Silent Hill 2: All Key Locations
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This Silent Hill 2 Remake guide is a handy at-a-glance list of where to find all of the various keys throughout the course of the game
If you're curious about where to find a key in SH2R, here you go. This is a list of every single time you find a key over the course of the game.

James typically leaves keys in the lock where they're used, which removes them from your inventory. All keys in SH2R are single-use.
Eastern South Vale Keys
Auto Parts Key

Open the drawer in the auto parts store west of the Silent Hill Ranch.

Apartment Key

Push the bookcase away from the door to the front office in the Saul St. Apartments, then retrieve this key from its front desk.

Neely's Bar Key

Repair the jukebox in Neely's Bar.

Wood Side Apartments Key

Check the bloody jacket on the ground in the parking lot behind the Texan Café. You'll need the Neely's Bar Key to get here.
Wood Side Apartments Keys
Chute Courtyard Key

After you find the Flashlight, open the drawer in the makeup desk behind it.

2F Hallway Key

Once you have the Chute Courtyard Key, go outside and use the wheeled cart in the courtyard to reach the open window to Apt. 212. From there, go out into the east end of the hall and try to take the key from the opposite side of the gate.

When you go back to the lobby afterwards, its east door is now unlocked. Go down the hall to the other side of the gate to find the 2F Hallway Key kicked into the corner.

Apartment 212 Key

After you get the Handgun, return to Apt. 213. This key has appeared on a side table near the TV.

Steel Key

Solve the puzzle in Apt. 208 to open the safe. This key is inside, along with one of the Coins you need.

2F Small Staircase Key

Once you escape from Apt. 208, check Apt. 205 to find the 2F Small Staircase Key on a chair in the middle of its living room.

Apt. 201 Key

You receive this for successfully completing the Coin Cabinet puzzle behind the reception desk.

Bluecreek Apartments Keys
Apt. 306 Key

You'll find this key on a table directly in front of you on your first entry into Apt. 205.

Winged Key

Put the Pigeon and Swan Figurines on the Seesaw in Apt. 210, then move the Swan Figurine to the second notch from the left to balance out the sculpture. It will break and reveal this key.

Key of Resilience

After your conversation with Angela in Apt. 109, take this from the room with the big mirror in it.

Western South Vale Keys
Gate Key
Unlock the safe under the reception desk in the Jacks Inn.
Brookhaven Hospital Keys
Basement Key

Open the key locker in the Brookhaven Hospital Reception Office.

L1 Room Key

Take this off the table by the TV in the Nurses' Lounge on the second floor of Brookhaven Hospital.

1F Inner Ward Key

This is out in the open in Exam Room 4 on the third floor of Brookhaven Hospital.

Maintenance Key

Combine the Medical Tube with the Bent Needle and use the resulting contraption on the clogged drain in the Pharmacy. You'll fish up the key to the Pool's maintenance hatch.

Director's Storage Room Key

Bring all 3 Bracelets to the Director's Office and place them on the statue of a hand on the desk. When you line them up correctly, with all 3 bracelets' legible numbers aligned with the chipped paint on the wrist, you'll be able to take the key.

Rooftop Key

Open the strange locked safe in the Director's Office in Brookhaven Hospital.
Otherworld Hospital Keys
Lapis Eye Key

Once you have the Instrument of Force and Key of Bliss, return to the mannequin in Exam Room 4 on the third floor. Use both items on the mannequin to find the Lapis Eye Key in its head.

Director's Office Key

Check the floor near the strange TV in the Observation Room on the second floor.

Hospital Entrance Key

When you return to the hospital lobby after the Pyramid Head chase scene, look for this in what used to be the Reception Office.

Western South Vale (Nightfall) Keys
Historical Society Key

You're directed to dig this up on the west side of Rosewater Park by a series of messages in Eastern South Vale.
Toluca Prison Keys
Spiral-Writing Key

Grab this off the floor of the "roach room" in the second area above (?) Toluca Prison.

Armory Key

After you overload the generator in the prison's Serpent Section, use the crack in the wall in Cell E10 to enter the office near Witness Processing. The Armory Key is in an open locker nearby.

Block D Key

On the prison's second floor, enter the Guardroom and open the desk drawer.

Shiv Key

Open the first-aid kit on the floor in Cell D5.

Upper Floor Key

In the prison's Boar Section, fight your way through the Infirmary to find this on a desk in its back office.
Labyrinth Keys
Iron Key

On the south end of the Rotten Area in the Labyrinth, open the drawer of the office desk.

Small Key

In theDesolate Area, when you reach the portcullis, go through the door next to it. The small hallway beyond it leads to a ladder, which lets you access a new section of the Flooded Area. It's just a short walk from there to the chamber where the Small Key is kept.
Lakeview Hotel Keys
Key to Hotel Room 102

When you first enter the Lakeview Hotel, one of the only open doors leads to the Café Toluca. Look behind its bar to find this key. It lets you access an item cache in Room 102.

Ornamental Key & Key to Hotel Room 312

These are both found at the same time. Check the key cubby behind the front desk in the lobby.

Sunrise Wing Key

Pick this up from the back table in the Utility Room on the first floor.

Key to Hotel Room 202

Enter the Hall from the Cloakroom on the second floor, then take this off the nearby couch.

Key to Hotel Room 107

On your first entry to the Conference Room on the third floor of the Lakeview Hotel, pick up the clipboard on the fireplace. This key is taped to it.

Fireplace Key

Use the open door in Room 107 to reach a new part of the hotel's garden, then check the gazebo in the back.

Employee Elevator Key

Repair the vanity mirror in Room 208 to learn the code to the locked briefcase on the bed, then open it to find this key.

Basement Key

While in the hotel's Employee Section, open the safe in the Break Room.

Venus Tears Bar Key

When you gain access to the Boiler Room in the basement, you'll find this hung on a pipe by the hotel's boiler.

3F Corridor Key

Solve the music box puzzle on the first floor of the Lakeview Hotel. This is the last puzzle in the game, the last key in the game, and the last step before you enter SH2R's endgame.
Conclusion & Credit
This guide wouldn't be possible without the resourceful aid of IGN Contributors - reposting for more exposure!

Find the original source here