
    - XXX amazes world with Nuclear arsenal
    - Suspicious Nuclear weapons testing in XXX
    - Global summit held to discuss Nuclear capability of XXX
    - XXX accused of Nuclear Weapons testing
    XXX is where the Nuclear Strike comes from.
  • Evolve Unscheduled Flight on the ability page, then infect XXX with a trojan plane.
    Note: However, if you're confident that XXX will be infected in a short time, you can skip this step and carry on.
  • Evolve Air 1 & 2, Insomnia, Paranoia, Coma, Insanity and Lethal Boost, wait patiently till XXX is 100% infected. DO NOT evolve any other symptoms that have lethality! (Even a little bit!). And it's better not to let your partner infect XXX, otherwise it will fail in some cases.
  • Use Lethal Boost in XXX, "Further suspicious Nuclear Testing in XXX" should appear immediately. If "XXX to cease Nuclear Weapons Testing" comes up instead, please retry.
  • Wait for a while, a nuclear bubble will rise in XXX - it allows you to release a nuclear bomb and strike on any one country/region. But if XXX is destroyed before nuclear bubble can pop up, or "XXX ceases Nuclear Tests - lack of healthy scientists" appears in the news banner, please retry.
  • You'll acquire this achievement after the game ends (not after the strike).

139. Tutorial
Description: Complete the tutorial

You need to FINISH the tutorial to get this achievement, no matter you win or lose.
140. Heart of Darkness
Description: Send your vampire into a Blood Rage

  • Evolve Blood Rage on the Vampire page.
  • You can see a blade icon on the left of the map, indicating Blood Rage active ability is available.
  • Click the icon and use it on a country that has a vampire. The vampire will start attacking people and the achievement is unlocked.
141. Batmobile
Description: Transform vampire into a bat and fly somewhere

  • Evolve Therianthropy on the Vampire page.
  • You can see a bat icon on the left of the map, indicating Vampire Flight active ability is available.
  • Click the icon. Click on a vampire and then choose its destination. The vampire will start moving and it's done.
142. Blood Pets
Description: Create slaves for your vampire

Evolve Shadow Slaves symptom.
The infected will become the slaves of the vampire in a moment, and the achievement will be unlocked as well.
143. Purity of the Chosen
Description: Create a new vampire

Evolve Vampiric Awakening symptom.
After killing millions of people, a new vampire will be created on the map. The achievement will be unlocked at the same time.
144. Home Sweet Home
Description: Set up a vampire lair

  • Evolve Lair on the Vampire page.
  • You can see a skull icon on the left of the map, indicating Create Lair active ability is available.
  • Click the icon. Click on a country that has a vampire and set up a lair. Done!
145. Twilight Lied
Description: Let Humanity discover your vampire

When the threat of vampires or Shadow Plague is high enough, Templar Industries will claim to be taking urge actions against it.
"Templar Industries Reveals Global Vampire Threat" will pop up and the achievement will be unlocked.
146. Van Helsing's Doom
Description: Destroy a Templar fort

At the later part of a game, Templar Industries will construct some advanced military bases (aka Fortress) across the globe.
Upgrade and use your Blood Rage ability to destroy it, or let your numerous vampire slaves do the dirty work. Once a Templar Fortress is destroyed, you'll receive this achievement.
147. Luck of the Devil
Description: Destroy a templar fort with near death vampire

This one is self-explanatory.
You need micromanagement, leap of faith and a bit of luck to achieve this.
Maybe you can try with S/L function as well.
148. Vampire Master
Description: Beat Shadow Plague on Mega-Brutal difficulty

Easier done than said.
Really... for now. Maybe there will be another update that fixes the problem.

WARNING: This walkthrough is a bit boring though, hope you could find an alternative dramatic strategy.

I'll just leave some key points here.
  • Mainly upgrade Blood Rage and Vampire Flight ability at the beginning.
  • DO NOT evolve Shadow Blessing. Just collecting DNA using Blood Rage ability to kill those puny humans.
  • After killing many people without spreading the plague, Templar Industries will be pissed off and fight against you. Now evolve Dark Ritual 1/2.
  • Don't worry about the fortress. Take them down one by one and heal your vampire by killing unarmed people. Templar Industries will go down in a minute.
  • Now collecting DNA as well as setting up lairs. It really takes some time to do.
  • When you have ~600 DNA pts, unleash the plague, rapidly spread your disease, create your blood pets and destroy WHO Labs.
  • With that many DNA pts in your hand, you may not fail.
  • If you do, then... try again?
149. Sadomasicist
Description: Beat Shadow Plague with no Shadow Slaves

Necroa Virus without zombies...
Shadow Plague without slaves...
So is it another NAZG achievement?
Nope, it's not scary at all.

Do it on Casual difficulty will save the trouble of the Cure.

There's not much I can say here. Follow a evolution path with higher lethality is enough. Don't be afraid of people dying fast, because you still have vampires to spread the plague.
150. Mr. Universe
Description: Discover the Mr. Universe Combo

Evolve Anabolic Boost and Muscular Hypertrophy.
Wait for 'Mr. Universe Combo' to pop up.

Combo effect: Increases infectivity.
151. Dark Night
Description: Discover the Dark Night Combo

Evolve Night Wraith and Travel Speed 2.
Wait for 'Dark Night Combo' to pop up.

Combo effect: ?
152. Silent but Deadly
Description: Discover the Silent but Deadly Combo

Evolve Corrupted Air, Night Wraith and Dark Infiltration.
Wait for 'Silent but Deadly Combo' to pop up.

Combo effect: ?
153. Dentist's Dream
Description: Discover the Dentist's Dream Combo

Evolve Hyperdontia, Masticatory Tension and Blood 2.
Wait for 'Dentist's Dream Combo' to pop up.

Combo effect: ?
154. Uphill Ice Skating
Description: Discover the Uphill Ice Skating Combo

Evolve Shadow Blades, Cold Tolerance and Air 1.
Wait for 'Uphill Ice Skating Combo' to pop up.

Combo effect: Increases combat strength in cold climates
155. Evil is a point of view
Description: Discover the Evil is a point of view Combo

Evolve Pallor, Anaemia, Pheromone secretion and Hyper Sensitivity.
Wait for 'Evil is a point of view Combo' to pop up.

Combo effect: ?
156. Blood Trumps All
Description: Discover the Blood Trumps All Combo

Evolve Malignant Pigmentation, Shadow Slaves and Cranial Elephantitis.
Wait for 'Blood Trumps All Combo' to pop up.

Combo effect: ? Make Vampires Great Again?
157. Carpe Jugulum
Description: Discover the Carpe Jugulum Combo

Evolve Steroidal Boost, Anabolic Boost and Masticatory Tension symptoms.
Wait for 'Carpe Jugulum Combo' to pop up.

Combo effect: ?
158. Welcome to Hellmouth
Description: Discover the Welcome to Hellmouth Combo

Evolve Shadow Portal, Dark Ritual 1 and Demonic Fury.
Wait for 'Welcome to Hellmouth Combo' to pop up.

Combo effect: Increases vampire strength.
159. Diamond Skin
Description: Discover the Diamond Skin Combo

Evolve Anaemia, Pallor, Photophobia and Dermal Calcification.
Wait for 'Diamond Skin Combo' to pop up.

Combo effect: Increases severity.
160. Bat Cave
Description: Discover the Bat Cave Combo

Evolve Bat 3 and Lair Healing 2.
Wait for 'Bat Cave Combo' to pop up.

Combo effect: ?
161. Essential Vitamins
Description: Discover the Essential Vitamins Combo

Evolve Blood 2, Hypocoagulability and Autophagia.
Wait for 'Essential Vitamins Combo' to pop up.

Combo effect: Increases infectivity.
162. Plague Dogs
Description: Discover the Plague Dogs Combo

Evolve Dog 2 and Weeping Sores.
Wait for 'Plague Dogs Combo' to pop up.

Combo effect: Increases infectivity.
163. Count Countula
Description: Carefully count your vampire's feeds

Apparently, this is a reference to Count von Count in Sesame Street.
Have 123 people killed in USA in exactly 123 days.
Why? Because the Count loves counting!

Here's how you do it:
  • Start in USA and evolve Blood Rage, Lair and Therianthropy.
  • Set up a Lair in USA.
  • Now using Blood Rage once and stop it immediately.
  • Check the number of the dead people.
    - If it's less than 70, back to the previous step.
    - If the dead population is between 70-123, save the game and proceed to the next step.
    - Otherwise if the dead population goes sky-high... you know what to do.
  • Now wait until the dead population in USA is EXACTLY 123. Leave USA right at the point and wait for the achievement to be unlocked.
  • Relative news will appear in the news banner on the 123-th day.
    - If you see "'Sesame Street Killer' on rampage in New York", you're on the right track.
    - If you see "Police find no pattern to New York murders" instead, then it means you have failed this achievement, try again.
Few words on Shadow Plague special events
Make sure you understand the following instructions and tips before proceeding to the Shadow Plague special events (No. 164-172).

1. The structure of the events
  • Just like Necroa Virus origin stories, there are 3 lines of stories for Shadow Plague. Each storyline has 3 achievements, which are different branches of the storyline.
  • Each storyline is associated with a specific country/region as well. They are Turkey (Shadow Pool), Central Europe (Dracula) and UK (Stonehenge)
  • News banner and pop-up news are important, so keep an eye on them. Especially for pop-up news, they always indicate an upcoming branching point.

2. How do I start these events?
Some key things to notice.
  • Start wherever you like, except Turkey, Central Europe and UK. You'll see why in a moment.
  • Unlock vampire flight ability and start flying around. Keep your vampire busy flying and make sure it doesn't kill too many people, or the events won't trigger.
  • If you want to trigger a random storyline, then try to avoid flying to Turkey, Central Europe and UK, as they are where the events begin.
    However, if you want to trigger a specific storyline, say Stonehenge (UK) storyline, then avoid flying to UK, while killing some people in Turkey and Central Europe. The other two are similar.
  • After 4 months or so, there will be relavant news in the news banner. And then you can begin your own explorations.
  • The relavant news are:
    - Shadow Pool storyline: "Caver in Turkey discovers deepest ever cave network"
    - Dracula storyline: "Historian discovers ancient map of Romania"
    - Stonehenge storyline: "Tourists topple Standing Stone at Stonehenge"

3. Other things
  • Recommended difficulty: Casual.
  • Be patient. Fail 10 times in a row is no big deal, especially for Stonehenge storyline.
  • Do NOT start spreading your disease at the very beginning. Otherwise the events won't probably trigger.
  • Use S/L function properly. It will save you a bunch of time.

Now let's get started.
164-166. Shadow Pool Event
164. Rock Bottom
Description: Consume the cavers exploring the Shadow Pool

165. Chiroptophobia
Description: Drive out cavers before sampling the Shadow Pool

166. Watery Grave
Description: Drown Templar scientists in the Shadow Pool

0. Key things to notice
  • Recommended genes: Mad Scientist, Budget Bat, Aquacyte, Extremophile and Brawler.
  • Do NOT let humans discover your vampire too soon, or you are done. Evolve Night Wraith and keep moving other countries after some time to avoid detection.
  • You can spread your disease to gain more DNA points, but don't get spotted too soon.
  • Leave Templar fortress alone. They have to hold their position before investigating the Shadow Pool.

1. Rock Bottom (No. 164)
  • Trigger this event. You'll see "Caver in Turkey discovers deepest ever cave network" in the news banner.
  • Now you can start spreading your disease, i.e. evolving Shadow Blessing. You can also set up some lairs to gain DNA points.
  • After a while, "Cavers expect to discover new species in Turkey cave network" will show up in the news banner.
  • Then the first pop-up news entitled "Shadow Pool discovered in Turkey" will show up.
    Note: Save progress if you want an easy access to achievements 165 and 166 as well.
  • Now evolve Blood Rage and perform a Blood Rage in Turkey immediately. Later, "Cavers vanish in Turkey" should pop up, saying that the cavers exploring the underground Shadow Pool have vanished.

2. Chiroptophobia (No. 165)
  • If you failed to perform a Blood Rage in Turkey in time, "Ancient human traces found by Shadow Pool" will appear instead.
    Note: Save progress if you want an easy access to achievement 166 as well.
  • Now evolve Bat 3 and infect Turkey immediately. Soon, "Bat attacks prevent Shadow Pool exploration" should pop up, saying that savage attacks from bats prevent further investigation on the Shadow Pool.

3. Watery Grave (No. 166)
  • If you don't evolve Bat 3, or you failed to infect Turkey in time, "Shadow Pool hosts unique ecosystem" will appear instead.
  • The following news will appear in the news banner afterwards.
    - Shadow Pool organisms baffle scientific community
    - Shadow Pool organisms 'billions of years old'
  • Now it's time to reveal your vampire and plague to the world!
  • Fully infect Turkey by evolving Blood Gift, Dark Cloud, Shadow Trail and Corruped Air.
  • Make a fuzz, evolve symptoms that increases infectivity and keep harvesting DNA points via Blood Rage at the same time.
  • Wait until Templars show up, don't attack them but rather wait.
  • The final branching point is coming. "First vampire 'came from Shadow Pool'" will pop up.
  • Now evolve Muscular Hypertrophy. Turkey will be filled with Shadow Slaves. Soon, "Templar mission to Shadow Pool fails" will pop up, stating that Templar scientists were overpowered by Shadow Slaves and drowned in the Shadow Pool.

4. What if I fail again...?
  • If you failed to do so, "Templar infiltrate Shadow Pool" will pop up, stating that Templar scientists have successfully reached the Shadow Pool to conduct experiments.
167-169. Dracula Event
167. Pus Explosion
Description: Oooze pus everywhere!

168. Wolf Pack
Description: Hunt down historian searching for Dracula's tomb

169. I am your Father
Description: Resurrect Count Dracula

0. Key things to notice
  • Recommended genes: Mad Scientist, Budget Bat, Aquacyte, Extremophile and Brawler.
  • Do NOT let humans discover your vampire, or you are done. Evolve Night Wraith and keep moving to other countries after some time to avoid detection.
  • You can spread your disease to gain more DNA points, but don't get spotted too soon.

1. Pus Explosion (No. 167)
  • Trigger this event. You'll see "Historian discovers ancient map of Romania" in the news banner.
  • Now you can start spreading your disease, i.e. evolving Shadow Blessing. You can also set up some lairs to gain DNA points.
  • After a while, "Historian's ancient map mentions Dracula" will show up in the news banner.
  • Then the first pop-up news entitled "Historian claims Dracula was real" will show up.
    Note: Save progress if you want an easy access to achievements 168 and 169 as well.
  • Now evolve Dark Pustules and infect Central Europe immediately. Later, "Ancient Dracula map destroyed" should pop up, saying that the historian destroyed the map because cysts on his hands burst.

2. Wolf Pack (No. 168)
  • If you don't evolve Dark Pustules, or you failed to infect Central Europe in time, "Dracula's tomb real" will appear instead.
    Note: Save progress if you want an easy access to achievement 169 as well.
  • Now evolve Wolf 2 and infect Central Europe immediately. Soon, "Historian eaten by wolves" should pop up, saying that historian is torn to pieces by wolves.

3. I am your Father (No. 169)
  • If you don't evolve Wolf 2, or you failed to infect Central Europe in time, "Historian translates Dracula manuscripts" will appear instead.
  • The following news will appear in the news banner afterwards.
    - Historian proves that Dracula drank blood
    - Historian reveals Dracula slain by mysterious traveller
    - Historian finds Dracula's killer belonged to secret group
    - Historian says Traveller was mortally wounded by Dracula
  • Now it's the final branching point. "Historian spots cryptic note about Dracula's return" will pop up.
  • Now evolve Blood Rage, Lair and Lair Healing 1 & 2, and perform a Blood Rage in Central Europe. Soon, "Dracula resurrected" will pop up, stating that Dracula is back to life. A new vampire will be created in Central Europe as well.

4. What if I fail again...?
  • If you failed to do so, "Dracula's body destroyed" will pop up, stating that Dracula's body is destroyed.
170-172. Stonehenge Event
170. Making Amends
Description: Help tourists repair the damage to Stonehenge

171. Greyscale
Description: Infect Stonehenge explorers

172. Power Overwhelming
Description: Consume the bones at Stonehenge

0. Key things to notice
  • Recommended genes: Mad Scientist, Budget Bat, Aquacyte, Xerophile and Native Biome.
  • Do NOT let humans discover your vampire too soon, or you are done. Evolve Night Wraith and keep moving other countries after some time to avoid detection.
  • This storyline is harder than the other two, be prepared.

1. Making Amends (No. 170)
  • Trigger this event. You'll see "Tourists topple Standing Stone at Stonehenge" in the news banner.
  • Now you can start spreading your disease, i.e. evolving Shadow Blessing. You can also set up some lairs to gain DNA points. In order to get spotted a bit sooner, it's recommended to start in Morocco and infect it afterwards.
  • After a while, "Ancient chamber uncovered at Stonehenge" will show up in the news banner.
  • Then the first pop-up news entitled "Mutated skeleton found at Stonehenge" will show up.
    Note: Save progress if you want an easy access to achievements 171 and 172 as well.
  • Now evolve Steroidal Boost and Anabolic Boost, and infect UK immediately. Later, "Apologetic Tourists replace Standing Stone" should pop up, saying that the Standing Stone was put back in place, but it crushed the grave underneath.

2. Greyscale (No. 171)
  • If you don't evolve Steroidal Boost or Anabolic Boost, or you failed to infect UK in time, "Mutated skeleton infected with XXX" will appear instead, where XXX is your disease name. However, it only appears when your plague has been spotted.
    Note: Save progress if you want an easy access to achievement 172 as well.
  • Now evolve Extreme Bioaerosol and infect UK immediately. Soon, "XXX infects Stonehenge team" should pop up, saying that your plague is able to bypass breathing filters and infect Stonehenge research team.

3. Power Overwhelming (No. 172)
  • If you don't evolve Extreme Bioaerosol, or you failed to infect UK in time, "Stonehenge may hold key to curing XXX" will appear instead, where XXX is your disease name.
  • By now, news banner will be flooded with Cure information, it's hard to keep tracking Stonehenge news. However, you have to pay attention to this piece of news: "Sacrificial altar found deep under Stonehenge"
  • Now it's time to reveal your vampire to the world! Destroy all those WHO labs to significantly slow down the Cure progress and harvest DNA points by killing people.
  • The final branching point is coming. "Templar declare Stonehenge a high risk location" will pop up.
  • Now evolve Blood Rage and Dark Ritual 1 & 2, and perform a Blood Rage in UK. Soon, "Stonehenge consumed by Shadow" will pop up, stating that the bones of the ancient vampires have been consumed. You'll also gain some DNA points.

4. What if I fail again...?
  • If you failed to do so, "Preemptive nuclear strike on Stonehenge" will pop up, stating that Stonehenge is to prevent the vampire from accessing the bones of the ancient vampires.
173-176. Brexit Achievements
173. No Brexit
Description: Stop Britain leaving the EU

174. Soft Brexit
Description: Help Britain softly leave the EU

175. Hard Brexit
Description: Encourage Britain to have a 'hard' Brexit

176. Brutal Brexit
Description: Put Britain on the road to madness when it leaves the EU

Don't be fooled by their purple background!
They will be unlocked using normal pathogens.

The following guide works on Normal difficulty with Bacteria, so we recommend you to do the same.

1. Start Brexit vote
  • Start in China.
  • Devolve any mutated traits for now on.
  • Now wait patiently. There will be a pop-up for the Brexit event, which is entitled "UK votes for Brexit in referendum".
  • Save game. See which kind of Brexit you want to trigger and refer to the corresponding section below.
Note: This pop-up usually appear before UK is infected, but you have to prepare for the unexpected cases. If 1% of the UK population is infected and the pop-up is still not showing up, please retry.

2. Soft Brexit (No. 174)
  • Now, your disease should be spreading under the radar. Wait until UK is infected.
  • Once UK is infected, evolve Insomnia, Paranoia and Cold Resistance 1 & 2 immediately.
  • Wait patiently. Before UK is fully infected, there should be a pop-up entitled "XXX triggers Soft Brexit", where XXX is your disease's name. Meanwhile, "Soft Brexit" achievement will be unlocked.
Note: If UK is fully infected, Brexit is likely to be cancelled. You'll miss this achievement, but you still have chance to unlock "No Brexit".

3. Hard Brexit (No. 175)
  • Now, your disease should be spreading under the radar. Wait until UK is infected.
  • Once UK is infected, evolve Insomnia, Paranoia, Cysts, Hyper Sensitivity and Cold Resistance 1 immediately.
  • Wait patiently. Before UK is fully infected, there should be a pop-up entitled "XXX triggers Hard Brexit", where XXX is your disease's name. Meanwhile, "Hard Brexit" achievement will be unlocked.
Note: If UK is fully infected, Brexit is likely to be cancelled. You'll miss this achievement, but you still have chance to unlock "No Brexit".

4. Brutal Brexit (No. 176)
  • Now, your disease should be spreading under the radar. Wait until UK is infected.
  • Once UK is infected, evolve Insomnia, Paranoia, Seizures, Insanity, Cysts and Hyper Sensitivity immediately.
  • Wait patiently. Before UK is fully infected, there should be a pop-up entitled "XXX triggers Brutal Brexit", where XXX is your disease's name. Meanwhile, "Brutal Brexit" achievement will be unlocked.
Note: If UK is fully infected, Brexit is likely to be cancelled. You'll miss this achievement, but you still have chance to unlock "No Brexit".

5. No Brexit (No. 173)
  • Now, your disease should be spreading under the radar. Wait until UK is infected.
  • Once UK is infected, evolve Water 1 & 2, Cold Resistance 1 & 2, Rash, Sweating, Skin Lesions and Necrosis. You can make your disease as severe as possible.
  • Brexit is likely to be cancelled due to concerns over your disease. There should be a pop-up entitled "Brexit cancelled due to XXX", where XXX is your disease's name. Meanwhile, "No Brexit" achievement will be unlocked.
Note: As I said before, this achievement can be unlocked in various ways. For example, you can obtain this one while failing the others.
177. Disease Master
Description: Complete all disease types on mega-brutal difficulty

Pretty self-explanatory.
See 029-035, 040, 042, 069 and 148 for help.
178. Scenario Master
Description: Score 3 biohazards in every Official scenario

3 casual biohazards are enough to have it unlocked. It shouldn't be hard.

Hint: For "alternative world" scenarios, Neurax Worm is the best pathogen to choose.
179. Fully Evolved
Description: Unlock all other Trophies

You'll have this achievement once you have all other achievements (001-178 & 180-234) unlocked.
180. Complete Where is Everyone?
Description: Score 3 biohazards in the Where is Everyone? scenario

There's a bug within this scenario - play Simian Flu and you'll see. It's fairly easy to score 3 biohazards, even on Mega Brutal (for now).

Update: The bug has been fixed, but the scenario is still fairly easy to score 3 biohazards.
181. Complete Mad Cow Disease
Description: Score 3 biohazards in the Mad Cow scenario

This one is hard. I'll try to update it later.
182. Sushi Crisis
Description: Start a Sushi Crisis in Japan

Use Mad Cow Disease in official scenario
Recommend on Casual difficulty

There's a couple of things to do:
  • Evolve Hermetic Storage Resilience, Frozen Storage Resilience, Preservative Storage Resilience and Fish transmission
  • Then just play normally and infect Japan
"Sushi Crisis in Japan" will eventually pop up.
Notice that it usually happens at the end of a game, so wait patiently.
183. Complete Flight Club
Description: Score 3 biohazards in the Flight Club scenario

Do it on Normal with Neurax Worm. It will make things a lot easier.
184. Complete Ultimate Board Games
Description: Score 3 biohazards in the Ultimate Board Games scenario

Embark on a journey to create a new board game, focus on good combinations and marketing, 3 biohazards shouldn't be a problem.
185-197. Board Game Combos
13 achievements are involved in this series:
- 185. Kind Of A Big Deal
- 186. A Colt Classic
- 187. Infecting Tabletops
- 188. Sinking Feelings
- 189. Party Hard
- 190. Taking Risks
- 191. Catan You Believe It?
- 192. Spelling Out Success
- 193. Killer Combo
- 194. Anything But Trivial
- 195. Welcome To The Jungle!
- 196. Plague-opoly
- 197. Awkward!

Description: Discover the XXX board game combo

The following table lists the requirements for each board game combo to trigger, but beware that:
1. You also need to choose at least one element in each category before announcing the board game. Otherwise it will be a broken game and the combo won't show up.
2. Only one combo can be triggered per game. So try to minimize the interference of irrelevant picks.

Player Number
Kind Of A Big Deal
A Colt Classic
Animals, Sports
Press Your Luck
Infecting Tabletops
Educational, Medical
Sinking Feelings
Press Your Luck
Party Hard
Family, Party
4+ Players
Taking Risks
Area Control
Catan You Believe It?
Area Control
Miniature, Tokens
Spelling Out Success
Competitive Play, Hand Management
Killer Combo
Anything But Trivial
Educational, Party
Welcome To The Jungle!
Player Elimination, Press Your Luck
Competitive Play, Trading
Adult, Family
198. Complete Science Denial
Description: Score 3 biohazards in the Science Denial scenario

At the beginning you'll receive a pop-up regarding the super science lab, play normally and keep an eye on taking down the country in which the lab was built.
199. The Cure Is A Lie
Description: Inspire an anti-cure protest

Play as Nano-Virus in the Science Denial scenario, evolve only transmissions and wait until the cure reaches 100%. "Miracle Cure Destroyed By Protesters" will pop up afterwards and this achievement will be unlocked.
200. We Love Fact Checkers
Description: Get Fact Checked.

Find Fake News Scenario, play it on Mega Brutal difficulty.
Choose your manifesto, balance virality and plausibility until the fake news gets discovered. After that, people will start fact checking, and all you need to do is wait for them to finish their job. Once the fake news loses all its believers, the achievement will be unlocked.
201. Filter Bubble
Description: Beat the Fake News Scenario on Normal.
202. Post-truth Society
Description: Beat the Fake News Scenario on Brutal.
203. On The Fence
Description: Tear the world in two with indecision.

Try it on Fake News Scenario.
All you need to do is make 40%-ish of the population deceived, another 40%-ish informed, and that's it.
204-211. Fake News Combos
8 achievements are involved in this series:

204. Making 'Heat' Waves
Description: Convince the world there is no environment crisis.

205. Hack Job
Description: Convince the world that the elections were rigged.

206. Gamergate
Description: Please don't review bomb us.

207. Generational Tensions
Description: Convince the world. Divide the world.

208. District 9
Description: Convince the world that the newcomers don't belong.

209. Independence Day
Description: Convince the world with an otherworldly threat.

210. Loch Ness Monster
Description: Convince the world of a legend in the loch.

211. Too Cute To Lie
Description: Convince the world it's not feline fine.

The following table lists the requirements for each fake news combo to trigger, but beware that:
1. Only one combo can be triggered per game, so try to minimize the interference of irrelevant picks.
2. You'll need to deceive a few millions of people. When "XXX Fake News Combo" pops up, where "XXX" is the type of the fake news, the achievement will unlock.

Starting in
Started By
Making 'Heat' Waves
Hack Job
A World Leader
Undermine Democracy
Generational Tensions
The Elderly
District 9
South Africa
Independence Day
A World Leader
Loch Ness Monster
Too Cute To Lie
212-218. XXX Cured!
7 achievements are involved in this series:
- 212. Bacteria Cured!
- 213. Virus Cured!
- 214. Parasite Cured!
- 215. Fungus Cured!
- 216. Prion Cured!
- 217. Nano-Virus Cured!
- 218. Bio-Weapon Cured!

Description: Save the world from XXX on any difficulty

Just a reminder: These achievements need to be unlocked in the Cure Mode.
219. I Will Find You
Description: Investigate a new disease outbreak.

In the Cure Mode, invest Investigate Outbreaks and Deploy Field Operatives, move the field team around to spot new diseases. This achievement will be unlocked after the pathogen is found.
220. Anti Vaxxer
Description: Save the world without using a vaccine

The following guide is based on Bio-Weapon + Brutal difficulty, which is also recommended. Moreover, achievement No. 221 can be obtained at the same time.
In the Cure Mode, invest Investigate Outbreaks, Government Partnerships and Deploy Field Operatives right after the game starts. Move the field team around to spot the new disease as quickly as possible.After spotting the new pathogen, invest Declare Armageddon, Expectation Management and Authority 1-3.
From this point on, the only thing you need to keep an eye out is Authority. It should be dropping fast later in the game. When it's below 60, invest Censorship; after censorship being thwarted, invest Fake News. Hopefully, all the infected will die before Authority drops to zero. And that's how you do it.

I'll admit, it's not a reliable approach given its ~10% success rate, but still viable. Just give it a try.
221. Doomsday Save
Description: Save the world with less than 5% of the world's population left.

Same as achievement No. 220, see above.
222. Humans weren't meant to fly
Description: Initiative combo: Humans weren't meant to fly

In the Cure Mode, invest Close Air Access in all 5 continents. Achievement will be unlocked when "Initiative combo: Humans weren't meant to fly" pops up.

Combo description: The grounding of aircraft around the world significantly disrupts supply chains. Vaccine Manufacturing slowed.
223. Shut down everything
Description: Do as Madagascar does

In the Cure Mode, invest Force Lockdown in all 5 continents. Wait for ALL countries/regions initiate lockdown (indicated by the yellow outline). After that, achievement will be unlocked when "Initiative combo: Shut down everything" pops up.
It is recommended to use Fungus on Normal difficulty with Checkpoint Enforcer in the task force.

Combo description: The entire world is in lockdown. Infection Rates reduced.
224. In it together
Description: Initiative combo: In it together

In the Cure Mode, invest Global Research Treaty and Global Manufacturing Treaty after analyzing the new pathogen. Achievement will be unlocked when "Initiative combo: In it together" pops up.

Combo description: Unprecedented global co-operation in vaccine development gives the world hope that humanity can pull together to stop the disease. Non-Compliance falls.
225. Report thy neighbour
Description: Initiative combo: Report thy neighbour

In the Cure Mode, invest Mask Wearing and Public Awareness after analyzing the new pathogen. Achievement will be unlocked when "Initiative combo: Report thy neighbour" pops up.

Combo description: Increased public awareness leads to surge in fines for failure to wear masks. Non-Compliance decreases.
226. We're here to help
Description: Initiative combo: We're here to help

In the Cure Mode, send the field team to an infected region WITHOUT investing Infection Control or PPE Package 1/2. Achievement will be unlocked when "Initiative combo: We're here to help" pops up.

Combo description: Poor infection control and a lack of PPE results in field operatives spreading infection.
227. Happy Frog
Description: Initiative combo: Happy Frogs

It is recommended to use Virus on Casual difficulty and save game before investing Censorship or Fake News.

In the Cure Mode, invest Vaccine Research and Field Reseach after analyzing the new pathogen. Then invest Censorship or Fake News, which will freeze Authority for 1 month. During this period, "Initiative combo: Happy Frogs" may pop up and achievement will unlock afterwards.
If you see both "XXX thwarted censorship attempts" and "XXX debunks fake news" instead, load a previous save file or retry.

Combo description: People falsely believe Field Research operatives are putting mind control drugs in the water supply. Increase infection rates.
228. Rules are for losers
Description: Initiative combo: Rules are for losers

It is recommended to use Virus on Casual difficulty and save game before investing Censorship or Fake News.

In the Cure Mode, invest Mask Wearing after analyzing the new pathogen. Then invest Censorship or Fake News, which will freeze Authority for 1 month. During this period, "Initiative combo: Rules are for losers" may pop up and achievement will unlock afterwards.
If you see both "XXX thwarted censorship attempts" and "XXX debunks fake news" instead, load a previous save file or retry.

Combo description: People falsely believe that face masks cause lethal CO2 poisoning. Increase infection rates.
229. Weapon X
Description: Initiative combo: Weapon X

It is recommended to use Virus on Casual difficulty and save game before investing Censorship or Fake News.
Note that Steroid Medication is only available for Virus, Nano-Virus and Bio-Weapon. Make sure you start with these pathogens!

In the Cure Mode, invest Steroid Medication after analyzing the new pathogen. Then invest Censorship or Fake News, which will freeze Authority for 1 month. During this period, "Initiative combo: Weapon X" may pop up and achievement will unlock afterwards.
If you see both "XXX thwarted censorship attempts" and "XXX debunks fake news" instead, load a previous save file or retry.

Combo description: People falsely believe governments are using steroid medication to breed a race of super soldiers. Increase infection rates.
230. Frozen Virus Cured!
Description: Save the world from Frozen Virus on any difficulty with a vaccine.

Fairly easy with Casual difficulty.
231. Support Bubble
Description: Fund all the special Field Operative upgrades in Frozen Virus.

In Frozen Virus Cure Mode, invest Regional Collaboration, Expanded Jurisdiction and Global Operations on the right side of the Operation page to unlock this achievement.
232-234. Frozen Virus - DrillZero storyline
232. Freeze things happen
Description: Unleash a new outbreak of the Frozen Virus

233. Snow Way
Description: Try to cover up the DrillZero site

234. Ice Find
Description: Study the DrillZero site

These 3 achievements can be unlocked in the Frozen Virus Cure Mode. Casual difficulty is recommended.

1. Basic Setup
Start in Germany. Invest Investigate Outbreaks, Government Partnerships and Deploy Field Operatives. Try to find the outbreak without sending the field operatives in one of these "far north countries": Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia.

Now keep an eye on the news banner. When a far north country (let's call it XXX) is infected, both "DrillZero announces expansion of permafrost mining to XXX" and "Experts warn permafrost mining in XXX may release pathogens" should appear with a red background.
Meanwhile, invest Vaccine Research, Infection Control and Authority 1. You may want to invest some initiatives to slow down the pandemic as well, since high infection/fatality rate will result in a failure.
Soon after, "DrillZero begins permafrost mining in XXX" will appear as well. At this time, the news banners may be cluttered up with government responses, so you need to pay extra attention to it. Now save the game as a branching point.

2. Freeze things happen (No. 232)
From the branching point, do nothing. Wait for "DrillZero spreads (pathogen name) in XXX" to pop up. Achievement unlocked.

3. Snow Way (No. 233)
From the branching point, send the field operatives to XXX. Then, "DrillZero site closed" will pop up. Now invest Censorship, when "Military takeover at former DrillZero site" pops up, the achievement will unlock.
Note: If Censorship time runs out, invest Fake News immediately. If both initiatives invested and still no pop-ups, load and try again.

4. Ice Find (No. 234)
From the branching point, send the field operatives to XXX. Then, "DrillZero site closed" will pop up. Now invest Outbreak Intelligence Unit, when "Breakthrough at former DrillZero site" pops up, the achievement will unlock.
Appendix. S
First, I'd like to present CABBAGE_MEDAL's work on all symptoms / special abilities, and here's the full collection:

To spare your loading time, I'll only include an overview of standard symptoms.

Tier 1 & 2

Tier 3

Tier 4
Greatly helped by [CN]SPolar, we can replace the cover with a brand-new & high-resolution one - hope you like it :)

We appreciate the following people for their help on this guide:
Freak From Hell for making a Russian version of this guide.
Hahkun for making his/her own "Russian/China Nuclear Retaliation" guides.
Robert for making his/her own "Insane Bolt" guide.
Tatsur0 and Barry McCockinner for making their awesome Mega-Brutal guides on all pathogens.
Mockbrand for making his/her own "Film Fanatic" guide.
Griroesh for making his/her own "I never asked for this" guide.
elpfan77 for making his/her own "Patient Who?" guide.
CABBAGE_MEDAL for making his/her own "Necroa Lava God" guide and the full version of Appendix. S.

Finally, thank you all for your support on this guide!
414 Yorum
LIZERGIN 18 Eyl @ 9:22 

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖


resulnurulla 8 Ağu @ 13:54 
Thx, I've completed all of them :DNA::deaths:
antonpogeee 2 Tem @ 23:43 
just did every achievement in the game thanks
boskolasta 12 Şub @ 12:44 
thank you. i'm trying to get every achievement for this game. :deaths:
Darth Goopy 17 Ara 2023 @ 13:00 
Hi for some of the fake news combos, the starting country is important and not listed. I went to the plague inc wiki to cross reference. Just needs slight tweaking in your guide
Mai Selph 10 Ara 2023 @ 3:20 
Κασσάνδρα ☣
I once lost a colony of apes by having them travel over water. I sent them to Greenland but they never arrived. I had other colonies, so I just continued playing, but maybe something similar happened to you.
Mousestar369 5 Kas 2023 @ 21:26 
May have been mentioned before, but in "Oink Oink", you also need to have Sneezing and Pneumonia symptoms, at least in the most current version of the game.
Sam 24 Eyl 2023 @ 14:51 
For "Peer Pressure", after ages of waiting with coughing i eventually devolved it and evolved nausea then the rumors started. Apparently ukrainians do not ever notice coughing.
magnus77 11 Mar 2023 @ 11:38 
For "Snow Way", make sure you DON'T have "Ethics Watchdog" on. Took me forever to figure out why Censorship wasn't there... Also Quarantine can ruin your achievement.
Kratus 11 Şub 2023 @ 15:23 
Finally got the NAZG achievement following the wiki guide, thanks for the tip!
One of the hardest trophies i ever got for sure.
Now the last ones to grind are Super Sparrow and BFF