Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Immersive Collision Effects!
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Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Effects
Addon Tags: Build, Realism
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12 de nov. às 11:27
14 de nov. às 5:50
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Immersive Collision Effects!

Immersive Collision Effects
This small addon adds some cool effects to all props and physboxes. As recently released tension sadly didn't offer many intense sounds or effects with smaller contraptions.Though I would still recommend using it with tension for a better experience.

Read this if you think its the same as tension
This addon works entirely differently from tension as it works ONLY on collision callbacks. Tension plays sounds and effects on constraints (e.g. welds, ropes, ballsockets) straining/breaking (also huge props colliding with the world after breaking off). While this one plays sounds and effects on all non-constrained prop collisions, therefore its less optimized.

  • Loud and violent collision sounds from HL2:EP1 and EP2. (All of them are included)
  • Far away DSP muffled sounds.
  • Screenshake on hard collisions.
  • Dust and spark particles.

There are 35 different sounds that are combined together. The algorithm is simple.
Props are divided into 4 groups: Small, medium, large and huge by their AABB.
Each group has 5 sounds. 1 is a very soft sound, 5 is a ridiculously loud one.
It picks the needed strings for the sound group from the group table and the sound number from the collision data.
Now also has 15 sounds for wood collisions.

ice_enabled_sv , ice_enabled_cl - CL/SV - Enables the addon. The serverside one overrides the clientside one
ice_minweight - SERVERSIDE - Minimum weight for the collision to count.
ice_minspeed - SERVERSIDE - Minimum collision speed for the collision to count.
ice_minaabb - SERVERSIDE - Minimum prop bounding box length for the collision to count.

ice_screenshake - CLIENTSIDE - Disables far away screenshake (DOES NOT AFFECT THE NEAR ONE)
ice_particles - CLIENTSIDE - Disables or enables dust and spark particles
ice_farsounds - CLIENTSIDE - Disables both the far away sounds and screenshake in case they annoy you.
ice_particlesize - CLIENTSIDE - (0.25-4) - Size of the dust particles.
ice_volume - CLIENTSIDE - (0.1-2) - The volume of the collision sounds.
(ice_farshakestrength has no effect yet)

Things that... would probably be implemented in the future
  • Fixing perfomance issues because of constant collisions and overall buggy source vphysics engine.
  • Adding more sounds?
Discussões Populares Ver todos (2)
18 de nov. às 11:42
isnt this just Tension?
Há 23 horas
73 comentários
NanoBotΣ Há 5 horas 
I don't know if this is a bug of a feature, but prop collisions will always trigger the effects regardless of if both props are eligible for them

example: I set min mass to 75 (everything else is default) and chuck a soda can at an oven, the effect triggers despite the soda can not triggering the effect if thrown at the world or another small prop

Now, I know this seems like a small nitpick, but for weapons that use tiny projectiles instead of hitscan (IE many ballistics mods) they will also do as the example dictates, and the resulting screenshake is unbearable at times.
goatmilk_99 Há 8 horas 
does this conflict with tesion?
Ktotoshniy  [autor] Há 14 horas 
The workers head is a prop with a MAT_ALIENFLESH physmaterial. I havent yet implemented ragdoll/flesh sounds so it has default sounds which are metal.
Light Há 16 horas 
just wanted to mention a bug, uhh.. when i kill an antilion worker the head is making the sounds.
Pandemonium 18 de nov. às 12:41 
So it just adds different sounds?
Ktotoshniy  [autor] 18 de nov. às 12:19 
Read the description or just spawn in any destructible build and break it. The addon should work fine for most of them.
Pandemonium 18 de nov. às 11:59 
what does this add In and do......................???
mrdoodoobutter 18 de nov. às 11:35 
STIG 18 de nov. às 9:24