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Unlocking the Pacifist Achievement
De către D3C
This is a screenshot-based guide which provides a method for unlocking the Pacifist achievement, awarded for completing the level Volcano IV without killing any enemies. Hints are provided in plain text; solutions are marked as spoilers.
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Screens 1-3
Welcome to Volcano IV, and an easy start to the level. A normal jump will get you sucked down into the little pit with the Vaccumore, from which there is no escape... except into its round toothy vacuum-y stomach. A bit of speed is needed.

Colours used: Blue
Solution: Cover the ledge before the Vaccumore with Blue to provide enough momentum to jump through its suction.

Slightly trickier. The Shyphonith in the pit is quite dangerous, as it can shoot you quite quickly from any angle at which it can see you. You need to get over it to continue. Speed alone won't help you, but you do need to be faster than the creature, and be able to make a quick exit to the next screen.

Colors used: Blue, Green, Brown
Solution: When the Shyphonith is walking toward you, cover the left half of the lower ground with Brown to slow it down, and the right half with Green. Cover the ground you're standing on with Blue. Run and jump over the Shyphonith, landing on the Green and bouncing out of the screen before it can shoot you.

Your introduction to the Klimeth, which is not affected by any of your colours and in fact erases them as it passes. This isn't a difficult screen to pass, as the Klimeth moves very slowly, but the thing does look rather intimidating....

Colors used: Blue
Solution: Cover the ledge you're standing on with Blue, and run and jump over the Klimeth as it moves toward you. Jump your way out of the pit and on to the next screen. For elegance, you can coat your landing spot with Green to make a stylish getaway.
Screens 4-7
Nothing to do in Screen 4, other than read about the Klimeth. A checkpoint is also provided. Make sure you take the bottom route to the next screen (not really a spoiler, as you'd find out the hard way soon enough).

There's no peaceful way through the top route without eating laser beams. From the bottom route, the Shyphoniths are not a concern as they cannot see you from above. The Klimeth, though, needs to be passed over. Channel your inner Spiderman.

Colors used: Brown
Solution: The higher section of the ceiling is still within reach of your standard jump. Wait for the Klimeth to move off the screen to the right, and coat the right edge of the ceiling with Brown. As the Klimeth re-approaches, jump and stick to the ceiling until it has passed you. Jump back down, and proceed.

This screen will test your nerves a bit. Essentially, it's a game of chicken.

Colors used: None
Solution: The Klimeth will take care of the button for you. Wait by the lift while the Klimeth is coming toward. When it steps on the button, jump on to the lift and wait. The Klimeth will come off the button and come close to touching you, but will turn before he does. The lift will carry you up, and you're on your way.

There's a Klimeth... and there's an passage underneath.

Colors used: None
Solution: Go underneath.
Screens 8-11
The rest of the level involves doing something in one screen that has to carry over to the following screen....

Here you're provided with your second checkpoint, one which you're probably going to be visiting a few times while trying to get the next couple of screens right. There's nothing dangerous here, but just around the corner, you won't have much time to duck....

Colors used: Blue
Solution: Cover the ground to the right of the screen with Blue. Run and jump just as you're approaching the transition point into the next screen to avoid some trouble there.

You're not allowed to kill anything in this level, you Pacifist you, but this Fillior (plant) and its Mandakkars (spiky death balls) will certainly do their best to kill you. I spent a lot of time on this screen, trying (and failing) to avoid the Mandakkars and praying that my timing would be right. You'll need to get yourself quickly to (relative) safety underneath the ledge, and then make your way right for the following screen, where you're going to need some serious altitude.

Colors used: Green, Brown
Solution: If timed properly, your leap from the previous screen will carry you over the little shelter and underneath the ledge. Cross under the Cocorain (turret), coat the right vertical edge of the ledge with Brown, and the ground to the right of the ledge with Green. Just after the Mandakkars self-destruct on the ledge, jump and stick yourself to the side of the ledge, and jump off to get some extra height. As you bounce to the right, you'll need to control your forward momentum as you head for the next screen; if you bounce too far right, you'll land on unprepared ground, lose your bounce, and have to start over.
Further hint: I generally found it much easier to get through this screen if the plant was spawning the two right-most Mandakkars at the same time; otherwise, it's very difficult to find the correct timing.

Remember that Klimeths are completely unaffected by your wonderful colour powers? Also, causing the Cocorain to kill the Klimeth by painting it Red violates your Pacifist nature, which means no achievement. Even using Blue to build up momentum for a jump, you (probably) cannot jump over it (I've seen comments that some have done it, but it requires pixel-perfect precision and I didn't have the patience). The ceiling is out of reach for your standard jump from the floor of this screen. But since you can't get around the Klimith, and you can't kill it, you're going to have to find some way to get over it....

Colors used: Green, Brown
Solution: When you come bouncing in from the previous screen, control your momentum so that you're bouncing straight up and down just before the small step up (be careful about bouncing back into the previous screen, as those spiky death balls are just waiting). You should be bouncing high enough to reach ceiling level. Use your trampoline time to coat the ceiling to the left of the turret with Brown, and the slightly higher ground with Green; you may also need to wait for the Klimeth to pass, so that your Green doesn't get erased. As the Klimeth moves away, bounce yourself up onto the higher level, and then stick yourself on the ceiling. Don't worry if you don't get far enough to the right on the first attempt: you can safely adjust your position by jumping down from the ceiling onto a Green floor, and moving a bit to the right as you bounce back up. Get yourself close to the turret, and when the Klimeth has gone his merry way to the left of you, drop down and continue out of the screen.
Further hint: Don't get shot while doing it.

Nobody's invincible, but you don't need to kill them to prove it. At right is the wooden arrow that marks the end of a completely non-violent level. Float on out and pick up your achievement before you leave.
14 comentarii
Eli Pye 12 nov. 2023 la 15:38 
It's possible to use the ice and just jump over the Klimeth at the end, it just requires perfect timing. I found this to be much faster and easier then the way described in this guide.
MakoSipper 30 dec. 2021 la 5:05 
Thank you for this guide, and also thank you for your comment, BlueJay, that really helped me at the end
BlueJay 16 mart. 2020 la 10:51 
Okay, if your looking to do the last scene with the kilmeth but can't get the bullet thing pattern to work right, the solution I found was to go to the next screen, come back, have them all detonate at once, then use that time to jump up and jump to the green below (hoping that the far right bullet doesn't spawn as fast). I had a much better success rate via this than trying to time the pattern jumping.
Banake 15 apr. 2018 la 22:05 
ZorkFox 24 oct. 2017 la 21:44 
Dang! That was a very frustrating maneuver! Still, I don't think I'd've thought of it in any sort of timeframe that humans normally care about. I'd probably have kept trying to long-jump over it if you hadn't written this helpful snippet for the last Klimeth. The rest were trivial.

Thank you! :steamhappy:
Saturnias 3 oct. 2016 la 0:52 
Man, that last bit was tricky, but after some practice your methods did work. Nice guide and thanks for the tips!
A Cute Kitten 10 apr. 2016 la 16:56 
i took the top path on screen 5 without "eating laser", I slightly burned the first Shyphonith, making it turn around. It then kept trying to go to sleep but for some reason wasn't able to.
I burned it a little again and it started walking left, then went to sleep. I used brown to sneak past it, then used blue to jump over the second one at the right edge just before it turned left.
⛧ john ⛧ 1 nov. 2015 la 5:58 
I just did it! I jumped over the Klimeth ^_^ I used some ice to get speed and jump over it ^_^
D3C  [autor] 1 nov. 2015 la 3:41 
I just noticed that Steam user Sleepy has posted a video run-through of the Pacifist achievement , using the method described above. Check it out if you want to see this approach in action.
⛧ john ⛧ 30 oct. 2015 la 20:35 
That last Klimeth is giving me headache D: