No More Room in Hell

No More Room in Hell

35 évaluations
Suited Butcher
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Catégorie: Modèles de Joueur
Mots-clés : Butcher, Suit, Suited
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14.893 MB
3 janv. à 14h44
4 janv. à 1h20
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Suited Butcher

Dans 1 collection faite par RedJester1022
My NMRiH addons
68 objets
Everything like usually

He found a better job

Have viewmodels, zombie model and VGUI icon

I finally have added shirt into the viewmodel

8 commentaires
moskali loxi 19 janv. à 19h27 
bro is not nick
Rebel Male_07 | Qu4r4ntine 11 janv. à 18h46 
L4D2 nick looking ahh
Ky1 5 janv. à 12h46 
Fancy !
Lochlan 5 janv. à 2h04 
Very, very nice. Looks like he could be the asshole of the group now, and I'm not just saying that because the suit resembles Nick's.
kAN 4 janv. à 13h48 
Thank you bro. I was waiting for some cool Butcher mods
Dr. Mantis Toboggan 4 janv. à 10h42 
Nick isn't reacting well to the Encephalitis Lethargica air.
[as] Wendigeaux 4 janv. à 3h30 
nick if he was bald
𝕵tmal 3 janv. à 22h24 
Theirs no blue sleeves for first person, but only shows in third person?