26 คะแนน
Icons, Symbols, Flags, and Colors
โดย Danger Honk
This guide is incomplete, as many of the symbols have to be found through trial/experimentation. I am publishing it so that the information is available to the public as I continue to add to it, as it seems there is no other source for all of the working text/symbol tricks in WARNO. Below are a list of functional codes I have found and tested. At some point in the future I will add the icons to a table so you can preview them. If anybody has found any other symbols and wants to share them, leave them in the comments.

Note: All of these "codes" are case sensitive.
#SOV #coloredtext3{1 Like = 1} #bombard
Text Colors and Sizes
Not only will some of these codes change the color, some will add an outline, change the font size, and bold the text. You can also nest them inside each other (to save space and so on). I gave an effort to organize these by shade at one point and I gave up. Here they are in no particular order:

Formatting: #red{Sample Text}

Grey-blue (tall)
Dark blue, NATO blue (from the flag)
Grey-blue, #blue but darker.
Red (tall)
Brick red; looks nice but can be hard to read.
Light red, "salmon"-colored. Nice to read.
A nice bold sky blue, very readable.
Fishing lure red-pink. Hurts your eyes to look at.
It's a light green. Looks nice.
A very light, bright blue.
Forces the default font. Good for nesting as it is shorter than typing other codes twice.
Light Green
Light Grey
Yellow, white outline (tall)
Light Blue, black outline (tall)
Yellow, black outline (tall)
Red, black outline (tall)
Light green
Also light green
The color of the unfilled conquest point bar.
Dark grey, hard to read.
Yellow-orange. Not the font used for the price of units. The color matches, however.

Font Size ONLY
Makes your text smaller
Forces the default font size
Large text
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Warsaw Pact
United States of America
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
UK + FDR Diagonal Split, used in "The Left Hook" AG Campaign
Australia and New Zealand
#FR / #FRA
French Republic
Kingdom of Belgium
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Kingdom of Norway
Federal Republic of Germany
Kingdom of Sweden
German Democratic Republic
People's Republic of Poland
#CZ / #TCH
Czechoslovak Republic
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
People's Republic of China
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea
Unit Symbols
Firstly, a table of the symbols which appear in the colored square in the tactical UI. Because there are no "official" names for these symbols, I've given them approximate names. There are also some "combination" symbols (like when infantry are riding in a transport or when a helicopter is carrying ATGMs) but some of the symbols are unique to combinations and do not seem to appear by themselves (the bomb symbol for aircraft). Until these are found, I will assume the combination symbols are separate.
Supply Truck
Supply Helicopter
Supply Depot
Infantry (Command)
Infantry (Recon)
#ASSAUT [sic]
Infantry (standing; engineers/shock troops)
Heavy Machine Gun
Anti-Tank Guided Missile
Small Transport (UAZ-469)
Large Transport (Truck)
Armored Vehicle
Armored Vehicle (Command)
Armored Vehicle (Recon)
Armored Vehicle (AA)
Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Anti-Tank Gun
Anti-Tank Guided Missile Carrier
Surface to Air Missile Launcher
Multiple Rocket Launcher
Helicopter (transport)
Helicopter (Fire Support/Rockets/AA)
Helicopter (ATGM)
Fixed-wing Aircraft (AA)
Fixed-wing Aircraft (ATGM)
Fixed-wing Aircraft (Bombs)

Nameplate: These appear next to the unit name. Only applies to command/recon units.
Command Unit
Good Optics
Very Good Optics
Exceptional Optics

Roles: Only seen in the armory. Listed in order from armory screen.
I suspect these are interchangeable with the tactical UI symbols, but there is a distinct difference in formatting and these are usually appear as higher resolution. There is also no full overlap.
Command Squad/Vehicle
Infantry Squad
Assault Squad
Multiple Rocket Launcher
Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Main Battle Tank
Recon units
Air Defense

Traits: Also only seen in the armory. Listed in alphabetical order.
(these symbols show up in color by default, not as flat outlines)
Electronic Warfare
False Flag
IFV Infantry
Military Police
(Not the Military Police symbol used in-game)
Prime Mover
Reactive Armor
Smoke Launchers
Special Forces
Other/Unused UI Symbols
#supply0 - icon for a unit out of fuel

Here are some unused symbols that I have no idea how to sort:

#attack - Flexing arm
#defense - A shield
#IFV - not the in-game IFV symbol (legacy?)
#SUP - (I have no idea what this is SUPposed to be)
#HEL - helicopter being shot down?
#trait_SML - no idea what this means
#artillery - dark grey artillery
#armored - Orange tank, from SD2
#bombard - It's a bomb
#Stealth - crossed out eye
Deck Insignia (depreciated)
NOTE: All deck insignia have been disabled by Eugen as of November 2024.

3rd Armored Division
8th Infantry Division
24th Infantry Division
35th Infantry Division
82nd Airborne Division
101st Airborne Division
11th Armored Cavalry Regiment
2. Panzergrenadierdivision (2nd Mechanized Infantry Division)
5. Panzer-Division (5th Armored Division)
Territorialkommando Süd
1st Armored Division
2nd Infantry Division
Berlin Command
5e Division Blindée (5th Armored Division)
11e Brigade Parachutiste (11th Parachute Division)
27-я мотострелковая дивизия (27th Mechanized Infantry Division)
39-я мотострелковая дивизия (39th Mechanized Infantry Division)
79-я танковая дивизия (79th Armored Division)
35-я отдельная десантно-штурмовая бригада (35th Separate Air Assault Brigade)
119-я отдельный танковый полк (119th Separate Tank Regiment)
6-я отдельная мотострелковая бригада (6th Separate Mechanized Infantry Brigade)
4. Motorisierte Schützendivision (4th Mechanized Infantry Division)
7. Panzerdivision (7th Armored Division)
Berliner Gruppierung (Berlin Group)
Rügener Gruppierung (Rugener Group)
Kampfgruppen der Arbeiterklasse - Bezirk Erfurt (Bezirk Erfurt Militia)

Campaigns/Future DLC
NOTE: All deck insignia have been disabled by Eugen as of November 2024.
1st Armored Division
2nd Armored Division
3rd Infantry Division
17th Expeditionary Air Force
2nd Allied Tactical Air Force
4th Allied Tactical Air Force
3. Panzerdivision (3rd Armored Division)
12. Panzerdivision (12th Armored Division)
Luftlandebrigade 26 (26th Airborne Brigade)
2. Luftwaffendivision (2nd Air Force Division)
3rd Division
1 ème Infanteriedivisie (1st Infantry Division)
16 ème Infanteriedivisie (16th Infantry Division)
1er Corps d'Armée belge (1st Corps of the Belgian Army)
Eerste Divisie (1st Division)
4e Divisie (4th Division)
Koninklijke Luchtmacht (Royal Air Force)
20-я мотострелковая дивизия (20th Mechanized Infantry Division)
57-я мотострелковая дивизия (57th Mechanized Infantry Division)
9-я танковая дивизия (9th Armored Division)
11-я танковая дивизия (11th Armored Division)
18-я зенитно-ракетная бригада (18th Air Defense Brigade)
53-я зенитно-ракетная бригада (53rd Air Defense Brigade)
16-я воздушная армия (16th Air Force)
Red Star
Guards Badge
8. Motorisierte Schützendivision (8th Mechanized Infantry Division)
11. Motorisierte Schützendivision (11th Mechanized Infantry Division)
17. Motorisierte Schützendivision (17th Mechanized Infantry Division)
19. Motorisierte Schützendivision (19th Mechanized Infantry Division)
Luftstreitkräfte der Nationalen Volksarmee (Air Forces of the National People's Army)

NOTE: All deck insignia have been disabled by Eugen as of November 2024.
It doesn't show up in-game.
In-game chat will only show flags; colors and other icons will be unparsed. Symbols and colors will only work in game chat, the Warning Order at the start of a match, the player roster to the right of the screen, the friends list, and the end screen. In every other place in the game, Eugen displays unparsed plain text, which not only looks super ugly but also means you cannot use these to name divisions. You can also use some of these tricks in session/server names, but I have not fully tested all symbols or colors.

It's also possible that these may be removed or broken at some point. Many of these are vestigial remnants of decade-old games.

NOTICE: All deck insignia have been removed by Eugen as of November 2024 :(

What about Unicode?
WARNO allows the use of some Unicode symbols in-game, but their support is seemingly random. For example, only half of the superscript numbers are allowed and the numbers which show up vary depending on where it is in-game. I suspect this is because whoever they outsourced their "custom" font to didn't bother adding all unicode symbols for each font.

At some point I may collect all of the desirable and working symbols and list them here. Until then, you will simply have to experiment to see what works.
I was inspired by numerous similar guides made for older games, as well as less comprehensive guides posted on various other net forums. Although I could not feasibly credit every single influence, I will at least credit this source: https://steamproxy.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=355698402 This guide served as not only major inspiration, but also gave me a sense of how these codes are formatted.
4 ความเห็น
Danger Honk  [ผู้สร้าง] 7 ต.ค. 2024 @ 3: 56pm 
@FlippyDipper Perhaps they changed it since you posted your comment, but #US_1AD (very low res) does show 1. There's also a 2AD symbol.
FlippyDipper 26 ก.ย. 2024 @ 2: 35pm 
for 5th panzer and 2nd panzergren
FlippyDipper 26 ก.ย. 2024 @ 2: 16pm 
I've found a couple
#UK_1AD for 1st Armour
#US_1AD for 3rd (weird)
#US_8ID for 8th
#US_11ACR for ACR

I'd really like berlin command in my name (coolest icon) so if anyone finds it...
Techno_nugget 24 ก.ย. 2024 @ 2: 46pm 
Damn, that's neat, mate! Would you be able to add a video/example of this?