Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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[DEPRECIATED] UK Housing: Semi-detached #5 v1
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[DEPRECIATED] UK Housing: Semi-detached #5 v1

En 2 colecciones creadas por Macwelshman
UK Housing: Semi-detached Collection
19 artículos
Macwelshman’s UK building assets.
109 artículos
If you like this then you'll love the updated version UK Housing Series: Semi-Detached #2 Level 1-5 Pack.

Asset Details
Type: Growable
Size: 3x3 layout
Density: Low Residential
Level: 3

Model Details
Tris: 1817
Texture: 1024x1024
LOD Tris: 157
LOD Texture: 128x128

This asset has a variety of props used for the gardens allowing for a good variety when it spawns.


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18 comentarios
gamophyte 3 DIC 2022 a las 1:50 p. m. 
LSM says you need this asset (as in missing report).
Slachy 14 NOV 2015 a las 5:28 p. m. 
ok i will test out :P
Macwelshman  [autor] 14 NOV 2015 a las 5:17 p. m. 
This should have been corrected now.
Slachy 14 NOV 2015 a las 3:45 p. m. 
whas your assets making this bug bug ?
Macwelshman  [autor] 14 NOV 2015 a las 2:31 p. m. 
I've updated the asset and corrected an incorrectly scaled lod which I believe caused the problem.
Macwelshman  [autor] 14 NOV 2015 a las 9:16 a. m. 
UPDATE: This model has been updated to try and solve the spawning issues people have been having.
The illumination has also been updated with a more realistic look. Let me know if all is OK.
Macwelshman  [autor] 11 NOV 2015 a las 5:14 a. m. 
I've created a new version of the crp file without any mods active to see if there's any difference.
Let me know if this solves the spawning issue.
mattsubc 4 NOV 2015 a las 6:51 a. m. 
I think these problems might be caused by autosave in the asset editor. That is breaking my assets in the same way as these ones are broken anyway....
Macwelshman  [autor] 27 OCT 2015 a las 3:57 a. m. 
Sorry guys, this way beyond my knowledge. I'll save a new version when I can and update it to see if that helps.
anthony.flury 26 OCT 2015 a las 11:55 p. m. 
I am getting this error when loading the asset into a game

System.IO.InvalidDataException: Loading custom asset failed:['UK semi-detached #5 L3 (3x3)' [CustomAssetMetaData, bb0c1db78e8254baa3182a15efa59b40, in package ''498138787' [/home/tony/.steam/steamapps/workshop/content/255710/498138787/UK semi-detached #5 L3 (3x3).crp]' (2432929, 4096)]]
Unknown type to deserialize NohealforuSimulationOverhaul.NohealforuResidentialBuildingAI, NohealforuSimulationOverhaul, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [Modding]