

76 ratings
Autosave & broken save file fix
Since the game was released on Steam, most players has been experiencing broken save file issue and impossibility to continue the game. I'd like to share two of the methods that will fix it.

To introduce, these methods have already been performed by users, so I hope most of you will be helped out.
But before you'll get started, note that both of the methods may work in case the game was not terminated after receiving save file error. Otherwise, this guide may be useless.
Method one: play a little more
Apparently you will get autosave error in 6th episode, at the 1st or 4th event. If you did, don't shut the game off and proceed forward to the 7th episode and complete 1st event. It is unnecessary to win, just finish the race. Then autosave should be working.
Method two: save file backup
Please note first: try at your own risk. You're threatened to lose your save file. Please follow the instructions carefully!
Also note, as said in guide's description, this method will likely work in case you haven't received an autosave error. Otherwise, you won't be able to get your save file back. Proceed to method one section then.
  • First, you'll need to backup your save file. Its default location is \Users\[windows account name]\Documents\Disney Interactive Studios\Split Second\. The folder should look like this:
    ATTENTION: if .sav's file size is null, it is already broken.
  • Backup the .sav file
  • Play until you receive autosave error.
  • Don't show down the game at this step! Minimize the game (Alt+Tab).
  • Replace the .sav file in the folder (it must have null size) with the one you backed up three steps back.
  • Continue playing and check for error. If it doesn't pop up again, the issue was successfully fixed.
Now the game should work properly with autosave feature. If you have additional information to be included in this guide, please leave a comment.
Thanks for attetion!
Guide updates
  • (almost) All the guide was overwritten and gramatically corrected
  • Picture with save file location updated
  • Ponies removed from Epilog section
GreekBoy 15 Oct, 2024 @ 9:52am 
The game kept corrupting my save file. I fixed the problem by replacing the EXE of the game with a cracked EXE + rld.dll. I can't send any links here, but try getting the files from GameCopyWorld.
Inventer89 17 Apr, 2024 @ 1:43am 
If Alt+Tab crashes the game, you can use OneDrive (if you sync Documents folder) and replace this file on other device.
ShnitzelHamood 4 Nov, 2023 @ 12:05pm 
ah fuck i got method one and i just quit the game at method one, fuck me
PROTOTYPE  [author] 3 Sep, 2022 @ 6:39am 
Тоже интересно
Don't try to read my nickname 3 Sep, 2022 @ 2:25am 
Кто-нибудь пробовал по мануалу? Помогло?
-_-LiK-_- 30 Jan, 2022 @ 5:30am 
Не соглашусь. У меня была пиратка на диске. С Первым профилем проблем не было. Как только создал второй, то он сразу же посыпался. Спустя пару дней посыпался и основной профиль. С торрента качал, такая же проблема. Благо на тот момент я после выхода из игры сохранял копию в отдельной папке. В стиме проблема аналогичная возникла. Создал 3-ий профиль, что бы попробовать пройти игру на первых 3 тачках. Дошел до 8 эпизода и все, прощай профиль) Основной примерно через неделю загнулся. Но его я успел спасти.
PROTOTYPE  [author] 22 Jul, 2020 @ 4:38am 
И похоже, что поломка сейва присутствует только в порте стима. Ещё давно я прошёл дисковую версию, и этой хрени не было
Alexander King 22 Jul, 2020 @ 4:05am 
@SWPKVW а с чего это они игру обновлять будут? Ты, видимо, не в курсе, что разработчиков давным давно расформировали, а, кроме них, некому больше игру поддерживать. Поддержка игры кончилась практически сразу после релиза
SWPKVW 16 Jun, 2020 @ 6:21am 
а какого х*я саму игру не обновят чтобы исправить системную ошибку?? мне вот это руководство уже ни к чему после половины игры которая к чертям укатилась
Bartusalis 16 Feb, 2019 @ 4:21pm 