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Corrección de Límite de Ejércitos: Revisitado
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Corrección de Límite de Ejércitos: Revisitado

En 2 colecciones creadas por FirePrince
FirePrince's ADT Recommendations
49 artículos
FirerPrince Stellaris
39 artículos
Este mod arregla los eventos inacabados de ejércitos limitados en la versión original.
Como las Legiones Imperiales, las Bestias Titánicas o los Ejércitos Azizianos, tanto para la IA como para el jugador humano.
De lo contrario, estos ejércitos no podrán ser reconstruidos (Legión Imperial, si no fue destruida en combate terrestre).

After discovering vanilla's limitations on this (and needing the same feature for custom armies), I explored Corsairmarks` solution Counter-Limited Armies Fix (more info there).
While acknowledging the quality of Corsairmarks' mods, I found it too resource-heavy. Therefore, I have developed a more efficient version with the current Stellaris game version. (Every month, every empire gets all sets of variables no matter what!? Every dismantled fleet gets checked for any fitting empire army!?)

Official bug reports - aims to be solved
Titanic Beast Armies can’t be replaced[]
Not fired if the Imperial Legion is destroyed in a transport ship[]
Imperial Legion can’t be replaced[]
Imperial Legions tooltip bugged when maximum limit is reached[]

Changes v3.14
• The monthly counter for creating counter-limited armies has been replaced with a yearly counter, and is now only applied to empires capable of fielding such armies (actually just a more accurate double check).
• When an empire does not fit the needed criteria anymore (for counter-limited armies) all variables are then cleared.
• Reduced extra triggers and effects to a comfortable minimum.
• Also added decrementing count for individual army transports and army.

Localization: None really necessary.

• Original author Corsairmarks
