Renowned Explorers: International Society

Renowned Explorers: International Society

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Treasure Guide (updated for patch #27)
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A list of the treasures you can find in Renowned Explorers and how to obtain them. Contains massive spoilers.
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Hello. In this guide you will find all the treasures that can currently be obtained in Renowned Explorers and how to obtain them. They have been divided up into each expedition they come from for ease of use.

Not using the dlc? You need this version instead:
Only have More to Explore and not Emperor's Challenge? You need this version instead:

This goes without saying, but I'll mention it anyway:




08/12/21: Updated the Voodoo Treasure pools.
14/03/18: Updated Andes re. Peace Poncho not required for the Treasure.
04/12/17: Minor corrections and updates.
10/10/17: Updated for patch #25
14/07/17: Added Mean override to Quick Thinker check on Swamp Monster.
08/07/17: Added note about the incredible difficulty of getting the Shrunken Head currently.
06/07/17: Added Royal Kris to the Sword Fool's options for Swords.
29/06/17: Added details for refusing to do the final check completely for Stirling Head/Unicorn Tapestry.
25/06/17: Updated details for fighting Chuckles with an advantage in Mali for the Elephant's Skull.
24/06/17: Updated another override on Irene's Skull.
19/06/17: Updated Key of Heart with Serious addition for the Quick Thinker roll (+35% chance if crew member has the 'Serious' perk)
06/06/17: Updated with some minor changes here and there.
02/06/17: Updated changes to Irene's Skull and Pranjnaparamita in 457
25/05/17: Updated new Saviour of Hungary pools added in recent patch.
21/05/17: Clarified Unicorn Tapestry success/failure options. Also updated Key of Heart override.
20/05/17: Updated Carved Ace/Saviour of Hungary details to match game changes.
18/05/17: Updated with new Mali treasure/Hungarian MIx change.
10/05/17: Version 3 released. All new treasures accounted for.
17/05/17: Updated Irene Skull with skill override.
World Map

RE:IS Membership
1 Insight 50 Renown
You gain 2 Supply capacity

How to obtain:
You are given it after your first expedition.

The Origin of Species II
2 Insight 150 Renown
+1 Campaign and +1 Collect when spending Insight on Study.

How to obtain:
Awarded for completing the last research paper in the Natural Sciences research tree.
Starter Islands
ATTENTION: All 3 starter islands have treasures that overlap - that is, some treasures can be found in more than one of them. See Appendix B for a list of what each starter island can award.

Baryonyx Claw
Rank: A
2 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Earth
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Celtic Code
Boss: After defeating the boss, select "to become the most famous and respected explorer" (75%.)

Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Devious.
Gain an extra 2 Campaign if you resolve an encounter Devious.
Gain an extra 2 Collect if you resolve an encounter Devious.
Gain an extra 2 Study if you resolve an encounter Devious.

Ammonite Fossil
Rank: C
1 Insight 25 Renown
2 x Earth

How to obtain
Celtic Code
Ancient Woodlands: Pass the wheel and select "a helix fossil" (75%.)

Check #1: Speech Defense/Scientist/Naturalist

Forest Cliff: Look for treasure at the bottom of the cliff (33%).

Forest Cliff: If you have a level 1 Athlete or Survivalist in your party, choose to climb the cliff and "look for a fossil" (75%.)

Stegoceras Skull
Rank: B
1 Insight 50 Renown
2 x Earth
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Celtic Code
Ancient Woodlands: Pass the wheel and select "a herbivore skeleton" (75%.)

Check #1: Speech Defense/Scientist/Naturalist

All Scientists gain +10 Speech.
All Scientists gain +10 Attack.

Celtic Leaf
Rank: C
1 Insight 25 Renown
2 x Celtic

How to obtain
Celtic Code
Keeper of the Grove: Win the battle with a Friendly mood (33%) or Devious mood (25%)

NOTE: If you have completed the Gargoyle Code, winning the battle with a Devious mood will award the Skull of Cernunnos instead.

Viking Landing
Goody Hunt: After the battle, select "a celtic amulet" and go to the X (75%).

NOTE: If you have completed the Gargoyle Code, you will instead have a 50% chance of receiving this treasure.

Celtic Horned Helmet
Rank: A
1 Insight 75 Renown
2 x Celtic
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Celtic Code
Boss: After defeating the boss, select "to be a wealthy and successful adventurer" (75%.)

+4-6 Research from Encounter
+10-15 Gold from Encounter
+10-15 Status from Encounter

Celtic Cross
Rank: B
1 Insight 50 Renown
2 x Celtic
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Celtic Code
Keeper of the Grove: Win the battle with a Friendly mood (33%) or Devious mood (50%)

NOTE: If you have completed the Gargoyle Code, winning the battle with a Devious mood will award the Skull of Cernunnos instead.

+0-1 Research from Campaign.
+0-1 Research from Collect.

Sea Sapphire
Rank: A
1 Insight 75 Renown
2 x Earth
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Celtic Code
Boss: After defeating the boss, select "to know everything there is to know" (75%.)

+1 Study at the end of each expedition for each level of Archaeologist in your crew.
+1 Study at the end of each expedition for each level of Engineer in your crew.
+1 Study at the end of each expedition for each level of Naturalist in your crew.

Druid Quartz
Rank: C
1 Insight 25 Renown
2 x Earth

How to obtain
Celtic Code
Forest Cliff: Look for treasure at the bottom of the cliff (33%).

Forest Cliff: If you have a level 1 Athlete or Survivalist in your party, choose to climb the cliff and "look for a quartz" (75%.)

Saxon Kings
Quartz Mine: Choose to mine straight away (25%.)

Sun Stone
Rank: B
2 Insight 50 Renown
2 x Earth
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Celtic Code
Forest Cliff: Look for treasure at the bottom of the cliff (33%).

Forest Cliff: If you have a level 1 Athlete or Survivalist in your party, choose to climb the cliff and "look for crystals" (75%.)

All Scouts gain +10 Speech.
All Scouts gain +10 Attack.

Sword of Justice
Rank: A
1 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Saxon
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Saxon Kings
Boss: After defeating the boss, choose "to investigate the tomb" and pass the wheel check (75%):

Check #1: Speech Defense/Scientist/Archaeologist

+1 Encounter at the end of each expedition for each level of Athlete in your crew.
+1 Encounter at the end of each expedition for each level of Tactician in your crew.
+1 Collect at the end of each expedition for each level of Athlete in your crew.
+1 Collect at the end of each expedition for each level of Tactician in your crew.

Saxon King's Mantle
Rank: B
1 Insight 50 Renown
2 x Saxon
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Saxon Kings
Saxon Castle: Choose to look for the throne room and pass the wheel check (75%):

Check #1: Fighters/Level 1 Athletes

All Speakers gain +10 Speech.
All Speakers gain +10 Speech Defense.

Prince's Skull
Rank: C
1 Insight 25 Renown
2 x Saxon

How to obtain
Saxon Kings
Saxon Castle: Choose to search for the catacombs and pass the wheel check (75%):

Check #1: Scientists/Level 1 Archaeologists

Viking Landing
Battles of Old: Choose to search the battlefield, you have a 33% chance of obtaining this.

Battles of Old: If you have a level 1 Tactician in your party, choose to analyze the history of the battlefield and "look carefully for bones" (75%.)

Saxon Knight
Rank: C
1 Insight 25 Renown
2 x Saxon

How to obtain
Saxon Kings
Saxon Castle: Choose to look for the king's bedroom and pass the wheel check (75%):

Check #1: Scouts/Level 1 Quick Thinkers

Saxon Monastery: Choose to push the heavy statue of Týr and pass the wheel check (75%):

Check #1: Armor/Fighter/Athlete

Saxon Ring
Rank: B
1 Insight 50 Renown
2 x Saxon
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Saxon Kings
Saxon Monastery: Choose to go to the monastery basement and pass the wheel check (75%):

Check #1: Grit/Speech Power/Quick Thinker

+1 Campaign when spending Insight to perform a Campaign job with a Speaker.
+1 Collect when spending Insight to perform a Collect job with a Fighter.
+1 Collect when spending Insight to perform a Collect job with a Scout.
+1 Study when spending Insight to perform a Study job with a Scientist.

Saxon Golden Horse
Rank: A
1 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Saxon
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Saxon Kings
Boss: After defeating the boss, choose "to track the treasure near the cliffs" and pass the wheel check (75%):

Check #1: Armor/Grit/Athlete/Survivalist

+1 Collect at the end of each expedition for each level of Quick Thinker in your crew.
+1 Collect at the end of each expedition for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+1 Collect at the end of each expedition for each level of Survivalist in your crew.
Starter Islands (Continued)

Golden Cloud
Rank: B
1 Insight 50 Renown
2 x Earth
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Saxon Kings
Quartz Mine: Choose to mine straight away (25%.) You can pass an optional check by asking the gold expert to raise your chance to 75%:

Optional Check #1: Speech Power/Speaker/Beguiler

Quartz Mine: Choose "A weird skeleton reveals a hidden entrance" then pass a check (odds unknown):

Check #1: Grit/Attack Power/Rogue

NOTE: Only available if you have completed the Gargoyle Code.

+1-3 Gold from Campaign.
+1-2 Gold from Study.

Rank: A
2 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Earth
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Saxon Kings
Boss: After defeating the boss, choose "to try to convince the locals" and pass the wheel check (75%):

Check #1: Speaker/Speech Power/Beguiler/Diplomat

+6-10 Research and +20-25 Gold from Discovery
+20-25 Status and +6-10 Research from Secret
+20-25 Gold and +20-25 Status from Treasure Hunt

Clear Amber
Rank: C
1 Insight 25 Renown
2 x Earth

How to obtain
Celtic Code
Ancient Woodlands: Pass the wheel and select "some amber nearby" (75%.)

Check #1: Speech Defense/Scientist/Naturalist

Ancient Woodlands: Choose "just starting excavating the safe areas" (odds unknown.)

Saxon Kings
Quartz Mine: Choose to mine straight away (25%.) You can pass an optional check by doing some research to raise your chance to 75%:

Optional Check #1: Speech Defense/Scientist/Naturalist

Quartz Mine: Choose "A weird skeleton reveals a hidden entrance" then pass a check (odds unknown):

Check #1: Grit/Attack Power/Rogue

NOTE: Only available if you have completed the Gargoyle Code.

Pipe Rock
Rank: C
1 Insight 15 Renown
1 x Earth

How to obtain
Saxon Kings
Quartz Mine: Choose to mine straight away (25%.)

The Leprechaun
Rank: A
1 Insight 75 Renown
2 x Viking
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Viking Landing
Boss: Defeat the boss and select "it points to a difficult-to-reach area" (75%.)

NOTE: Option only available if you have a Scout on your team.

Boss: Defeat the boss and select "it points to another antiquity site nearby" (33%.)

NOTE: Option only available if you have a Scientist on your team.

+1 Encounter at the end of each expedition for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+1 Encounter at the end of each expedition for each level of Diplomat in your crew.
+1 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+1 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Diplomat in your crew.

Nordic Bracelet
Rank: C
1 Insight 25 Renown
2 x Viking

How to obtain
Saxon Kings
Saxon Monastery: Choose to intimidate the hooded man (75%.)

Viking Landing
Goody Hunt: After the battle, select "an old bracelet" and go to the X (75%.)

NOTE: If you have completed the Gargoyle Code, you will instead have a 50% chance of receiving this treasure.

Brooch In Urnes Style
Rank: B
1 Insight 50 Renown
2 x Viking
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Viking Landing
Goody Hunt: After the battle, select "a viking brooch" and go to the X (75%.)

NOTE: If you have completed the Gargoyle Code, you will instead have a 50% chance of receiving this treasure.

+1-3 Status from Collect
+1-3 Status from Study

Ulfberht Sword
Rank: A
2 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Viking
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Viking Landing
Boss: Defeat the boss and select "a treasure is buried deep underground" (75%.)

NOTE: Option only available if you have a Fighter on your team.

Boss: Defeat the boss and select "it points to another antiquity site nearby" (33%.)

NOTE: Option only available if you have a Scientist on your team.

Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.
Gain an extra 2 Campaign if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.
Gain an extra 2 Collect if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.
Gain an extra 2 Study if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.

Viking Helmet
Rank: C
1 Insight 25 Renown
2 x Viking

How to obtain
Viking Landing
Battles of Old: Choose to search the battlefield, you have a 33% chance of obtaining this.

Battles of Old: If you have a level 1 Tactician in your party, choose to analyze the history of the battlefield and "look carefully for helmets" (75%.)

Viking Shield
Rank: B
1 Insight 50 Renown
2 x Viking
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Viking Landing
Battles of Old: Choose to search the battlefield, you have a 33% chance of obtaining this.

Battles of Old: If you have a level 1 Tactician in your party, choose to analyze the history of the battlefield and "look carefully for shields" (75%.)

All Fighters gain +10 Armor.
All Fighters gain +10 Attack.

Viking Drinking Horn
Rank: A
2 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Viking
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Viking Landing
Boss: Defeat the boss and select "a landmark on the map that the locals may recognise" (75%.)

NOTE: Option only available if you have a Speaker on your team.

Boss: Defeat the boss and select "it points to another antiquity site nearby" (33%.)

NOTE: Option only available if you have a Scientist on your team.

Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Friendly.
Gain an extra 2 Campaign if you resolve an encounter Friendly.
Gain an extra 2 Collect if you resolve an encounter Friendly.
Gain an extra 2 Study if you resolve an encounter Friendly.
Starter Islands (Continued)

Green Runestone
Rank: C
1 Insight 25 Renown
2 x Viking

How to obtain
Celtic Code
Keeper of the Grove: Win the battle with a Friendly mood (33%) or Devious mood (25%)

NOTE: If you have completed the Gargoyle Code, winning the battle with a Devious mood will award the Skull of Cernunnos instead.

Viking Landing
Turf House: Pass the wheel and then select "something like a runestone" (75%)

Check #1: Speech Power/Speaker/Diplomat/Fancy beard

If the Secret Room spawns after the check (50% if you have completed Gargoyle Code) you will not receive the Runestone.

Turf House: Select "Explain your cause and hope for a good treasure" (odds unknown.)

Check #1: Speech Power/Speaker/Diplomat/Fancy Beard

NOTE: Only possible if you've completed the Gargoyle Code.

Dragon Head
Rank: B
1 Insight 50 Renown
2 x Viking
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Viking Landing
Turf House: Pass the wheel and then select "something typically viking" (75%)

Check #1: Speech Power/Speaker/Diplomat/Fancy Beard

Turf House: After succeeding on the wheel, there's a chance for you to get a treasure from the secret room (odds of room spawning 50%) If it appears, you have a 50% on the Dragon Head:

NOTE: Only possible if you've completed the Gargoyle Code.

+1 Campaign whenever a speaker succeeds on Diplomats and Beguiler spins.
+1 Collect whenever a scout succeeds on Survivalist, Quick Thinker or Rogue spins.
+1 Collect whenever a fighter succeeds on Athlete or Tactician spins.
+1 Study whenever a scientist succeeds on Naturalist, Archaeologist or Engineer spins.
Gargoyle Treasures
Halloween Pool
1 Discovery
1 Secret
1 Treasure Hunt
+3-5 Research from Discovery
+10-15 Status from Secret
+10-15 Gold from Treasure Hunt

This section covers treasures that were added during the Halloween 2015 event. Before you can even attempt to obtain these treasures, there are two things that you must do:

You need to find the gargoyle in Hungarian Fort. When you reach him it will ask you to input a code - the code you need to input is this (scroll for other letter options when you are there):

After inputting the above code, you need to go to Transylvania, and find the gargoyle crypt. To find the crypt, you are looking for a node that has only status on - there is no other visual indicator. Once found, completing the event there will unlock these treasures as a chance to appear in your game.

After completing the above, there are two things you need to be aware of:
1) Just like the other starter island treasures, some of these have more than one source, I will list just one of the places they can be found.
2) This is the really important part: there is an element of LUCK involved. Even if you pass all the checks etc, there is a chance you will not be awarded the treasure. Suck it up and try again. :)

Skull of Cernunnos
Rank: B
2 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Halloween
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Celtic Code
Keeper of the Grove: Win the battle with a Devious mood.

Forest Cliff: Have a level 1 Athlete or Survivalist in your party and climb the dangerous cliff for a random chance to get a special event. You will then have a 50% chance of gaining this treasure.

+1 Campaign and +1 Study at the end of each expedition for each level of Archaeologist in your crew.
Your current highest level Archaeologist gains +2 Campaign and +2 Study on Archaeologist spins.

Rank: B
2 insight 100 Renown
2 x Halloween
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Celtic Code
Ancient Woodland: Pass the wheel and then it's a chance to appear (odds unknown.):

Check #1: Speech Defense/Scientist/Naturalist

Forest Cliff: Have a level 1 Athlete or Survivalist in your party and climb the dangerous cliff for a random chance to get a special event. You will then have a 50% chance of gaining this treasure.

Gain an item: Spooky Lantern.
+1 Study per 2 Engineer levels when doing a Collect job on the world map with an Engineer.

Executioner's Axe
Rank: B
2 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Halloween
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Saxon Kings
Quartz Mine: Choose "A weird skeleton reveals a hidden entrance" then pass a wheel (odds unknown):

Check #1: Grit/Attack Power/Rogue

CAUTION: If you fail this check, you get no treasure.

Saxon Castle: Choose to search for the catacombs and pass the wheel check for a chance to get the treasure (odds unknown):

Check #1: Scientists/Level 1 Archaeologists

Gain +1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.
Rogues and Athletes gain +1 Attack if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.

Crown of Thorns
Rank: B
2 Insight 125 Renown
2 x Halloween
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Saxon Kings
Saxon Castle: Choose to search for the throne room and pass the wheel check for a chance to get the treasure (odds unknown):

Check #1: Fighters/Level 1 Athletes

Saxon Monastery: Choose to push the heavy statue of Týr and pass the wheel check for a chance to get the treasure (odds unknown):

Check #1: Armor/Fighter/Athlete

Hunger will grant +2 Campaign and +2 Supplies up to 3 times per expedition.

Freyja's Spear
Rank: B
2 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Halloween
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Viking Landing
Turf House: After succeeding on the wheel, there's a chance for you to get a treasure from the secret room (50% chance) If it appears, you have a 25% chance on the spear:

Check #1: Speech Power/Speaker/Diplomat/Fancy Beard

Battles of Old: Have a level 1 Tactician in your party and analyze the history of the battlefield for a chance of obtaining the treasure (50% chance.)

Battles of Old: Click it and hope (25% chance with no tactician.)

+2 Supplies whenever a level 4 Beguiler succeeds on Beguiler spins.
All crew members gain the Beguiler - Seduction perk.

Pumpkin King
Rank: B
2 Insight 125 Renown
2 x Halloween
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Viking Landing
Goody Hunt: After completing the battle and arriving at the marked node, you have a 25% chance of getting this treasure.

Turf House: After succeeding on the wheel, there's a chance for you to get a treasure from the secret room (50% chance.) If it appears, you have a 25% chance on the pumpkin:

Check #1: Speech Power/Speaker/Diplomat/Fancy Beard

+2 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Quick Thinker in your crew.
All crew members gain the Quick Thinker - Wits perk.
Caribbean Island Advice
Break out the sun screen, put on your shades and go steal from smugglers as you head to the Caribbean. You see, the society doesn't care if you're committing theft to obtain treasures, Pinkerton *really* needs the money from selling them.

Will always spawn: The Titan Ape
Can only spawn one of: none

Athlete is the most used skill here in regards to treasures followed by Naturalist. Having an Engineer is also recommended - there are a fair amount of wheels for it in the area.

A Machete if you don't have an Athlete and the Monkey Wrench if you don't have an Engineer. The area does lean more towards the science skills so upgrade your Speech Defense where you can afford to.

There is a shop where you can trade resolve for supplies. The supply nodes will be looking for Survivalist or Engineer, fortunately you can get a Survivalist level for free in this area.

Free Stuff
There is a node that will always spawn that will give one of your crew members Survivalist - Cooking.
Carribean Island
Pirate Pool Rank C
1 Discovery
1 Treasure Hunt
3 Collect 3 Study
6 Study

Pirate Pool Rank B
+0-1 Research from Study
+3-5 Research from Discovery
+10-15 Gold from Treasure Hunt

Pirate Pool Rank A
+1 Research from Study
+6-10 Research from Discovery
+20-25 Gold from Treasure Hunt

Roche's Treasure
Rank: A
1 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Pirate
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Awarded from defeating the boss of the expedition.

Your current highest level Engineer gains +3 Study on Engineer spins.
Your current highest level Naturalist gains +3 Study on Naturalist spins.
Your current highest level Survivalist gains +3 Study on Survivalist spins.

Hundred-Year Fruit
Rank: C
1 Insight 75 Renown
2 x Pirate

How to obtain
When you arrive at the monkey worship node, select "quickly take the hundred-year fruit." There is an optional spin which will award tokens along with the treasure, but if you fail the optional the treasure is lost:

Optional Check #1: Speech Defense/Scientist/Naturalist

Water of Life
Rank: B
2 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Pirate
1 x Unique

How to obtain:
From the Cave of Torrents event. There are three wheels you have to pass:

Check #1: Armor/Fighter/Athlete
Check #2: Grit/Speech Defense/Survivalist
Check #3: Speech Defense/Scientist/Naturalist

2 Resolve
Gain +1 Discovery for each Resolve.

Amazon Eggs
Rank: C
1 Insight 50 Renown
2 x Pirate

How to obtain
Jungle Canopy: Send a character who has at least 1 Athlete level up the tree.

Tear Orchid
Rank: C
1 Insight 50 Renown
2 x Pirate

How to obtain
Jungle Canopy: Send a character who has at least 1 Naturalist level up the tree.

Golden Banana
Rank: A
1 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Pirate
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Defeat the Titan Ape encounter with a Friendly victory.

+2 Study whenever a level 4 Survivalist succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.
+2 Study whenever a level 4 Rogue succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.
+2 Study whenever a level 4 Quick Thinker succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.

The Amazing Titan
Rank: A
1 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Pirate
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Defeat the Titan Ape encounter with an Aggressive or Devious victory.

Gain an extra 2 Campaign if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.
Gain an extra 2 Collect if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.
Gain an extra 2 Study if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.
Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.

Roche's Logbook
Rank: B
1 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Pirate
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Awarded from the Smuggler Secret encounter - you will need a level 1 Archaeologist for this.

First of all you need to get on board the boat, you have 3 options, all of them will get you on board so pick your best odds one:
1) Pass a wheel: Grit/Speech Defense/Scientist/Survivalist/Engineer
2) Pass a wheel: Grit/Attack Power/Rogue/Rogue: Sneaking
3) Complete a battle (note, you get -1 Resolve for this option.)

Once on board the boat, you will find hostages or treasure (random as to which one.) You need it to be treasure. After that, leave the boat, fight the Smuggler Captain and then select "X recognizes one of the heirlooms!"

All Scientists gain +10 Attack.
All Scouts gain +10 Attack.

Spanish Royal Necklace
Rank: C
1 Insight 80 Renown
2 x Pirate

How to obtain
During the Fishing Boat event, select take the necklace. Event can be found on a beach tile if it has spawned.

Hidden Jewel
Rank: C
1 Insight 80 Renown
2 x Pirate

How to obtain
From the abandoned tree house - two wheels you have to pass for it:
Check #1: Attack Power/Athlete/Grit/Survivalist
Check #2: Grit/Speech Defense/Rogue/Engineer

Note: Check #2 can be bypassed *if* you found the safe combination (from the Spanish Necklace event.)
Hungarian Fort Advice
Hungarian Fort
Hungarian Pool Rank C
2 Secret
4 Campaign 4 Study
8 Campaign

Hungarian Pool Rank B
+1-2 Status from Campaign
+1-3 Status from Encounter
+10-15 Status from Secret

Hungarian Pool Rank A
+1-3 Status from Campaign
+20-25 Status from Secret

Hungarian Mix
Rank: A
2 Insight 125 Renown
2 x Hungarian
2 x Unique

How to obtain:
Awarded for defeating the Beast.

All crew members gain +10 Attack.
All crew members gain +10 Speech.
All crew members gain +10 Spirit.

Medieval Devil
Rank: C
1 Insight 50 Renown
2 x Hungarian

How to obtain:
During the Devil encounter, pass the skill check:
Check #1: Grit/Speech Power/Quick Thinker/Quick Thinker: Wits

Philosopher's Stone
Rank: A
3 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Hungarian
2 x Unique

How to obtain:
After completing the boss encounter for this zone, one party member will ask another if they believe in the occult or not. Selecting "yes, there might be truth in the occult" will give you a 67% chance of receiving this treasure, 33% chance of receiving the Secretum Secretorum.

Your current highest level Archaeologist gains +4 Campaign on Archaeologist spins.
Your current highest level Quick Thinker gains +4 Campaign on Quick Thinker spins.
Your current highest level Tactician gains +4 Campaign on Tactician spins.

Secretum Secretorum
Rank: A
2 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Hungarian
2 x Unique

How to obtain
After completing the boss encounter for this zone, one party member will ask another if they believe in the occult or not. Selecting "no, it's just a bunch of nonsense option will give you a 67% chance of receiving this treasure, 33% chance of receiving the Philosopher's Stone.

Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Devious.
Gain an extra 2 Campaign if you resolve an encounter Devious.
Gain an extra 2 Collect if you resolve an encounter Devious.
Gain an extra 2 Study if you resolve an encounter Devious.

Savior of Hungary
Rank: A
2 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Hungarian
2 x Unique

How to obtain
During the Sunken Cathedral encounter, you will be receive the Savior of Hungary.

CAUTION: Once you take the Treasure, moving onto most swamp tiles (and some non-swamp tiles) will cost you 1 supply and give a -10 speech defence debuff to the party. Have a route planned that avoids them, or pre-map your route so you can see which tiles are effected.

+1 Encounter at the end of each expedition for each level of Diplomat in your crew.
+2 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Diplomat in your crew.
+1 Encounter at the end of each expedition for each level of Archaeologist in your crew.
+2 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Archaeologists in your crew.

Carved Ace
Rank: B
1 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Hungarian
1 x Unique

How to obtain
During the Swamp Monster event, you are asked to choose someone to investigate the swamp - either a Tactician or a Quick Thinker. Whoever you pick, it is a random chance which event you get. If a Brave crew member is selected, they get a bonus of +10 speech for the expedition, though no other benefit for the checks.

If you see an event with a "Slime Monster" complaining about Friends, it is the Quick Thinking Check (and he's slightly greener in that image):
Check: Speech/Grit/Quick Thinker/Quick Thinker:Wits

Note: If you take a Mean character for the check and receive the Quick Thinker check, the roll is entirely replaced with a different check which doesn't give any bonuses for Quick Thinker perks or stats; and (probably a bug) doesn't give the Treasure either:


If you see a slightly browner swamp monster which is called a "Grime Monster" that is weeping, it is the Tactician check.
Check: Armor/Fighter/Tactician

Whichever of the checks you get, so long as you succeed, you will receive the treasure.

Start every expedition with +1 tool.

Portrait of Erzsébet Báthory
Rank: B
2 Insight 125 Renown
2 x Hungarian
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Complete the Murdering Mistress encounter. There is a skill check here, but it is entirely optional - you can choose to just push the man aside and you can still gain the treasure.

(Optional) Check: Speech Power/Speaker/Diplomat (you will gain secrets for passing this, so worth doing if you can.)

CAUTION: The character who takes this will get a -10 speech defense penalty for the game.

+5 Status from Encounter
+5 Status from Campaign
+25% Status from Campaign

The Hunting Plate
Rank: A
2 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Hungarian
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Defeat Boris the Claw. There's an optional check in front of him, failure will hurt you for the fight:

(Optional) Check #1: Armor/Fighter/Tactician

+2 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+2 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Quick Thinker in your crew.
+2 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Tactician in your crew.

Alchemist's Flask
Rank: C
1 Insight 50 Renown
2 x Hungarian

How to obtain
During the Gloomy Forest event, pass the adventure wheel:
Check #1: Speech Defense/Scientist/Archaeologist.
Mali Mystery Advice
Gold! Lots and lots of gold! That's pretty much all Mali contains. Well, that and hyenas. And villagers. Also elephants and lions. But mainly gold.

Will always spawn: none
Can only spawn one of: King Elephant's Skull/Mask of Madness/Star of Africa

Beguiler is the most needed skill here - Mask of Madness and the mining tool check for Star of Africa both utilise it. Outside of that, Athlete is really helpful as well.

With this being a 2-star expedition you likely won't have the money to buy an incredible rose for the zone - if you can though it helps a lot. Buy a Machete if you have no natural athletes.

There is no shop on this expedition.

Free Stuff
A node can spawn that awards Rogue - Sneaking to a crew member.
Mali Mystery
Mali Pool Rank C
3 Collect 3 Campaign
3 Collect 3 Study
6 Collect
2 Treasure Hunt

Mali Pool Rank B
+1-2 Gold from Collect
+10-15 Gold from Treasure Hunt

Mali Pool Rank A
+1-3 Gold from Collect
+5 Gold from Encounter
+20-25 Gold from Treasure Hunt

Seated Couple
Rank: B
1 Insight 65 Renown
2 x Mali
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Choose to not fight the Witch Doctor at the end of the expedition.

Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Friendly.
Gain an extra 2 Collect if you resolve an encounter Friendly.

Rank: A
2 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Mali
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Choose to fight the Witch Doctor at the end of this expedition. To fight him, you need to:
A) pass the adventure wheel
Check #1: Speech Power/Speaker/Beguiler/Diplomat
B) Know the secret massage technique or have a prankster on your team
C) Complete the audit committee encounter in a friendly (guaranteed) or agressive (chance to succeed) attitude.

Your current highest level Athlete gain +4 Collect on Athlete spins.
Your current highest level Beguiler gain +4 Collect on Beguiler spins.
Your current highest level Rogue gain +4 Collect on Rogue spins.

King Elephant's Skull
Rank: A
2 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Mali
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Defeat Chuckles the Hyena.

To make the fight easier, if you defeat Chuckles' Sister in the 'Alpha Female' Encounter with a Friendly Attitude, you will reduce the number of Hyenas you fight in Chuckles' encounter. (The 'Alpha Female' Encounter shows the Encounter symbol and the Multiple Resources symbol.)

+1 Encounter at the end of each expedition for each level of Athlete in your crew.
+1 Encounter at the end of each expedition for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+2 Collect at the end of each expedition for each level of Athlete in your crew.
+2 Collect at the end of each expedition for each level of Rogue. in your crew.

Mask of Madness
Rank: A
2 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Mali
2 x Unique

How to obtain:
So, this encounter is quite unique - you need to pay *very* close attention to the wall in the background. More specifically, this mask:

If the mask is happy: You need to use a blue/green text option that is to do with happiness (these options will appear if you take a level 2 beguiler or certain crew members. NOTE: The white text options will not work.)

If the mask is unhappy: You need to use a blue/green text option that is to do with sadness (these options will appear if you take a level 2 beguiler or certain crew members. NOTE: The white text options will not work.)

After passing the text option, there will be some flavour text with the masks spinning and then a battle. Complete the battle to receive the mask (it does not matter how you finish the battle, you can choose devious if you want but you will take a campaign hit.)

+1 Encounter at the end of each expedition for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+2 Collect at the end of each expedition for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+2 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Beguiler in your crew.

Star of Africa
Rank: A
2 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Mali
2 x Unique

How to obtain
This treasure comes from the crystal cave encounter. There are two things you need to be aware of first:
1) You require either the mining tool (obtained from a diplomatic event on the map) OR a small character (Kwame. Hattice, Suh, may be others)
2) Certain characters are classed as brave/cowardly, and this will affect your options. Brave characters will have an easier time, whereas cowardly characters (such as Hildegard) can not obtain this treasure.

However you make your entrance (via mining tool or small character), you will have options
A) RUN RUN RUN (+25%)
B) Gather crystals

A) Jump! (Armor/Grit/Athlete/Survivalist)
B) Lets not do that, keep running (+25%)

A) Risk it, find out what's the bright twinkling! (Treasure)
Check #1: Attack Power/Grit/Quick Thinker/Rogue

B) You can't risk your life for a twinkle. Run! (+30%)

Escape check: Armor/Grit/Quick thinker/Athlete/Odds. -2 resolve if you fail the check.

Gain +15 Study Tokens if you end an expedition with 50 Collect or more.
Gain +15 Collect Tokens if you end an expedition with 50 Collect or more.
Gain +15 Encounter Tokens if you end an expedition with 50 Collect or more.

Songhai Sword
Rank: B
1 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Mali
1 x Unique

How to obtain
During the "A new chapter" encounter with the sword guy, pass a diplomacy check:
Check #1: Speech Power/Speaker/Beguiler/Diplomat

And meet one of the following conditions:
1) Have a sword treasure on you (Ulfberht, Liddesdale, Sword of Justice or Royal Kris)
2) Have a character with a sword in your party (Victor, Bia.)

Note: The scimitar from the Egyptian shop does not count.

+2 Campaign from spending Insight in Cape Town.
+2 Collect from spending Insight in Zanzibar.
+2 Study from spending Insight in Timbuktu.

Beaded Crown
Rank: C
1 Insight 65 Renown
2 x Mali

How to obtain
Awarded upon completion of the ancient ruin encounter. Complete the battle against the hyenas with a devious victory to secure it.

Note: Possible to be awarded with friendly/aggressive victories too, 25% chance.

Benin Mask
Rank: C
1 Insight 75 Renown
2 x Mali

How to obtain
Okay, so you get this for completing the Benin Mask encounter. The standard way to do this is to pass the skill check:
Check #1: Grit/Attack power/Rogue/Rogue: Sneaking

Crew members can influence whether you get the check or not. Some crew members will object to you trying to steal the mask, others will cause an argument. If you have an argument you will still be awarded the mask without having to perform a skill check.

Rank: B
1 insight 150 Renown
2 x Mali
1 x Unique

How to obtain
The treasure is awarded from the Souls of Appreciation event. There are 3 parts to the check.
Check #1: Armor/Fighter/Athlete/Athlete: Tenacious
There is then an encounter, you *must* finish the encounter friendly.
After that, you need to choose the dialogue option "It's great, and we appreciate your hospitable culture" and you'll receive the treasure.

Just to make it very clear: If you choose any speech option that is *not* that one, you won't get the treasure and will be kicked out of the village.

+1-2 Research from Collect
+8-10 Research from Treasure Hunt
Highlands Advice
You know, for an area set in the Scottish highlands, you'd think the music for the zone would have incorporate bagpipes at least.

Will always spawn: Shepherd's Crown*
Can only spawn one of: none

*: Muffles is meant to always spawn, however there is a bug currently which means she sometimes will not. I'll update this once I know for certain it has been fixed.

From a treasure perspective you'll want to have some Tactician levels with an Athlete or two, the zone itself though is largely the speech skills (Beguiler/Diplomat.) You will want to have at least 1 level in all of the Wits skills (Beguiler/Tactician/Quick Thinker) to get the biggest flock of sheep - you'll be given free super tokens as you cross the map if you have the biggest flock.

Lots of talking to people so a Translation guide if you lack Diplomat (though you really should be bringing one here) and keep your speech power/grit items upgraded.

There is a standard supply shop. Not a big amount of choices outside of that so hope it spawns somewhere nice.

Free Stuff
A node can spawn that awards a crew member Athlete - Tough.
Highlands Pool Rank C
2 Secret
2 Treasure Hunt
3 Encounter
6 Campaign
6 Collect

Highlands Pool Rank B
+1-3 Gold from Encounter.
+1-3 Status from Campaign.
+1-3 Status from Encounter.

Highlands Pool Rank A
+2-3 Gold and +2-3 Status from Encounter.
+2-4 Status from Campaign.
+20-25 Status and +6-10 Research from Secret.

Lewis Chessmen
Rank: A
2 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Highlands
2 x Unique

How to obtain
One of the rewards from the boss encounter of this zone. Odds are based on your victory type:
Aggressive: 20%
Devious: 20%
Friendly: 14%

2 Insight
+1 secret when spending insight in London.
+1 Treasure Hunt when spending Insight in London.

St. Andrew's Bones
Rank: B
1 Insight 125 Renown
2 x Highlands
1 x Unique

How to obtain
One of the rewards from the boss encounter of this zone. Odds are based on your victory type:
Aggressive: 40%
Devious: 40%
Friendly: 57%

3 Discovery
10 Study

Columba's Staff
Rank: B
1 Insight 125 Renown
2 x Highlands
1 x Unique

How to obtain
One of the rewards from the boss encounter of this zone. Odds are based on your victory type:
Aggressive: 40%
Devious: 40%
Friendly: 29%

+2 Encounter for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+3 Campaign for each level of Beguiler in your crew.

Unicorn Tapestry
Rank: A
1 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Highlands
2 x Unique

How to obtain
A possible reward from the Noble Troubles event. To complete the encounter:
Stage 1: You will fight a battle against 5 highlanders. Can be bypassed with a level 3 diplomat.
Stage 2: Skill check - athletes/scientists/naturalist
Stage 3: Skill check - grit/speech defense/survivalist

You'll be asked to choose a tapestry or a sculpture - this will decide your odds:
Sculpture: 38%
Tapestry: 63%

+1 Campaign whenever a Speaker succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.
+1 Collect whenever a Speaker succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.
+1 Study whenever a Speaker succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.

Note: If you fail the final check you can still get a treasure, just it'll be at different odds. (60% Tapestry, 40% Stirling Head)
Note: If you refuse to do the final check (without even rolling), your chances become 75% for the Stirlind Head, 25% for the Unicorn Tapestry.
Note: If you have a Serious crew member, you override the Cleaning check as that crew member will refuse to clean.

Stirling Head
Rank: C
1 Insight 75 Renown
2 x Highlands

How to obtain
A possible reward from the Noble Troubles encounter. To complete the encounter:
Stage 1: You will fight a battle against 5 highlanders. Can be bypassed with a level 3 diplomat.
Stage 2: Skill check - athletes/scientists/hygienic
Stage 3: Skill check - grit/speech defense/survivalist

You'll be asked to choose a tapestry or a sculpture - this will decide your odds:
Sculpture: 63%
Tapestry: 38%

Note: If you fail the final check you can still get a treasure, just it'll be at different odds. (60% Tapestry, 40% Stirling Head)
Note: If you refuse to do the final check (without even rolling), your chances become 75% for the Stirlind Head, 25% for the Unicorn Tapestry.
Note: If you have a Serious crew member, you override the Cleaning check as that crew member will refuse to clean.

Monymusk Reliquary
Rank: A
1 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Highlands
2 x Unique

How to obtain:
Awarded upon completion of the Meadow Castle encounter - engage them at the end and complete the battle.

Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.
Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Friendly.
Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Devious.

St. Regulus' Chalice
Rank: C
1 Insight 75 Renown
2 x Highlands
How to obtain:
Have a level 3 or higher Engineer in your party when doing the Forsaken Manor encounter, and select "x spots a lock mechanism." Do not have your Engineer stand guard - if they do, you can not use them for this.

King Oengus' Crown
Rank: B
1 Insight 125 Renown
2 x Highlands
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Rewarded from the Village Defense encounter - pass the tactical training skill check:
Check #1: Armor/Fighter/Tactician

+2 Research from Encounter
+5 Gold from Encounter
+5 Status from Encounter

Woolly Feather
Rank: C
1 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Highlands

How to obtain:
A reward from the Misty Plateau encounter. Firstly, you must pass a skill check:
Check #1: Grit/Armor/Athlete/Survivalist

After which, select the dialogue option "examine the sheep." From what I have tested and observed, it is random whether or not you will be awarded this treasure.

Highlander Brooch
Rank: C
1 Insight 75 Renown
2 x Highlands

How to obtain:
Pass the adventure wheel for the highlander lecture event (the wheel is based entirely around the event, no external requirements/benefits.)

Shepherd's Staff
Rank: C
1 Insight 75 Renown
2 x Highlands

How to obtain:
During the Mourning Sheep encounter, choose to take the staff. There is no check involved

Shepherd's Crown
Rank: A
1 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Highlands
2 x Unique

How to obtain:
Obtaining the crown is a multiple-node event with a boss after. The first 3 checks will all take place on a tile containing the status symbol and the wits challenge symbol:

Check #1: Speech Power/Speaker/Beguiler
Check #2: Grit/Speech Power/Quick Thinker
Check #3: Armor/Fighter/Tactician

Afterwards, go to the shrine on the map and engage Muffles. Upon winning the battle you will receive the crown.

Note 1: Muffles is immune to devious
Note 2: Moving around the map after beating Muffles, you will start being awarded Treasure Hunts/Secrets on some tiles. Go explore!

Your current highest level Quick Thinker gains +2 Encounter on Quick Thinker spins.
Your current highest level Tactician gains +2 Encounter on Tactician spins.
Your current highest level Beguiler gains +2 Encounter on Beguiler spins.

Liddesdale Sword
Rank: B
1 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Highlands
1 x Unique

How to obtain
During the Highland Forest encounter, pass 2 wheels:
Check #1: Scouts in your crew (you start at 25% base, +25% for each scout. If you fail, you can spin again.)
Check #2: Armor/Fighter/Athlete (you can spin again if you fail *but* not with the same character.)
Then select "there's a bunch of old swords lying around."

+1 Collect whenever a Fighter succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.
+1 Study whenever a Fighter succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.
+1 Campaign whenever a Fighter succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.
Memphis Desert Advice
Sand, Pyramids, Mummies, all the good ingredients for a great Egyptian trip (except there's a distinct lack of camels.)

Treasure Uniques
Will always spawn: none
Can only spawn *two* of: Red Hill Orchard/Seth Maribre's Scepter/Mask of Sneferu/Temple of Thoth(Lapus Lazuli Ibis, Jade Human, Golden Jackal.)

The only mandatory required skill for treasure in Egypt is being a level 4 Archaeologist when you reach the end node. That said, you will find your expedition *significantly* easier if you have level 3 in Athlete and Survivalist - you will not lose extra food when traversing certain nodes.

Anything that will supplement your Athlete/Survivalist levels would be a big help here. Also consider a translation guide, there are some diplomacy checks throughout the desert.

Supplies on this map will largely come from the 3 oasis that spawn. They can take one of three forms:
1) They'll be a battle node (most common in my experience)
2) A skillcheck node (it has 4 different options you can spin: Beguiler, Survivalist, Naturalist and Athlete.
3) A trader (rarest of the 3 options. If she does spawn you can buy the Pottery of Thutmose III treasure from her for 50g.)

Free Stuff
There is a node that *nearly* always spawns which will give a character either:
1) Archaeology - Occult (if they have Archaeology)
2) Naturalist - Astronomy (if they have Naturalist but not Archaeology)
3) A choice from Tactician - Guerilla or Tactician - Defense or Athlete - Smashing (if you have no Naturalists or Archaeologists.)

There's also another node that can spawn (though not as common) where your captain disappears in a sandstorm. You can then give one of your remaining crew members a skill from the following four options:
1) Rogue - Merciless
2) Engineer - Tinkerer
3) Diplomat - Generous
4) Athlete - Tenacious

Memphis Desert (Egypt)
Egyptian Pool Rank C
2 Discovery
2 Treasure Hunt
3 Collect 3 Study
6 Collect
6 Study

Egyptian Pool Rank B
+0-1 Research from Study.
+3-5 Research from Discovery
+1-3 Gold from Collect.
+10-15 Gold from Treasure Hunt

Egyptian Pool Rank A
+2 Research from Study.
+2-4 Gold from Collect
+6-10 Research from Discovery.
+20-25 Gold from Treasure Hunt.

Red Hill Orchid
Rank: A
1 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Egyptian
2 x Unique

How to obtain
An encounter node can spawn that looks like a giant red hill. Climb to the top and pick the flower - this will start the Red Hill encounter.
Stage 1: Choose study the algae
Stage 2: Choose search the bodies
Stage 3: Choose it is worth the risk (this will give you the treasure)

Now for the hard part: every time you chose to continue the event, you have been gaining a penalty to the last check of the encounter. If you fail this check you will lose 2 resolve and 2 supplies.

Check #1: Scouts/Level 1 Naturalists/Level 1 Quick Thinkers. You start with a 50% penalty.

+2 Campaign whenever you enter a Nature challenge for the first time.
+2 Collect whenever you enter a Nature challenge for the first time.
+2 Study whenever you enter a Nature challenge for the first time.

Seth Maribre's Scepter
Rank: B
1 Insight 125 Renown
2 x Egyptian
1 x Unique

How to obtain
This treasure is from The Obelisk encounter.
(Optional) Check #1: Scientists/Archaeologists
You reach a fork:
Go Left: Battle against some mummies. Victory enables you to go forwards.
Go Right: Skill check: Armor/Fighter/Athlete
Regardless of which one you chose:
Go Forward
Take the scepter!
The door will start closing
Skill check: Scouts/Survivalists

Note: A level 3 Archaeologist or a level 3 Rogue can bypass the left/right fork and take you straight to the scepter.

+1 Campaign whenever a Scientist succeeds on the adventure wheel.
+1 Collect whenever a Scientist succeeds on the adventure wheel.
+1 Study whenever a Scientist succeeds on the adventure wheel.

Golden Jackal
Rank: C
1 Insight 75 Renown
1 x Egyptian Special A
1 x Unique

Temple of Thoth: Select Wealth.

Trait Override: If you have a greedy character, you can only select Wealth.

Pool (Egyptian Special A)
1 Treasure Hunt
6 Collect

Pool (Unique)
+1-3 Gold from Collect.

Jade Human
Rank: C
1 Insight 75 Renown
1 x Egyptian Special B
1 x Unique

Temple of Thoth: Select Fame.

Trait Override: If you have a fame-seeking character, you can only select Fame.

Pool (Egyptian Special B)
1 Secret
6 Campaign

Pool (Unique)
+1-3 Status from Campaign.

Lapus Lazuli Ibis
Rank: C
1 Insight 75 Renown
1 x Egyptian Special C
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Temple of Thoth: Select Knowledge.

Trait Override: If you have a knowledge-seeking character, you can only select Knowledge.

Pool (Egyptian Special C)
1 Discovery
6 Study

Pool (Unique)
+0-1 Research from Study

Mask of Sneferu
Rank: A
1 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Egyptian
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Awarded from the Red Pyramid encounter:
1) Complete a battle (can be bypassed with a level 3 Quick Thinker or Beguiler.)
2) Pass 2 optional checks. If you fail/choose not to spin, you will suffer a penalty on a later check:

Optional Check #1: Armor/Fighter/Athlete/Athlete: Smashing
Optional Check #2: Speech Defense/Scientist/Archaeologist

3) Mandatory wheel - your odds are based entirely on how much you gained from the previous 2 checks (if you want to 100% odd it, you must have bypassed the first battle.)
4) Battle against Cassandra. Treasure is awarded after it.

Your current highest level Athlete gains +1 Treasure Hunt on Athlete spins.
Your current highest level Archaeologist gains +1 Secret on Archaeologist spins.
Your current highest level Survivalist gains +1 Discovery on Survivalist spins.

Thoth Statue
Rank: B
1 Insight 125 Renown
1 x Egyptian Special D
1 x Egyptian
1 x Unique

How to obtain:
Have a level 4 Archaeologist in your party when reaching the end of the zone. You can select either the Thoth or the Ra statue - it is not possible to select both.

Pool (Egyptian Special D)
1 Discovery
6 Study

Pool (Unique)
+6-10 Research from Discovery.
+20-25 Gold from Discovery.

Ra Statue
Rank: B
1 Insight 125 Renown
1 x Egyptian Special E
1 x Egyptian
1 x Unique

How to obtain:
Have a level 4 Archaeologist in your party when reaching the end of the zone. You can select either the Thoth or the Ra statue - it is not possible to select both.

Pool (Egyptian Special E)
1 Treasure Hunt
6 Collect

Pool (Unique)
+20-25 Gold from Treasure Hunt.
+20-25 Status from Treasure Hunt.

Sekhmet Mask
Rank: A
1 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Egyptian
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Awarded from defeating the boss of the expedition.

4 Discovery
4 Secret
4 Treasure Hunt

Pottery of Thutmose III
Rank: C
1 Insight 75 Renown
2 x Egyptian

How to obtain
When you are given the map at the start of Egypt marking oasis', one of them can contain a trader. She sells this treasure for 50 Gold.

Note: Also awards 2 supplies upon being obtained.

Golden Scarab
Rank: C
1 Insight 75 Renown
2 x Egyptian

How to obtain
Awarded at the end of the British Camp encounter - it does not matter if you fail the checks. Checks are easier if you have scouts/rogues in your party.

Canopic Jars
Rank: C
1 Insight 75 Renown
2 x Egyptian

How to obtain
Complete the British Investor encounter. You have two options:
A) Pass a check - Speech Power/Speaker/Beguiler - if you fail this you can still go into battle.
B) Go into battle against him. Easy encounter, just don't let him buff too many units.
Andean Adventure Advice
Welcome to the Andes, home of the last of the Incans! Gold, Status and Research are all available here in good amounts - and lots of Treasures that belong in museums!

Will always spawn:
Must Choose between: Emperor's Garb, Imperial Bracelet.
Must Choose between: Sacred Dagger, Inti Statue, Spirit Sceptre (each of which depends on random 2/3 chance of spawning of villages/cities)
May or may not spawn: Emerald Skull, Urquchillay Idol, Hero's Banner
Can only spawn one of: none

Rogue level 3 is practically required if you're going for the Emerald Skull/Sacred Dagger. Diplomat, Engineer, Survivalist and Athlete are also all prevelant here, and several Tactician and Quick Thinker checks (not for Treasures) also exist. Outside of that, Beguiler has a few too.

Nothing in particular beyond skill-boosts and armour defences - all the villagers and incans use aggressive attacks without fail (though a few have sadden attacks, it's comparitively rare that they use them); and only the llamas use speech otherwise - and the llama priest also uses primarily aggressive attacks.

There is sometimes a shop here - the Trade Village offers supplies at a rate of 4 supplies per resolve here if it has spawned. Beyond that a few skill checks offer supplies in the area, and if you can spare some collect tokens, the Andean roads between the settlements can massively reduce the supply costs when travelling around.

Free Stuff
There is sometimes a node that spawns with Pachachuti, the entourage member present - if you have level 4+ Diplomacy, you can recruit him there without having to buy him in the entourage shop (and you can get an additional entourage in this manner).

In addition to this, its worth bearing in mind that if you have both the City of Heroes and the Trade Village, you can also use resolve and supplies to generate large amounts of collect tokens - in the Trade Village, you can exchange resolve for 4 supplies each, and in the City of Heroes, you can exchange 1 supply for 4 collect tokens each. Between this and the trade routes, you can stack up a nice pile of collect tokens if you're willing to risk a few hunger penalties.

Also bear in mind that the Heroes Banner event in which you dig out rock costs supplies, but if you have no supplies, you get no penalty for failing multiple times - so it's worth considering if you are better off exchanging the supplies for collect tokens before going there.

Finally, in the two villages who may or may not support the emperor, it's worth learning which is which the one with the statue supports the emperor while the signs with red crosses hate him - initially agree with them for campaign tokens, then intentionally renegage on your words for the encounter exp, tokens and rewards to make the most of them.
Andean Adventure
Inca Pool Rank C
(Although there are no rank C treasures, this is the universal pool shared between rank B and A)
2 Discovery
2 Secret
3 Campaign 3 Study
6 Campaign
6 Study

Inca Pool Rank B
+0-1 Research from Study
+1-3 Status from Campaign
+3-5 Research from Discovery
+10-15 Status from Secret

Inca Pool Rank A
+2 Research from Study
+2-4 Status from Campaign
+6-10 Research from Discovery
+20-25 Status from Secret

Emperor Garb
Rank: A
2 Insight 250 Renown
2 x Inca
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Defeat the boss at the end of the zone with a Devious or Aggressive attitude.

+2 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Survivalist in your crew.
+2 Collect at the end of each expedition for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+2 Study at the end of each expedition for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+2 Study at the end of each expedition for each level of Survivalist in your crew.

Imperial Bracelet
Rank: B
1 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Inca
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Defeat the boss at the end of the zone with a Friendly attitude.

10 Campaign
10 Study

Emerald Skull
Rank: A
2 Insight 250 Renown
2 x Inca
2 x Unique

How to obtain
1) The village of Llactapta has to have spawned as one of your choices
2) Go there and ask if you can help the city. The Temple of Death will spawn on your map, you need to go there (huge skull temple, can't miss it.)
3) There are two wheels. Failing either of them costs 1 resolve (each), but you can still obtain the treasure.:

Check #1: Speech Defense/Scientist/Engineer/Engineer: Tinkerer
Check #2: Attack Power/Scout/Rogue/Rogue: Stealing

4) Defeat the necromancer in battle. Treasure is awarded upon completion.

+6-10 Research and +20-25 Gold from Discovery
+6-10 Research and +20-25 Status from Discovery
+12-20 Research from Discovery

Sacred Dagger
Rank: B
1 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Inca
1 x Unique

How to obtain
After you have defeated the Necromancer (details are under the Emerald Skull treasure), defeat the end boss either Devious or Aggressively and then choose to install the necromancer as the new leader.

Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Devious.
Gain an extra 2 Study if you resolve an encounter Devious.

Hero's Banner
Rank: A
2 Insight 250 Renown
2 x Inca
2 x Unique

How to obtain
1) The village of Vilcabamba has to have spawned as one of your choices.
2) Go there and ask if you can help their cause. An X will be marked on your map, go there and there will be a battle.
3) Finish the battle and the Hero's Tomb will spawn your map. Head there (marked with an X, small white and red building, can't miss it.)
4) Pass a wheel:

Check #1: Fighters/Level 2 Athletes/Level 2 Engineers
(if you fail, you lose 2 supplies and spin again with a +25% modifier.)

5) Continue on, pass another wheel:

Check #2: Grit/Speech Power/Quick Thinker/Quick Thinker: Escape Artist

6) Finish another battle and the treasure is awarded to you after it.

Your current highest level Diplomat gains +1 Secret on Diplomat spins.
Your current highest level Diplomat gains +3 Campaign and +3 Study on Diplomat spins.
Your current highest level Engineer gains +1 Discovery on Engineer spins.
Your current highest level Engineer gains +3 Collect and +3 Study on Engineer spins.

Inti Statue
Rank: B
1 insight 150 Renown
2 x Inca
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Choose to install Huayna Capac as the new leader. For this option to appear:
1) Follow the steps for obtaining the Hero's Banner
2) After obtaining it, return to Vilcabamba and show it to the rebels.

All Scouts gain +10 Attack.
All Scouts gain +10 Grit.
All Scouts gain +10 Speech.

Spirit Scepter
Rank: A
2 Insight 250 Renown
2 x Inca
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Awarded by installing the sage alderman from Atico as the new leader. For the option to appear:
1) The village of Atico has to have spawned as one of your choices.
2) If it has, go there and ask about how you can help them. They will mark an X on your map. Go there and pass a wheel:

Check #2: Speech Power/Speaker/Diplomat/Diplomat: Generous

3) After defeating the Emperor in Devious or Aggressive, you must install Sage Alderman as the new incan leader.

+2 Encounter whenever you enter a Cultural challenge for the first time.
+3 Campaign whenever you enter a Cultural challenge for the first time.
+3 Collect whenever you enter a Cultural challenge for the first time.
+3 Study whenever you enter a Cultural challenge for the first time.

Urquchillay Idol
Rank: A
2 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Inca
2 x Unique

How to obtain:
Dark Ritual encounter: follow the high priest, then choose "let's keep on track." Pass or fail the athlete wheel (doesn't matter) then defeat the boss. It doesn't matter what the attitude is to get the treasure.

+1 Discovery when spending Insight in Beijing.
+1 Discovery when spending Insight in Timbuktu.
2 Insight.
Emerged Island Advice
Feel that Voodoo vibe - This creepy island is full of pirates, monkeys and crabs, all hiding a wealth of Treasures to uncover and scientific knowledge to reveal.

Will always spawn: Clear Crystal, Voodoo Doll
Make a choice between: Roche's Captain Hat, Roche's Captain Coat, Roche's Anchor
Can only spawn one of: Roche's Jolly Roger, King Crab.
May or may not spawn: Voodoo Ritual Book, Shrunken Head, Emerged Snail

Athlete, Survivalist and Naturalist are all useful here, and Archaeology (Roche's Jolly Roger) is also valuable - particularly if using the Archaeological dig node: the higher your Archaeology is, the more times you can dig to gain tokens before fighting off crabs. It's worth noting that for Roche's Jolly Roger, the Archaeologist and Survivalist checks are on different crew members - allow for that when planning your skills.

There are also a couple of Engineer checks.

Speech def items are probably the most useful for the skill checks and encounters, though grit wouldn't go amiss either. Beyond that, it's usually worth picking up a survivalist trinket or two both for the Treasures and supply nodes to boost the rolls on them.

There is no shop in this expedition - but several events offer supplies. Note that the supplies available on the Voodoo Ritual Book event are not available when using a Serious character, as they will ignore the food (while characters who are Gluttons have to get the food.)

Free Stuff
The Archaeological Dig is a fantastic source of tokens - the amount of times you can dig is only limited by your level of skill in Archaeology and Speech defence - until you fail, you can keep on rolling, gaining tokens everytime.

In addition, bear in mind that, where possible, if Roche's Jolly Roger has spawned, it's worth getting it before any other Treasures to make use of it's special pool options.

Finally, the Clear Crystal is worth mentioning as a free item since you merely have to pick up the pieces of it to collect it.

The Shrunken Head is also free- so to speak, - but its unreliable, and become more so as time's gone on, and it is incredably difficult to get it reliably.
Emerged Island
Voodoo Pool Rank C
8 Study
4 Collect 4 Study
1 Discovery

Voodoo Pool Rank B
+0-1 Research from Study
+1-3 Gold from Collect
+10-15 Gold from Treasure Hunt
50 Renown

Voodoo Pool Rank A
+2 Research from Study
+6-10 Research and +20-25 Gold from Discovery
3 Discovery

Voodoo Doll
Rank: C
1 Insight 250 Renown
2 x Voodoo

How to obtain
During the Voodoo Ritual encounter, either:
A) pass the skill check: speech defense/scientist/archaeologist or
B) Complete the battle.

Voodoo Ritual Book
Rank: B
1 Insight 175 Renown
2 x Voodoo
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Awarded from the voodoo monkey encounter. You'll be asked to pick one character to chase:
Optional Check #1: Grit/Speech Defense/Survivalist/Athlete
Check #1: Armor/Grit/Survivalist/Athlete (improved odds if you did the optional check.)

+1 Discovery for each level of Survivalist in your crew.
+1 Secret for each level of Survivalist in your crew.

Clear Crystal
Rank: B
1 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Voodoo
2 x Unique

How to obtain
As you go around the island, you can gather 3 crystals. Once you gather all 3, choose to combine them and you will receive this treasure. When looking for the crystals, you are looking for nodes which have just one resource on them - either Research, Status or Gold. There is 1 crystal for each of those 3.

+25% Renown from Research
+25% Renown from Status
+25% Renown from Gold

Shrunken Head
Rank: C
2 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Voodoo

How to obtain
You need to arrive on the node containing the voodoo hut with exactly 7 supplies left, then choose the Treasure dialogue. To help identify the node, you are looking for a blank node that has many connections to other nodes.

**Note: The current version of the game appears to have bugged the node it can spawn at: sometimes two versions appear, and only one will work when on 7 supplies, while the other never works. In addition, neither are limited by either having to have 5 connections or being limited to the island interior - eg. It takes a lot of luck to get the Shrunken Head as it stands.

Emerged Snail
Rank: C
1 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Voodoo

How to obtain
Biological Study - have a level 4 Naturalist in your party (the event doesn't actually have a name so I'm going by the text in the box.)

King Crab
Rank: A
2 Insight 300 Renown
2 x Voodoo
2 x Unique

How to obtain
The mangrove encounter: Pass a wheel check:
Check #1: Speech Defense/Naturalist/Naturalist: Biology

Pass or skip another wheel (you can choose to skip this wheel for -1 resolve -2 supplies but a fail means no crab):
Optional-ish Check #2: Armor/Athlete/Athlete: Tenacious/Athlete: Endure Hardship

Then defeat the King Crab in battle, it doesn't matter what mood you finish in.

Gain 1 Collect for each 1 Encounter you got on this expedition so far.
Gain 1 Encounter for each 2 Encounter you got on this expedition so far.
Gain 1 Treasure Hunt for each 5 Encounter you got on this expedition so far.

Roche's Jolly Roger
Rank: A
2 Insight 400 Renown
2 x Voodoo
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Flying Dutchman event - pass a wheel check:
Check #1: Speech Defense/Archaeologist/Archaeologist: Legends

Gain 1 Discovery whenever you find a treasure.
Gain 1 Treasure Hunt whenever you find a treasure.
Gain 5 Collect whenever you find a treasure.
Gain 5 Study whenever you find a treasure.

Roche's Captain Hat
Rank: A
2 Insight 400 Renown
2 x Voodoo
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Defeat the boss of the expedition with a Friendly attitude.

+4 Collect for each level of Athlete in your crew.
+4 Collect for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+4 Collect for each level of Naturalist in your crew.
+4 Collect for each level of Survivalist in your crew.

Roche's Captain Coat
Rank: A
2 Insight 400 Renown
2 x Voodoo
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Defeat the boss of the expedition with a Devious attitude.

+4 Study for each level of Athlete in your crew.
+4 Study for each level of Naturalist in your crew.
+4 Study for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+4 Study for each level of Survivalist in your crew.

Roche's Anchor
Rank: A
2 Insight 400 Renown
2 x Voodoo
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Defeat the boss of the expedition with an Aggressive attitude.

+4 Encounter for each level of Athlete in your crew.
+4 Encounter for each level of Naturalist in your crew.
+4 Encounter for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+4 Encounter for each level of Survivalist in your crew.
Transylvania Advice
Transylvania - land of lost supplies! Transylvania is big and a lot of it is comparitively empty of rewards and has some high-cost travel, so supplies may be a serious issue here.

Will always spawn: Barked Tree Face, One of: Globus Cruciger/Icon of Nicomedia, One of: Baba Yaga (either her Broom or her Mortar and Pestle according to your choices), Zombie Bolt or Haunted Portrait. At least 2 other C rank treasures will spawn.

Diplomat and Beguiler are important here - you'll need at least 3 of each to pass several checks. Archeaology: Symbolism guarantees that you can get the Barked Tree Face.

If the Zombie Bolt spawns, you will need 3 Engineer and 3 Quick Thinker on different crew members to get it. Otherwise Quick Thinker has a few checks, and Engineer can earn some additional tokens, but Engineering is pretty much only for the Zombie and the last check on the Barked Tree Face (which you can skip).

The Feudal Poem or Patriarch Papers can spawn here, and if you get the Cultist's Tower you can choose to forego the Treasure to obtain the Beads of Determination.

Supplies will vanish very quickly here - not only is the map big (and frequently without much going on!), the routes can be expensive too - doubly so with a couple of the curses here (Baba Yaga and the Barked Face) - check those treasure's effects before trying for them - you may want to circle back rather than grab them immediately.

Free Stuff
Finish Devious at the end and you'll get a free Entourage (finish Friendly instead and one crew member gets a +10 Speech permenant buff). There's also the items mentioned above, though they're not guaranteed spawns.

If you went to Hungary and did the Gargolye Code there, you can collect a pair of secrets (and unlock the Gargoyle Code items if you haven't already) at the correct node. (See the Gargolye Code entry for details)

If you see the Lady of the Graves spawn (looks like a grave) it's worth leaving it to as late as possible before collecting as the Treasure there multiplies the tokens you earned in the expedition - going there early will net you a very poor result compared to later.
Transylvania Pool Rank C
2 Secret
4 Campaign 4 Study
8 Campaign

Transylvania Pool Rank B
+1-3 Status from Campaign
+1-3 Status from Encounter
+10-15 Status from Secret

Transylvania Pool Rank A
3 Secret
+5 Status from Campaign
+20-25 Status and +6-10 Research from Secret.

Icon of Nicomedia
Rank: A
2 Insight 250 Renown
2 x Transylvania
2 x Unique

How to obtain
One of the 2 treasures that can be awarded from the last encounter in the zone. To the best of my knowledge it is random which one you get - I have not yet found a way to influence it.

+1 Secret for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+1 Secret for each level of Diplomat in your crew.
+3 Encounter for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+3 Encounter for each level of Diplomat in your crew.

Globus Cruciger
Rank: A
2 Insight 400 Renown
2 x Transylvania
2 x Unique

How to obtain
One of the 2 treasures that can be awarded from the last encounter in the zone. To the best of my knowledge it is random which one you get - I have not yet found a way to influence it.

+2-4 Research from Campaign.
+5 Status and +5 Gold from Campaign.
+25% Renown from Status.

Cross of Lothair
Rank: C
2 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Transylvania

How to obtain
During the Black Tower encounter, complete the battle then choose to examine the office whilst having a level 3 Diplomat in your party.

Charlemagne's Hand
Rank: C
1 Insight 225 Renown
2 x Transylvania

How to obtain
During the Fort encounter, complete the battle in a friendly/devious manner then pass a skill check:

If you finished Friendly: Speech Power/Speaker/Diplomat/Diplomat: Negotiations
If you finished Devious: Speech Power/Speaker/Beguiler/Beguiler: Astonishing

Barked Face
Rank: A
2 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Transylvania
2 x Unique

How to obtain:
Cursed Tree encounter
Check #1: Speech Defense/Grit/Survivalist/Naturalist.
(If you previously defeated the cultists and they told you where the tree was, this check can be bypassed.)
After that, you have options:
A) You can chop it down - receive treasure.
B) Talk to the tree:
Check #2: Speech Power/Speaker/Beguiler.
Pass the check and help by constructing an anti-occult machine:
Check #3: Speech Defense/Scientist/Engineer
If you have a level 1 Archaeologist in your crew, you can bypass the last check. Be nice and you will receive the treasure.
If you have a level 3 Naturalist in your crew, you can bypass the last check and receive the treasure.
C) If you have someone who knows Archaeology - Symbolism, you can bypass the first check and get the treasure. Symbolism can also be used after the first 2 checks and still get the treasure, this way you'd get more tokens.

NOTE: it will cost double supplies to cross forest tiles for the rest of the expedition.

+25% Renown from Gold
+25% Renown from Research
+25% Renown from Status

Baba Yaga's Broom
Rank: B
1 Insight 250 Renown
2 x Transylvania
1 x Unique

How to obtain
The Baba Yaga encounter is a house on top of a pair of chicken legs. You need to ask the house to let you in:

Check #1:Speech Power/Speaker/Diplomat/Diplomat:Etiquette

Once inside, you need to select the dialogue option "Tell her how ugly she is." This now has a skill check:

Check #2: Speech Power/Speaker/Beguiler/Beguiler: Charms

+1 Discovery for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+1 Secret for each level of Beguiler in your crew.

Baba Yaga's Mortar and Pestle
Rank: B
1 Insight 250 Renown
2 x Transylvania
1 x Unique

How to obtain:
The Baba Yaga encounter is a house on top of a pair of chicken legs. You need to ask the house to let you in:

Check #1:Speech Power/Speaker/Diplomat/Diplomat:Etiquette

Once inside, you need to select the dialogue option "Punch her in the stomach and make a run for it."

CAUTION: You will start gaining debuffs as you travel around after taking this option. Be ready to get to the end of the zone after taking this option.

+1 Discovery for each level of Quick Thinker in your crew.
+1 Secret for each level of Quick Thinker in your crew.

Zombie Bolt
Rank: A
2 Insight 300 Renown
2 x Transylvania
2 x Unique

How to obtain:
When you arrive at the Zombie encounter, have a level 3 quick thinker and a level 3 engineer in your party.

NOTE: The engineer and quick thinker levels have to be on different characters.

+1 Discovery for each level of Engineer in your crew.
+1 Secret for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+1 Treasure Hunt for each level of Engineer in your crew.
+1 Treasure Hunt for each level of Rogue in your crew.

Haunted Portrait
Rank: A
1 Insight 250 Renown
2 x Transylvania
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Defeat the Lady of the Graves.

NOTE: If you do not finish Friendly, you will get a debuff on one of your characters that gives weakness to Sadden attacks and -10 Speech Defense.

Gain +1 Campaign for each 2 Campaign you got on this expedition so far.
Gain +1 Discovery for each 2 Discovery you got on this expedition so far.
Gain +1 Secret for each 2 Secret you got on this expedition so far.

St. Irene's Skull
Rank: B
1 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Transylvania
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Pass the adventure wheel at the Ancient Church event and choose "choose the treasure anyway!" The other option gives you the Professor as a specialist entourage.

If you have a level 5+ female Beguiler (doesn't work with men), you may also override the choice and get both the treasure and the entourage, though you must still pass the initial check.

If you already have the Professor in your entourage, you also receive an override to receive both the treasure and the training.

Check #1: Speech Defense/Engineer/Engineer: Automata

+1 Discovery for every 3 levels of Beguiler or Diplomat
+1 Secret for every 3 levels of Beguiler or Diplomat

Painted Egg
Rank: C
1 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Transylvania

How to obtain
Choose one crew member to track the rabid beast then pass an adventure wheel to receive the treasure.

Check #1: Grit/Quick Thinker/Survivalist: Hunter
Anagogic Archipelago Advice
Make a choice of: Pick any 2 of the 3 (Wonoboyo Hoard, Java Man Skull, Costly Ming.)
Can only spawn one of: Witch Mask/Community Crystal (these 2 spawn together), Ganesh Statue, Drums of the Talking Head
Anagogic Archipelago
Indonesian Pool Rank C
2 Treasure Hunt
4 Collect 4 Campaign
8 Collect

Indonesian Pool Rank B
+1-3 Gold from Collect
+1-3 Gold from Encounter
+20-25 Gold from Treasure Hunt

Indonesian Pool Rank A
3 Treasure Hunt
+5 Gold from Collect
+20-25 Gold and +20-25 Status from Treasure Hunt

Rank: A
2 insight 350 Renown
2 x Indonesian
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Defeat the boss at the end of the zone.

+2 Renown from Collect
+30 Renown from Treasure Hunt

Witch Mask
Rank: B
1 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Indonesian
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Defeat the Witch and then choose "Your mask will make a fine treasure! Get her!"

NOTE: If you have a character who is a level 5+ Rogue or has Rogue - Merciless, select "X has a sneaky plan." It will allow you to get both the mask and the crystal.

2 Resolve
6 Supplies

Community Crystal
Rank: A
1 Insight 250 Renown
2 x Indonesian
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Defeat the Witch and then choose "Alright. Let her go." It will mark an X on your map - go to that X and then choose "What's in that treasure chest?"

NOTE: If you have a character who is a level 5+ Rogue or has Rogue - Merciless, select "X has a sneaky plan." It will allow you to get both the mask and the crystal.

+5% Renown from Gold for each Merchant helper in your entourage.
+5% Renown from Gold for each Trader helper in your entourage.
+5% Renown from Research for each Student helper in your entourage.
+5% Renown from Status for each Lobbyist helper in your entourage.

Ganesh Statue
Rank: A
1 Insight 400 Renown
2 x Indonesian
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Defeat Garuda and then select one member to ride on his back.

+1 Treasure Hunt for each level of Archaeologist in your crew.
+1 Treasure Hunt for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+1 Treasure Hunt for each level of Tactician in your crew.

Drums of the Talking Head
Rank: A
2 Insight 300 Renown
2 x Indonesian
2 x Unique

How to obtain
At the Talking Heads event pass 2 of the 3 Adventure Wheel spins. You can choose which ones to pass and in which order to do them, the only thing to note is the same character cannot pass more than 1 of the spins (for example, if you used Agatha to pass the Archaeologist spin, she would not be able to roll on either of the other two.)

Check #1: Speech Defense/Archaeologist/Archaeologist: Symbolism
Check #2: Speech Power/Diplomat/Diplomat: Politics
Check #3: Armor/Athlete/Athlete: Tough

Gain +1 Collect for each 2 Collect you got on this expedition so far.
Gain +1 Secret for each 2 Secrets you got on this expedition so far.
Gain +1 Treasure Hunt for each 2 Treasure Hunts you got on this expedition so far.

Wonoboyo Hoard
Rank: B
1 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Indonesian
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Throughout the zone there are Stupas to be found (the nodes have a little yellow star symbol with nothing else on them.) Go to two of these nodes and select the "Activate the Green Komodo Dragon!" option on both of them. An island will raise out of the water - either take the teleport option given or move there. Defeat the encounter there in a Friendly or Aggressive mood.

+1 Secret for each 2 levels of Engineer or Rogue.
+1 Treasure Hunt for each 2 levels of Engineer or Rogue.

Java Man Skull
Rank: B
2 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Indonesian
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Throughout the zone there are Stupas to be found (the nodes have a little yellow star symbol with nothing else on them.) Go to two of these nodes and select the "Activate the Red Tiger!" option both of them. A cave will appear - either take the teleport option or move there. Once there, pass the spin and you get the treasure:

Check #1: lvl 1 Archaeologists in crew/lvl 5 Archaeologists in crew

NOTE: Your odds start at 0. You get 10% per level 1 Archaeologist in your team and 40% per level 5 Archaeologist in your team.
If you have a level 4 Engineer in your party you can choose "X can help lighting up the place" for a 25% buff to the spin.
If you have a level 4 Tactician in your party you can choose "X notices traces of prehistoric strife" for a 25% buff to the spin. You can take both bonuses to get both buffs.

+1 Secret of each 2 levels of Archaeologist or Diplomat
+1 Treasure Hunt for each 2 levels of Archaeologist or Diplomat.

Costly Ming
Rank: B
1 Insight 150 Renown
2 x Indonesian
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Throughout the zone there are Stupas to be found (the nodes have a little yellow star symbol with nothing else on them.) Go to two of these nodes and select the "Activate the Blue Turtle!" option on both of them. A shipwreck will appear - either take the teleport option or move there. Choose a character to dive under the water and pass the Adventure Wheel (only the person who dives can spin it)

Check #1: Grit/Speech Defense/Survivalist/Athlete: Stamina

+1 Secret for each 2 levels of Athlete or Tactician.
+1 Treasure Hunt for each 2 levels of Athlete or Tactician.

Majaphait Piggy
Rank: C
1 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Indonesian

How to obtain
Trade 1 Resolve for it at the Orang trader.

NOTE: Trader is not a guaranteed spawn.

Royal Kris
Rank: C
1 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Indonesian

How to obtain
Awarded upon completion of the birds encounter (doesn't actually have a name, you fight 8-9 birds called hornbills and ****ed up hornbills.)

Betawi Headdress
Rank: C
1 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Indonesian

How to obtain
Defeat the priests at the ancient ruin encounter in a Friendly or Aggressive mood and then pass an Adventure Wheel:

Check #1: Speech Defense/Archaeologist/Archaeologist: Symbolism

Erewan Sculpture
Rank: A
1 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Indonesian
2x Unique

How to obtain
So this is a unique treasure as it's actually part of someone's crew story card.

Step 1: Activate Phailin Boonyasak's Crew Story (Totally Spy) in an expedition *before* you go to the Anagogic. When you activate this card you will be asked to choose one of the other 2 crew members in your party - whichever one you pick will be the character who has to meet the conditions in step 3 for you to get the treasure.

Step 2: Go to the Anagogic Archipelago and search for a node in the sea - it will have a Wits symbol, a Gold symbol and a Treasure symbol on it.

Step 3: The member you chose in step 1 will go with Phailin. To obtain the treasure that person must:
A) Have the brave trait
B) Be a level 6 Quick Thinker.

If you meet either of those, treasure is awarded during the dialogue (no spins or anything.)

Gain +1 Treasure Hunt for each Resolve.
Gain +2 Encounter for each Resolve.
Gain 50 Renown for each Resolve.
Shangri-La Advice
The top of the world - and the Himalayas: it doesn't get more tranquil and idyllic than- hey, wait, what? Demons?! Time to warn the monks! (and beat Rivaleux to the Treasures here too)

Will always spawn: The 3 Shambala Keys, The Jade Emperor Statue (one of the nine according to your Attitude and Main Resource), The Devious Charm, The Ruby Lotus
Can only spawn one of: Dharmachakra, one of the Yeti Photos

There is a wide-range of skill-checks here - in general you're best off maximising the perks you already have some of values of 5+ are usually sufficient, but a degree of spreading out perks can be helpful too as lots of the skill-checks have more than one skill attached. In particular, ensure you have sufficient skills to get the majority (if not all) of the Shambala Keys (Mind, Body and Heart, see below in main guide) so that the final fight isn't too difficult (not to mention getting some Treasure yourself anyway!)

Perhaps the most commonly used skills are Quick Thinker and Tactician, though it's not by much.

Indeed, the only skill that's pretty much pointless in Shangri-La is Naturalist.

Primarily encounter and skill-level increases. If you have a lot of characters with weak speech defences, you may want to consider getting items that protect against Inspiring and/or Exciting attacks, as the Green demons here (not to mention the boss!) hit hard with them.

Shangri-La is unforgiving on supplies. There are a couple of events where you can pick up more, but the 'resting at the monestary' one will reduce your renown from tokens, so it is usually not worth it. The main source of supplies is Mount Kailash - but that will also use them up: you are given two upon going there, and you'll always use at least one climbing the mountain. On the plus side, you'll also be given 3 if/when you reach the top.

Free Stuff
When you collect the Damachakra, you are given the option to turn all the demons into Treasure Hunt tokens. This does prevent you fighting them or doing the skill-checks, however, so consider carefully whether you'd rather turn them or not.

It is worth noting that demon events/encounters you have already defeated do get new Treasure Hunts added, so if you can afford the supplies to mop-up lots of treasure after clearing them all, this is a good way to make a lot of extra tokens.

There is also one event with a 2% chance (give or take) to give you at least 14 different perks on one (random) crew member. Good luck on finding it!
Shangri-La Pool 1
(With the exception of the statues, all Shangri-la treasures will pick one option out of each of the two following pools)
10 Campaign
10 Collect
10 Study

Shangri-La Pool 2
3 Discovery
3 Secret
3 Treasure Hunt
100 Renown

Shambhala Key: Strength
Rank: B
1 Insight 250 Renown
2 x Shangri-La
1 x Unique

How to obtain
At Tiger Mountain, pass one of the two skill checks:
Check A: Grit/Armor/Athlete/Survivalist
Check B: Grit/Rogue/Survivalist

Note: If this is your first Shambhala key, you will have to defeat Tommy in a battle after passing the check.

25 Renown for each level of Athlete and Tactician.
25 Renown for each level of Naturalist, Survivalist and Athlete.

Shambhala Key: Mind
Rank: B
1 Insight 250 Renown
2 x Shangri-La
1 x Unique

How to obtain
At the Cave of the Crane, pass the skill check:
Speech Defense/Tactician/Archaeologist/Naturalist

If you have a level 6 engineer in your party, you may bypass the check.

Note: If this is your first Shambhala key, you will have to defeat Cassandra in a battle first.

25 Renown for each level of Quick Thinker, Tactician and Beguiler.
25 Renown for each level of Survivalist, Quick Thinker and Rogue.

Shambhala Key: Heart
Rank: B
1 Insight 250 Renown
2 x Shangri-La
1 x Unique

How to obtain
At the Temple of Love and Wisdom, pass one of the two skill checks:
Check A: Speech Power/Beguiler/Diplomat
Check B: Speech Defense/Grit/Quick Thinker/Serious

Note: Crew members who have the trait 'Gullible' (Earl, Emilia) or 'Fame-Seeking' (Maria, Charles) cannot be used for either roll here as they are 'Schmoozed'.

Note: If this is your first Shambhala key, you will have to defeat Amir in a battle after passing the check.

25 Renown for each level of Archaeologist and Diplomat.
25 Renown for each level of Beguiler and Diplomat.
25 Renown for each level of Naturalist, Archaeologist and Engineer.

Rank: A
2 Insight 300 Renown
2 x Shangri-La
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Reach the top of Mount Kaliash:
Check: Grit/Armor/Athlete/Survivalist (every time you fail the climb you'll get a debuff, but these will wear off after 2 moves so feel free to stack them and keep throwing yourself up the mountain, just don't go into combat with them. You gain 15% chance on each attempt

30 Renown for each Merchant helper in your Entourage
30 Renown for each Lobbyist helper in your Entourage
30 Renown for each Student helper in your Entourage

Yeti Photo: Friendly
Rank: A
2 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Shangri-La
2 x Unique

3 Renown for each point of Speech.
4 Renown for each point of Speech Defense.

Yeti Photo: Devious
Rank: A
2 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Shangri-La
2 x Unique

3 Renown for each point of Speech.
4 Renown for each point of Grit.

Yeti Photo: Aggressive
Rank: A
2 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Shangri-La
2 x Unique

3 Renown for each point of Attack.
4 Renown for each point of Speech Defense.

How to obtain
The procedure for all 3 photos is largely the same, hence why I am grouping them. There are 2 ways to start this chain: you can either find the yeti tracks or encounter the huntress (after her event resolves she will mark the tracks on your map - make sure to select the "say I am looking for a yeti; where should I definitely NOT look for one?" option.)

If you go with the huntress event:
(Optional) Check #0: Speech Power/Grit/Quick Thinker. Middle dialogue option then top dialogue option, it will mark a place on your map with an X

After arriving at the X
Check #1: Speech Defense/Scientist/Archaeologist It will mark another X on your map

After arriving at that X
Check #2: Armor/Fighter/Tactician. It will mark the Abominable Mountain.

After reaching the mountain, choose to pursue:
Check #3: Grit/Speech Defense/Quick Thinker/Tactician.
This check can be bypassed with a level 5 Survivalist.

After that check you will enter combat with the Yeti:
If you get a Friendly victory: Gain the friendly photo
If you get a Devious victory: Gain the devious photo
If you get an Aggressive victory: Gain the aggressive photo

Ruby Lotus
Rank: B
1 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Shangri-la
1 x Unique

How to obtain:
Complete the Demon Theatre encounter in a Friendly manner.

+2 Secret when you resolve an encounter Friendly.
+100 Renown when you resolve an encounter Friendly.

Devious Charm
Rank: B
1 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Shangri-la
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Lazy Demons event - have a level 3 Beguiler in your party.

Note: If you have the Medieval Devil treasure, you can skip the check.

+1 Discovery whenever you solve an encounter Devious.
+1 Treasure Hunt whenever you solve an encounter Devious.

Emperor Statues
Rank: A
4 Insight 500 renown
3 x Unique

How to obtain:
After defeating the final boss encounter, you will be awarded one of the nine statues. Which one you are awarded is based on your playstyle and tokens you collected for that run:

Aggressive/Research: Emperor Snake
Aggressive/Status: Emperor Dog
Aggressive/Gold: Emperor Tiger
Devious/Research: Emperor Monkey
Devious/Status: Emperor Rooster
Devious/Gold: Emperor Rat
Friendly/Research: Emperor Dragon
Friendly/Status: Emperor Horse
Friendly/Gold: Emperor Pig

To my knowledge the statue awarded is based on the highest total amount of a resource you gained that run. For example, if you had gained 1000 Gold, 500 Status, 200 Research you'd be awarded a gold statue (science has a 2.8 multiplier for this calculation.)


5 Renown for each Study you got on this expedition so far.
30 Renown for each Discovery you got on this expedition so far.
For each point of Speech Defense: 2 Renown.

5 Renown for each Campaign you got on this expedition so far.
30 Renown for each Secret you got on this expedition so far.
10 Renown for each Encounter you got on this expedition so far.

5 Renown for each Collect you got on this expedition so far.
30 Renown for each Treasure Hunt you got on this expedition so far.
For each point of Speech Defense: 2 Renown.

5 Renown for each Study you got on this expedition so far.
30 Renown for each Discovery you got on this expedition so far.
For each point of Grit: 2 Renown.

5 Renown for each Campaign you got on this expedition so far.
30 Renown for each Secret you got on this expedition so far.
For each point of Grit: 2 Renown.

5 Renown for each Collect you got on this expedition so far.
30 Renown for each Treasure Hunt you got on this expedition so far.
10 Renown for each Encounter you got on this expedition so far.

5 Renown for each Study you got on this expedition so far.
30 Renown for each Discovery you got on this expedition so far.
10 Renown for each Encounter you got on this expedition so far.

5 Renown for each Campaign you got on this expedition so far.
30 Renown for each Secret you got on this expedition so far.
For each point of Speech Defense: 2 Renown.

5 Renown for each Collect you got on this expedition so far.
30 Renown for each Treasure Hunt you got on this expedition so far.
For each point of Speech Defense: 2 Renown.
Lost Island Advice
Time to hunt down the Anti-Explorers and put an end to their nefarious schemes! (and find whatever dinosaurs may be lurking on the island.)

There's two parts to the island - the first, dealing with the Anti-Explorers on the way to the LANDELVER device. The second, dealing with the remnants of the Anti-Explorers and the Dinosaurs that breaking the LANDELVER has woken up.

For treasures, you'll want to do both parts - you can escape after destroying the LANDELVER, but almost all the goodies come after it. It's generally better to make a more-or-less direct route towards the LANDELVER, only stopping to identify the location of the Palentologist, complete the first part of the Dog Training Yard and collect the Secret Medallion before reaching it - this is because the second part of the island is positively covered with Treasures, and with some smooth recon work on the way to the LANDELVER, you can quickly pick up as many as you can before you start risking your supplies (and resolve!) after activating it.


Will always spawn: Oscillator, Secret Medallion.
Can only spawn one of: None
NOTE: If going for the Fighting Dinosaurs Fossil, before completing the LANDELVER event, you must first find and defeat the Dog Training Yard encounter in a Friendly attitude.


Will always spawn: Dinosaur Eggs, Sillified Sphere, Archaeopteryx Fossil, Fighting Dinosaurs Fossil (See note above!)
Can only spawn one of: None
Always spawn, but can only choose one of: Terrifying Predator, Stegosaurus Skeleton, Brachiosaurus Skeleton.
Note: The Living Crystal and The Fantastic Raptor Queen are mutually exclusive, and only possible to obtain one of them if you choose the Brachiosaurus Skeleton from the above choice.
Note: The Secret Medallion event (The Exclusive Club) may not survive past the LANDELVER event - pick it up first if you're after it.

All of the skill-checks on Lost Island expect a high level - level 5+ is generally best in whichever skills, and anything less than level 4 begins making your skill-checks very dicey indeed. Overall, you will probably want to have a high level Engineer or Naturalist, or perhaps an Athlete/Survivalist. There's a wide range of grit related checks and speech-defence ones, but comparatively few armour ones apart from Athlete.

Your main skill focus should reflect which end-treasures you're after. If you are after the Terrifying Predator, Athlete and Survivalist should be your main focus, and will earn bonus tokens too, though they're not strictly necessary to defeat it. Quick Thinking can also be helpful. These lend themselves to the checks for the Silified Sphere and Dinosaur Eggs.

If going for the Anti-Explorer leader (The Stegosaurus Skeleton event), you don't need any perks, but it's worth having at least some of: 4 naturalist, Origin of the Species II, 5 Beguiler, 5 Rogue and/or Shekmhet's Mask as each of these provide debuffs to the boss in the fight if selected in the event prior to it. All of these perks except Beguiler have other checks for bonuses on the island, though none are relevant for a Treasure, and Survivalist/Quick Thinker are better replacements for Treasure-Seekers.

Rogue is potentially useful at the Oscillator for tokens, but Engineering is almost certainly a better option, in which case you should go for the Raptor Queen:

If going after the Raptor Queen (The Brachiosaurus Skeleton and either Living Crystal or The Amazing Raptor Queen treasures), you will want to have either Naturalist or Engineer to at least level 5 or preferably higher on one character to give yourself the best chance of getting either - and saving a tool for the final checks is well-worth it.

The only other skillcheck of note is the one for the Secret Medallion - it being the only time Diplomat is used on Lost Island - not generally worth skilling up for, but it may be worth lending a high speech-defence crew member a couple of skill levels from items.

Whichever items are best to boost your skills into the 5s and 6s. Binoculars are typically a good option - as are most of the expensive trinkets in Sydney.

There are no shops on the Lost Island, and most of the Supply nodes offer a couple of supplies before and after the LANDELVER event (some give more later if you don't visit them initially), but if you are low on supplies initially, Lost Island can quickly become very dangerous, as once you reach the second stage of the Island, you can lose Resolve if you don't have Supplies to lose when the DELVER events trigger on moving.

Free Stuff
Having high skill levels tends to give several events large amounts of tokens, but the most useful Free Stuff is the Archaeopteryx Fossil - you only need to visit 3 seperate Dinosaur encounters/events (not counting different raptors as more than one) and you'll get not only a treasure, but also 3 Discovery tokens too from the Palaeontologist - it doesn't matter if you failed or succeeded in any checks at those events either - so long as you saw dinosaurs, it counts.
Lost Island
Lost Pool Rank C
10 Campaign
10 Collect
10 Study

Lost Pool Rank B/A
(Rank B And A share the same common pool.)
3 Discovery
3 Secret
3 Treasure Hunt
100 Renown

Rank: B
1 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Lost
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Awarded after completing the first part of the island.

Grants 40 Renown for each level of Engineer.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Rogue.

Stegosaurus Skeleton
Rank: A
1 Insight 300 Renown
2 x Lost
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Defeat the anti-explorer leader.

Grants 40 Renown for each level of Archaeologist.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Naturalist.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Rogue.

Brachiosaurus Skeleton
Rank: B
1 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Lost
1 x Unique

How to obtain
Awarded for defeating the Raptor Queen at the end of the expedition.

5 Discovery
5 Secret
5 Treasure Hunt

Living Crystal
Rank: A
1 Insight 300 Renown
2 x Lost
2 x Unique

How to obtain
During the Machines and Queens encounter, choose to investigate the force field and pass 3 wheels:

Check #1: Scientist/Speech Defense/Naturalist
Check #2: Scientist/Speech Defense/Naturalist
Check #3: Scientist/Speech Defense/Naturalist

NOTE: Your odds get lower after each spin.

30 Renown for each Student Helper in your entourage.
75 Renown for each completed Research Tree.
For each point of Speech Defense: 4 Renown.

The Fantastic Raptor Queen
Rank: A
1 Insight 300 Renown
2 x Lost
2 x Unique

How to obtain
During the Machines and Queens encounter, investigate the machine and pass 3 wheels:
Check #1: Scientist/Speech Defense/Engineer
Check #2: Scientist/Speech Defense/Engineer
Check #3: Scientist/Speech Defense/Engineer

and then defeat the boss. Treasure is awarded after the battle.

NOTE: Your odds get lower after each spin.

Grants 25 Renown for each level of Engineer and Rogue.
Grants 25 Renown for each level of Quick Thinker, Tactician and Beguiler.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Engineer.

The Terrifying Predator
1 Insight 300 Renown
Rank: A
2 x Lost
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Defeat the predator.

Grants 40 Renown for each level of Athlete.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Tactician.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Survivalist

Dinosaur Eggs
Rank: C
1 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Lost

How to obtain
Pass the wheel during the Dense Jungle encounter:

Check #1: Survivalist/Survivalist: Navigation/Speech Defense/Grit

Silicified Sphere
Rank: C
1 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Lost

How to obtain
Awarded from the predator dinosaur encounter. You'll be asked to pick one person to explore the jungle:

Optional Check #1: Survivalist/Tactician/Tactician: Guerilla/Armor/Grit
Check #1: Quick Thinker/Athlete/Quick Thinker: Escape Artist/Armor/Grit (odds improved if you passed the optional.)

Archaeopteryx Fossil
Rank: B
1 Insight 200 Renown
2 x Lost
1 x Unique

How to obtain
When visiting the Field Palaeontologist you need to tell him about 3 different types of dinosaurs - you'll get 1 option for each type of dinosaur you meet.

Grants 25 Renown for each level of Survivalist, Quick Thinker and Rogue.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Quick Thinker.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Rogue.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Survivalist.

NOTE: This treasure is currently bugged - its second common pool option will also be a rank C one, not from the B/A pool.

Fighting Dinosaurs Fossil
Rank: C
2 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Lost

How to obtain
The event for this is split into two parts:

Part 1 (before the fog lifts)
Finish the battle at the dog training facility with a Friendly attitude.

Part 2 (after the fog lifts)
Return to the dog training facility and finish the new battle there with a Friendly attitude. After this you'll be awarded the treasure.

Medal of Secrecy
Rank: C
1 Insight 100 Renown
2 x Lost

How to obtain
During The Exclusive Club encounter, pass the wheel:

Check #1: Speaker/Speech Power/Diplomat/Diplomat: Etiquette

NOTE: Treasure only available on the first stage of the island.

Trophy of Time
Rank: A
1 Insight 350 Renown
2 x Lost
2 x Unique

How to obtain
Awarded from the Royal Tournament event:
1) Defeat the raptors (doesn't matter how)
2) Go north or south (doesn't matter which)
3) Spin the adventure wheels (doesn't matter if you fail)
4) Defeat the Playboy and you get the treasure.

Grants 25 Renown for each level of Survivalist, Naturalist and Athlete
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Survivalist
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Naturalist
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Athlete
Appendix A: Events affected by treasure
Sometimes having a certain treasure with you can have an effect on events during an expedition. I'll document here what events are affected.

Masked Village: Having the Benin Mask or Mask of Madness will give you new options.
Obsessed Sword Guy: If you have the Ulfberht Sword, Liddesdale Sword or Sword of Justice you can obtain the Songhai Sword.

Devious Charm: You receive an override for the Beguiler checks if you have the Imp Statue here.
Final Encounter: You will gain a buff for this encounter for each Shambhala Key you have. If you are missing any, the buff will be applied to the enemy instead.

Lost Island
Fighting Dinosaurs: Special option if you have the Stegoceras Skull.
Anti-explorer Leader: Special option if you have Origin of Species 2.
Appendix B: Starter Island Summary
List of what treasures can be found on each starter island:

Celtic Code
Ammonite Fossil
Baryonyx Claw
Celtic Cross
Celtic Horned Helmet
Celtic Leaf
Clear Amber
Druid Quartz
Green Runestone
Sea Sapphire
Skull of Cernunnos
Stegoceras Skull
Sun Stone

Saxon Kings
Clear Amber
Crown of Thorns
Executioner's Axe
Golden Cloud
Nordic Bracelet
Pipe Rock
Prince's Skull
Saxon Golden Horse
Saxon King's Mantle
Saxon Knight
Saxon Ring
Sword of Justice

Viking Landing
Brooch In Urnes Style
Celtic Leaf
Dragon Head
Freyja's Spear
Green Runestone
Nordic Bracelet
Prince's Skull
Pumpkin King
The Leprechaun
Ulfberht Sword
Viking Drinking Horn
Viking Helmet
Viking Shield
Appendix C: Common Pools
1 Discovery
3 Campaign 3 Study
3 Collect 3 Study
5 Study
+0-1 Research from Study
+1 Research from Study
+3-5 Research from Discovery
+6-10 Research from Discovery

1 Discovery
1 Treasure Hunt
3 Collect 3 Study
5 Collect
5 Study
+0-1 Research from Study.
+1-2 Gold from Collect.
+1-3 Gold from Collect.
+3-5 Research from Discovery.
+6-10 Research from Discovery.
+10-15 Gold from Treasure Hunt.

2 Discovery
2 Treasure Hunt
3 Collect 3 Study
6 Campaign
6 Collect
6 Study
+0-1 Research from Study.
+1-2 Research from Study.
+1-3 Gold from Collect.
+6-10 Research from Discovery.
+20-25 Gold from Treasure Hunt.

1 Discovery
1 Secret
1 Treasure Hunt
+3-5 Research from Discovery
+10-15 Status from Secret
+10-15 Gold from Treasure Hunt

2 Secret
2 Treasure Hunt
3 Encounter
6 Campaign
6 Collect
+1-3 Gold from Encounter.
+1-3 Status from Campaign.
+1-3 Status from Encounter.
+2-3 Gold from Encounter.
+2-3 Status from Encounter.
+2-4 Status from Campaign.
+20-25 Status and +6-10 Research from Secret.

2 Secret
4 Campaign 4 Study
8 Campaign
+1-3 Status from Encounter
+1-3 Status from Campaign
+2-4 Status from Campaign
+10-15 Status from Secret
+20-25 Status from Secret

2 Discovery
2 Secret
3 Campaign 3 Study
6 Campaign
6 Study
+1-3 Status from Campaign
+2 Research from Study
+2-4 Status from Campaign
+6-10 Research from Discovery
+10-15 Status from Secret
+20-25 Status from Secret

+1-3 Gold from Collect
+1-3 Gold from Encounter
2 Treasure Hunt
3 Treasure Hunt
4 Collect 4 Campaign
+5 Gold from Collect
8 Collect
+20-25 Gold from Treasure Hunt
+20-25 Gold and +20-25 Status from Treaasure Hunt

3 Discovery
3 Secret
3 Treasure Hunt
10 Campaign
10 Collect
10 Study
100 Renown

2 Treasure Hunt
3 Collect 3 Campaign
3 Collect 3 Study
6 Collect
+2-4 Gold from Collect
+5 Gold from Encounter
+10-15 Gold from Treasure Hunt
+20-25 Gold from Treasure Hunt

1 Discovery
1 Treasure Hunt
3 Collect 3 Study
6 Study
+0-1 Research from Study
+1-2 Research from Study
+2 Research from Study
+6-10 Research from Discovery
+20-25 Gold from Treasure Hunt

1 Treasure Hunt
3 Campaign 3 Collect
3 Collect 3 Study
5 Collect
+1-2 Gold from Collect.
+1-3 Gold from Collect.
+10-15 Gold from Treasure Hunt.
+20-25 Gold from Treasure Hunt.

10 Campaign
10 Collect
10 Study
3 Discovery
3 Secret
3 Treasure Hunt
100 Renown

2 Secret
3 Secret
4 Campaign 4 Study
8 Campaign
+1-3 Status from Encounter.
+5 Status from Campaign.
+10-15 Status from Secret.
+20-25 Status and +6-10 Research from Secret.

1 Secret
3 Campaign 3 Study
3 Collect 3 Campaign
5 Campaign
+1-3 Status from Campaign
+10-15 Status from Secret
+20-25 Status from Secret

1 Discovery
3 Discovery
4 Collect 4 Study
8 Study
50 Renown
+0-1 Research from Study
+2 Research from Study
+1-3 Gold from Collect
+10-15 Gold from Treasure Hunt
+6-10 Research and +20-25 Gold from Discovery
Appendix D: Unique Pools
Archaeopteryx Fossil
Grants 25 Renown for each level of Survivalist, Quick Thinker and Rogue.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Quick Thinker.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Rogue.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Survivalist.

Baba Yaga's Broom
+1 Discovery for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+1 Secret for each level of Beguiler in your crew.

Baba Yaga's Mortar and Pestle
+1 Discovery for each level of Quick Thinker in your crew.
+1 Secret for each level of Quick Thinker in your crew.

Barked Face
+25% Renown from Gold
+25% Renown from Research
+25% Renown from Status

Baryonyx Claw
Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Devious.
Gain an extra 2 Campaign if you resolve an encounter Devious.
Gain an extra 2 Collect if you resolve an encounter Devious.
Gain an extra 2 Study if you resolve an encounter Devious.

Brachiosaurus Skeleton
5 Discovery
5 Secret
5 Treasure Hunt

Brooch In Urnes Style
+1-3 Status from Collect
+1-3 Status from Study

Carved Ace
Start every expedition with +1 tool.

Celtic Cross
+0-1 Research from Campaign
+0-1 Research from Collect

Celtic Horned Helmet
+4-6 Research from Encounter
+10-15 Gold from Encounter
+10-15 Status from Encounter

Your current highest level Athlete gain +4 Collect on Athlete spins.
Your current highest level Beguiler gain +4 Collect on Beguiler spins.
Your current highest level Rogue gain +4 Collect on Rogue spins.

Clear Crystal
+25% Renown from Research
+25% Renown from Status
+25% Renown from Gold

Columba's Staff
+2 Encounter for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+3 Campaign for each level of Beguiler in your crew.

Community Crystal
+5% Renown from Gold for each Merchant helper in your entourage.
+5% Renown from Gold for each Trader helper in your entourage.
+5% Renown from Research for each Student helper in your entourage.
+5% Renown from Status for each Lobbyist helper in your entourage.

Costly Ming
+1 Secret for each 2 levels of Athlete or Tactician.
+1 Treasure Hunt for each 2 levels of Athlete or Tactician.

Crown of Thorns
Hunger will grant +2 Campaign and +2 Supplies up to 3 times per expedition.

Devious Charm
+1 Discovery whenever you solve an encounter Devious.
+1 Treasure Hunt whenever you solve an encounter Devious.

30 Renown for each Merchant helper in your Entourage
30 Renown for each Lobbyist helper in your Entourage
30 Renown for each Student helper in your Entourage

Dragon Head
+1 Campaign whenever a speaker succeeds on Diplomats and Beguiler spins.
+1 Collect whenever a scout succeeds on Survivalist, Quick Thinker or Rogue spins.
+1 Collect whenever a fighter succeeds on Athlete or Tactician spins.
+1 Study whenever a scientist succeeds on Naturalist, Archaeologist or Engineer spins.

Drums of the Talking Head
Gain +1 Collect for each 2 Collect you got on this expedition so far.
Gain +1 Secret for each 2 Secrets you got on this expedition so far.
Gain +1 Treasure Hunt for each 2 Treasure Hunts you got on this expedition so far.

Emerald Skull
+6-10 Research and +20-25 Gold from Discovery
+6-10 Research and +20-25 Status from Discovery
+12-20 Research from Discovery

Emperor Garb
+2 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Survivalist in your crew.
+2 Collect at the end of each expedition for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+2 Study at the end of each expedition for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+2 Study at the end of each expedition for each level of Survivalist in your crew.

Emperor Statues
5 Renown for each Collect you got on this expedition so far.
30 Renown for each Treasure Hunt you got on this expedition so far.
5 Renown for each Campaign you got on this expedition so far.
30 Renown for each Secret you got on this expedition so far.
5 Renown for each Study you got on this expedition so far.
30 Renown for each Discovery you got on this expedition so far.
10 Renown for each Encounter you got on this expedition so far.
For each point of Speech Defense: 2 Renown.

Erewan Sculpture
Gain +1 Treasure Hunt for each Resolve.
Gain +2 Encounter for each Resolve.
Gain 50 Renown for each Resolve.

Executioner's Axe
Gain +1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.
Rogues and Athletes gain +1 Attack if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.

Freyja's Spear
+2 Supplies whenever a level 4 Beguiler succeeds on Beguiler spins.
All crew members gain the Beguiler - Seduction perk.

Ganesh Statue
+1 Treasure Hunt for each level of Archaeologist in your crew.
+1 Treasure Hunt for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+1 Treasure Hunt for each level of Tactician in your crew.

Globus Cruciger
+2-4 Research from Campaign.
+5 Status and +5 Gold from Campaign.
+25% Renown from Status.

Golden Banana
+2 Study whenever a level 4 Survivalist succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.
+2 Study whenever a level 4 Rogue succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.
+2 Study whenever a level 4 Quick Thinker succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.

Golden Cloud
+1-3 Gold from Campaign.
+1-2 Gold from Study.

Golden Jackal
+1-3 Gold from Collect.

Haunted Portrait
Gain +1 Campaign for each 2 Campaign you got on this expedition so far.
Gain +1 Discovery for each 2 Discovery you got on this expedition so far.
Gain +1 Secret for each 2 Secret you got on this expedition so far.

+6-10 Research and +20-25 Gold from Discovery
+20-25 Status and +6-10 Research from Secret
+20-25 Gold and +20-25 Status from Treasure Hunt

Hero's Banner
Your current highest level Diplomat gains +1 Secret on Diplomat spins.
Your current highest level Diplomat gains +3 Campaign and +3 Study on Diplomat spins.
Your current highest level Engineer gains +1 Discovery on Engineer spins.
Your current highest level Engineer gains +3 Collect and +3 Study on Engineer spins.

Hungarian Mix
All crew members gain +10 Attack.
All crew members gain +10 Speech.
All crew memebrs gain +10 Spirit.

Icon of Nicomedia
+1 Secret for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+1 Secret for each level of Diplomat in your crew.
+3 Encounter for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+3 Encounter for each level of Diplomat in your crew.

Imperial Bracelet
10 Campaign
10 Study

Inti Statue
All Scouts gain +10 Attack.
All Scouts gain +10 Grit.
All Scouts gain +10 Speech.

Jade Human
+1-3 Status from Campaign.

Java Man Skull
+1 Secret of each 2 levels of Archaeologist or Diplomat
+1 Treasure Hunt for each 2 levels of Archaeologist or Diplomat.

King Crab
Gain 1 Collect for each 1 Encounter you got on this expedition so far.
Gain 1 Encounter for each 2 Encounter you got on this expedition so far.
Gain 1 Treasure Hunt for each 5 Encounter you got on this expedition so far.

King Elephant's Skull
+1 Encounter at the end of each expedition for each level of Athlete in your crew.
+1 Encounter at the end of each expedition for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+2 Collect at the end of each expedition for each level of Athlete in your crew.
Appendix D: Unique Pools (Continued)
King Oengus' Crown
+2 Research from Encounter
+5 Gold from Encounter
+5 Status from Encounter

Lapis Lazuli Ibis
+0-1 Research from Study

Lewis Chessmen
2 Insight
+1 Secret when spending insight in London'
+1 Treasure Hunt when spending Insight in London.

Liddesdale Sword
+1 Collect whenever a Fighter succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.
+1 Study whenever a Fighter succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.
+1 Campaign whenever a Fighter succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.

Living Crystal
30 Renown for each Student Helper in your entourage.
75 Renown for each completed Research Tree.
For each point of Speech Defense: 4 Renown.

Mask of Madness
+1 Encounter at the end of each expedition for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+2 Collect at the end of each expedition for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+2 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Beguiler in your crew.

Mask of Sneferu
Your current highest level Athlete gains +1 Treasure Hunt on Athlete spins.
Your current highest level Archaeologist gains +1 Secret on Archaeologist spins.
Your current highest level Survivalist gains +1 Discovery on Survivalist spins.

Monymusk Reliquary
Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.
Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Friendly.
Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Devious.

+1-2 Research from Collect
+8-10 Research from Treasure Hunt

Grants 40 Renown for each level of Engineer.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Rogue.

+4 Renown from Collect
+40 Renown from Secret
+40 Renown from Treasure Hunt

Philosopher's Stone
Your current highest level Archaeologist gains +4 Campaign on Archaeologist spins.
Your current highest level Quick Thinker gains +4 Campaign on Quick Thinker spins.
Your current highest level Tactician gains +4 Campaign on Tactician spins.

Portrait of Erzsébet Báthory
+5 Status from Encounter
+5 Status from Campaign
+25% Status from Campaign

Pumpkin Head
+2 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Quick Thinker in your crew.
All crew members gain the Quick Thinker - Wits perk.

Ra Statue
+20-25 Gold from Treasure Hunt.
+20-25 Status from Treasure Hunt.

Red Hill Orchid
+2 Campaign whenever you enter a Nature challenge for the first time.
+2 Collect whenever you enter a Nature challenge for the first time.
+2 Study whenever you enter a Nature challenge for the first time.

Roche's Anchor
+4 Encounter for each level of Athlete in your crew.
+4 Encounter for each level of Naturalist in your crew.
+4 Encounter for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+4 Encounter for each level of Survivalist in your crew.

Roche's Captain's Coat
+4 Study for each level of Athlete in your crew.
+4 Study for each level of Naturalist in your crew.
+4 Study for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+4 Study for each level of Survivalist in your crew.

Roche's Captain's Hat
+4 Collect for each level of Athlete in your crew.
+4 Collect for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+4 Collect for each level of Naturalist in your crew.
+4 Collect for each level of Survivalist in your crew.

Roche's Jolly Roger
Gain 1 Discovery whenever you find a treasure.
Gain 1 Treasure Hunt whenever you find a treasure.
Gain 5 Collect whenever you find a treasure.
Gain 5 Study whenever you find a treasure.

Roche's Logbook
All Scientists gain +10 Attack.
All Scouts gain +10 Attack.

Roche's Treasure
Your current highest level Engineer gains +3 Study on Engineer spins.
Your current highest level Naturalist gains +3 Study on Naturalist spins.
Your current highest level Survivalist gains +3 Study on Survivalist spins.

Ruby Lotus
+2 Secret when you resolve an encounter Friendly.
+100 Renown when you resolve an encounter Friendly.

Sacred Dagger
Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Devious.
Gain an extra 4 Study if you resolve an encounter Devious.

Savior of Hungary
+1 Encounter at the end of each expedition for each level of Diplomat in your crew.
+2 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Diplomat in your crew.

Saxon Golden Horse
+1 Collect at the end of each expedition for each level of Quick Thinker in your crew.
+1 Collect at the end of each expedition for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+1 Collect at the end of each expedition for each level of Survivalist in your crew.

Saxon King's Mantle
All Speakers gain +10 Speech.
All Speakers gain +10 Speech Defense.

Saxon Ring
+1 Campaign when spending Insight to perform a Campaign job with a Speaker.
+1 Collect when spending Insight to perform a Collect job with a Fighter.
+1 Collect when spending Insight to perform a Collect job with a Scout.
+1 Study when spending Insight to perform a Study job with a Scientist.

Sea Sapphire
+1 Study at the end of each expedition for each level of Archaeologist in your crew.
+1 Study at the end of each expedition for each level of Engineer in your crew.
+1 Study at the end of each expedition for each level of Naturalist in your crew.

Seated Couple
Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Friendly.
Gain an extra 2 Collect if you resolve an encounter Friendly.

Secretum Secretorum
Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Devious.
Gain an extra 2 Campaign if you resolve an encounter Devious.
Gain an extra 2 Collect if you resolve an encounter Devious.
Gain an extra 2 Study if you resolve an encounter Devious.

Sekhmet Mask
4 Discovery
4 Secret
4 Treasure Hunt

Seth Maribre's Scepter
+1 Campaign whenever a Scientist succeeds on the adventure wheel.
+1 Collect whenever a Scientist succeeds on the adventure wheel.
+1 Study whenever a Scientist succeeds on the adventure wheel.

Shambhala Key: Heart
25 Renown for each level of Archaeologist and Diplomat.
25 Renown for each level of Beguiler and Diplomat.
25 Renown for each level of Naturalist, Archaeologist and Engineer.

Shambhala Key: Mind
25 Renown for each level of Quick Thinker, Tactician and Beguiler.
25 Renown for each level of Survivalist, Quick Thinker and Rogue.

Shambhala Key: Strength
25 Renown for each level of Athlete and Tactician.
25 Renown for each level of Naturalist, Survivalist and Athlete.

Shepherd's Crown
Your current highest level Quick Thinker gains +2 Encounter on Quick Thinker spins.
Your current highest level Tactician gains +2 Encounter on Tactician spins.
Your current highest level Beguiler gains +2 Encounter on Beguiler spins.
Appendix D: Unique Pools (Continued)
Skull of Cernunnos
+1 Campaign and +1 Study at the end of each expedition for each level of Archaeologist in your crew.
Your current highest level Archaeologist gains +2 Campaign and +2 Study on Archaeologist spins.

Songhai Sword
+2 Campaign from spending Insight in Cape Town.
+2 Collect from spending Insight in Zanzibar.
+2 Study from spending Insight in Timbuktu.

Spirit Scepter
+2 Encounter whenever you enter a Cultural challenge for the first time.
+3 Campaign whenever you enter a Cultural challenge for the first time.
+3 Collect whenever you enter a Cultural challenge for the first time.
+3 Study whenever you enter a Cultural challenge for the first time.

St. Andrew's Bones
3 Discovery
10 Study

St. Irene's Skull
+1 Discovery for each 3 levels of Beguiler or Diplomat
+1 Secret for each 3 levels of Beguiler or Diplomat

Star of Africa
Gain +1 Collect for each 2 Collect you got on this expedition so far.
Gain +1 Study for each 2 Collect you got on this expedition so far.
Gain +1 Treasure Hunt for each 10 Collect you got on this expedition so far.

Stegosaurus Skeleton
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Archaeologist.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Naturalist.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Rogue.

Stegoceras Skull
All Scientists gain +10 Speech.
All Scientists gain +10 Attack.

Sun Stone
All Scouts gain +10 Speech.
All Scouts gain +10 Attack.

Sword of Justice
+1 Encounter at the end of each expedition for each level of Athlete in your crew.
+1 Encounter at the end of each expedition for each level of Tactician in your crew.
+1 Collect at the end of each expedition for each level of Athlete in your crew.
+1 Collect at the end of each expedition for each level of Tactician in your crew.

The Amazing Titan
Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.
Gain an extra 2 Campaign if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.
Gain an extra 2 Collect if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.
Gain an extra 2 Study if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.

The Fantastic Raptor Queen
Grants 25 Renown for each level of Engineer and Rogue.
Grants 25 Renown for each level of Quick Thinker, Tactician and Beguiler.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Engineer.

The Hunting Plate
+2 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+2 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Quick Thinker in your crew.
+2 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Tactician in your crew.

The Leprechaun
+1 Encounter at the end of each expedition for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+1 Encounter at the end of each expedition for each level of Diplomat in your crew.
+2 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Beguiler in your crew.
+2 Campaign at the end of each expedition for each level of Diplomat in your crew.

The Terrifying Predator
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Athlete.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Tactician.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Survivalist

Thoth Statue
+6-10 Research from Discovery.
+20-25 Gold from Discovery.

Trophy of Time
Grants 25 Renown for each level of Survivalist, Naturalist and Athlete.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Survivalist.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Naturalist.
Grants 40 Renown for each level of Athlete.

Ulfberht Sword
Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.
Gain an extra 2 Campaign if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.
Gain an extra 2 Collect if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.
Gain an extra 2 Study if you resolve an encounter Aggressive.

Unicorn Tapestry
+1 Campaign whenever a Speaker succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.
+1 Collect whenever a Speaker succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.
+1 Study whenever a Speaker succeeds on the Adventure Wheel.

Urquchillay Idol
+1 Discovery when spending Insight in Beijing.
+1 Discovery when spending Insight in Timbuktu.
2 Insight.

Viking Drinking Horn
Gain an extra 1 Encounter if you resolve an encounter Friendly.
Gain an extra 2 Campaign if you resolve an encounter Friendly.
Gain an extra 2 Collect if you resolve an encounter Friendly.
Gain an extra 2 Study if you resolve an encounter Friendly.

Viking Shield
All Fighters gain +10 Armor.
All Fighters gain +10 Attack.

Voodoo Ritual Book
+1 Discovery for each level of Survivalist in your crew.
+1 Secret for each level of Survivalist in your crew.

Water of Life
2 Resolve
Gain +1 Discovery for each Resolve.

Gain an item: Spooky Lantern.
+1 Study per Engineer level when doing a Collect job on the world map with an Engineer.

Witch Mask
2 Resolve
6 Supplies

Wonoboyo Hoard
+1 Secret for each 2 levels of Engineer or Rogue.
+1 Treasure Hunt for each 2 levels of Engineer or Rogue.

Yeti Photo: Aggressive
3 Renown for each point of Attack.
4 Renown for each point of Speech Defense.

Yeti Photo: Devious
3 Renown for each point of Speech.
4 Renown for each point of Grit.

Yeti Photo: Friendly
3 Renown for each point of Speech.
4 Renown for each point of Speech Defense.

Zombie Bolt
+1 Discovery for each level of Engineer in your crew.
+1 Secret for each level of Rogue in your crew.
+1 Treasure Hunt for each level of Engineer in your crew.
+1 Treasure Hunt for each level of Rogue in your crew.
328 bình luận
MarkDarkness 6 Thg12, 2023 @ 11:57pm 
To get the Golden Scarab, you need to actually get captured (fail) in the British encampment event. During your escape you will be able to find the treasure.
The BlackVision  [tác giả] 9 Thg08, 2022 @ 6:00am 
Late answer, but Earth is the treasure pool for some of the starter island treasures. Rather than being area specific, the various events have a couple fo split pools.

Latest update: Emerald Skull no longer requires you to pass the second check (at the cost of a resolve)
BeauTAEful 27 Thg05, 2022 @ 12:29pm 
What does Earth mean in appendix C?
Chester 28 Thg05, 2021 @ 10:17pm 
On the most recent patch I entered the Voodoo Hut and it had a Research and Gold symbol on the map. Hope this helps others
The BlackVision  [tác giả] 8 Thg06, 2020 @ 12:52pm 
Good luck! :) If you haven't picked it up already, I recommend collecting More to Explore sooner rather than later as there are unlocks to pickup on each run, even if not travelling to the new locations yet.
Ruffyl 8 Thg06, 2020 @ 10:08am 
Thanks for your encouragement, but I've got those three. I was just saying that it took forever for the nodes to spawn. I've only got a few more treasures to go. The White Feather is the only tricky one. Then I'll start playing DLC. I love this game!
The BlackVision  [tác giả] 7 Thg06, 2020 @ 7:53pm 
The Yeti was always tricky, but enough times through and you'll get them, you just need to make sure you've got the skills required when it does come up. The Water of Life is a luck thing, I see it regularly. Shepherd's Crown is again, a luck thing, but enough runs and it'll come up.
Ruffyl 7 Thg06, 2020 @ 1:50pm 
That's true, with such obscure and specific requirements it's amazing it was ever discovered. But I've found a few others very elusive as well. The Water of Life, the Shepherd's Crown and the Yeti photographs were very hard to find. Their nodes all seem to be incredibly rare, although they might not have been to begin with.
The BlackVision  [tác giả] 6 Thg06, 2020 @ 3:57pm 
Grats! The patches that added the Crab and Ship there really screwed with the chances on the Head. Not to mention created fake spawns of it sometimes, but the details on here are still the best way to try and get it, it seems. I'd probably say it''s the hardest single treasure to get in the game now, just cause of the very dodgy RNG for spawning it - let alone the totally unexplained requirements!
Ruffyl 6 Thg06, 2020 @ 2:16pm 
Just managed to get the Shrunken Head. The node was on the coast with only three connections. I never would have succeeded without this guide. Thanks!