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Probably deprecated AF: Starmade: A couple things that aren't how to arrange power systems
Por Soupernoob
There aren't many guides, here are a few things to know.

This isn't a comprehensive or even well put together guide. But some of these things took me a while to research on my own, so I thought I would put them in one place that might just be helpful to new people. If there is anything you have a quesiton about, there's a chance I know and didn't think of it, ask in the comments! Thanks for reading!

--I have no claim over the videos posted herein, the videos are made by other people and the credit for them goes to the original creators.
Weapon linking (in progress)
This is a basic overview of what effects slaving different weapon computers has on the weapons. As a refresher, press C on the controller, and V on the slave weapon computer and the weapon modules.

Cannon - Increased reload speed, increased projectile speed.
Missile - multiple projectiles (shotgun effect)
Beam - longer range (and faster?)
Pulse - higher damage, longer reload, slower projectile speed

Punch through vs piercing:
To my knowledge piercing does some amount of damage to blocks behind the first and punch through takes all of the damage needed for one block, then hits the next then uses all the damage needed for that one. (Sounds efficient? Correct me if I'm wrong.)

Ion vs EMP:
Ion will make all of your damage shield damage. Emp will remove the enemy's energy (power systems) instead.

If you do not link some effect computers to a weapon computer it will act as a defensive effect. So ion protects your shields, overdrive increases your speed and so on.
Bobby AI
Press R to activate.

Ship mode -AI uses ship thrusters and weapons, chases your enemies.
Turret mode -AI does not move, even in ship, still turns and fires.
For anti missile turrets only Anti Matter Cannons (AMC's) can damage missiles.

-Must reactivate every time you enter ship.
-Can only be activated from outside ship.
-If on turret, must be on part of turret with gun.
Rail dockers are used on whatever is going to be docked (turret, ship on a station).

Rail dockers can dock to rails, turning rails, or turret rails. They will line up so the arrows on each module match up and face the same way.

To make a turret, use two "ships" with Rail dockers and a turret rail on the bottom part of the turret to make a 360 degree range of motion. Then dock the top onto the bottom and the bottom onto the ship, station, or planet.
Anti Missile Turrets
An anti missile turret only works with anti matter cannons. The best configuration I have found so far is an anti missile turret with as many possible outputs of rapid fire (cannon-cannon) and shotgun (cannon-missile) as possible. Missiles only have 1 hp no matter how powerful they are.

Here is a video of how to put together a turret.
Go to 16:30 for how to build turrets.
Claiming systems
To claim a system you must first have a faction (Press H). To claim a system place a faction block on either a station or a planet then activate it (R). Placing a faction module also claims anything you place it on, but only one can exist per structure.
Basic Crafting Tips
You can craft some things from your inventory, but the most effective way is to use factories. Here is a basic overview.

Ore and crystals are for building, dirt can be used for paint.

Capsule Refinery - Takes things you mine and puts them into capsules (which are used for production)

Micro assembler - Takes capsules and can turn them into crystal composite or metal mesh. Useful if you have too much of a type of capsule but not enough crystal composite or metal mesh.
-Tip, you really almost never want to do this however, as you will soon find that the capsules you have too much of are actually used for something. [Thanks to 「Flandre」for the reminder]

Basic/Standard/Advanced factories - Buttons at the top of the window are used to set what you are producing, and check the recipe.

Factory enhancer - Connect to any factory or capsule refinery with C and V to increase the amount of production per cycle. 2 extra factory enhancers means 2 more products (using the required extra resources of course.)

To automate factories press C on the factory you want to supply, and V on the other factory or capsule refinery that is making the materials the factory needs. Just a reminder, factories require power, they must be touching power reactors or a building that has enough power reactors.
Quick Advanced Build Mode Tips
Advanced build mode is entered by holding LCtrl in build mode.

-When holding left control the mouse moves independently of your view.
-The sliders change the area you are affecting, you will see the yellow box get bigger or smaller.
-Use right click to remove with remove mode.
-copy and paste can seem a bit tricky, if it seems like it will only paste merging into what you already have, build a "block bridge" of the correct blocks out to the paste point and paste. Paste will not remove or replace any preexisting blocks, neither will placing a stack of blocks that has something in the way.
How to link warpgates
Warpgate modules can only touch 2 other warpgate modules and they must form a closed loop.

To link, right click one warpgate computer, and left click the other with a marker beam.
-You then need to link the second warpgate, just right click the one you are currently at, then travel through it. Left click the computer on the first warpgate.
12 comentarios
Soupernoob  [autor] 24 MAY 2018 a las 1:31 p. m. 
Haha sorry, this guide is way old and I should have changed the title before. There used to be spcial rules for how you placed power blocks next to each other to make them work more efficiently.
Paladin 9 JUN 2017 a las 10:45 p. m. 
The title is a bit misleading, should be connected systems, not power systems, if there isn't anything about the power cells or how to arrange them. otherwise I can see this being very helpful for all those modules
FleetFireGaming 3 DIC 2016 a las 3:34 p. m. 
i built by ship backwards. how to i turn the ship core around. please help.:steamfacepalm::steamsad::steamsalty:
BeanSlinger419 17 AGO 2016 a las 9:30 p. m. 
just on a computer controlling all your AIs
BeanSlinger419 17 AGO 2016 a las 9:30 p. m. 
:( my name is Bobby :( :steamsad: so the AI IS ME
aaaa1023 23 MAR 2016 a las 6:41 p. m. 
With BOBBY AI you can press DEL on your keyboard and It opens a menu If y ou look through that there will be a thing that says "Turret docking system collective" Open that up and press activate all AI
Soupernoob  [autor] 7 FEB 2016 a las 8:03 p. m. 
Emperor, is this in a micro assembler or a micro micro assembler that is new to me. Thanks for the comment!
Emperor Q 6 DIC 2015 a las 11:29 p. m. 
You forgot about the micro Micro Assembler's ability to turn scrap crystal and mesh into crystal composite or alloyed metal mesh (useful if you found a derelict station and need some of them).
Soupernoob  [autor] 4 NOV 2015 a las 12:34 a. m. 
Flandre, that is a very very good point, I should include that.
Reviire 3 NOV 2015 a las 10:32 p. m. 
Comment, NEVER turn your capsules into mesh or composite. Ships can take hundreds of thousands of capsules. Even decently sized ships take a fuckton of capsules.