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Useful binds for Counter-Strike 1.6
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Полезные бинды в Counter-Strike 1.6.
What is Bind?
  • Bind - is assigned to a specific button perform an action or series of actions
Now we will examine the most common.
Binds to select weapons:
  • bind "x" "weapon_smokegrenade" - selection of a smoke grenade
  • bind "x" "weapon_flashbang" - selection of light grenades
  • bind "x" "weapon_hegrenade" - selection of grenade
  • bind "x" "slot1" - selection of main weapons (whether M4A1, AK47, AWP, and so on)
  • bind "x" "slot2" - the choice of gun (whether USP, Glock, Deagle, and so on)
  • bind "x" "slot3" - knife choice
  • bind "x" "slot4" - the choice of a grenade (depending on what you have purchased, by law decay: combat, flash, smoke)
Binds to the purchase and selection of weapons:
  • bind "f" "m4a1; ak47; slot1" - buying and selection M4A1 or AK-47 (M4A1 for counter-terrorists, or the AK-47 of the terrorists)
  • bind "x" "sgren; weapon_smokegrenade" - buying and selection of a smoke grenade
  • bind "c" "flash; weapon_flashbang" - buying and selection of light grenades
  • bind "v" "hegren; weapon_hegrenade" - buying and selection of grenade
Binds for the purchase of all weapons:
  • galil - IDF Defender - bind "x" "galil" - pressing x you buy Galil
  • ak47 - CV-47 - bind "x" "ak47" - pressing x you buy AK-47
  • scout - Schmidt Scout - bind "x" "scout" - pressing x you buy Scout
  • awp - Magnum Sniper Rifle - bind "x" "awp" - pressing x you buy AWP
  • famas - Clarion 5.56 - bind "x" "famas" - pressing x you buy FAMAS
  • m4a1 - Maverick M4A1 Carbine - bind "x" "m4a1" - pressing x you buy M4A1
  • glock - 9x19mm Sidearm - bind "x" "glock" - pressing x you buy Glock
  • usp - KM .45 Tactical - bind "x" "usp" - pressing x you buy USP
  • deagle - Night Hawk .50C - bind "x" "deagle" - pressing x you buy Deagle
  • mp5 - KM Sub-Machine Gun - bind "x" "mp5" - pressing x you buy MP5
  • primammo - Primary Ammo - bind "x" "primammo" - pressing x you buy cartridges for your primary weapon
  • secammo - Secondary Ammo - bind "x" "secammo" - pressing x you buy cartridges for pistols
  • vest - Kevlar - bind "x" "vest" - pressing x you buy Armor
  • vesthelm - Kevlar + Helmet - bind "x" "vesthelm" - pressing x you buy Armor + Helmet
  • flash - Flashbang - bind "x" "flash" - pressing x you buy light grenade
  • hegren - HE Grenade - bind "x" "hegren" - pressing x you buy grenade
  • sgren - Smoke Grenade - bind "x" "sgren" - pressing x you buy a smoke grenade
  • nvgs - Nightvision - bind "x" "sgren" - pressing x you buy night vision devices
  • defuser - Defusal Kit - bind "x" "defuser" - pressing x you buy Defusal Kit
Binds for chat:
  • bind "x" "say hello boys and girls" - when you press "x" you say hello boys and girls in chat
  • bind "x" "say_team hello boys and girls" - when you press "x" you say hello boys and girls in the team chat

Note: say and say_team, are a function and can not be changed, because in this case binds simply will not work and your text will not appear in chat.hello boys and girls actually is the text that will appear in the chat, you can change it on your own convenience, it may be a greeting or how often for example on public servers used by players binds say / me, that lets you know the amount of damage inflicted on the enemy.
Binds to change hands:
  • bind "x" "cl_righthand 1" - when you press "x" weapons will be in the right hand
  • bind "x" "cl_righthand 0" - when you press "x" weapons will be in the left hand
Binds to change weapons and the crosshair size in the same time:
  • bind "1" "slot1; cl_crosshair_size medium" - when you press 1, select primary weapon and changing crosshair size to the medium
  • bind "2" "slot2; cl_crosshair_size small" - when you press 2, select secondary weapon and changing crosshair size to the small

NOTE: The button "x" which is used in all instances replaced by any convenient for you button
32 ความเห็น
Dynamind 20 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 9: 11am 
what's the bind for changing team?
ledderfayes 10 ส.ค. 2024 @ 10: 18am 
thanks for the guide, hopefully hotkeys improve my gameplay like it did with team fortress classic :csgogun:
〤Roman 24 เม.ย. 2024 @ 9: 46am 
Can i bind dynamic crosshair on and off on one button
2ez4meツ 31 มี.ค. 2024 @ 8: 15am 
nice dude
Aarón 12 พ.ย. 2023 @ 3: 05pm 
chedca 15 ส.ค. 2023 @ 12: 33am 
thanks.. i forgot
Oppositione 23 ต.ค. 2021 @ 1: 35pm 
raxxe 22 ส.ค. 2021 @ 5: 50am 
How to bind hud_saytext 1 and 0?
RESPEKT 28 เม.ย. 2021 @ 1: 21pm 
in a ZM server how do i bind the following buttons: m293 into just one button (thats for buying jetpack at plague mode)
Ryan B 7 ก.พ. 2021 @ 7: 13pm 
oh, silly me!