Star Ruler 2

Star Ruler 2

48 평점
Weaponsmith Plus 2.2
즐겨찾기 해제
Content: Subsystems
Type: Mod
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235.675 KB
2015년 4월 14일 오후 6시 03분
2016년 9월 4일 오후 9시 04분
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Weaponsmith Plus 2.2

Weaponsmith 2.2

Mounted Core Armor now available
Rebalancing of Engine modifiers and Maneuvering Thrusters.
Prototype Monitoring System for Supports has been revamped to provide a benefit.

Weaponsmith is an attempt to create unique weapons for Star Ruler 2 without having to create dozens of new weapon subsystems. Using up to four modifiers that are attached to weapon systems, you can create everything from a spinal mount heavy laser to a twin mounted rapid cycling light railgun weapon system. Now includes new modifiers and subsystem to improve ship engines.

Weapons -
There are four weapon modifications that can be placed on a weapon subsystem just like the targeting or bulkhead modifiers. Each modification currently has two options that are mutually exclusive so that you are not able to create strange weapon combinations like a light heavy weapon. The modifications and their options are:

Weapon Class - Light Weapon, Heavy Weapon
Weapon Mount - Twin Mount, Spinal Mount
Weapon Action - Charged Action, Rapid Cycling Action
Weapon Ammo - Armor Piercing, Rocket Assisted, and High Yield Warheads (Missile only)

The ammo is limited to railgun weapons only (except for the High Yield Warheads). The other modifications can be placed on any flagship weapon subsystem. The basic concept is the basic unmodified weapon system is a Medium Single Mounted Single Action weapon with standard ammo. These modification will alter those descriptors to make the weapon system perform differently. Some Examples of Weapon Systems that are pretty fun:

Heavy Twin Mounted Railgun with RA Ammo
Heavy Spinal Mounted Rapid Cycling Railgun with AP Ammo
Light Twin Mounted Hyperdense Rapid Cycling Laser

The mod now has two new modifiers just for ship engines and a new subsystem:
Engine Overdrive Modifier - You can now boost your engines thrust output above maximum.
Vectored Thrust Engine Modifier - You can improve the maneuverability provided by your engines.
Enhanced Maneuver Thruster Subsystem - These externally placed thrusters will boost your ships maneuverability but are fragile and require power. It's easier to mount them to smaller ships.
Tip: Enhancing a drives natural virtues nets you better results than modifying it for a purpose against it's design parameters.

In order to add some versatility to the shields, I added two new subsystem modifiers:
Linear Shield Amplifier - This amplifier allows you to boost your shield capacity at the cost of shield regen. However, there's a decrease in power use from the increase in power conversion efficiency.
Pulse Shield Modulator - This modulator boosts your shields regeneration at the cost of power and capacity.
Both of these advanced systems may be used together to gain both benefits at a reduced effectiveness. Your shield system becomes increasingly fragile, the more modification that you add to it as well.
Note: Deflectors are affected as well to a lesser degree than standard shields.

Prototype Subsystem Modifier - This modifier can be placed on any support ship subsystem with a core. It will add a slight maintenance cost to the ship but also prevent it from being built by automated defenses. In addition, it acts as a lesser control module. It provides a reduced command and repair capability to the attached ship. Fleet command wants to make sure it's new prototypes survive.
Mounted Core Armor - Mounted Core Armor (MCA) was designed to protect a vessel's weaponry from the hazards of space travel and to a limited degree battle damage.

Because it uses modifiers rather than subsystems, it should be compatibile with all weapon subsystem mods.

v2.2 (09.04.16) Added Mounted Core Armor; Rebalanced Engine Augs and Maneuvering Thrusters; Reworked Prototype System for Supports
v2.1 (08.19.16) Added Shield Modifiers
v2.0 (08.11.16) Added the Compatibility flag to the mod. Not sure if 100% compatible, post issues in discussion.
v1.2.1 (04.20.15) Unlocked Maneuvering Thrusters and Replaced Prototype Mod for subsystem version
v1.2 (04.19.15) New Modifiers and subsystems
v1.1 (04.15.15) Unlocked all modifiers for use on support ships.
v1.0.2 (04.14.15) Unlocked all modifiers for use in regular games.
v1.0.1 (04.13.15) Removed Flak Ammo due to issues.
v1.0 (04.12.15) Initial Mod release.

Blind Mind Studios - Thanks for making the game and giving the community access to mod tools.
GGLucas - Thank you so much for giving me so much help with those asserts!
Subscribers - You guys are what keep me going back and trying to improve the mod. Thank You!
인기 토론 모두 보기(4)
2015년 4월 19일 오전 11시 16분
Comments / Questions
2016년 2월 7일 오후 7시 43분
Missile balance
2016년 9월 7일 오전 11시 48분
Furture plans/ideas
댓글 45
bearhiderug 2023년 10월 7일 오후 11시 07분 
I too have noticed my diplomacy dropping to zero at some point late game. I do not know how this mod would cause it, it does not even touch diplocay ??
ill try a new run without it.
i love my flaks witht his mod
Dalo Lorn 2018년 11월 4일 오전 1시 50분 
I doubt you're still working on this, but I figure I should give you a heads up:

Your shield modules don't check if the shield generator uses power. You should either add "var/PowerUse" to the modules' requirements, or prefix your PowerUse modifiers with "optional " (including the space). This isn't just a mod compatibility issue, either - Shrines in the base game don't use any power.
brigadon 2018년 7월 1일 오전 3시 40분 
Your mod is quite nice, but unfortunately it does something screwed up to the diplomacy section. If give too much money to charity, it screws up and gives you 0% of the galactic stake.
ShadowDragon_79 2018년 4월 23일 오후 12시 27분 
Very useful mod - Thanks :) .
owenbevt3 2016년 12월 13일 오후 2시 41분 
I often start with ships which are basicly massive torpedo lauchers with rockets on the back. Now giving them Heavy and Charged they take out Reminant fleats in one shot, then spend the rest of the exploration phase recharging.
Xwhyzed 2016년 11월 26일 오전 3시 46분 
Is there a non DLC version?
RdFrex 2016년 10월 30일 오전 6시 44분 
Hi , can you please upload this mod to external link? (moddb) Im non-steam SR2 and i want to use this mod with Rising Stars. Did not found any external link and without owning this game on steam it is impossible to download this mod. Thank you.
grffnhwk  [작성자] 2016년 9월 4일 오후 7시 06분 
A warning on the latest update: It might invalidate ship designs. During the rebalance of the engine modifiers and maneuvering thrusters, I discovered a math error that meant neither scaled properly. They are working as intended now with larger ships requiring enormous power to move their mass faster. I apologize for the inconvenience if so.
grffnhwk  [작성자] 2016년 8월 11일 오후 8시 07분 
Well, I'm sort of back, at least to try and update the mod for you guys. I looked at the new stuff added in the patch and Herald, and I don't think it has an effect on my subsystems. They remain "add ons" that are only dependent on the system they are attached to. So unless they added new subtypes of weapons or changed the flags, it should be good to go.
Dalo Lorn 2016년 4월 25일 오전 12시 35분 
I don't think grffnhwk is still among us, unfortunately.