Batman™: Arkham Origins

Batman™: Arkham Origins

35 rating
How to change the Field of View (FOV)
Oleh Mr [Gh0st]
There is no settings to change the FOV ingame.
So here is the way to change it by add some commands in a game configuration file.
Batalkan favorit
How to do that ?
This modification will allow you to change the field of view (FOV)
whenever you want while you are in game.

Search for the file BmInput.ini at this location :
Steam\SteamApps\common\Batman Arkham Origins\SinglePlayer\BMGame\Config

Open it and find [BmGame.RPlayerInput]. In this section, look for these exact lines :

Bindings=(Name="NumPadTwo",Command="DebugCameraDown | OnRelease StopDebugCameraMovement") Bindings=(Name="NumPadFour",Command="DebugCameraLeft | OnRelease StopDebugCameraMovement") Bindings=(Name="NumPadSix",Command="DebugCameraRight | OnRelease StopDebugCameraMovement") Bindings=(Name="NumPadEight",Command="DebugCameraUp | OnRelease StopDebugCameraMovement") Bindings=(Name="NumPadSeven",Command="DebugCameraForward | OnRelease StopDebugCameraMovement") Bindings=(Name="NumPadOne",Command="DebugCameraBack | OnRelease StopDebugCameraMovement") Bindings=(Name="NumPadNine",Command="DebugCameraZoomIn | OnRelease StopDebugCameraMovement") Bindings=(Name="NumPadThree",Command="DebugCameraZoomOut | OnRelease StopDebugCameraMovement")

And change them by these :

Bindings=(Name="NumPadZero",Command="FOV 0") Bindings=(Name="NumPadOne",Command="FOV 32") Bindings=(Name="NumPadTwo",Command="FOV 75") Bindings=(Name="NumPadThree",Command="FOV 80") Bindings=(Name="NumPadFour",Command="FOV 85") Bindings=(Name="NumPadFive",Command="FOV 90") Bindings=(Name="NumPadSix",Command="FOV 95") Bindings=(Name="NumPadSeven",Command="FOV 100") Bindings=(Name="NumPadEight",Command="FOV 105") Bindings=(Name="NumPadNine",Command="FOV 110")

Note : FOV with value 0 reset to default and FOV with value 32 is a zoom.

How to use this ingame ?
On a very simple way, use a finger to press the numpad buttons on the very right of your keyboard.
From zero to nine, and use the one you prefer.

Simple as that.

# NumPad 0 (FOV 70 (Default))
# NumPad 1 (FOV 32 (Zoom))
# NumPad 2 (FOV 75)
# NumPad 3 (FOV 80)
# NumPad 4 (FOV 85)
# NumPad 5 (FOV 90)
# NumPad 6 (FOV 95)
# NumPad 7 (FOV 100)
# NumPad 8 (FOV 105)
# NumPad 9 (FOV 110)

Now enjoy your game with a better view !

12 Komentar
PickLock 20 Des 2024 @ 5:45pm 
You're missing the steps from the source instructions:

3.Locate section [Engine.PlayerInput], select all lines that starts with Bindings here and copy it Ctrl+C.

4.Locate section [BmGame.RPlayerInput] and after last line paste all these Bindings lines you've copied earlier.

Without doing this, there is no player input except for the numpad keys/fov
Mr [Gh0st]  [pembuat] 29 Agu 2024 @ 1:16pm 
Ah that's clever :okey:
ragels4 29 Agu 2024 @ 2:06am 
nvm i just used the on screen keyboard
Mr [Gh0st]  [pembuat] 28 Agu 2024 @ 12:46pm 
@ragels4 then choose some other keys from your keyboard :whaat:
ragels4 26 Agu 2024 @ 1:21pm 
what if i dont have a numpad???
Peter 15 Mar 2024 @ 6:41am 
Kat 20 Agu 2023 @ 5:42pm 
Lol as his cape stretches.
Coot 17 Agu 2016 @ 2:48pm 
Is there a way to just pull the camera back and not just change the FOV? I find that once I use the field of view that gets Batman where I want him, the view ahead of him looks much to narrow and squished like you're looking at the world through a coke bottle.
Mr [Gh0st]  [pembuat] 31 Jul 2016 @ 3:34am 
Ah désolé pour le soucis
Je ne sais malheureusement plus vérifier ce qui ne va pas chez moi, car le jeu n'est plus installé.
Ce que je peux proposer pour le moment, c'est ceci (qui m'a d'ailleurs servi au départ), en attendant correction.

Try this solution for the moment, while I found a way to fix mine.
Aragourde 30 Jul 2016 @ 3:20pm 
Salut ! J'ai essayé ton mod mais ça ne fonctionne pas ! Je pense avoir le même souci que la personne ci-dessous, à savoir que les lignes ne sont pas dans la bonne "section" du fichier... tu saurais régler le problème ? (parce que je viens de l'installer, et le FOV est vraiment dégueu' :/ ).