Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

170 次評價
Player Halos
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Effects
Addon Tags: Fun, Roleplay, Scenic
12.127 MB
11 月 13 日 下午 2:25
11 月 15 日 上午 3:34
9 項更新註記 (檢視)

Player Halos

在 Oinari-sama 的 1 個收藏中
Vampire Stuff
13 個項目
A tinge of divinity intertwined with one's own personality.

An addon that grants you the ability to add a customisable cosmetic Halo above your playermodel. Will follow you wherever you go (even between servers as long as the server has the addon installed).

The halo customisation menu can be opened with the console command

Once opened you will see the different categories. Including some basic Halos for those that want nothing too fancy.

Select the Halo you want and it will open up a configuration panel.

Configuration Panel Documentation
Rotation Period
Time in seconds for one complete halo rotation. Positive values rotate clockwise, negative values rotate counter-clockwise. A period of 15 means one rotation every 15 seconds.
-30 to 30
Hover Variance
How far the halo moves up and down while hovering. Higher values create more dramatic floating motion.
0 to 2
Hover Period
Time in seconds for one complete hover cycle (up and down). Lower values create faster bobbing motion.
0 to 30
The angle at which the halo tilts from its normal position. Higher values create more dramatic tilt.
-30 to 30
Tilt Period
Time in seconds for one complete tilt rotation (A precession). Positive values rotate clockwise, negative counter-clockwise.
-60 to 60
Enable Sway
EXPERIMENTAL: When enabled, causes the halo to randomly change tilt direction for a more dynamic effect.
Sway Speed
How quickly the sway effect changes direction when sway is enabled.
0 to 30
Head Offset
Vertical distance between the player's head and the halo. Higher values position the halo further above the head.
0 to 10
Size multiplier for the halo. A value of 1 is default size, 2 is double size, 0.5 is half size.
0 to 2
Enable Motion Smoothing
When enabled, smooths out the halo's movement for a more fluid animation, especially during player movement.
Smoothing Speed
How quickly the halo catches up to player movement when motion smoothing is enabled. Lower values create smoother but slower following motion.
10 to 100

Use the reset button to set default values. Default values come with no tilt and a slow rotation / hover.

Opening the colour selection menu is done by clicking on the halo preview in the configuration panel.

NOTE: Looking up will not let you see your own halo and you'll have to use thirdperson or a camera to see it. If this confuses you please try to think really hard about why that is.
31 則留言
Karma 4 小時以前 
vegeta halo
捣药の铃仙 11 月 18 日 下午 9:27 
hmmm........Blue Archive???:steammocking:
Matago 11 月 18 日 上午 8:08 
Скажите честно, вы все клюнули на Мияби?
Cereal Cat 11 月 17 日 下午 4:54 
wtf miyabi doin
x 11 月 17 日 下午 1:46 
we really need behind the head ones
stalkashvvv 11 月 17 日 下午 1:25 
Epic anime addon for my favorite Epic garry's mod
Jimmithy D. Great 11 月 17 日 上午 6:42 
_LunarLillies_ 11 月 16 日 下午 7:03 
wwhats the playermodel in the thumbnail
TruncatedCake 11 月 16 日 下午 4:38 
could you make behind the head also an option?
_Second_ 11 月 16 日 上午 11:08 
It truly is, an epic anime rpg