Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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Desert Eagle Heat Treateds
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Guide contents
🚧 still in work 🛠️
Disclaimer: this guide contains my personal opinions here and there, just consider that
The guide is here to help you choose a Desert Eagle Heat Treated that fits your preferences and budget the most: blue gems, light-blue gems, purple gems, silver-copper patterns, and more.
I added the approximate price just to give you a general idea of how expensive a pattern is, not intended to be used as a pricing guide (but if you rly want then why not).
The prices will be updated from time to time.
Feel free to add me for questions/suggestions.

🚧 still in work 🛠️
Blue Gems
Blue Gems are nearly fully blue and are indeed the most expensive patterns.
Top 10 patterns by the amount of blue:
#490 - #148 - #69 - #704 - #567 - #723 - #308 - #517 - 674 - #341
Top 5 most expensive patterns goes something like this:
#490 - #843 - #347 - #66 - #461/#69 (these two are pretty close)

Here are some of the more interesting blue gems:

#490 - the number 1 with the highest amount of blue (75.09%) and the most expensive
price: around 200 x market price

#843 - the cleanest looking blue gem
price: around 75-150 x market price

#347 - and the second cleanest
price - around 75-150 x market price

#66 - and the third cleanest
price - around 50-150 x market price

#69 - the number 3 highest blue percentage (73.38%) and the most blue grill
price - around 50-100 x market price

#321 - clean front + some blue on the grill
price - around 40-80 x market price

Some more pretty clean patterns: #461, #324, #792.

#790 - an average tier 1 blue gem
price - around 25-50 x market price

#611 - an average tier 2 blue gem
price - around 10 x market price

//to add some lower tier blue gems
Light-Blue Gems
Next I'd like to introduce you the light-blue gems (the fake blue gems). They look pretty nice while being listed for a lot cheaper than actual blue gems.
How to identify one:
Left - pattern #970 - a tier 3 blue gem
Right - pattern #77 - a light-blue gem
The main differences such as the shade of the blue color, the overal coverage and the grip color are clearly visible, so light-blue gems are not just low tier blue gems, they seem to be a distinct type of patterns. You can usually find those listed at 2-5x market price, or you can snipe one for market price if you got the patience.

Here are some of the best light-blue gems:

#743 - the pattern with the highest blue percentage (30.54%) and the best coverage





More good looking ones: #331, #379, #652, #890, #863.
Purple Gems
These have a dark-purple coverage but sadly there are no full purple patterns, even the best ones have lots of non-purple spots.
The prices have not settled at all yet, sometimes they sell for market price but most of the time you can find them at around 3-10x market price.

Some of the more interesting purple gems:

#172 - the top 1 with the highest purple percentage - 52.32%.





Some more purple gems: #29, #133, #683, #621, #839, #146, #717, #905, #800, #969.

The Silver-Copper pattens have a mix of silver/blueish with copper/red colors and some bits of gold.
Nice looking and often listed for market price, here are some of the more interesting ones:

#888 - balanced

#814 - balanced

#207 - balanced

#628 - max copper

#691 - max copper

#556 - max copper

#493 - gray/gold

#464 - gray/gold

#289 - max gold

#916 - max gold

More silver/copper patterns:
balanced: #49, #726, #376, #8, #162, #59, #326, #515, #972, #957
max copper: #306, #783, #620, #155, #285, #303, #620, #957, #303, #543
gray/gold: #52, #22, #178, #323, #963, #362, #996, #391, #6, #369
max gold: #149, #318, #657, #506, #577, #81, #367, #37, #247, #179
even more ?
🚧 in work 🛠️
7 kommentarer
Frosty 25 dec @ 13:04 
good work!
mitiaa  [skapare] 20 dec @ 14:03 
Its worth something for sure but it depends
AngryWizard_ 20 dec @ 13:54 
I got an 865, is that worth anything or nah?
natangodin 24 okt @ 8:54 
i have 650
Promic ⚡ 19 okt @ 15:04 
❤️💙💚[H]Desert Eagle Blue Gem Tier #1 Pattern[W] Offers ❤️💙💚
henskiy_hen 17 okt @ 5:37 
i have 652 pattern consider offers