Homeworld Remastered Collection

Homeworld Remastered Collection

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Homeworld Classic Remade
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23. März 2015 um 6:39
2 Änderungshinweise (anzeigen)

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Homeworld Classic Remade

Just a little Mod, where I'am trying to get the good old Classic working in the "new" Engine. With all what it had in the Classic. Like real Formations and this high lvl stuff.
List what to do/change(22.03.2015):
- researching
- building
- formations
- attacks
- animation(maybe)
- some scripts
- campaign
- skirmish
- A.I
- unit limit
- parades
- salaving Ships
Upload 1(22.03.2015):
- nothing done just for appearence
17 Kommentare
hacklife0 12. Mai 2021 um 3:46 
9CCN is currently developing (or maybe they finished) pilotview, and they're planning on releasing the code for it. Just adding on to the previous comment.
ShadowDragon_79 20. Apr. 2021 um 2:40 
Another point for the list :
- pilotview ?

I admit that I don't see how a mod could do that ( except maybe very extensive scripting, which would propably stutter a lot ) , but I'm really missing that in HW-R...
Aleksaa11 7. Apr. 2021 um 12:39 
I get sometimes kicked from game with accesses violation. In The Player with CPU , mods did fix Unit Cap to have more then 1 Shipyards , but still this not fixes the level 2 tech that is not been accessible. Would be better then RS if you would add level 2 tech in Player vs CPU
CaptainBadger 1. März 2020 um 4:02 
So, for clarification, is this mod meant to bring all those things that we loved about the first game (such as salvaging the Taiidan Frigates on mission 3 and the resource controller actually hovering around the midpoint of the resource collectors if you tell it to guard multiple collectors, for example) back into HW1 Remastered?

I'm asking just for clarification, you have a good list, but it doesn't tell me much beyond that you changed a lot of stuff.
ShadowDragon_79 21. Juli 2017 um 8:56 
How does the unitlimit-part get along?
herbyguitar 1. Apr. 2015 um 18:24 
I think to fix that you're going to have to use a different attack style other than dogfight. Editing the dogfight routines directly can be frustrating :)
Silva  [Autor] 1. Apr. 2015 um 6:12 
not that far, I'am working on the formation and got almost one. They stay more or less in this formation and break away in 3 or 4 ships, but are spinning around as hell and wont turn right
herbyguitar 1. Apr. 2015 um 5:05 
I need to try this. I've been playing several other mods that claim to get HW1RM to play like HWclassic but they fall short on one thing or another. Unit caps is one thing no one seems to change. I noticed it's on your list. Formations is another. How far along are you?
Silva  [Autor] 27. März 2015 um 15:56 
Play Homeworld 1 Classic and then play Homeworld 1 Remastered than you will see it
Elité 27. März 2015 um 15:45 
Am I missing something?
Isnt this exactly what homeworld remastered is? (Homeworld 1 remastered I mean. According to the interviews its literally, Homeworld ported to the new engine (which is a modification of the HM2 engine).
How does this differ from whats there already?