Broken Age

Broken Age

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Broken Age Act 2 Hints
由 Oreolek 發表
Step-by-step hint guide to Broken Age Act 2
I felt like its puzzles are Monkey Island level of obscure and tedious, so wrote this as a way to help you and lift some anger. All hints are spoilers and marked as such. The full walkthrough took me about 14 hours - I hope you'll do faster with this guide.
Breaking in (Vella)
Vella is trapped in what everybody thought was space. How to get inside?

  • Pick up the fork and explore the ship, you CUTTING maniac.
  • Click on the hole in the fabric of space.
  • Okay, now you need to connect the air and fool the computer. Do you see any tubes nearby?
  • Cut the tube you can use to climb up.
  • This was a short cut. You can connect only adjacent tubes with it.
  • Try the right mechanism.
  • Still not long enough to matter.
  • Climb the tube again and cut it. You'll need to extend a panel to fall gracefully.

Free falling

  • This is a timing puzzle. Not too hard, though.
  • The small hand is interested in space boot. The big hand is interested in you.
  • You cannot offer your cloud shoes to robot hands.
  • The game gives you hints about that. What do you have of Shay?
  • Offer the helmet to the small hand.
  • Now you need to collect Shay's things.
  • Grab a closer boot, it's to the right side...
  • ...but wait until you're facing it and the big hand is closed.
  • Offer the boot to the big hand.
  • Now you have something to jump off. You don't need the other boot.
  • Just jump in the ship already.
First Aid 101 (Shay)
Practically the first impression of Shellmound is a choking man. We do want to help him, right? Unfortunately, Shay is a kind of an idiot and he won't do it himself.

  • Who else is good at hugging?
  • Go say hi to the boa constrictor.
  • You should also remember Shay calls him Mr. Huggy.
  • Don't blow the horn. Shay is an expert at hug attacks, he can brush it off. Just wait.
  • What's the use of python if you can't choke people with it? Go help the poor guy.
Hi, mom! (Vella)
You'll have to disguise as Shay to fool the Mom.

  • Use the teleporter.
  • This is another head size puzzle. If you finished Act 1, you should have no problem with it.
  • Increase the size of your head twice.
  • Go to the Trophy Room (left of Marek) and use the teleporter. Then go to the corridor with the trash chute and use the second teleporter.
  • Talk to Mom. She should believe you're Shay but not quite. Now it's quiz time.
  • There is no way to know the toy name for Vella. I got it by lucky guess. But Shay knows it and he can say it to you - if you know how to ask.
  • Have Shay meet the boa constrictor. Go to the left from Curtis' shack.
  • The childhood friend is Mr. Huggy.
  • The boot size question is a good logical one. It's a fair puzzle, you should solve it by yourself, really.
  • Okay, fine. Go to the Trophy room.
  • Did you examine everything? Did you connect the dots?
  • Look at the photo. The boot size is 7. The medical report says Shay grew by 3 boot sizes that year.
  • You can actually touch his first boots.
  • Mom did not repeat the color.
  • The first boots are polka dotted.
  • They were not red or green.
  • You can now GUESS the answer. Not that you need guessing already.
  • Size 4, purple, polka dots. Hooray.
  • Why are you still reading this?
  • This sentence means nothing. Go away.
  • If you keep doing this I'm going to shut up.
  • ... ... ... ...
Fun times with my dad and some acid (Shay)
Dad cooks a stew at the beach. If you want to help him, prepare for a LONG walk.

  • Dad doesn't know the pH of his stew. Do you?
  • Your friend the Talking Spoon will gladly oblige.
  • You have to get something acidic to decrease the pH and something like seashells to increase it. This is important: you don't want to increase the pH over 9, trust me on that.
  • You need to get two items. Both of these demand a walk to the Big Tree.
  • Gus is drinking under the tree. Talk to him and pick up the fruit.
  • You can try the fruit on Dad's stew now.
  • The fruit is acidic and lowers the pH by 2.
  • You cannot use the apple tap for drinking. .
  • Egg shells are like seashells, just they are egg shells. It's logical.
  • There is only one egg you can touch: Jessie's. Jessie is a big blue bird if you forgot the Act 1.
  • Help Jessie hatch her child with the tap.
  • Amusing bit: you can talk to Curtis about pH in his coffee. Why is it so acidic? Is it because he lives below Gus and Meriloft? This is just something to keep you from the sleep.
  • Egg shells increase the pH by 3.
  • To lower the pH by 1, you need to use egg shell on the stew once and bring two fruits from Meriloft. You cannot take more than one fruit, so it will be a long walk. Look at it as the test of patience, Commander Shay.
Breaking out (Vella)
A bad man likes to trap his young girls. But no one can lock up Vella!

  • What the heck is that thing under the ceiling? It's so round..ish.
  • Overmother mode! Fun fact: You can click the sad faces. There's an achievement for that.
  • Go to the starboard passageway. It's a corridor between The Big Important Squishy Room and the airlock. The room with the trash chute.
  • Click on everything. The hexigal repairs everything she sees close. You have to get her out.
  • Now this is a timing puzzle. Break everything from her to the left exit in nice ordered fashion. When she's out, go to the next hint.
  • This is tricky. Break the conduit on the floor. When you do that, two more open.
  • Click on newly opened electrical thingys. Now you should see the third one near the center of the screen. Click on it.
  • The hexigal should go to repair the fake controls. Click on the left center connection.
  • Now it's a trivial matter to get her to exit.
  • Third time's the charm!
  • Oh drat, we've lost her. Don't worry, she's in the kitchen.
  • You have to give her a hand.
  • Click on the hand control to extend the hand. If you don't see the control, just make the room happier.
  • The hand is out only on mornings and Pill Tuesday.
  • Did you try the pills?
  • Extend the hand with the pill to get Hexigal on the floor. Get her out.
  • You shouldn't have the problem now. Get her to fix your door.
Warranty expired 300 years ago (Shay)
Shay needs a radiation suit.

  • Alex says the radiation shielding was stolen by Dead Eye God druids. Find them.
  • Go to the Great tree and challenge them to a duel.
  • Go to the Maiden's Feast area and talk to the last Meriloft Maiden.
  • Talk to Walt'r, M'ggie and Grandpa.
  • Grandpa has a stick you can use to duel but he needs it to frost the cakes. It's almost depleted though.
  • Buy a cake, will ya?
  • You can get the money from Ch't. He's a good guy.
  • You can pay his sister to get a cake.
  • Walt'r doesn't eat the cakes. He eats only the frosting. He's the right guy.
  • Give Walt'r the cake.
  • Give the cake to grandpa.
  • Challenge the druids with the stick.
  • ...That was weird. Let's not talk about it again. Go to the Maiden's Feast and speak to Twyla.
  • You have to convince her to make you a costume. A suit.
  • Give her the radiation shielding material and the child suit.
She never heard about Chernobyl (Vella)
Vella needs to make a bomb. You need to find the most dangerous and unstable thing on the ship.

You cannot consult with any adult on the ship. Hope is perfectly fine with your terrorist intentions.

  • I repeat: the most dangerous and unstable thing on the ship.
  • The third teleporter should work now. Use it.
  • The Omikron radiation? Never heard of that. That Orb is very hot, though.
  • You can put the orb in the helmet. But then it would blow up..
  • you need to cool the helmet somehow.
  • Come on! Cold thingy. Very cold. Like ice.
  • Go to Ice Cream Avalanche. You don't want to have warm ice cream on the bottom, you want the good stuff. It's up there, so cold it might be cryogenic.
  • Shay never went to the top of the mountain. Why? Because he sank.
  • Buoyancy, volume, circumference. Rings a bell?
  • You need the AREA for your legs.
  • Use the cloud shoes. And up we go!
  • Fill the helmet with ice and go get the reactor orb.
A cat was fine too (Shay)
Alex needs a Superconductive Hypercam. Do you have one?

  • Who's really good at reading schematics? Hint: he's surrounded by schematics.
  • Go ask the Shelltown Marshall Dune. He's the choking guy.
  • You should help him before he would be able to help you. See the "First Aid 101" section for that.
  • He's very agreeable but he works only with sand. Not a problem, right?
  • Do you remember the secret ingredient? It's the tree sap.
  • It's the same puzzle: the tree has to barf. You'll need something DISTURBING for him. There are no stools left.
  • Look what Curtis has in his mailbox.
  • Vella is a tree scaring monster.
  • Show the portrait of Vella to the tree. Mind the splash zone.
  • Put the sand model in the splash zone.
  • Do you know someone who's good with molds?
  • Give the mold to Curtis.
Dropping the bomb (Vella)
Terrorism is bad, kids. But not when it's for obviously good reasons or whatever.

  • You want to drop the bomb in the trash chute.
  • Problem: the trash is closed and you can't open it. Check if it's closed every time.
  • There's a janitor on the ship who knows how to open that.
  • Summon some cereal in the kitchen using Overmother interface. Then go there physically and drop some on the floor.
  • The janitor is too fast! We should slow him down.
  • Barricade his way in the corridor. He's still too fast, but not quite.
  • The trash corridor has three exits. What's the fastest route?
  • Drop the cereal and follow the janitor. Instead of going through the barricaded corridor, go through the teleporter. You should catch him in no time.
The man who could not knot (Shay)
Okay, I admit that I've spent TOO MANY time on this. This is the Heavy-Duty Antigravity Unit section.

If you are stuck and don't know what to do, go to Meriloft and talk to F'th'r and H'rmony the guru. Jump on the ladder and talk to F'th'r while holding to it. This is where the action begins.

  • Your objective is to untie the knot on H'rmony's cloud and expose him as a fraud.
  • Have F'th'r describe the knot for you AND TAKE THE SCREENSHOT of it. F12 is a good button. You love this button. Use it much.
  • Find Car'l.. I mean, Carol on the beach. Describe the knot to her. Use the screenshot.
  • You don't need to find the paper, just a pen or something.
  • Alex has something on his ear.
  • This is an another association game. If you want to answer "the boat" you have to actually see the boat. If you want to answer "the foot" you'd better be damn sure it is a foot. Just try to describe whatever Carol drew to you.
Starving maidens (Vella)
If you teleport to Junk Room and go right, you walk into this.

  • Click on the panel to the right of the central door to fix the door. Click on the door.
  • The missing maidens! And they are starving.
  • The objective of this puzzle is not to save them, because Vella practically is a heartless manipulative Galbrush. She just wants to get a fishing hook from Shellmound girl.
  • You cannot tell Hope about them but you can get them some food. Eventually.
  • You can't solve this puzzle until you've managed to drop the bomb out.
  • After you dropped the bomb, you have no use for the cereal.
  • So you can use the cereal box on the floor under the door.
  • Get the hook while you can.
  • Click on the cereal box, click on the floor with scratch marks. Click on the hook while the girls try to pick up the cereal bits. That's it.
  • What are you waiting for? You have the hook, these girls can die for all you care.
Bad sense of humor (Shay)
Now we're ready to fix the robot. Make sure you've got anti gravity unit before you do this. Also this puzzle needs Vella to get the ship control interface.

  • Don't be ashamed to use hints on that one. It relies on outside knowledge, Shay can't solve it by himself. But first, we need to get the talking fish from the tree.
  • Tree owns all the things that are stuck in its branches and none of the things that lie on the ground.
  • Try to get him to laugh.
  • The best tree joke is about the size of a bush.
  • The joke options are random. You need to find the smallest one.
  • "What's the smallest tree you know?"
  • Choose the option you would be able to spin in a joke.
  • Hand has a fist. Fist has a palm.
  • "The smallest tree you know" - "I know no bigger than my hand" - "Palm tree"
  • Do you know someone who wants a fish? Some fisherman?
  • Show fish to Carol.
  • Poor woman still doesn't know how to make a proper hook.
  • Give crotchet hook to Carol.
  • Your hexabot needs some wiring.
  • Go to the Alex's ship and look for a square light in left corner of the room.
  • This is a charging station. Use the hexabot on it to see if your wiring is right.
  • Okay, remember the bit about outside knowledge? Vella has look at something in the ship control room that can help. TAKE A SCREENSHOT.
  • Look at Mom, Dad and Shay photo.
  • Blue color goes first, yellow color goes second and red goes the third. The order matters.
  • The wires light up when used. Mind the color and the direction.
  • The glyphs are randomized so you're on your own. Look at your screenshot and use trial and error.
Space Weaver (Vella)
  • Obviously, you have to meet the Space Weaver in the first place.
  • He needs a space chart and a whole lotta yarn.
  • The chart lies to the left of Marekai. And you'll have to undo some Yarn Pals.


  • To get the chart, you'll have to distract Marekai.
  • There are two entrances to his room as the left vent is blocked by debris.
  • Vella won't use the left door as she's afraid of the Wolf. But there's something else in that room that she can use.
  • Click on the panel at the right of the central door. Talk to the door. Click on the panel again.
  • This is not a long walk by Broken Age's standarts. Once you're in the Marek's room, you have no one between you and the chart.
  • Except that you're not fast enough. Why? Because Marek is faster. You want to slow him down.
  • Remember that you would be separated only by the door from him.
  • You want to lock that door.
  • Remember the big red button that locks the door? It's at the centre of giant TV room.
  • Solution: Trigger the alarm, walk to Marek's room, lock him by pushing the glowing green button. You're free to get the Space Chart.

By the Yarns!

  • There are five Pals in the ship: two at the Ice Cream Avalanche, three at Ticket to Ride train.
  • The Yarn Pals are made of super-strong Yarn, you cannot cut them. And Vella is strongly against the direct violence. You'll have to trick them to die.
  • This is one of these puzzles that has some logic only after you've done it, so I have to spoil it on the every step. You have to start the Runaway Train.
  • The Runaway Train won't start without Shay. There's no Shay on the ship, is there?
  • There is a Fake Shay Doll sleeping on the bed. But it's fixed by a heavy piece of debris. You can't lift that by yourself.
  • Pick up the debris as Vella The Overlord. I mean, use the Mom's computer. She has her means. You can pick up Shay as well, it's amusing.
  • You can't show him to Mom. You can't inflate the doll with air, you need something more solid for that.
  • Not the cereal. Not the ice cream. No random bits of dust and stuff you find on the way. Sweetie Pie needs something more sweet.
  • Use the Whipped Cream Gun at Ice Cream Avalanche to inflat the doll.
  • Now that you have The Great Commander Shay at your side, you can start the train. It goes straightforward.
  • Do the Wave as you're asked. You'll get the Yarns, show them to the Space Weaver.
  • This guy has standards. This tangled mess has to rotate on a spindle.
  • You need to wind this yarn on something. Something small. No, it's not the completely useless Alex's remote, but close.
  • Your friend the Talking Fork will gladly oblige.
  • Use the Fork on the Yarn, and give that to Space Weaver.
Heavy traffic (Finale)
  • Try every inventory item as both kids. Look at the dancing hexipal as Shay.
  • Follow Alex and look at everything. If you see a pattern, SCREENSHOT IT.
  • Look at a book down below. The rewiring pattern is very simple. You need only 3 of 6 connectors. You can even guess the shape.
  • Marek's gone. Want to see his cool screen setup?
  • Remember the hexipal that fixed a door for Vella? Check on her.
  • Marek's gone but he left something. Is it.. a WIRE?
  • You see the pattern on the Haxigal. Does these lines remind you of something?
  • The lines are arrows.
  • The order is inversed. The line across goes from right to left.

  • Find the harp room. Take the radio.
  • There is only one electrician on the ship.
  • Give the radio to hexabot and take the hexabot.
  • Try to give the radio to Dad.
  • Rewire hexabot for the harp playing and put him to play. The pattern is triangle-shaped.
  • You need only three connectors. The trial and error should be much easier once you've determined these points.
  • These squarebots didn't see anyone for 300 years. Do you think they need a friend?
  • Have hexabot meet the squarebots.
  • The path is clear. It's longer than it looks.
  • The path continues around the fake switch. Look at the left.
  • The drum mallet is an instrument. Shay doesn't play intruments. You know who does?
  • Hexipal doesn't know how to play drums right. But maybe you can find another pattern for him.
  • Do you know how to play drums? You need to wave that mallet.
  • Rewire him as flashlight Hexigal. You'd better remember this pattern.
  • Try to fire the death ray as Vella or call Gary as Shay to reset the puzzle


    • Remember the harp pattern? Try it as Vella.
    • Rewire hexigal as Vella to harp mode.
    • Can you tickle the yarn?
    • Put harp hexigal on the Space Weaver scarf. It will occupy both Mom and the Weaver.
    • You did occupy Hope for a reason.
    • Set boom arms control to Manual.
    • You have to do every point in the checklist. The boom arms control must be Manual. Vella must be in Fake Controls room. Shay must occupy Alex with drumming hexiband, restore the power and be in the control room.
    • Go Vella! Fire the death ray while standing in big room. Switch to Shay, call Gary. The game is over.
22 則留言
jasonkleinmd 2023 年 7 月 11 日 下午 9:24 
Dude, you don't know how long I was stuck figuring out that last part. Thx a lot.
lawrence 2021 年 2 月 20 日 上午 11:03 
For those struggling with fixing the wiring for the robot: the glyphs identify the six posts you attach the wires to, with each glyph standing for one of the posts. Follow the glyphs in the picture to identify where to place the wire to and from.
Graftakje 2020 年 6 月 10 日 下午 1:01 
SpicyBeats3435 2017 年 12 月 6 日 上午 10:31 
egorich0599 2016 年 6 月 28 日 上午 12:52 
Oh my, i understand now, thanks :D Btw the guide is perfect, everyone needs hints, not the walktrough:nahclown:
egorich0599 2016 年 6 月 28 日 上午 12:26 
I've got some problems with dropping cereal. I did it once but it was random, and now, when i try to drop them again, thay just don't. And i cannot even find the hexagon buddy who clears it all up, so why my cereal does not drop? Thanks
ScarfKat 2016 年 4 月 22 日 下午 4:31 
For the paste, i only needed to put in the eggshells and then one fruit.
Faqew 2016 年 2 月 6 日 上午 10:37 
This is a great guide for when you need just that little piece of information to proceed in the game without spoiling it all. Great! :steamhappy:
Gonzo 2015 年 5 月 22 日 下午 7:10 
Really appreciated your guide. All the other ones just spoiled the puzzles by explaining exactly how to do them. Using hints is a much better way to get through some really obscure puzzles!
Must have taken a while to compile so appreciate the great work! THANKS! =D
FroZT301 2015 年 5 月 17 日 下午 4:28 
Thanks, you helped me out big time!