Natural Selection 2

Natural Selection 2

42 évaluations
The Faded 0.24 Rebirth
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Modification: Custom Game Mode
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16.954 MB
2 juin 2015 à 1h06
23 juin 2019 à 1h43
154 notes de changement ( voir )

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The Faded 0.24 Rebirth

Mod id : "1b0bc710"

Incompatible with: Shine (frozen build 313 breaks the chatbox)
Incompatible with: NS2+

The Faded is a new gameplay modification for Natural Selection 2 based on The Hidden: Source.

This mod is still in development and not finished yet, there might be no servers and there might be bugs or changes to the gameplay, so be aware of that when you play it.

If you found a bug or have a suggestion, please leave a comment below. I would really appreciate that.

In The Faded you have the Marine team and the Fade. The Fade escaped the research facility of TSA where they made experiments with it. Unfortunately those experiments gave the Fade permanent upgrades which make him the perfect killer: fast (Celerity), stronger (Carapace and Adrenalin), silent, invisible (Cloak) and enhanced abilities. The Fade needs to kill the Marines within a given time, otherwise he loses. The Fade will be chosen randomly among all players, that's why you are only allowed to join the Marines team.


This mod is the most up to date version of the Faded and will be updated frequently. It will be used for new features testing and end developpement balancing.

The old mod (here) is no longer maintained :

Tutorial is available at:

Old version changelog:

Forum thread:

Change log 0.24 Hidden
* Fixes
- Fixed babblers having the skulk byte sound
- Fixed babblers not being displayed on the minimap
- Fixed fake marine having the name "Kill me I am a spy" above him
- Fixed concede not working
- Fixed FPS issues

* Balance:
- Decrease anti-camp severity (triggered after 60s (instead of 45s))
- Increased babbler players damages from 3 -> 4
- Reduced babbler players respawn time by 20%
- Babbler players now are taking damages from flashlights (and they smoke like they are burning)
- Decreased babbler players mouvement speed, but increased it if under a flashlight (don't look at them effect)

* Mod changes:
- Marines, when killed, stay dead (they won't be a babbler automatically)
- The faded is now randomly choosen among all the players of team 2, the others are babblers.
- Objective mod has been disable
- Removed babbler ammo drop
- Babbler XP disable (too broken)
- No more timer

Change log 0.23 Rebirth

Faded is back online !

* Fixes
- Fixed faded dropping two ragdolls of himself
- Fixed medic not being displayed as dead once dead on the scoreboard
- Build 295-302 compatibility

* Others
- Turned objective mod off by default (can be turned on again in the server faded .json)

Change log 0.22.11 Afterlife experiences

* Features
- The blink is now a lot smoother and easier to use

* Balance
- Reduce blink HP cost from 6hp/s to 4hp/s
- Reduce babbler players ammo drop chances on death (from 10% to 8%)
- Reduce marines max HP by 20hp after each faded swipe (prevent medic spam)
- The faded can't open/close classic entities buttons, unless he is disguised.

* Others
- Update the hints list
- Removing the clog tentacles

* Fixes
- Build 286-295 compatibility
- Fixed a race condition allowing the Faded to eat/pick ragdolls infinitly
- Fixed compatibility with "classic entities"
--> Faded can now be played on all the ns2_dmd_* maps (tested with:)
* "1D36AE79": "ns2_dmd_veil"
* "20FE55AD": "ns2_dmd_biodome"
* "27a47de1": "ns2_dmd_tram"
* "25AC952F": "ns2_dmd_origin"
* "1FEFE233": "ns2_dmd_docking"
* "20D757F2": "ns2_dmd_refinery"

Note: Corpses can't be attached to moveable map objects at the moment

Change log 0.22.10 Afterlife experiences

* Features
- Add a small XP system to the babblers. For each level:
--> +1 new little babbler that follows you
--> +1 damage
--> +1 HP
--> Xenocide is unlock after 3 bites
- Add the marine buy menu as a babbler player
- Fake marines can now hear marines voice communications

* Balance
- Reduce babbler players damages (4 -> 3)

* Fixes
- Build 285 compatibility
39 commentaires
Karasu_Tengu 31 janv. 2018 à 21h45 
Tnx. That was awesome mod! I hove in future more players come to ns2 and want to play this mod. Thank you, Katzenfleisch!
Schrödinger's Katz  [créateur] 31 janv. 2018 à 10h42 
Unfortunatly there are not enough people playing mods at the moment for me to invest time into fixing this mod for it to be compatible with the current build, and maintaining the server running it. Don't get me wrong I would like it to be running again but I have tried a few time already in the past and it almost always end up in an empty server.
Karasu_Tengu 31 janv. 2018 à 2h15 
Will be updated for 320 build??? I'm tried to run this mod, but i have to many errors in my log.
Jamb0t 9 mars 2017 à 15h09 
Sweet thanks have a group that want to play it this weekend.
Schrödinger's Katz  [créateur] 9 mars 2017 à 14h35 
Yes, got time tomorrow for that. It will be like before (players only join marines, fade selected randomly with greater chances if they killed a fade during the round)
Jamb0t 9 mars 2017 à 14h15 
Any chance you can revert the selection chance by this weekend?
Schrödinger's Katz  [créateur] 6 mars 2017 à 10h31 
Yes, the mod got updated for the tournament for teams not to be mixed during the round (marines going alien and being fade, or babbler when killed). Only got the time to enable back objectives and the timer. I will revert the selection as before during the week as I need to do some cleanup and bug fixing on it too.
Jamb0t 5 mars 2017 à 18h42 
The selection chance does not seem to be working nor marine or fade gets changed when round ends.
Kchorniy 10 juil. 2016 à 3h56 
any servers/player peak times?
I Dunno? 28 juin 2016 à 8h10 
This seems like an amazin mod :P