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[B42] The Last of Us Infected
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[B42] The Last of Us Infected

В 1 колекция от Sir Doggy Jvla
Project Overgrown
5 артикула





Workshop ID: 3409434765
Mod ID: TLOU_Infected
Mod ID: TLOU_Infected
Mod ID: TLOU_Infected_backgrounds
Mod ID: TLOU_Infected_fliers
141 коментара
Sir Doggy Jvla  [автор] 24 февр. в 3:03 
Thx for letting me know :)
ZDKmatthew 24 февр. в 1:40 
did you know diarrhea runs in your genes?? I didn't, I just totally shit my pants man
mark 18 февр. в 15:02 
Този коментар очаква анализиране от системата ни за автоматична проверка на съдържанието. Той ще бъде временно скрит, докато потвърдим, че не включва вредно съдържание (напр. връзки към уебсайтове, които опитват да откраднат информация).
Sir Doggy Jvla  [автор] 14 февр. в 13:12 
I'm currently working on a different mod so I haven't been able to see if the devs fixed their shit to possibly not have this happening anymore. Also I just thought of a possible patch for this but I guess I need to do some tests...
Sir Doggy Jvla  [автор] 14 февр. в 13:11 
Hey this is a bug which was introduced due to the devs breaking the mod sadly :(
Unkik 14 февр. в 13:05 
Hello, Love this mode awesome work everything worked good until i encounter bloaters. for some reason for me they get frozen in place when i hit them with gun or melee weapons.
i tried to run only this mod with necessary mods like Starlit Library,[B42] Background Framework and Zomboid Forge [B42]. but still bloaters get frozen in place can even walk through them. sorry in advance for posting it here, i didn't saw any comments like this so must be my end. would like to find solution to fix it if any one know how to. best regards and thank you in advance for answer.
Sir Doggy Jvla  [автор] 12 февр. в 10:37 
Hey np, I was confused having such a problem when you reported it but considering how much updates fuck up my mod I could understand it. But yeah that's definitely thz amogus bug lol
Green -.- 12 февр. в 9:28 
It turns out that this is a problem that vanilla has always had. I'm know that I didn't check it carefully before reply it. I'm sorry for disturbing you. Thank you for your reply.
Sir Doggy Jvla  [автор] 12 февр. в 6:46 
You can have both with Zomboid Forge - Zomboids
EVA I 12 февр. в 5:41 
Sorry if stupid question but can i play only with guys from this mod and without default zombie?:praisesun: