Adventure Time: The Secret Of The Nameless Kingdom

Adventure Time: The Secret Of The Nameless Kingdom

83 人が評価
Full Walkthrough + Video Guide
作者: Cairn.L
A "simple straight to the point" walkthrough with video guide!
Video Guide

①Starting Point
- Your adventure with Finn & Jake started at here! It's Top-down adventure time!!

②To the Castle
- There is a hidden stairway under the plant outside of the castle.

③Choose Goose's Shop
- Before you go to the Song Temple, go and buy a baggy at Choose Goose's shop with 20 pennies. You need that to enter the temple.

④To the Song Temple
- After you've bought the baggy, speak with the person Key-per that standing in front of the temple to enter. Have fun inside!

⑤The Video Shop
- With Jake's Grabby hand, you're able to get the Heat Signature at the video shop.

⑥Mind Games
- You can find another hidden stairway two maps below the video shop. Shelby is there, trade him the heat signature for Mind Games.

⑦Poot in the Bag
- Next, you need Poot which can be found at Medium butt rock, west side of the map.

- Now, go meet Cinnamon at the brigde east side of the map with the bag of poot.

⑨Tiny Manticore
- Make sure you prepare an empty baggy, because you need it to catch a Tiny Manticore!

⑩Magic Man/Flambo
- Give the tiny manticore to Magic Man, and get Flambo which allowed you to enter the next temple.

⑪To the Dream Temple
- Now you're ready to enter the Dream Temple!

⑫Ice King/Fan Fiction
- Once you've completed the Dream temple, go speak with Ice King and give him the Mind Games.

⑬To the Fear Temple
- You're free to enter Fear temple at this moment.

⑭Coal Man/Energy Drink
- Next, go find Coal Man in the cave not far from the Fear temple, and get an Energy Drink from him.

- LSP Lumpy Space Princess is waiting for you at the Totally Freaky Dungeon! Go meet her!!

⑯Party Pat/Bug Milk
- Ready for party? Rave cave will be your next destination!

⑰Nightosphere Demon/Enchiridion
- Go meet Nightosphere Demon at the Cemetary, get Enchiridion from him. Now you can read the texts written on the ancient stone and enter the final dungeon!

To the Castle
- Now go face your final challenge in the castle once you're ready! Good luck!!

19 件のコメント
Cairn.L  [作成者] 2021年5月12日 10時17分 
Yes, actually it does.
The requirements or things you need to do to enter the Dream Temple starts at number 5.The Video Shop
Unbeliever 2021年2月19日 1時49分 
It doesn't say anywhere in your guide how to enter the Dream Temple...
TheKingRyan 2021年1月13日 7時00分 
yeah i heard about it i miss that game:kindofgood:
Cairn.L  [作成者] 2021年1月13日 6時48分 
Yeah, they had to remove the game from Steam due to expiring license.
TheKingRyan 2021年1月7日 7時40分 
i cant find this game on steam store
Sheitancito 2020年6月21日 21時58分 
To grab something on the plastic bag just use Grabby Hand, you get it on first temple!
Irish Tea 2020年6月9日 13時07分 
can s1 help me out with that plastic bag? i dont understand how am i suppose to grab stuff in it! i tried stun enemies and then use bag on it but its dont work for some reason
what did i miss in here?
yoder.joshua 2017年10月16日 11時24分 
Thank you ! This helped me alot ! Good game shameless zelda rip off but very tedious if you dont know where to go or what to do . Like wandering 40 days a nights in a desert lol
pashoriwe 2017年7月20日 7時17分 
Hey. sorry for bothering, but how i supposed to know that i should do steps 5-10 to get to the second temple? For me it doesnt have any sense. Am i so fucking limited?
۩THE_Incinerate ۩ 2017年1月1日 11時03分 
thanks~ :plagueknight::healthyhearthling:
i was lost in one of the step .
i will not look at everything in the guide . i don't want to spoil the adventure ^-^