Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

Denne gjenstanden er inkompatibel med Counter-Strike 2. Vennligst se instruksjonsiden for årsaker til at denne gjenstanden ikke kan fungere innenfor Counter-Strike 2.
Fade | Glock-18 Tropic
Fjern som favoritt
Våpen: Glock-18
Lakkeringsstil: Patina
Merkelapper: Våpenlakkering
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4.752 MB
16. juni 2015 kl. 2.23
1 endringslogg ( vis )

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I 2 samlinger av AnnaLerahk
Texture Variation Collection
156 gjenstander
Tropic Fade Collection
7 gjenstander
A slightly more mediterranean take on the classic fade (all images are of the same skin, pretty cool eh?).
As always I hope you great people enjoy it, if you do please share my work (you would not believe how much it helps). Any constructive feedback is much appreciated and please do not post links, they will get deleted sorry.

If you want to know when I make a new skin (which seems to be at random intervals) then consider joining my steam group.

Or join the workshop amateurs group if you make weapon finishes!