Board Game Collection 2024 🎅
Here's what it looks like after another year of collecting and taking suggestions.

What do you guys think? Any more recommendations to add to my collection? "
BlaiddGwyn1 20 Nov @ 12:21pm 
I would suggest Stationfall, Concordia, and Empire Builder.

For "epic" games I would recommend Talisman (5th Edition just came out so there won't be much yet, but 4th Edition ended up with something like 12 expansions) and Twilight Imperium.

If you want a campaign game (NOT a Legacy game ... both pick up each session from where the previous session left off, but the difference is that Legacy Games destroy cards or put permanent stickers on things, while the campaign can be easily reset to essentially brand-new), for space I would recommend ISS Vanguard and for fantasy I would recommend HEXplore It (I recommend starting with the base volume 1 game, aka The Valley of the Dead King, then get the campaign expansion for it later which uses the same components but tells a completely new story that will take several sessions to complete).
Ender 20 Nov @ 12:00pm 
you NEED carcasonne, and i also storngly suggest Roll for the galaxy :)
LordFreeeze 19 Nov @ 11:35am 
I just come to say hi and you have a nice collection.
Sadly i don't have any recommendation for you.
yuriXboy 19 Nov @ 11:28am 
Where is splendor !
HIghly Suspect 19 Nov @ 8:04am 
Amazing collection!
ATWA 18 Nov @ 7:55am 
I recommend you MYSTERIUM. Mysterium is a spooky, cooperative board game where one player is a ghost guiding the others to solve a murder. The ghost gives cryptic clues using beautiful "vision" cards, and the rest of the players work together to interpret them. It's like a more creative, atmospheric version of Clue and is perfect for groups who love mysteries and teamwork!
Tech 18 Nov @ 6:56am 
Mochi koro is a really fun game X). It's kinda like monopoly without a board?
Building a city where you make money. :3 Lots of strategies and when i played it everyone had their own strategy they used haha.
The DLC's make it way more fun though as you have to adapt on the fly :). Also more advanced mechanics. It's a little overwhelming but I really like it.
Com Nguoi 18 Nov @ 6:00am 
I had a ton of fun with a board game called Dixit. Its a game where each player has six cards with abstract illustrations. Each turn, a player is chosen as the storyteller, chooses a card and gives a clue related to it. The other players then select a card from their hand that they think best matches the clue. Then on the voting round, players vote on which card they believe is the storyteller’s, and points are awarded based on how many players guess correctly or how many people you managed to trick with your card.

I had a great time since I managed to read my friend's mind and manage to fool at least one of them almost every single round lol. Have to google the game since it has been so long since I played it and I forgot the name.
auxi95m 18 Nov @ 2:32am 
4. Hibachi: So fun! This reminds me of the Camel up you have, it's a game of throwing discs into a board, and you can have a little strategy but then the throwing fails or somebody moves your discs, believe me, check it out, it's really fun seeing four adult people standing around a table making calculations.
5. Sky team: A game for 2 people, very new but really good, it's a cooperative game about landing a plane, I saw that you have Jaipur, which is for 2 as well so I can recommend you this one; the plays are fast and not stressful.
6. I could recommend a lot more but I think with this is ok... to begin with! :coolduck:
auxi95m 18 Nov @ 2:32am 
Boardgames are my passion so I like to recommend some of them based on the ones you have.
1. Cascadia: Really chill but thinky if you want to, it's a tile placement game but it doesn't take as much space as other, I really like to play it solo when I want to be away of screens and work but works really well with more people :lunar2019piginablanket:
2. Harmonies: My new baby haha so beautiful and so great, a little more restrictive than cascadia above but not too heavy; this one is more for a little group 3-4 but still recommended for 2; just by looking at the animals in the cards you'll love it :heart_eyes_yeti:
3. Orchard: A little cute perfect puzzle, and you actually play it for free! This type of games are called print&play but this one also went published, but it's still free on the BGG page ( ) and based on you have Sagrada you can play with those dices haha
... To be continued