STAR WARS™: Dark Forces

STAR WARS™: Dark Forces

123 ratings
Star Wars: Dark Forces 100% Secrets Guide (HARD Difficulty)
By Perish Heelturn
A Complete 100% Secrets Guide with commentary, hints, and snapshots including coordinates for all the secret locations of each mission level based on HARD Difficulty, practically served to you here on a silver platter!

Much thanks to the excellent FAQ/Walkthrough by KLoepelmann at which I had used as an information resource in making this guide. ENJOY! :)

Mission I: Secret Base
Mission I: Secret Base is all about honing your jumping skills when it comes to discovering secrets. Yes, LOTS of jumping around. Well, lots of jumping around, AND falling if you're not careful. Not that you'll perish from a fatal fall or something. More like you'll have to find your way back up and re-try over... and over... again! At least for the first four secrets. The rest are pretty straightforward.

Secret #1 (14%)

Coordinates: X:0226  Y:0.1  Z:0336  H:5.8

Hit the switch and find your way upstairs. Notice in both maps provided that the switch and secret wall are on the same pillar, just on different sides.

Coordinates: X:0236  Y:20.0  Z:0335  H:5.8

The secret wall should now be open to reveal some goodies. Run and jump across to get 'em.

Secret #2 (14%)

Coordinates: X:0155  Y:22.4  Z:0423  H:5.8

Run and jump across (again!) to get that little goodie!

Secret #3 (14%)

Coordinates: X:0258  Y:20.0  Z:0218  H:5.8

In order to get across, you have to run and insta-jump (yet again!) onto the platform opposite from where you are standing. This one is tricky as you have only so much space to do a sprint and a split-second jump. Expect a lot of falls (unless you're really lucky) and retries. Can get very frustrating this one.

Secret #4 (15%)

Coordinates: X:0359  Y:23.1  Z:0390  H:5.8

Run and jump across, and then turn left.

Secret #5 (14%)

Coordinates: X:0456  Y:-9.0  Z:0273  H:5.8

Go through the door with the red symbol, and flick a switch on the wall inside. A section of the wall will open up to a buncha goodies.

Secret #6 (14%)

Coordinates: X:0166  Y:-14.0  Z:0321  H:5.8

This secret is located behind the elevator mechanism. If the mechanism is blocking entry, just go back up the stairs, take the elevator up, and find another way back down here again. Yes, it's as simple as that. :) No funky you-have-to-rush-back-here-again-before-the-elevator-suddenly-decides-to-descend-by-itself nonsense.

Secret #7 (15%)

Coordinates: X:0388  Y:-20.0  Z:0361  H:5.8

Beware of the wall. Clicking on it will revolve you along with it, so be prepared to blast your way inside to claim your loot!

Mission II: Talay: Tak Base
Mission II: Talay: Tak Base only has three secrets. Yes, you read that right. The magical number THREE! :)

Secret #1 (33%)

Coordinates: X:0412 Y:2.0 Z:0073 H:5.8

Secret #2 (33%)

Coordinates: X:0302 Y:9.0 Z:0743 H:5.8

Crouch behind the counter to your left and activate the "hand" switch. Then and only then the secret panel at the bottom of the wall around the corner will reveal itself.

Secret #3 (34%)

Coordinates: X:0482 Y:-2.0 Z:0662 H:5.8

Mission III: Anoat City
If you like swimming, you're gonna like Mission III: Anoat City (or not!). Except that you won't be wading around in water but good ol' sludge! Lots of swift currents, long drains, Dianogas, droids, basically one big friggin' maze of a headache in some areas especially the drainage. Secret-wise though, it isn't that bad. Why? Because three out of five of them are in pretty close proximity alone. You'll see what I mean once you scan the maps.

Secret #1 (19%)

Coordinates: X:0182 Y:-4.0 Z:0279 H:5.8

Up on the ledge there. Yep, if you're viewing it from where I am showing you, you have gone too far. Before you jump down the waterfall, there is a thin ledge to your left you gotta traverse around to get to where the arrow is pointing up there.

Secret #2 (20%)

Coordinates: X:0250 Y:-20.0 Z:0287 H:5.8

Jump down into the sludge once you're done with Secret #1, make your way to the landing nearby and you'll see the wall.

Secret #3 (21%)

Coordinates: X:0247 Y:-20.0 Z:0271 H:5.8

The cool thing about this particular secret is that it is INSIDE Secret #2. So there you go. You just killed off three out of five secrets! :)

Secret #4 (20%)

Coordinates: X:0192 Y:-6.0 Z:0348 H:5.8

Secret #5 (20%)

Coordinates: X:0167 Y:-4.0 Z:0538 H:5.8

Waltz or run all the way INTO the waterfall in the horizon, and you'll discover a secret area.

Mission IV: Research Facility
Two keywords basically characterize Mission IV: Research Facility - cliffs, and ceiling turrets! As you can imagine, falling off cliffs isn't fun. But what really takes the cake are the ceiling turrets! I HATE CEILING TURRETS! Why? Because they take a chunk out of your shield and health when hit. And they hit HARD. Pixellated graphics don't help either, and by the time you spot them, that is IF you spot them, you'd have by then taken a few shots. And boy do they hurt big time, and will set your few precious lifes to dwindling in a small matter of time if you're not careful.

Secret #1 (19%)

Coordinates: X:0212 Y:-11.0 Z:0427 H:5.8

Jump across, explore further in and up the elevator for more goodies!

Secret #2 (20%)

Coordinates: X:-085 Y:48.0 Z:0495 H:5.8

Secret #3 (20%)

Coordinates: X:-274 Y:-3.0 Z:0086 H:5.8

Secret #4 (20%)

Coordinates: X:-104 Y:-32.0 Z:0258 H:5.8

Secret #5 (21%)

Coordinates: X:-166 Y:7.0 Z:0275 H:5.8

Mission V: Gromas Mines
Mission V: Gromas Mines was a great level to map... for secrets that is. Why? Because there was just four, FOUR miserable secrets with a value of 25% for each. That, and ALL FOUR secrets are located around the same small area, with two secret areas located within a secret room itself! Imagine that! That's 75% alone in one room!!! The catch is this though. Unlike some levels where you can backtrack and look for secret areas, in this level you have to hit the secret areas BEFORE you go any further. This is of course if you want to do it the legit and non-cheaty way. The moment you go too far and squeeze down over a platform, there is no going back. The elevator at the end at the start of the level you used to get up earlier will not lower itself down again, so you can't backtrack that way either. I had learned this the hard way, so be careful with this level. Have fun. :)

Secret #1 (25%)

Coordinates: X:0071 Y:21.0 Z:0309 H:5.8

See that distant wall far ahead on the right? DO NOT GO OVER THERE until you have gotten all your secrets.

Secret #2 (25%)

Coordinates: X:0086 Y:20.0 Z:0294 H:5.8

Secret #3 (25%)

Coordinates: X:0057 Y:20.0 Z:0294 H:5.8

Secret #4 (25%)

Coordinates: X:0119 Y:18.0 Z:0332 H:5.8

Mission VI: Detention Center
Just got back into playing Star Wars: Dark Forces on my Windows 7 system a couple of weeks ago. After playing it for awhile, I was suddenly struck by a strong sense of desire to do up a guide for all the secrets I had found in the game. Not just any guide. A GRAPHICAL GUIDE that is, which I had found to be interestingly lacking around the Net. Sure, there are a bunch of well-written guides and walkthroughs that provide coordinates and stuff, but I'm a visual person. And so, I will be mapping it as I go along deeper into the game. As of this writing, I am just starting on Mission VII. For now, I have completed a graphical secrets guide for Mission VI: Detention Center, which you will find below. The first of many to come. :)

Special thanks to the excellent FAQ/Walkthrough by KLoepelmann[] by KLoepelmann hosted at GameFAQs. I use it mainly as a reference point for gaming and finding secrets I miss. Anyways, onward with the visual Secrets...

Secret #1 (7%)

Coordinates: X:0110 Y:128.0 Z:0157 H:5.8

Secret #2 (7%)

Coordinates: X:0112 Y:148.0 Z:0359 H:5.8

Secret #3 (7%)

Coordinates: X:0181 Y:110.0 Z:0372 H:5.8

Secret #4 (7%)

Coordinates: X:0108 Y:128.0 Z:0437 H:5.8

Inside the hole, if you look up you will see a cracked section of the wall. Blowing up the section will allow you inside a new area with some goodies (which you will get to eventually anyway when you get the red door opened much later in the game). This extra area is optional and does not count as a secret.

Secret #5 (7%)

Coordinates: X:0089 Y:128.0 Z:0444 H:5.8

Blow up the cracked section above and jump up into it. It has been suggested in some quarters that it’s impossible to get into the small opening, and thus a cheat was needed. That’s not true. It can be done without any fancy moves actually. Just run straight at the hole and jump continuously to fit into it. Finesse be damned. All you want is the points, right? Not your ego stroked? LOL OK, fine, if ego is so important to you, there is the crouch-run-jump method as well which I have tried, and it works fine and dandy too. Very confined space to perform, but still doable. :)

Secret #6 (7%)

Coordinates: X:0102 Y:64.0 Z:0505 H:5.8

Detonating the mine in front of the wall will blow a hole through it.

Secret #7 (8%)

Coordinates: X:0144 Y:68.0 Z:0514 H:5.8

Just like Secret #6, detonating the mine in front of the wall will reveal the secret area.

Secret #8 (7%)

Coordinates: X:0155 Y:64.0 Z:0441 H:5.8

There's an elevator inside the secret area that leads down to more goodies.

Secret #9 (7%)

Coordinates: X:0107 Y:64.0 Z:0441 H:5.8

Secret #10 (7%)

Coordinates: X:0093 Y:64.0 Z:0461 H:5.8

Shoot the blue logo at the wall, and elsewhere on this level another part of a wall will open up. It’s actually the opposite far end left of the wall from the elevator you arrived earlier in (see next pair of screenshots below). So basically after you shoot that logo, you then have to run like hell back toward the newly revealed opening up in the wall, jump into it and enjoy your new loot. Good luck! :) But really, this is just worth 7%??? 7 friggin' percent?!?!?!

Coordinates: X:0089 Y:72.0 Z:0502 H:5.8

Secret #11 (7%)

Coordinates: X:0024 Y:-32.0 Z:0400 H:5.8

Secret #12 (7%)

Coordinates: X:0116 Y:-36.0 Z:0354 H:5.8

Secret #13 (7%)

Coordinates: X:0193 Y:62.0 Z:0542 H:5.8

Secret #14 (8%)

Coordinates: X:0232 Y:59.0 Z:0615 H:5.8

Mission VII: Ramsees Hed
Welcome to Mission VII: Ramsees Hed a.k.a. Thermal Detonator hell (or heaven if you look at it from a supply replenishment point of view)! That's right. Grans tossing them left, right and center without abandonment. And then there are them mines hiding behind crates, and energy barrels scattered around. Shoot/grenade one in the middle of a bunch and you set off a chain reaction of explosions. Yep, this is one of them levels where you can really get hurt, A LOT if you are not careful. In fact, you actually *need* to get hurt (more like blown up-ward, actually) in order to obtain one of the secrets, so keep your armour and health up as much as you can.

Secret #1 (14%)

Coordinates: X:-277 Y:-40.0 Z:0640 H:5.8

Secret #2 (14%)

Coordinates: X:-145 Y:-20.0 Z:0671 H:5.8

Secret #3 (14%)

Coordinates: X:-258 Y:-16.0 Z:0500 H:5.8

To get to this secret, firstly you have to run from one end to the other. So start from the bottom right of the map, run and jump onto the platform in the middle which will start rising, and then run and jump onto the bottom left platform. From there, follow the ledges until you come to a room with some goodies, and there will your secret be counted. In short, just follow my award-winning artwork of an arrow on the map. :)

Secret #4 (15%)

Coordinates: X:-162 Y:16.0 Z:0021 H:5.8

Secret #5 (14%)

Coordinates: X:-238 Y:25.0 Z:0484 H:5.8

So here's one of them painful puzzles to figure out. Yes, you gotta bleed a little (or a whole lot depending on the status of your armour and health) to get up there. And all you need is a little mine. Stick yourself against the stack of crates facing it, drop a mine, and continually press forward. The explosion will launch you in the air, and pressing forward will land you on the pile of armour goodies. BUT, thats NOT the secret, see? The *real* secret is in the newly blown hole next to it. Go in there, grab whatever, and voila, another secret counted. Yep, all this blowing-yourself-up-to-get-somewhere brings back good ol' memories of Doom and/or Doom II where I remember having to RPG myself into some secret area! :)

Secret #6 (14%)

Coordinates: X:-240 Y:9.0 Z:0573 H:5.8

Blow open the crate to access the goodies.

Secret #7 (15%)

Coordinates: X:-238 Y:17.0 Z:0588 H:5.8

This secret is just next door to Secret #6. And just like Secret #6, blow open the crate to access the goodies.

Mission VIII: Robotics Facility
Mission VIII: Robotics Facility's theme is ICE. Yes, lots of ice all around. Well, add conveyor belts, ceiling turrets and good ol' sludge to the mix, and you have an ice cold recipe for one helluva frigid playing time. Oh, and don't forget Dark Troopers in their various incarnations. Good luck. You'll need lots of it! :)

Secret #1 (11%)

Coordinates: X:0047 Y:2.0 Z:0494 H:3.0

Drop down the short ledge at the beginning, and crouch to enter the opening.

Secret #2 (11%)

Coordinates: X:-208 Y:-7.5 Z:0234 H:3.0

Secret #3 (11%)

Coordinates: X:-322 Y:-7.5 Z:0232 H:5.8

Crouch to get to the pointed area, and only there shall your secret score register.

Secret #4 (11%)

Coordinates: X:-277 Y:-7.5 Z:0237 H:5.8

The pointed area ahead looks familiar doesn't it? It should. It's just up ahead from Secret #3. Same deal. Crouch under and toward the area to get your secret counted.

Secret #5 (11%)

Coordinates: X:0002 Y:17.0 Z:0286 H:5.8

Yes, you can fit in those window slits! Crouch and jump to get through to the other side.

Secret #6 (11%)

Coordinates: X:-355 Y:14.0 Z:0245 H:5.8

See that switch with the red circle past the window slit on the right? Shoot that, and the door ahead will open. Run past the door all the way to the end (yes, RUN as fast as your feet can handle. Otherwise, the ceiling turrets around will make short work of you), and only there will the secret register. And no, that room with the red switch does not count as a secret (thank goodness!). You can try jumping through the window slit for the few goodies in there, but I didn't bother.

Secret #7 (11%)

Coordinates: X:-409 Y:13.0 Z:0192 H:5.8

Crouch and jump through the window into the room for some goodies.

Secret #8 (11%)

Coordinates: X:-410 Y:10.0 Z:0241 H:5.8

This is just around the corner from Secret #7. Run and jump across to the opposite belt ahead, and then just run through the window (you don't need to jump through the window). There will be a red door to your right. Open it and loot the oh-so-secret room! This is it for secrets involving running conveyor belts. Phew! Challenging yes, but them belts are absolutely annoying as hell!

Secret #9 (12%)

Coordinates: X:-218 Y:-40.0 Z:0391 H:5.8

Once past the opened door, if you walk a bit along the corridor up ahead, a wall to the right will open up behind you (which is where the arrow is pointing).

Mission IX: Nar Shaddaa
Mission IX : Nar Shaddaa started innocently enough. Nothing I needn't worry about in the beginning. There were the sprinkle of Gamorreans and Stormtroopers. Nothing I couldn't handle. Then I started coming across Thermal Detonator-tossing Grans! Again, since I had experience with those scumbags in the past, it wasn't anything new, and at least I knew what to expect coming my way. And I thought that was all there was. Unfortunately, I discovered to my fatal dismay a new breed of villainy in the mix - the Stouker Concussion Rifle-armed Trandoshans. Really nasty bad guys who can really dish it out... BAD! And they are almost everywhere in this mission. So watch your health - you can't access them secret areas and have 'em counted when you are dead!

Secret #1 (9%)

Coordinates: X:-026 Y:0.0 Z:-101 H:5.0

Shoot the red circled switch to activate and move the giant platform out of the way. Then you can access a small opening to the left of the wall ahead for some loot.

Secret #2 (10%)

Coordinates: X:-249 Y:36.0 Z:-198 H:5.8

Run and jump across to the opposite platform for more goodies and another secret counted.

Secret #3 (10%)

Coordinates: X:-161 Y:36.0 Z:-211 H:3.0

Click on the wall ahead, and it will open. Follow along the corridor until you come across a few mechanical compressors going up and down. To the left of the wall amidst the compressors, there is an opening for access to more goodies. Crouch and loot away. The secret will only register there.

Secret #4 (10%)

Coordinates: X:-134 Y:36.0 Z:-217 H:5.8

Just around the corner from Secret #3 here to the east.

Secret #5 (11%)

Coordinates: X:-313 Y:36.0 Z:-103 H:5.8

Personally, in my opinion, this has to be single-handedly the most frustrating secret to get to (until I figured out a way) among all the levels so far. I have tried simply running and jumping many times, but to no avail. Others have recommended grenade jumping. I have seen guys do it on Youtube, but I'm not that good at it. So, how did I get across there and still register the secret? Well, I improvised... with a mine! :) If you can run and jump all the way there, or even grenade jump, more power to you. But if it didn't work, well, you should find yourself at the bottom facing the wall instead.

Which is great, because that is where you want to be for this to work. Hug close to the wall by the corner, hold down your forward keystroke (which means you'll be continually running against the wall), right-click your mine (alternate fire), and after 3 beeps and a short pause, JUMP! Like grenade jumping, you are using the force of the explosion as a jump pad to propel you. Same thing with the mine. In this case, you are using the force of the explosion of the mine as a jump pad to propel you further up. It's all about timing your jump with the explosion. Good luck! :)

Secret #6 (9%)

Coordinates: X:-292 Y:24.0 Z:-237 H:5.8

See that particular section of the wall where the arrow tip is pointing to? Click on that specific wall to open it.

Secret #7 (10%)

Coordinates: X:-191 Y:32.0 Z:-356 H:5.8

Click on that wall to access the secret area.

Secret #8 (10%)

Coordinates: X:-203 Y:37.0 Z:-419 H:5.8

There is actually a wall up ahead where the corridor ends (not shown because I had already opened it). Click on the wall to open it, and then run and jump across to the opposite platform.

Secret #9 (11%)

Coordinates: X:-038 Y:-60.0 Z:-236 H:5.8

Run and jump onto that narrow ledge, make your way around the passage, and then run across (no need to jump) to the northern platform with a door on the right. Grab some goodies to your left, and then open that door to reveal an elevator. When you hop onto the elevator going down, your secret will be registered.

Secret #10 (10%)

Coordinates: X:-579 Y:30.0 Z:-470 H:5.8

Thermal Detonate the metal door ahead, and enter to collect your rightful loot.

Mission X: Jabba's Ship
Ever use your fists in the game thus far? If not, Mission X: Jabba's Ship will be a nice little introduction to using them. Not that you have much of a choice really in the beginning. Say "Hi" to your brand new punching bags with jaws - Kell Dragons!!! Ugh! Punch one and you'll see what I mean. Anyway, fists are fun to use against Gamorrean Guards though, and this level doesn't fail to disappoint when it comes to supply. Yes, it is FULL of Gamorrean Guards and... well, let's just say Jabba sure knows how to surround himself with the the kind of scum and villainy that I hate so much - grenade-tossing Grans and rifle-toting Trandoshans!

Secret #1 (11%)

Coordinates: X:0312 Y:-47.0 Z:0211 H:5.8

Click on the pointed wall ahead to reveal a secret area.

Secret #2 (11%)

Coordinates: X:0522 Y:-22.0 Z:0519 H:5.8

Activate the switch on the wall to raise the bridge, run to the middle of the bridge, turn around, and run and jump over to the opening. This has to be done fast as the bridge will only stay up for a short period of time. A little too slow and the bridge will sink back to the ground.

Secret #3 (11%)

Coordinates: X:0542 Y:-24.0 Z:0571 H:5.8

Do a simple mine-exploding jump to the opening above. Some walkthroughs say run and jump from the bridge to the opening. I am pretty skeptical with the run-and-jump approach with this one as the gap between the bridge and opening seem pretty far apart. I never got it to work even after numerous tries. Either way, if you can, good for you. But if you can't, you now know an alternative. Once you are done looting the area, STAY THERE! DON'T MOVE!! Now go and read up on Secret #4!!!

Secret #4 (11%)

Coordinates: X:0497 Y:-14.0 Z:0650 H:5.8

See that wall over there? Click on it, and it will open to reveal a stairway. Follow the stairway up until you reach an alcove. Across the room, you will see another alcove in the distance. Run and jump across to loot the other alcove and register yet another secret!

Secret #5 (11%)

Coordinates: X:0302 Y:0.0 Z:0296 H:5.8

A fresco of Jabba himself! Sheesh! Click on the fresco for Jabba's gift to you. :)

Secret #6 (11%)

Coordinates: X:0405 Y:3.0 Z:0236 H:5.8

Jump onto the counter and click on the designated wall to reveal yet another secret stash.

Secret #7 (11%)

Coordinates: X:0422 Y:-6.0 Z:0057 H:5.8

Click on that specific wall to open it.

Secret #8 (11%)

Coordinates: X:0339 Y:1.0 Z:0197 H:5.8

If you are looking at the pointed area from the same distance like I am, there should be a switch behind you. Flick the switch, and the wall should open up just like what the snapshot looks like. Go behind the wall, and there should be an opening with loot in it.

Secret #9 (12%)

Now this one secret is a major pain in the a$$, both figuratively and literally. Make your way around the pit to the other side, and then run and jump over to the second compartment. Some walkthroughs say flick a switch on your downward fall. I haven't gotten that to work on my first playthrough since I had no idea then exactly where the heck that switch was.

But now I do... from the bottom up! See that switch up the hollow compartment you just fell from? That's what you want to click on to open up a secret room elsewhere. If you are one of them uber-pros who managed to flick it on the way falling down, sweet. If not, there's still hope.

Position yourself exactly on Coordinates: X:0274 Y:-32.0 Z:0009, and FACE NORTH! I can't stress the direction enough. Double-check your map if you have to. You don't wanna blow yourself up for nothing (pun intended). Get ready your mine, alternate-fire drop it, and then when it's about to explode, keep pressing "E" continuously to spam use/activate until you hear some buzzing sound. Yep, that, my good man/woman, IS the sweet sound of a secret wall opening. :P Down there in the pit with the Gamorrean guards, you will see the opening. Go in, take in the wondrous sight, and earn another secret recorded.

Mission XI: Imperial City
Whoever designed Mission XI: Imperial City must seriously have a fetish for platforms. Seriously, four out of five of the secrets are platform-oriented, and this platform madness isn't just limited to secret areas alone. In fact, the whole level is full of platforms! Half the time I had no idea where to face what when the platform starts moving up/down. And of course, wherever it stops, you can expect the usual Stormtroopers (it IS an Imperial facility after all) and/or droids just waiting to lend a hand to depleting your hitpoints. The much-dreaded ceiling turrets make a minor appearance throughout this level as well. Minor yes, but enough to put a serious dent on your health if you are not careful. And so, you have been warned.

Secret #1 (19%)

Coordinates: X:0923 Y:170.5 Z:0479 H:5.8

Go right up to the wall, and click on it. A panel below will open. Go through it, and a platform will bring you up to a seriously-you-call-this-a-secret area.

Secret #2 (21%)

Coordinates: X:0449 Y:115.5 Z:0067 H:5.8

Position yourself right in the middle of the Emperor's face. Click "E" to use/activate to slide open a panel to reveal a white button. Shoot/punch the white button, and the platform will bring you up to a nice little goodie around the corner!

Secret #3 (20%)

Coordinates: X:0388 Y:124.5 Z:0038 H:5.8

Shoot the red bullseye! When the platform descends, another red target will be revealed. Shoot/punch the new target on the wall. The platform will then ascend, and you can claim some loot.

Secret #4 (20%)

Coordinates: X:0531 Y:148.0 Z:-223 H:5.8

While riding the platform down, look towards one of them alcoves toward the northeast. They all look almost the same, so pay special attention to the Y coordinate as the platform descends level by level.

Secret #5 (20%)

Coordinates: X:0757 Y:194.0 Z:-132 H:5.8

Edge carefully along the thin ledge to the above coordinates. May I suggest you engage WALK instead of RUN when you do this? :P

Mission XII: Fuel Station
And here's my New Year's gift to you gamers - a guide for Mission XII: Fuel Station. What makes this such a special gift you may ask? Well, it is only one of two mission levels which has a MEASLY two secrets. Nope, that's not a typo. I really mean TWO! A completist's sigh of relief! :) Of course the respawning - yes, you read that right, R-E-S-P-A-W-N-I-N-G - of Stormtroopers makes up for the lack of secret-area-hunting-excitement. Which was all as well since getting blasted by a stormtrooper out of nowhere while looking for secret areas is totally uncool. Sure, they still can't aim to save their lives, but what they lack for in aiming talent, they make up for in respawning numbers. A bunch of happy-go-lucky white suits materializing out of nowhere making point blank shots can still do some serious damage overtime. So, watch your back. I found myself looking behind A LOT in this mission level. Did I also mention that those concussion-rifle-loving Trandoshans have stubbornly decided to stay and try to bring your lives down a few notches?

Secret #1 (50%)

Coordinates: X:0014 Y:16.0 Z:-259 H:5.8

This secret area is located northeast from the circular rotating platform.

Secret #2 (50%)

Coordinates: X:-175 Y:74.0 Z:-330 H:5.8

Click anywhere along that long white wall and it will open for your looting pleasure.

Mission XIII: The Executor
Just like Mission XII, Mission XIII: Executor only has two secret areas. The lull before the storm they say. Still, this level is chock full of supplies. Which is great since this is the second last mission before the finale. I don't know about you, but I always like to load up before the finale because you just never know how much of a nasty piece of work the end boss can be. Well, end bosses usually are bada$$e$. It's just a matter of to what degree. And so, every piece of ammo counts just as much as every med kit and shield you come across. Anyway, mainly lots of Stormtroopers, and several Dark Troopers. Yep, them Dark Troopers are showing up more frequently, which can only mean one thing - there will be more of them in the Final Mission. So lock and load up!

Secret #1 (%)

Coordinates: X:-666 Y:92.0 Z:0216 H:5.8

On this fifth platform, flick the switch around the corner of this control pillar. The northern part of the wall should open up to reveal a small alcove. Run across into the alcove and load up.

Secret #2 (%)

Coordinates: X:-595 Y:-8.0 Z:0142 H:5.8

See that little panel at the bottom of the wall around the corner? So much for it being secret!

So there you go ladies and gentlemen! The end is nigh. Are you ready for the finale? Here it comes...

Mission XIV: Arc Hammer
Mission XIV: Arc Hammer is massive, as in massively challenging (I am guessing it's even more so in Hard mode?!). Anyway, yeah, you guessed it - Dark Troopers galore. Five secrets in total with Dark Troopers sprinkled around the map, some more concentrated than others (at least they don't respawn like the white suits do!). The annoying conveyor belts make an appearance as well as the much-despised ceiling turrets - the former designed to frustrate while the latter simply present to blast you into oblivion in one last desperate attempt. Good luck! And with that, I hereby present to you the final secrets guide for the final mission level of Star Wars: Dark Forces. Use it wisely, and may the Force be with you!

Secret #1 (19%)

Coordinates: X:-056 Y:122.0 Z:0181 H:5.8

See that little corrider tucked away into a corner? Simply run and jump across to get to it.

Secret #2 (20%)

Coordinates: X:-395 Y:136.0 Z:-021 H:5.8

Run and jump towards that red switch on the pillar and flick it while falling. Now make your way back towards the room with the red circled door earlier where you faced the Dark Trooper.

Coordinates: X:-306 Y:92.0 Z:0002 H:4.0

That bottom part of the wall should now open up. Loot away!

Secret #3 (20%)

Coordinates: X:-351 Y:64.0 Z:0490 H:5.8

Ever heard of the quote "you are what you eat"? I hope you haven't had pancakes for breakfast because that's what's gonna happen to you if you are not careful. There are two small holes along the walls (check out the map), one on each side (1 east and 1 west). You are supposed to use those for a brief respite from the crushing ceiling, and zig-zag your way to the other end of the room.

Now I say supposed-to because the design didn't work out that well for me. Either that, or I just couldn't pull it off well enough. I don't know. But what I do know was I found a satisfactory way to do it without getting killed. How? I SKIPPED the east hole entirely.

That's right. The reason is because the east hole is practically a hole. The west side looks like a hole but it isn't. It's flat. Running from one flat spot to another is a lot quicker than jumping out of a hole to run to another flat spot. Every millisecond counts. So I volunteered to be a temporary pancake twice - one to and one fro - just using the west "hole" as a go-between (it's possible to avoid getting squished on the way back out from the west "hole" but your timing has to be perfect). Just my personal take on it, so do what thou wilt.

Secret #4 (20%)

Coordinates: X:-450 Y:64.0 Z:0413 H:5.8

Jump across to the other side to get your loot and secret counted. When you're done, DON'T MOVE! STAY THERE, and go read up on Secret #5 next.

Secret #5 (21%)

Coordinates: X:-474 Y:64.0 Z:0460 H:5.8

If you turn to face your left, you will be facing a wall. Now that's not just any wall. It's a very special wall. Click on it, and it will open to reveal a narrow passage. Follow the winding passage. Once you reach the end, see that other platform across there? That's right. Just run and jump to the other platform to register the final secret in the game.

And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Now you can retire from this game happy with the knowledge (and major bragging rights) that you had a 100% Secrets Accomplishment for Every Single Mission Level in Star Wars: Dark Forces without using a single cheat (I don't count LADATA as a cheat)! Yay! :D

dangermouse 13 Mar @ 4:49am 
Yes it is. I used this guide a few years back on DF + DarkXL. Now the remaster is here I've had a blast playing through the game again (great cutscenes!) - and now on hard mode 100% secrets. Thanks for a great guide!
CrixMadine 10 Mar @ 8:15pm 
Thanks to Nightdive this great guide is probably getting lots of new visitors!
erc 9 Aug, 2023 @ 3:01am 
Other than those two I mentioned below, the guide checks out. Thanks to TFE 1.09, CP 3.0 and your guide, I could effortlessly play and complete the game with 100% secrets... for the first time, ahem, 28 years after its release. Heh. The game is great tho', especially considering the standards its time. :isitcoffee:
erc 8 Aug, 2023 @ 9:58pm 
Hasn't anybody noticed yet that the automap draws Sam (of S&M fame) when one gets into the area in the first secret of M7: Robotics Facility? Anyway, on the same mission, #6 is not a secret but the sole way of progression into the facility. For #8, you have to jump through *that* window, as the door requires the red key to unlock, which is right there, in the same room.
d985818388 19 Jun, 2022 @ 3:59am 
Damn it. I watched a walkthrough an realised that there's a running ability T_T
On shift. Never noticed before.
d985818388 19 Jun, 2022 @ 3:47am 
Mission IV 1st secret. How??? Is it even possible to jump across? Katarn isn't a jedi yet )
Preston 5 Nov, 2020 @ 1:09pm 
Mission 6, secret 5: To easy got there try following:
- stand right next to the wall
- hold "crouch" key
- start alternatively pushing "forward" and "jump" keys (while still holding crouch key), fast, one after another. You'll be there in a few seconds
gmancali 8 May, 2020 @ 7:34am 
Thanks for the guide, I clearly need to work on my run and jump technique! :)
garrythegamegarry 24 Mar, 2020 @ 11:27am 
I have torn my hair out thinking about where these secrets could be hiding for the last 20 years. But with this great looking guide, I will finally claim victory over the secrets.
doughboy5 1 Sep, 2019 @ 8:32pm 
Mission VII secret 5, you can actually jump up without involving explosives, if you start from the crate to the right, and run and jump at the right angle.