The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

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Ladbrokes replaces Arcades - A UK Realism Mod
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Tags: Graphics, Music
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1.985 MB
13 Nov @ 2:48pm
13 Nov @ 8:54pm
7 Catatan Perubahan ( lihat )

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Ladbrokes replaces Arcades - A UK Realism Mod

Dalam koleksi 1 dari Pepzebub
Binding of Isaac UK Realism Pack
Item 4
This mod replaces arcades with the UK gambling shop chain, Ladbrokes.

Doors to the arcade are replaced by a red door with a flickering neon sign.
The interior of the arcade is customised to match a sleazy bookies office, and you will hear gambling precaution PSAs ringing over the announcer as the arcade music plays.
1 Komentar
DashyAU 19 Nov @ 9:04am 
truly this is the most realistic Birmingham simulator on the market