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Need Help? I got it! From Quest to Building Your Army
By MrEvilPiggy
Support Guide Is Here

If you are in need of help, I can tell you the answer.

I found many of other guide missing something that someone needed help on. I spend non-stop of playing this game, looking on web, and finding where and how to get certain items/events/stuff.

All my guide will help newcomer and people who need hints/tricks/guide to certain or some parts of this game.

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Plantation/Mining Quest
This video will show you information if you don't want to read. They are both the same.

(Reading Part)
You will meet this guy. For this quest. For him to appear, you must finish other quest that follow to this one here since there is only one main quest.

Once you finish that you are giving some money to start a business on any city/town. You can pick any colony since it doesn't matter which you pick on this quest.

Once inside, you will see this

This is the part what you will see in any city/town. The circle part is what you will see and have to click. There are three icon.
Click on the first icon

You will see this screen here

Now three new icon are shown. The first icon showing what you are seeing right now. This isn't the page you want to see. The one you want to see is the second icon.
Second Icon have what you needed the most. Click it and you will see this.

Now you are in the right page. This part is where you can finish your plantation/mining quest since many people are asking me how to finish it and where to go. This is how you should do it :D
Getting/Building/Hire An Army for Land Battle
What Happen To Me Before
Before looking up information how to recuite/hire people for land battles, I was confuse. I spend 2 hours on how to recuite people to fight. I only find companies but not how to recuite. I didn't bother looking at the jobs/quests list because in the intro, it say that were you can earn extra cash if needed. So I spend all my time for nothing until I go online. I found nothing but only information about joining a faction and then you can able to recuit from there. I though that was the only way to recuit and I was mad until I check the quest list on each towns/city have. I was suprise that is where you can recuit them and at the same time I was mad. Now I know how to recuit my army for land/sea, I will so you how.

Towns/Citys Recuiting
You all know that you can recruit salior to fight in navey battles. But many people are wonder, how to recuit for land battles? Easy. Just go to any towns/citys and click on that quest/job on there. You will see the Hire on there with prices on how much you can hire them for. That is it.

Faction Recuting
Other way is to join a faction to hire army but you can only hire army in faction for the faction you are in only. That mean if you are in that one faction, you can only recuit army from that one faction only. If you try to recuit people in a different faction, you will not able to. It will say you can't and will not able to enter the base where you can recuit. You can only recuit in your main faction only.

That is all. Two different way to recuit people to fight in land battles.
How to fight sea battle
Many People fight in sea battle just by rushing. That is the dumb and fast way but easy to lose if you don't have land army in your navy battle. Sailor will only people that will fight and they will be weak if you didn't spend your money on training them. That is the only way they can get stronger just by paying money just to train them stronger.

Smart Way Of Fighting
If you have low army for navy battle, your enemy will try to enter your ships and fight you on board. To stop or lower the chance of that to happen, make sure you have flets to fight (other ships that npc can control(s)) Stay behind them and let them attack while you slowly approach your enemy ship(s). While the battle goes on, enemy ships crews number should go down and it should lower the chances of them aboarding your ships. Why? Because they are AI program with numbers only. If your numbers are higher then theirs, they will not fight you on board. It doesn't matter how strong your crews or not, they will board your ship if you have lower numbers then theirs.

Bigger Enemy Ship = Bigger Risk With Better Rewards
To fight them is to fright far. They will charge at you first no matter what. If you are high level with good lands/sea team, you will win no matter what. If you are low level with high level lands and/or sea team, you will win no matter what (as long you stay behind your teammates or very skills at fighting far). If all your teams are low and your level is low, don't bother fight them. Enemy ships will go to you first and try to board you. (AI are program to board your ship if you have low numbers of army) Easy to win? Have lots of money and get bigger ship. If you are scare of bigger harder enemy, don't fight them until you are ready.
Making money
The fastest and only way to make money fast is navy battles. The loots drop is high and you can sells each items in each different towns/citys. Other way is doing quest. If you find a quest that need you to get items since they are "LOW" on stock of it, before accepting that quest, you can check nearby towns/citys and see if they sell it. Calcuatle the prices and if it give you profits, accept it. If not then don't accept it.

Navy Battles
Stronger navy battles give more loots that can sell for higher prices. Weak navy battles give less loots with less selling prices.

Citys/Towns Money Making
Other ways of making money is building a trading in each citys/towns. You can build mines/plantations/etcs. for money if you need it. Each gives different valus on money and you have certain limit on how much you can build. Try to raise up your trader level to build more in different citys and towns and you will able to get higher ends productions to earn more money fast.
Need more help or stuck on something?
If you guys are stuck and need help on anything like on quest or how to build a perfect army, please leave a message below and I will try my best to help.

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cats! 7 May, 2016 @ 2:14pm 
The part about hiring an army for land battles makes no sense.
PsychoPirateCPT 28 Jul, 2015 @ 7:54pm 
How do you get "governors" if you are the leader of your faction, are they the named people like Frogling? If so how do you implement them. Any help would be appreciated.
Vawerapi 19 Jul, 2015 @ 5:14pm 
Consult the Minister isn't an important quest if you're "King" of your faction, but if you're in another faction (EX: Netherlanden) it applies to you. You can occumilate honor the fastest by releasing lords wherever you find them.
i lost 19 Jul, 2015 @ 3:24pm 
How do u gain honor and i got a quest called "Consult the minister" and it says it might strip me of my power so i havent logged on Caribbean for like a week can someone walk me through the quest?
MrEvilPiggy  [author] 6 Jun, 2015 @ 1:10pm 
Kaiser_Mason 6 Jun, 2015 @ 12:57pm 
Thank you for this. Extremely helpful.
MrEvilPiggy  [author] 23 May, 2015 @ 11:18pm 
@Trajedy. Just finish adding new part of this guide. Now it have video and reading section w/ picture if you need it.
MrEvilPiggy  [author] 23 May, 2015 @ 8:43pm 
Trajedy. There is a location that where you can do the plantation. There is a 2nd icon when you enter the city under the area where you see the slot at for each different building you can do. I know there are more then one. I will make a video about it soon if I have time. For now look at a city. It should have an a building and the other one. Read the quest story lines before clicking away. If you was too late, I'm sorry.
TrajedyRaines 21 May, 2015 @ 9:34pm 
I can't actually seem to get a mine or plantation or anything. I believe I meet the requirements. Can anyone help please?
Ruskifor 20 May, 2015 @ 5:45am 