Mega Man Legacy Collection

Mega Man Legacy Collection

185 ratings
MMLC Companion
By Roz1281
A reference for owners of Mega Man Legacy Collection.
Welcome to the Mega Man Legacy Collection Companion Guide!

If you've never played a Mega Man game before, or have played others but not the original series, skip to the "New to Mega Man?" section before reading on.

In each game's section I will supply a chart which will give you a suggested stage clearing order; which weapons are effective against the bosses; and also some endgame boss weaknesses as well. After that, I will list a few general tips that you may find useful if you are a Mega Man rookie.

After the individual games you'll find a section showing various glitches (including the famous Yellow Devil quick kill); a note for series newcomers; and finally a troubleshooting guide with some technical advice and some useful software.

Enjoy the guide!
Mega Man
General Info
  • 6 Robot Masters
  • No E-Tanks
  • No password system
  • Has a score system, the only game in the classic series to do so
  • Unrefined and 'slidey' play control

Boss Weakness and Suggested Order
To Get
Use VS
Bomb Man
(F) Fire Storm or (P) Mega Buster
(B) Hyper Bomb
Guts Man
Guts Man
(B) Hyper Bomb
(G) Super Arm
Cut Man
Cut Man
(G) Super Arm or (P) Mega Buster
(C) Rolling Cutter
Elec Man
Elec Man
(C) Rolling Cutter
(E) Thunder Beam
Ice Man
Ice Man
(E) Thunder Beam
(I) Ice Slasher
Fire Man
Fire Man
(I) Ice Slasher
(F) Fire Storm
Bomb Man

Dr. Wily Stage Bosses
Yellow Devil
(E) Thunder Beam
Mega Clone
(F) Fire Storm
(P) Mega Buster, then (G) Super Arm
Wily Machine 1 (phase 1)
(F) Fire Storm
Wily Machine 1 (phase 2)
(C) Rolling Cutter

  • Be sure to grab the Magnet Beam from Elecman's stage, or else you won't be able to progress in Wily's Castle.
  • Use the Magnet Beam to traverse the tough disappearing block areas.

  • Conserve your weapon energy in Wily stages as there are parts you'll need it all. Although, if you find yourself low just die and choose continue to be restocked.
Mega Man II
General Info
  • 8 Robot Masters
  • Password system added
  • E-Tanks for refilling Mega Man's health energy
  • E-Tanks aren't stored between sessions or after continuing
  • North American version with two difficulty levels, Normal (easy) and Hard (normal Mega Man difficulty)
  • Contains one of the series most famously powerful weapons, (M) Metal Blade
If you want a difficulty consistent with the rest of the series, choose Hard.

Boss Weakness and Suggested Order
To Get
Use VS
Air Man
(P) Mega Buster
(A) Air Shooter
Crash Man
Crash Man
(A) Air Shooter
(C) Crash Bomber
Flash Man or Quick Man
Flash Man
(C) Crash Bomber
(F) Time Stopper
Quick Man
Quick Man
(F) Time Stopper
(Q) Quick Boomerang
Metal Man
Metal Man
(Q) Quick Boomerang
(M) Metal Blade
Bubble Man, Flash Man
Bubble Man
(M) Metal Blade
(B) Bubble Lead
Heat Man
Heat Man
(B) Bubble Lead
(H) Atomic Fire
Wood Man
Wood Man
(H) Atomic Fire
(W) Leaf Shield
Air Man

Dr. Wily Stage Bosses
Mecha Dragon
(Q) Quick Boomerang
(B) Bubble Lead
Guts Tank
(Q) Quick Boomerang
Boobeam Traps
(C) Crash Bomber
Wily Machine 2 (phase 1)
(H) Atomic Fire
Wily Machine 2 (phase 2)
(C) Crash Bomber or (M) Metal Blade
Dr. Wily (Alien)
(B) Bubble Lead

To Get
Air Man
Flash Man
Heat Man

  • Don't forget you can charge the (H) Atomic Fire weapon up for a more powerful shot!
  • You can use Bubble Lead to detect holes in the floor...
  • Use your (M) Metal Blade! It's one of the most useful weapons in the game! It can shoot in 8 directions, making quick work of minor enemies above, below or in front of you. It's also useful on many of the bosses.
Mega Man III
General Info
  • 8 Robot Masters + 8 repeats from Mega Man II (split into 4 stages, 2 per)
  • E-Tanks won't be lost when continuing
  • Refined control: you won't slide after stopping movement. Also a small delay added where you can't fire immediately after turning around
  • Some interesting 'cheats' while having a second controller plugged in...
  • Introduces the slide move to the series
  • Seems to have the most slowdown of the NES series

Boss Weakness and Suggested Order
To Get
Use VS
Snake Man
(P) Mega Buster or (NE) Needle Cannon
(SN) Search Snake
Gemini Man
Top man
(P) Mega Buster or (HA) Hard Knuckle
(TO) Top Spin
Shadow Man
Shadow Man
(TO) Top Spin
(SH) Shadow Blade
Spark Man
Spark Man
(SH) Shadow Blade
(SP) Spark Shock
Magnet Man
Magnet Man
(SP) Spark Shock
(MA) Magnet Missile
Hard Man
Hard Man
(MA) Magnet Missile
(HA) Hard Knuckle
Top Man
Gemini Man
(SN) Search Snake
(GE) Gemini Laser
Needle Man
Needle Man
(GE) Gemini Laser
(NE) Needle Cannon
Snake Man

Mega Man 2 Bosses Revisited
Spark Man's Stage
Metal Man
(MA) Magnet Missile
Quick Man
(GE) Gemini Laser
Needle Man's Stage
Air Man
(SP) Spark Shock
Crash Man
(HA) Hard Knuckle
Gemini Man's Stage
Flash Man
(SH) Shadow Blade
Bubble Man
(SH) Shadow Blade
Shadow Man's Stage
Wood Man
(NE) Needle Cannon
Heat Man
(SH) Shadow Blade

Dr. Wily Stage Bosses
Kamegoros (from turtle dispenser)
(SH) Shadow Blade
Yellow Devil Mk.II
(HA) Hard Knuckle or (SH) Shadow Blade
Holograph Mega Clones
(SN) Search Snake or (P) Mega Buster
Wily Machine 3 (phase 1)
(SP) Spark Shock
Wily Machine 3 (phase 2)
(HA) Hard Knuckle or (P) Mega Buster + Rush Jet
Dr. Wily (Gamma)
(SH) Shadow Blade
Dr. Wily (Gamma phase 2)
(TO) Top Spin
Mega Man IV
General Info
  • 8 Robot Masters
  • E-Tanks are not saved between sessions but won't be lost when continuing
  • Mega Buster charged shot debut
  • First appearance of Eddie
  • New story characters such as Dr. Cossack and Kalinka
  • Higher level of graphical polish than first 3 games, and less slowdown

Boss Weakness and Suggested Order
To Get
Use VS
Toad Man
Mega Buster or Drill Bomb
Rain Flush
Bright Man
Bright Man
Rain Flush
Flash Stopper
Pharaoh Man
Pharaoh Man
Flash Stopper
Pharaoh Shot
Ring man
Ring Man
Pharaoh Shot
Ring Boomerang
Dust Man
Dust Man
Ring Boomerang
Dust Crusher
Skull Man
Skull Man
Dust Crusher
Skull Barrier
Dive Man
Dive Man
Skull Barrier
Dive Missile
Drill Man
Drill Man
Dive Missile
Drill Bomb
Toad Man

Dr. Cossack's Citadel Bosses
Ring Boomerang
Square Machine
Dust Crusher
Cockroach Twin
Drill Bomb, Ring Boomerang, or Pharaoh Shot
Cossack Crusher
Dust Crusher or Charge Mega Buster

Dr. Wily Stage Bosses
Metall Daddy
Ring Boomerang
Tako Trash
Ring Boomerang or Charge Mega Buster
Wily Machine 4 (phase 1)
Mega Buster
Wily Machine 4 (phase 2)
Drill Bomb or Mega Buster
Wily Capsule
Pharaoh Shot or Ring Boomerang

  • Find the Baloon adaptor in Pharaoh Man's stage
  • Find the Wire adaptor in Dive Man's stage
Mega Man V
General Info
  • 8 Robot Masters
  • Introduction of Beat

Boss Weakness and Suggested Order
To Get
Use VS
Star Man
(P) Mega Buster or Water Wave
Star Crash
Gravity Man
Gravity Man
Star Crash
Gravity Hold
Gyro Man
Gyro Man
Gravity Hold
Gyro Attack
Crystal Man
Crystal Man
Gyro Attack
Crystal Eye
Napalm Man
Napalm Man
Crystal Eye
Napalm Bomb
Stone Man
Stone Man
Napalm Bomb
Power Stone
Charge Man
Charge Man
Power Stone
Charge Kick
Wave Man
Wave Man
Charge Kick
Water Wave
Star Man

Proto Man's Castle Bosses
Dark Man 1
Water Wave
Dark Man 2
Crystal Eye or Napalm Bomb
Dark Man 3
Mega Buster or Gyro Attack
Dark Man 4
Star Crash or Beat

Dr. Wily Stage Bosses
Big Pets
Crystal Eye
Circring Q9
Gyro Attack
Wily Press
Mega Buster
Wily Machine 5
Super Arrow or Mega Buster
Wily Capsule
Beat, Mega Buster, or Gyro Attack

To Get
Star Man
Super Arrow
Gyro Man
Rush Jet Adaptor

  • Find one letter in each Robot Master stage to spell out MEGAMANV in order to get the Beat adaptor
  • Find an M-Tank on Crystal Man's stage
Mega Man VI
General Info
  • Introduction of Jet Mega Man form
  • Introduction of Power Mega Man form
  • The mysterious Mr. X

Boss Weakness and Suggested Order
To Get
Use VS
Flame Man
(P) Mega Buster or Blizzard Attack
Flame Blast
Blizzard Man
Blizzard Man
Flame Blast
Blizzard Attack
Plant Man
Plant Man
Blizzard Attack
Plant Barrier
Tomahawk Man
Tomahawk Man
Plant Barrier
Silver Tomahawk
Yamato Man
Yamato Man
Silver Tomahawk
Yamato Spear
Knight Man
Knight Man
Yamato Spear
Knight Crush
Centaur Man
Centaur Man
Knight Crush
Centaur Flash
Wind Man
Wind Man
Centaur Flash
Wind Storm
Flame Man

X's Castle / Wily's Castle
Coming soon (really)

To Get
Flame Man
Rush Power Adaptor
Plant Man
Rush Jet Adaptor

  • Defeat the "true" bosses to spell "BEAT" and gain the Beat Adaptor
    • Take the bottom path in Tomahawk Man's stage to find "B"
    • Take the upper path in Yamato Man's stage to find "E"
    • Destroy a block near Knight Man's door to find the "A"
    • Enter the upper lair in Centaur Man's stage to find the "T"
  • Climb an out of reach ladder in Tomahawk Man's stage once you have both Jet and Power forms to find Energy Balancer inside a cracked rock
Glitches / Bugs / Cheats
Mega Man - Yellow Devil easy kill
In Mega Man, you can get an easy kill on one of the game's toughest bosses by utilizing the pause trick. First, dodge the initial onslaught of blocks flying at you. Next, when Yellow Devil opens his eye, hit it with (E) Thunder Beam, and just as the bolt hits the eye, quickly *pause the game. Next you'll want to rapidly pause and unpause while the bolt is over the Devil's eye. Do it fast, but if you mash too quickly it won't register.

*Note that you have to use the actual pause key, which is bound to 'LB' on an XBox controller and 'L1' on a Playstation controller by default, not the 'Start' menu

Mega Man - Quick kills
(E) Thunder Beam can also be used in conjunction with the pause trick to quick-kill many tough enemies and bosses. Experiment and find out. See Yellow Devil easy kill above for details.

Mega Man III - Second controller cheats
In Mega Man III, a few different cheat type effects can be activated by using a second controller.
  • Hold RIGHT to allow a super high jump, which you can use to jump out of pits (not spiked ones)
  • Hold UP for slow-motion
  • Hold UP and A to freeze everything
I haven't been able to access these in the PC release, though I did read one instance where some of the effects happened to a player. It does work for sure on console releases of Legacy Collection.

More to come...?
Input Lag
When dealing with ports or emulation of old games to a new platform, sometimes we get some added input lag. Input lag is not your framerate, or the slowdown caused by NES hardware, rather it's a small delay between pressing a button and an action happening on screen. Various things can cause input lag (even your monitor can add up to 30ms of input lag depending on the quality), and there are a few steps to take to reduce it as much as possible.
  • Use a natively supported controller (such as the Xbox 360 pad). 3rd party remapping solutions such as joy2key, while great if they are your only option, can add a few ms of input lag.
  • Plug that controller into a USB port that is directly connected to your motherboard, rather than a port on the front of your case. The difference in most cases (heh) is negligable; but it may help.
  • Disable Steam overlay. It doesn't add much, but if you're super sensitive about it you may notice an improvement.
  • Using an nVidia graphics card? Visit the card's 3d settings panel and add a profile for MMLC. Then change "Maximum prerendered frames" to 1. There's a similar option for competitors, I'm just not sure what it is.
  • Turn VSYNC off in the game options. Then play fullscreen. If you play windowed or fullscreen windowed, your game will still be synced to your desktops refresh rate and probably still feel laggy. Personally I suffer the slight lag and play fullscreen windowed (with VSYNC off anyway) because I hate the tearing on fullscreen.

My Controller Doesn't Work
Sadly, as is the case with many modern games, MMLC seems to only support XInput controllers (such as the XBox 360 pad) natively. If you don't have a supported controller, there is hope. You can use a 3rd party keyboard emulator software. Here are a few:

Save Data
You can find your savestates and options file in your userdata folder. On my windows 7 machine it's located at C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Roaming\megaman. A shortcut to get there is just hit Windows Key+R, then type %appdata%\megaman.

The individual game savestates are clearly named

MegaMan-00.sav (Mega Man)
MegaMan3-00.sav (Mega Man III)
..and so on

and your game options are stored in


Some users have found it helpful to delete the options file after a crash to allow the program to run again.
Boss Charts Reference
Under construction
New to Mega Man?
You made the right choice
If you have never played a Mega Man game until now, you are in for a treat. That is, if you like old school platformers with tight control and a nice challenge.

As some general advice to a newcomer, I reccomend the following:
  • Don't use glitches or cheats your first time through.
  • Try to find the robots' weaknesses on your own before looking them up! Most of them are logical when you think about it (at least in the early games).
  • Don't skip Mega Man 1! Many suggest this, but other than slightly looser controls, it's a fine game and will let you build a solid set of skills to enjoy in Mega Man 2 (series favorite of many) and onward.
  • Don't let yourself get frustrated! They are hard games at first, but actually easier than they seem initially.
  • Don't be afraid to use your acquired weapons during the stages! There's usually plenty of energy refills and every enemy in the game (not just bosses) has a weapon weakness.
  • Try not to abuse savestates. Though you may have to replay some sections after dying, this will help grow your platforming skills.
  • Write down or take screenhots of your passwords, just incase any save you're using gets corrupted or lost. Or just use passwords exclusively, like the old days :)

The reasons I suggest not using glitches, and not skipping Mega Man 1 are simple. You'll get to play the series in order, build skills, and appreciate your victory when you crush Yellow Devil and Wily for the first time! Of course, it's totally up to you; it may be more fun to take advantage of glitches and save states. Maybe Mega Man 1 is too annoying for you and you want to skip it. As long as you are enjoying yourself that is what matters. If you get discouraged during the first game, just know the control and level quality improve dramatically as the series moves on to number 2!
In Closing
Thanks for reading my guide! I am trying to play through the games as I am writing the guide so I can test and confirm things as much as possible, as I haven't played Mega Man's classic series since the 90's (other than a little while with the Anniversary collection).

I am trying to keep the guide concise and not overloaded with every little tip and trick, but I like to have the major stuff. If there are any suggestions, please leave a comment.

Mega Man 1-5 are in, and 6 will be added soon.

I'd be interested to know if anyone has figured out a way to get the MMIII 2nd controller cheats working on Steam release.
Special thanks to:
  • Whygee, for some suggestions and a correction
Version History
  • Sep. 05, 201X - Added Mega Man V section. Seperated Cossack / Wily charts in applicable sections.
  • Sep. 03, 201X - Added Mega Man IV section. A couple error corrections and additional info for MMII. Cleaned up some charts and seperated Wily boss fights.
  • Sep. 02, 201X - Initial release.
Mrs. Fluffy Bastard 14 Dec, 2024 @ 12:13am 
awesome guide, but i feel like it should be worth mentioning that you can hold backspace to rewind your gameplay and correct yourself if youre having a hard time :3
jjkkllww 8 Aug, 2023 @ 2:10am 
Thanks! XD
Roz1281  [author] 22 Jul, 2023 @ 9:17pm 
@jjkkllww yes, since you reminded me this existed, I will finish it :D
jjkkllww 18 Jul, 2023 @ 9:12pm 
Are you going to finish Mega Man VI's part? This guide really helped me out!
VOID 23 Sep, 2021 @ 9:57pm 
Just played through Megaman 1, and after experimenting with the pause glitch, I think it works like this:

- For projectiles that go through enemies (unlike the megabuster whose projectiles disappear when colliding with something), the game registers damage when the projectile moves inside an enemy hitbox
- While the game is paused, the invincibility frames expire

This means that if you pause the game when the projectile it hits an enemy, the invincibility frames will expire, so un-pausing the game for enough frames for the projectile to move will cause another hit.

Repeatedly doing this can then result in multiple hits, which can lead to one-shot kills (for example, using Thunder Beam on the Yellow Devil).

Thunder Beam is the easiest to do this with, as it has a big collision box, but I've managed to do it with others, like Fire Storm or Rolling Cutter (Useful for Wily Machine).
Fox 17 Jun, 2019 @ 10:45am 
Excuse me, but the magnet beam comes very handy also on the flying platforms sections in Ice Man's stage and Wily 1 and also on the moving platforms in Wily 4 before the yashichi.

One thing also about MM1, don't go for Elecman before getting the super arm from Gutsman, if you do, you're gonna have to skip the necessary magnet beam and fight Elecman twice (if you manage to this on the first time without picking it).
Cyber MSX 2 Jun, 2019 @ 4:59am 
Some commentarys:
- E-TANK? No, man, it's not Mega Man X series. It's E-CAN! Read the japanese manual!
- In Mega Man 2, Metal Man can be kill with own weapon.
- In Mega Man 3, the Holograph Mega Clone can be destroyed with Top Spin in one hit! Ah, and the cheat using the controller 2 still work in this collection!
TM64G 18 May, 2019 @ 10:38am 
Sliding is done by holding down and then jumping.
At least, I think it's like that.
spoon 23 Mar, 2019 @ 5:32pm 
Sorry but how do you slide on keyboard? It's really been bugging me.
PredeR 16 Feb, 2019 @ 10:05pm 
thanks for the guid, i got stuck on the wily's castle because i forgot to get the magnet beam from elecmans stage in mega man.