Airline Tycoon Deluxe

Airline Tycoon Deluxe

44 ratings
Airline Tycoon Simple Guide for newcomers & Game secrets and Cheats
By Liquidsnakehpks-joa
A simple Guide For new players on what to do first in airline tycoon deluxe and various hidden Secrets[spoilers] and one important cheat code to help you through at rough times.

Warning The guide contains spoilers
Important Basic Tips aka things to do on day 1 in the game.
A) Day 1 tips

The day 1 is pretty simple relaxed day in the game , the mission objectives are given in the mission brief, if you are playing the mission 1 you will be locked into a small tutorial after which you are on your own.

So just in case you are lost and have no clue what to do in the game here are some simple tips

A) Make sure you understand the mission objective and focus on working towards it , the game ai will ruthlessly compete towards achieving the goal without caring for anything else in the game.

B) Talk to rick hes the owner of the bar , he gives important news everyday like new plane unlocks, advise on what to do etc.

C) Buy a filo fax , telephone , laptop from the store asap these will help in making your job easier to manage

D) Talk to your opponents and agree to a collabration , if you dont maintain a good relation with them will try to sabotage you soon.

F) Hire advisors based on their classification better ones aka talented or gifted ones will help you select deals, new recuits etc.
here are the list of must have advisors
Informer : very useful gives you information on other airlines
Order Analyst : very very important basically just lets you know if the order you pick is good or not.
Personel Advisor : Very useful only if you hire a good qualified one, but basically when you buy a new plane he will let you know how many you need to hire exactly
Security Manager : based on his qualification you can get up 10% off on any purchase

Hopefully this should get you prepared for day 2 and the rest in the game.
Game secrets
The game humorously has a couple of hidden stuff that you might have already noticed , But here is a list of them with what it does and how to get it. These are spoilers avoid them if you want discover them on your own. Some of the locations might be locked in the missions you can find all these in the free form game.

Item name :Alcohol
Location : Duty Free Shop
Benefits: Give it to the to mechanic in the workshop , he will be more friendly (new maintainance option if you ask isnt there a cheaper way to do it) , allows you to take the oil can from the place
Do Not Say smoking not allowed you will be kicked out and will have to give another Alcohol to talk.

Item name : Oil can
Location: Warehouse
Benefits: You will able to take this if you gave the mechanic alcohol use it on the globe in your office to get rid of that Squeaking sound it makes.

Item name :Postcard
Location : Uhrig's Office Bulletin Board
Benefits: Give the postcard to the woman in the Personnel Office and she will let you take the pills.

Item name : Pills
Location : Personnel Office
Benefits: If one of your opponents sabotage with the option "bacteria in your coffee" you will be forced to visit the bathroom rapidly however if you use the pills , you are cured from this

Item name :Violin Case
Location :Duty Free Shop
Benefits: Give to guy Petrol Air to gain access to the Saboteur guy if you want to sabotage your opponents ,

Item name : Gloves
Location : Petro air
Benefits: Allows you to use the drink machine near the Museum without being shocked and get the energy drink

Item name : Energy Drink
Location : Near the Museum
Benefits: Increases walking speed if you drink it or gets you the stink bomb if you give it to the newspaper guy.

Item name : Stink Bomb
Location : newspaper
Benefits: The most epic item in the game once you get it , go to the arrival/departure location and wait for any departures when the passengers are about to depart use it near the depart entry and they will feel sick affecting the opponents reputation. Becareful not use on your passengers.

Item name : Glue
Location : Cargo deparment
Benefits: The glue is another way you can attack your opponents without sabotage , when you see a opponent walking in the upstairs drop the glue near them and they will be stuck for a while when they walk on it.

Item name : paper clips
Location : Route board
Benefits: You can give it to the cargo guy for which you can take the glue

Item name : Spider
Location : Air Travel have to grab it before snake eats it
Benefits: You can give it to the sabotage guy in order to take the dart from his place

Item name : Dart
Location : Sabotage guy
Benefits: You can give the dart to Advertising guy which will allow you to take the disk from his place

Item name :Disk
Location : Advertising Agency
Benefits: If you own a laptop and if a opponent uses sabotage to infect it with virus you can use the disk to cure.

Item name : Clothing(bra)
Location : Go to the plane broker and wait for a while one of the comparment opens up grab it from there
Benefits: Exchange it with the duty free shop lady to get the horseshoe from the shop

Item name : Horseshoe
Location : Duty Free Shop
Benefits: One of the most useful items in the game a) if you have it in the inventory no one cant use "bomb in the office" sabotage on your
b) If your workers are striking use the horseshoe in ricks bar, the issue will be solved.

Item name : Candy Box (without alcohol)
Location : Duty Free shop
Benefits: If the female opponent is at a bad relationship with you , to improve you can give it to her while talking.

Item name : Ember
Location: any office (after the bomb the officce sabotage)
Benefits: can burn off order lists at the last minute and air travel

If i have missed any other hidden stuff let me know. Some of the items can be gotten again after using them once.

This game has a ton of cheats but be warned that using them will sometimes screw up the game and will also kill the joy however there is one cheat that is very useful and does not affect the game in anyway . Apart from cheating :P

Playing airline tycoon you will notice that The ai is cheating in the game most of times aka boosts itself with money (speculation ) to achieve better stats than you in missions so if you feel there some missions that hard to do legit feel free to use this less impactful cheat.

Free money cheat

I use this method since it will account for the money you have gotten, if you use the cheat donaldtrump it wont show up properly in your accounts so here is how to do it.

Lets say you have run into deep trouble and need to buy a plane urgently or need some cash first go to the bank
a) ask for a loan , take it
now type in nodebts quckly on the keyboard and a sound will confirm if its correct , now there no more loans on you and the amount is recorded correctly unlike donaldtrump cheat.

If you want the loan amount to increase just use the method continously and you will get more free money.

The other cheats such as
1) winning - you will win the miison next day
2) atmissall - all missions unlocked

Are there but they will kill the fun , i think you can complete any mission with the money cheat method i have provided.
Stabilizing yourself in any mission/freeform game mode
As you know some missions are short and simple but there are some mission where you basically have to settle down as profit making airline , here are some simple tips to get yourself a airline that makes money without you having to do much.

(cheatless method)

1) any mission you will start out with two planes , as you know there are different methods of earning money in airline tycoon aka routes, orders and cargo.

Going with routes everyday is a safe and easier method but it requires you to manually select the
order and schedule them.

One among your two starting planes is a bit more fuel efficient and has a decent range and capacity, you should try to rent a route that has least distance but huge no of traffic flow.

[ i use london as the starting airport and there are a ton of cities very close by and having a decent demand]

once chosen set up the route in such a way that there is no empty flight based on the distance you should be easily able to schedule at 2 return trips every day aka fly four times.

if the chosen plane is not a huge fuel guzzler you should start making some easy profit every day on the route.

Now you have the other plane which is a fuel guzzler so you will want to get rid of it as soon as possible so try to put in as many good orders/cargo on it possible and when you have somewhat decent money , its time to visit the museum everyday for checking on used planes for sale when you spot a good one like these.

Airbus series aircraft - these dont tend to have massive passenger sizes like the boeing but they are cheaper and burn less fuel. Recommended capacity 375 passengers
Boeing - costly but their planes are beasts of burden carying a ton of passengers and distance.
Recommended capacity 550 , 290 passengers.

You might have to take up a loan as well after purchasing a second bigger capacity aircraft(repair costs) but its worth it.

Once you have two of your planes set up to fly your routes basically 8 times a day you should be making some good money without doing much work at all , you can increase the profit by improving your image in the route which brings in more people, upgrade the plane and increase the ticket cost.

Basically This gives you some stablity and you can focus on proper expansion and going towards the mission objectives.

you can also go with routes first make some good money ditch the planes and get a good one but routes are the only way you can rake in some good cash and at the same time automate the process so that you dont have to do much.

Cheat method:

If you are used to the cheat method i taught aka taking loans and clearing them using a cheat then the easiest method to set up fast is .

a) sell your two starting planes, get enough money via the loan trick.
b) purchase 2 good long ranger + capacity planes, work towards hiring enough people to sustain them
c) select decent long routes with demand
d) schedule the routes and you should be making enough profit very quickly
Cabeza1805 12 May, 2020 @ 10:40am 
they still discover you... and the one that doesn't discover you is useless to drop shares

also, I have excellent relationship with the 3 of them... and honey airlines is the first one to go bankrupt almost automatically in the first 10 days... falcon lines is the one that keeps issuing shares everyday while at the same time NEVER DROPS below 70% shares, so there's no real way to do nothing to him but wait and see how he beats you, no matter the strategy... I don't understand
Liquidsnakehpks-joa  [author] 10 May, 2020 @ 7:41pm 
also dont go for costly ones like plane crash and bomb in office, good ones tyre burst and anything that ruins passengers mood plus employees on strike should hit the opponent hard but not get you caught.
Liquidsnakehpks-joa  [author] 10 May, 2020 @ 7:38pm 
you have to make sure that you get two competitors on your side and attack on the one left, i always played as phoenix airlines so , the toughest rival was sunshine airlines . I always was super friendly with honey airlines and falcon so we three would take on sunshine airlines.
Cabeza1805 10 May, 2020 @ 7:11pm 
which also can be harmful because the most effective ones cost a bit much, and after repeating them for a while you pay fines worth in millions.... so... yeah.. now that I'm rediscovering this game, that aspect is making it lose all the magic I fell in love with in the first place...
Liquidsnakehpks-joa  [author] 10 May, 2020 @ 5:36pm 
The ai is a pain in some missions you have to take the sabotage route or try to bankrupt them via shares in some missions.
Cabeza1805 10 May, 2020 @ 4:26pm 
the cheats have nothing to do with competitors' AI...and I know because I don't usually use cheats on campaigns, and the AI always have the advantage in missions like Luxury Principle or the Spaceship one

no matter what you do, the AI will always have an unreal rate of profit, to the point where while you struggle to buy a cheap used plane in the first 10 days of game, the AI already has 4 or 5, issued several shares, and complete marathonic missions in ridiculous time

the only real missions where you actually have chances are those simpler ones that only require certain amounts of orders, or reachin certain amount of money

is the only flaw I ever picked in this game...being unbalanced as f**k in complex missions
Dark MAvL 29 Oct, 2019 @ 5:38pm 
I just tested it and it's not with the oil item that you have to mix it. Might be with the leak of oil that appear occasionally on the workshop, but I don't remember well.
Liquidsnakehpks-joa  [author] 28 Oct, 2019 @ 9:00am 
nice will have to test that one out
Dark MAvL 28 Oct, 2019 @ 7:39am 
As a male, you can get one perfume per day by entring women's bathrooms. Combined with oil it has the same effect as a stink bomb.
Maddog1944 5 Feb, 2018 @ 12:27am 
Later on i bought 4 x 747-400 and rent the route JFK - Tokyo, but still the most income during that time was coming from my 777`s on the route London - Tokyo, each plane generated an income of about 20 Million each week (you can see the income from each plane on the filofax page).

Whti this fleet 4x777 London Tokyo, 4x747-4 JFK-Tokyo, several 767-3ER London- JFK, 2x DC-10 on the route London-Rio de Janeiro you have a massive income per week and you can grow fast but sadly you cant get that much qualified employes to grow that fast, sometimes i need to check whole wheek applications for the cabin and cockpit crew`s of my Boeing 747`s.