Titanfall® 2

Titanfall® 2

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How to connect to respawn servers on linux
By Alpinehill338 and 1 collaborators
On some intel CPUs, for some reason you wont be able to connect to respawn servers and your game will look similar to the image posted. It will infinitely say "contacting respawn servers" and "Data Center: Searching" on the bottom left.
For windows 10, you will have to go into properties and add an environment variable. But for linux, this is what I used to solve the issue, this is the equivalent of that but on my UBUNTU linux OS

1 Open Steam and Go to Game Properties

2 Right-click on the game in your library.

3 Select "Properties".

4 Set the Launch Options
In the "General" tab, find the "Launch Options" field.

5 Add the environment variable to disable AVX512 features specifically for OpenSSL or other libraries that use AVX512.
Heres how: (copy paste it into that text box in launch options)
OPENSSL_ia32cap="~0x200000200000000" %command%
This sets the OPENSSL_ia32cap variable to disable AVX512 for that specific game when launched.

Your game should connect to the servers now. Idk if this also works on win10 but try it anyway.
Im not really a linux expert or anything, to be honest my friend just asked chatgpt how to fix it and it did. I dont even know what AVX512 is or what OpenSSL is. This is just the solution that worked for me