Alien Swarm

Alien Swarm

Alien Swarm - Timor Station, Co-op Brutal (1:56)
Orange 18 Sep, 2015 @ 3:19pm 
another thing is about extra retake. u can use blink and same moment if u do it fast enough u can pickup ur old extra with u. so blink will be on the ground and no need to go for it with wildcat. she can simply wait same place as tech.
Orange 18 Sep, 2015 @ 3:08pm 
if u wait a bit(1sec?) on bridge u can jump into right egg and after jump on some bio position that will push u top so u can totally skip door chainsawing

also if wildcat@end blink on top railing and then go right and jump down into fall sometime that count as mission compelete. this is hard and unstable tho.

last tech jump looks like camera distance hack tbh