Gotham City Impostors: Free To Play

Gotham City Impostors: Free To Play

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Glitches and Stuff
Autorstwa: Forksparty
A quick overview of some glitches and places you may not have known existed in game. Additional videos and pictures will be added when I figure out how to do new glitches. For example, there are two more out of bounds areas on the 25th Floor and Crime Alley that I need to find and the motion sensor kills need to be flushed out. If you know how to do any of these and would like to share, let me know and I'll update the guide. Similarly, if you see any mistakes, let me know so I can fix them.
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Arkham Asylum
This glitch lets you clip through a window and grapple up to an out of play area in Arkham Asylum. After facing the window, crouch and grapple up to it. This works with the jetpack and inflatable insoles but I don't recommend using these since it is very easy to get stuck in the window and neither the jetpack or insoles allow you to get yourself un-stuck. The grapple is the safest way up. Once there, you have a great vantage point to wack off furiously while watching nimbles jump around snipe from. However, the amount of time it takes to get up to the chimney is hardly ever worth the number of kills you get. There is also no mobility on the chimney so you're an easy target for snipers.

Initiation Level
It took me a few hours to figure out a consistent way to do this glitch but the video explains the basics. Start up the initiation level, progress to the grapple level (stage 3) and wedge yourself between the boxes. Face the beam, crouch repeatedly for a while, and then spam C, A, and D (Crouch, left and right). I usually press them as fast as I can but it's possible to get it while pressing them slower. Once outside you can grapple around to almost all of the buildings and chimneys on the map. If you fall and die, you'll restart the level inside the original building and will have to glitch yourself out again.
Glitch credit to justweazel cP

Infinite Jump Glitch
The next thing is an exploitation of a game mechanic that lets you jump along the side of certain walls without using up your insoles boost.
video credit to g~

Stomping on someone while using the glitch causes double the stomp damage as well.
video credit to g~

Suicide Kills
Ever wanted to make another player kill themselves? Of course you have. Now, making them commit suicide in real life brings about a whole slew of unfortunate consequences (like legal fees) but with this glitch, you can do the next best thing! To do this, all you'll need is the deep freezer and a bit of luck. The deep freezer turns your enemies into giant ice cubes with 2hp. If you manage to freeze an enemy in the air while they're falling from a high enough point (E.g. gliding or using a jetpack), they will take fall damage and die. You'll be given a kill in the form of the suicide symbol.

Motivator Kills
The trusty Motivator helps out your team with a defense boost and some healing but, unfortunately, it does nothing to the enemy. This glitch requires two people. One team member uses the deep freezer to make a popsicle out of an enemy while another team member uses the Bombardier with bouncy rounds to blow them up. The result: a kill with the motivator.
A special thanks to Magical Unicorn of Death for the help

Motion Sensor Kills
This glitch has not been totally flushed out yet. It requires the deep freezer. There a few schools of thought.
1. Freeze an enemy and drop a motion sensor from a high enough point to cause damage.
2. Freeze an enemy while they're falling from a height that would normally inflict fall damage and a suicide kill. However, they must land on a motion sensor.
3. Freeze an enemy next to a motion sensor. When the motionsensor destroys itself after a period of time, the small explosion caused by the motionsensor, causes the kill.
4. A combination of some weapon and the DeepFreezer (similar to the Motivator kills).
Pic credit to Evil Monkey

The Bottom of the 25th Floor
It is speculated that when there is enough lag in a game, you'll be able to jump from the top of the 25th floor map to the bottom without the game registering your death. Until the game catches up and kills you, you'll be able to move about normally.
Credit to Kannnabisss

Gotham Power Out of Bounds
This glitch lets you break out of the in play area as shown in the video. A "How to" description will not be provided because of the potential game ruining effects.

Edit: As the game is pretty dead, here is the "how to".

Additional Stuff
The Docks
The Boat
Many of you know might not know that, with the help of the glider, the ship that chugs around the harbor is reachable. All you need is proper timing and patience. Try to line up the boat diagonally with the wooden post shown in the video. After you reach the boat, it will keep moving leaving you standing on the water. Jumping (or moving in general) causes you to fall into the water and die. After a short period of time, whether you jump or not, you'll fall into the water.
If you're bored and want to wack off furiously while watching nimbles jump around happen to have a glider equipped, try it out. Not very usable in actual play since you're so stationary but still a fun little place to visit.

The East End
The Top of the Map
The East End provides three spots that f***kin scrubs many people don't know about. Each offers an out of the way spot perfect for people who want to wack off furiously while watching nimbles jump around snipers.

The 25th Floor
The "Out of Bounds" Area
Many people might not know that a lot of the area around the 25th Floor is considered "in play"; meaning it won't instantly kill you. If you have the grapple equipped and find yourself with your hand down your pants in a pickle, you can jump off the edge of the building and grapple along the sides. Be careful you don't fall too far or run out of grapple power or you'll die.

Komentarzy: 8
g~ 15 maja 2018 o 9:13 
I have some new glitches :3
droog 22 marca 2017 o 10:04 
Thanks anyway. :steamsad:
Forksparty  [autor] 21 marca 2017 o 19:07 
The gangs tab has been broken for a while now. No way to fix it unfortunately.
droog 21 marca 2017 o 14:37 
This has nothing to do with the glitches you have shown here, but I declined the Hazmat gang request. (Because... Reasons.) Now I can't go into the Gangs tab. Any reason why? Or knowledge on how to fix it?
Help I'm stuck 25 marca 2016 o 20:03 
g~ reply please i have a question
LAZYAZZGAMER 16 stycznia 2016 o 6:11 
thanks for putting it out there
g~ 9 grudnia 2015 o 5:44 
i think i could add a few more to this.
Rozyx 25 września 2015 o 6:38 
Very nice!