Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

141 vurderinger
How to get out from silver!
Av ๖Pastori VII og 1 medarbeidere
This guide is made for everyone, not only for silvers. If you struggling at lower ranks, read this and let's hope I can help you out from your current problem.

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Most important thing is to find crosshair, what is comfortable for you. When crosshair is good for you, it makes easier to find enemies heads.

• Make your personal crosshair from here: Click Here![]
• When you had made your own crosshair, copy your crosshair config, and set it into console.

And best way to find the ultimate crosshair, is to go practise aim. There is many aim practise maps available at workshop which i recommend to use like everyone else.

This is maybe the most commonly used aim training map.

This is my personal favorite. This map allows you practise aim to moving targets. For a "old man" like me, it helps me focus and aim better.
Mouse sensitivity: There is many different methods to find your perfect sensitivity. Most of players has already find their own BASE sensitivity (as for myself its 1600dpi). One method is go to 1v1 servers and randomly change in-game sensitivity to find your perfect setting. But, i recommend again to use aim practice maps from workshop. Sometimes it takes a time and sometimes you find it almost immediately.

Resolution: There is a many different options, but 4:3/1280x960 is the most commonly used resolution. When using lower resolutions than your monitor resolution, it means that your sensitivity will change. This resolution helped me to become better player, but you can choose anything you like or what feels the perfect for you.

And if you want follow your favorite csgo player, you can use this[] website to see what pros are using.

There is many different ways to warm up.

1. Stretch your hands and fingers. Not too much but enough to make your blood flow better.
2. Use the most commonly used aim practice maps from workshop
3. Use browser based aim practise/warmup websites.
4. Go in 1v1 servers.
5. Download AimLabs or KovaaK's from steam.

Good information about stretches to make before and after gaming senssions. Website also offers you more good information about mental and physical health.
MOST important rule is that DO NOT LET ENEMIES GET UNDER YOUR SKIN. This doesn't help you and your team. Mute button exist and use it. Focus on your own game and give information for your team. CSGO community is already toxic so let's make it little bit better place to be and not give trolls what they are looking for.

End text
Thank you all for reading this guide.

Also sorry for bad english. I hope you can understand what is my message in this guide and help you to understand how to improve your skills. I'm not professional player, but this is the way how I learn to play better.

Edit. It's been a while since I made this guide for people who struggling at lower ranks. After 5 long years, I made some updates to this context. Added new information, fixed mistakes, typos and thumbnail.

For myself, this is a honor that THIS GUIDE has achieved over 15K views in 5 years. It's is a lot for me and never expected to get that much views.

Thank you ♥
147 kommentarer
Raisegain  [skaper] 9. okt. 2022 kl. 3.32 
Hello everyone!
Guide is updated first time for a 5 years.

Tell me in comments if you think that there is SOMETHING what I should add to help players EVEN MORE.

Thanks! :8bitheart:

- R
Tomexxx ************ 29. nov. 2020 kl. 23.32 
Finoma 15. nov. 2019 kl. 11.20 
sun tzu once said:"When you cant get out of sliver, go have a cup of tea and smoke a smoke."
A_Mustachioed_Yoshi 10. nov. 2019 kl. 10.59 
hm... an interesting take on things. Personally I take a more analytical approach. When I see the other team start to get overconfident, I use that to my advantage. My main motto when it comes to cs is: "Expect the unexpected."
Nass 9. nov. 2019 kl. 3.36 
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NARCO 8. nov. 2019 kl. 9.53 
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Raanes 8. nov. 2019 kl. 6.31 
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Fur1ous 7. nov. 2019 kl. 10.58 
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Miles Hess 7. nov. 2019 kl. 10.30 
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𐂃𐂃 7. nov. 2019 kl. 10.11 
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