LOK Digital

LOK Digital

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All Rules Explained
By CreeperJoe
Every rule in LOK, explained.
Hi all. I just wanted to make a quick guide for how all the rules in LOK work. This was mostly just made for fun. I've ordered it more or less in the order of the game's progression. Hope you enjoy!

This guide contains spoilers for the entirety of LOK. Read at your discretion.
To process in LOK, you will go into several worlds from the world map.

Each world has a certain number of puzzles in it. They do not all need to be solved at once. After a certain number of puzzles are solved in the world, a new world will be unlocked.

If all puzzles in a world are solved, a puzzle will appear on that world's map. Solving that puzzle adds 1 key to your key counter.

Certain worlds require collectibles to be unlocked instead of a certain number of puzzles. The required number of collectibles is marked on the world map.
Basic Mechanics
Every puzzle in LOK will consist of some number of white tiles, arranged in a 2D grid. Each tile may have a letter on it, though it can also be blank.

A puzzle is won when all white tiles are turned black, and there are no actions left to be performed.

To perform an action, you must identify one of the game's words spelled out on adjacent white tiles. Black tiles are considered inactive. You select the tiles in order to spell the word, and it can be spelled horizontally or vertically, forwards or backwards, but without any turns. Then, when the word is spelled, the entire word will turn black, and the word's action will be performed.
Select a tile, and turn it black.

Select two adjacent tiles, and turn them black.

Select a tile. Turn that tile, and all tiles bearing the same letter, black.

Select a blank tile. Write any letter on that tile. From there, that letter will function like normal.

Select a tile. Turn that tile, and all tiles on the same antidiagonal black.
When two white tiles are considered adjacent, they can be used to spell out a word.

When two white tiles are directly next to each other, they are adjacent.

When two white tiles have a black tile or several black tiles between them, as long as they exist along the same vertical or horizontal axis, they are still adjacent.

When two white tiles have a gap in space between them, as long as they exist along the same vertical or horizontal axis, they are still adjacent.

The same applies for any combination of black tiles and gaps in space.

When two white tiles have another white tile between them, or do not exist along the same axis, only then are they NOT adjacent.
Special Letters
X is a conductor tile.
When spelling out a word, any number of X's can separate the letters. For example, "LxxxOxxxxxxxK" would still be valid as "LOK".
X's cannot be used as regular letters and cannot begin a word.
X also allows the word to turn direction, which is normally not possible. Every X can turn the word 90 degrees clockwise, or counterclockwise.
When a word is spelled with X's in it, the X's do not turn black, and remain white. The word's action can still turn X's black.
If using multiple X's causes a word to cross over the same letter twice, the word will still be valid, and the letter will only be blacked out once. This effectively allows for loops.

? can be treated like any letter except blank.
Whenever a word crosses over ?, you can decide what letter it is counted as.
If a ? is selected with TA, you can still decide what letter it's treated as, and thus what other letters TA targets.
If using ? in conjunction with X's causes the letter to loop over itself, you can decide what letter ? counts individually for every time it is selected.
If starting a word on ?, you can choose to count it as X. This is the only circumstance in which a word can begin with X.

The arrow keys are also treated as letters, but they only maintain special properties in World C.
In World C, selecting an arrow will cause it to turn black, move one space in the direction of the arrow, and push all white or black tiles in its way that are not separated by gaps. Effectively, it pushes it blocks.

W only maintains special properties in World E.
They are cloud tiles. This means that when a W is selected in World E, instead of beginning a word, all W's in the puzzle turn black, and an action must be performed. A set of white tiles must be turned black in a pattern identical to how the W's are spaced. If there are no white tiles available that match the pattern, the action cannot be performed and the puzzle cannot be completed.
When a panel of glass blocks a white panel, it is granted protection.

This means that in any circumstance where the panel would turn black, the glass breaks instead.

If the glass has a number next to it, it can endure that many hits of black before breaking. If there is no number, it means it can endure 1 hit.
Monuments are only present in World D.

In World D, monuments are sets of tiles which can be moved freely to different spots in a grid of positions.

Monuments cannot overlap under any circumstances.

When all monuments are placed down, they can no longer be moved, and the puzzle can be interacted with like normal. Be aware that some configurations of monuments can lead to unsolvable puzzles.
More Words
Select one tile. Increase that tile's "health."

To be more specific, if a black tile is selected, turn it white.
If a white tile is selected, give it glass.
If a tile with glass is selected, allow it to endure 1 more hit.

OLKO adds 1 bird to your total count of birds when used.

OLKO only functions once per world, and then never again. Even when revisiting the puzzle it was used or other puzzles in the same world, OLKO will not function again. It will play a small animation when used, but will not do anything else.

GRIVA only functions in World 9. In other worlds, it will play a small animation, but not do anything else.

In World 9, GRIVA wins the puzzle instantly, and plays the game's final cutscene.

The game's final level has one last unique mechanic.

It is set on an infinitely looping 5x5 grid.

This effectively means that every tile on an edge is adjacent to the tile on the opposite edge of the grid.

Good luck.