Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Spy in Depth part 2: Cloaking
Vytvořil: Ardyn Amberglow
this guide will go over some of the better ways to avoid detection from enemies, but if your tatics work then heres some more...

disclaimer: (ill say this in every guide to make it clear) my spelling is not the best and that if theres any misspellings im only human but you may still understand what im saying...
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The Spy's Cloaks
to start off, for the beginners of team fortress 2, the spy has two signature peices of equippment that allows him to pass the by the enemies without the single bit of noteriety.the desguise kit and the cloak, we will go over his cloak.

the spy has three different cloaks that you will acquire through out your time as being a spy, these cloaks are: the stock invisabity watch, the cloak and dagger, and dead ringer. now every cloak has its disadvantiges and advantiges.

STOCK WATCH: nine seconds of invisablity, sillouete is shown if bumped into or shot. all around decent watch and great for beginners.

CLOAK AND DAGGER: infinite cloak when standing still great for being a troll, but depleats faster than standered stock watch, same disadvantiges as stock watch.

DEAD RINGER: this cloak is considered overpowered by many dominated players because damage is reduced to 1/10 of standered dmg.(if you have 100 hp, and i got hit with something that would kill me in 1 shot if i had dead ringer out i would only take 10 dmg) once activated via dmg, a false ragdoll is dropped and you can escape and hopefully get a revenge backstab.
Cloak tricks
this video will give you a good visual of what I'm about to describe

as you can see this video covers the visual ques now ILL fill in the blanks...

THE ILLUSION: as seen in the video, what you do is you appear to cloak and go one direction, but then go another as an example: if i let my enemy see me cloak and go right, he goes there; but in reality i veered left and laughed my arse off.

CORNER CLOAK: this is merly a illusion but with a slight twist, much like the illusion have your enemy think that you cloaked around a corner when you actually you stopped at the wall and waited for them to pass by; once they pass by uncloak and backstab.

heres another video that will give you some good visuals and tips when you want to use dead ringer. the prime goal is to pick your battles.

the point of that video was to tell you some of the proper ways to deal with certain enemies, and dead ringer allows you to use the right amount of subterfuge.
Knowing when your Tricks work
This in of its self is difficult to tell but if you've put into as many hours and training as i have then its easy, when you look at some of the most impossable tricks your expression is "what the hell how'd he do that?"

to tell when the illusion has worked is if your enemy has gone in the direction that you tricked him into going, such as going right, when you went left he'll assume that you headed back to where ever right takes him. and thus gives you time to pick more victims, but to master this what you should do is go into training and just go into an offline game mode and start practicing.

now dead ringer no matter what will always activate when your hit and you have it out, now you have about 6.5 seconds of cloak, so you have to be on the move a lot, now to tell if your "death" worked is the victim will mostly jsut give up and go back to his goal or what he was doing before you untimely "death" thats when you can backstab him, but not without saying "SURPRIZE!!"
...When you Fail...
your not always garenteed to suceed every time, there will be times when you have uncontrollable rage and want to just stab them in the face. now im guilty of some of these moments and im no pro, but i think this will explain some of the ways you can fail..

this video should be proof of your own mortality, and most fo the videos you see of people going flawless, thats really hours and hours of practice and grinding.

one thing that you should always remember is that even if your invisable you can still get detected by normal means.

lasty as a spy when you die it will be frustraiting, and rage is what tears good players down, so keeping a cool head will allow you to stay focused and overcome some major obsticles.i will also say that you may have some rough starts, but they even out so remember to keep it cool and if your frustraited you can always switch classess, ( id say the pyro's a good rage class to just set people on fire and forget all about your troubles.(for maximum resulsts listen to frozen's song let it go this will help emensly)
to summerize what i went over: use the tatics shown in the videos, learn some new tricks off the ones shown, your not immortal, you will die a lot, and if your rageing pretty hard. go pyro and "let it goooo!, just let it gooo!" ((c) 2013, disney's frozen elsa let it go scene...dont sue me i have no money)

if this was helpful leave a comment, if you have any other ideahs, suggest them with a comment or create your own (choise is yours) next time ill cover backstab priorty and trickstabs and backstabs

thank you for reading this
Počet komentářů: 2
Ardyn Amberglow  [autor] 7. zář. 2015 v 14.37 
Feeble Cursed One 7. zář. 2015 v 11.09 
Nice Guide really show'd the use of each cloak, I have a request though. could you please try to Implement the occasionaly times when each cloak is required in the fight? (i.e deadringer would be best to use when the round gets very heated and is filled with pyros)