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How To Change The Accessory Text-To-Speech To Japanese (While Keeping English Text UI)
By Weebstick and 1 collaborators
Warning! This method WILL BREAK online multiplayer. You can simply change the game language back to your original language to play online after following this guide, but it's better for you to consider this drawback before proceeding to follow the guide.

Tired of the Accessories English Text-to-Speech that misreading the words, failed to pause and sux?

You can switch to use the Japanese ones! The original and good ones! While also enjoying the English UI or any other language you want. This guide will show you how.
Let's Get Start!
1.Open up your game folder. Right click on the game and click Properties... (1)

2.Now, in the Installed Files tab(2) click on the Browse... button.(3)

3. In the game folder, go to the master folder. (4)

4.Inside the master folder, these are the game's text UI files for each language.(5)

5.Now we only need to work with two files, the file for a language you want your game text UI to be in(6) and the jpn.eaf which is the Japanese text UI file.(7) I suggest you backup these two files first in case something gone wrong.

6.Now, you have to delete the jpn.eaf file.(8) Because you want to replace it with the .eaf file for a language of your choice.

7.After that, rename the .eaf file for your language to jpn.eaf (9) In this case it was a eng-us.eaf

8.Once you finished, I suggest you place a backup of the original .eaf of your language back into the folder.(10) In case the game won't start from missing files.

9.Now it's time to switch to the Japanese version of the game. Simply open the game's Properties again. Go to the General tab(11) and click on the Language box(12) then select 日本語 (Japanese) (13) (As mentioned before, this will break the online play. So if you want to play online, you can switch back to your original language here)

10.Now boot up the game. Don't freak out over the warnings in Japanese when you booting up the game just yet. The in-game text UI is what you were working to change. If there's no error you should hear your Accessory greeting you in Japanese on the menu screen.

and your in game text UI will be displayed in your language.

Here's how it should look like

Congrats! Now you can enjoy the Japanese Text-to-Speech Accessory!
Have fun contributing to your Panopticon sinners. For the greater good!
G4 27 Jan @ 5:32pm 
No luck again. This time, aside from your suggestion, I attempted to purge my savefile and start from scratch. It ran fine until the TTS had to pronounce my character name in English. The game crashed again like before.
I even had my friend send me his files to try and fix it but i guess i'm just fucked out of multiplayer
Weebstick  [author] 27 Jan @ 2:39am 
I used to had the same issue when I first figuring out how to get JP text to speech with ENG UI. I was experimenting and messing with various files in the master folder which result in my game would close as soon as I reached the main menu. In my case I had to re-verify the game and it was fixed. Since you still have the backup files, maybe try delete the files you were modifying during the process and then verify the game files again so Steam will try to get the fresh new files for you. I know you've already tried verifying and re-installing but maybe give my exact solution a try. It worked for me so it might help you solve the problem.
G4 26 Jan @ 7:28am 
No, luck.
Restored the backup files, switch the game to english on steam options
Fresh Reinstall, on different drives, game set to english
However if i set the game to Japanese it works just fine.
It specifically crashes the moment the Accessory tries to speak when you get to the main menu
Weebstick  [author] 25 Jan @ 9:53pm 
The game shouldn't have any problem after fresh install. Try double check to see if all the language files are back to the original. I suggest you put back all the original files you backup into the master folder. That should fix to game not loading.
G4 25 Jan @ 7:23pm 
So, i tried this at the behest of a friend and now that i tried to undo, the game closes when it tries to loadup.
tried reversing the change
Revalidating files
Fresh Install.
Only when i redo the steps in this guide i can enter the game proper but with no online
lAlexl7l 13 Jan @ 11:39pm 
you got a japanese voice reading engrish broken
Temuthril 13 Jan @ 3:32am 
What happens if you rename the sound files instead?
FunRoom 12 Jan @ 8:38pm 
This modification will cause you to disconnect in multiplayer, so remember to reverse the change before joining any lobby
lAlexl7l 11 Jan @ 11:34pm 
I really dont know why the change of language fucks the online component even the panopticon league seems to be a mess when you change language
Weebstick  [author] 11 Jan @ 8:27pm 
Yup, I simply change the language back to english like you mention and the coop works again. I have included this issue to guide description to make other people aware of this drawback. Thank you for pointing this issue.