The Evil Within

The Evil Within

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[Main game + DLC] All Achievements Guide
由 Fox 發表
Text and video guides to all the collectibles. I AM NOT THE AUTHOR OF THE GUIDES, I ONLY COMPILED THEM.
Full credit goes to:
GameFront Staff []
Platisfaction and Lothym on PSNProfiles []
Joel, Nick and Joey of Gaming Since Gaming
The Escapist Staff
IGN wiki guide
Assignment/Consequence Topics on PlaystationTrophies []
Solutions proposed on TrueAchievements []
Collectibles Guide Introduction - Platisfaction and Lothym: Below you will find a table listing the collectibles for each and every chapter. If you prefer videos over text guides, then check out the excellent videos associated with each chapter. If you should miss a couple of those elusive b******s, do not rip your hair out, there is New Game Plus (NG+) and chapter select in this game which will allow you to obtain anything you might have missed on your first run. If you want to find out what you are missing, hit the options button and head over to the archives section. Here you can view all of your in-game documents. Use the tables in the 'All Collectibles sorted by type' section of this guide to find out what you are missing.

[UPDATED]: I have added the collectible guide to all the DLCs, the last one, executioner, doesn't have text guide ATM, as soon as I see one ready, I`ll add. I have also added achievements guide to the DLCs and to the main guide.
My Notes: I have been looking for a good guide to this game. Found some but they are mostly divided in content on different sites, so I decided to compile them here for an easy-to-access use. Hope it helps you guys out there. First time making guide, sorry for any mistakes made. This is a guide to all collectibles ingame gathered in only one place.
Just a few notes words before we get to the guide. I have joined together two texts guides, as they were not written by the same author this may lead to inconsistencies sometimes, I tried to adapt it as best I could, but that was simply difficult in some cases, my main issue was syncronyzing the text guide with the videos, I fixed most things, but I couldn't solve all problems, frequently it was the case with missing person reports and newspaper, but they were mostly close to each other so I let that go. If there is other types of desynchronization point it out to me if it gets confusing so I can fix it, but bear in mind the issues I just explained, if it's passable, best let it go. I also made some text modifications to adapt the text going in a different position. There are other video-guides I found on youtube that are really top quality, I didn't used them as reference because they do not include the keys hunting on the chapters, but if you just want the collectibles, not the keys, they will be very helpful.
Again I am not the author of the guides contained here, these are work of others, I compiled and edited them to form a single consistent file about all collectibles in the game. It took some time but problably not as much as making videos or writing the texts. I wanted to make the best reference guide I could, and why not share with whoever is interested? Good luck and happy hunting!
Last Note: I have completed this guide, there is nothing more to add to it, as there will be no more DLCs, I have reworked the guide to become an achievements guide, please tell me if anything is out of place, human eye can only see so much. I have divided the achievements on the main guide on 4 categories "Complete Run", which are achievements you must complete the entire game to get, "Activity", which are achievements you must do a specific action or deed to get, "Grinding", which are achievements you must look for and collect stuff and the forth is "Chapter-Specific", which are achievements that must be obtained on a specific section of the game. Achievements that don`t have a description or a video are free or easly understood by their description, I only put the text where the achievement is somewhat hard to understand or difficult to get. Tell me if anything seems wrong or unclear.
Complete Run Achievements
First Step into Darkness: Complete the game on Casual difficulty.
Casual difficulty is the equivalent of easy mode. You will benefit from auto aim to the enemy heads or chests and ammo will be substantial. XP also comes in greater quantities. If you want to make it through the game without any headaches, this mode is for you! It is also recommended (but not mandatory) for grinding in NG+ for obvious XP reasons, and for the speedrun (Gold The Quick and the Dead) for even more obvious reasons.
Completing this mode will unlock:
  • The machine gun
  • The rocket launcher
  • A 50000 XP bonus
  • Character gallery (3D models for the fans!)
  • New game+ (chapter replay and cumulative stats)
  • Nightmare Mode
Another Day on the Job: Complete the game on Survival difficulty.
You wanted to plat a survival horror game? This is where it begins. Survival difficulty is the hardest you can start at. Even if you have played Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Dead Space and The Last Of Us, this will be a great experience! You will run out of ammo often, good tactics and strategies will be paramount and you will get your ass kicked many times anyway (unless you are a true pmg).
Finishing this difficulty first will unlock all mentioned in First Step into Darkness, as well as the latter. It will also unlock the infamous Akumu mode you need for You Asked For It.
Master of Horror: Complete the game on Nightmare difficulty.
Completing this mode will grant you the brass knuckles, so you can go on punching to death all those monsters who irritated you. Unfortunately, extra items only carry on to NG+, and you will have to start a whole new game for Akumu mode, so this extraordinary item can't help you for what is to come.
You Asked For It: Finish the game on 悪夢(AKUMU) mode.
This is as brutal as it gets in a survival horror game. One hit of any origin will terminate you where you stand.
This is the ultimate trial the game offers, and you won't make it through without a good knowledge of the game content. Learn where your enemies are and how they react. Know where you will find ammo. Upgrade your skills wisely. Forget about honor and run away as much as possible. And if you can't have your hand still and keep missing shots, you are history. You will need steady hands and nerves of steel to make it through.
To help furthermore, I'll mention that any health related upgrade is totally useless. Focus your green gel spendings on Stamina and matches first, as you will have to evade a lot and conserve ammo for the real deal fights. Not only do you need guts to undertake this, but patience is key here, as you will probably die and retry like never before... We bid thee farewell and good luck!
Note: There is, obviously more to it to beating Akumu than this, but that makes up an all new guide, that does not fit in this little space. I chose not to include much information about this because there are already good guides on steam, you can use them. If you still think it`s not enough, you can find here[] a good reference guide. Akumu is about skill there is not much more to be said, read some strategies, rethink your own and go for it!
The Quick and the Dead: Finish the game with a clear time of under 5:00:00.
If your playstyle is to go through everything as fast as possible and run away from every optional enemy, then this trophy should be a breeze. It's basically about getting away from fights whenever you can, rushing through the levels for the various keys/remarkable items they contain, solving the riddles instantly, and slaying the bosses efficiently. As long as you do not attempt this on your first set of runs, it shouldn't be too much of an hassle. Knowing what to do will make you gain precious minutes. Else, always remember you can reload your file or the automatic save to train and make your mistakes right.
This can really be easier than it sounds, as it can be done on any difficulty (including casual) and you get the opportunity to perform this speedrun on NG+. This way you can benefit from any upgrades and weapons you earned previously. Just go to chapter select and start at chapter 1, and the clock resets. Now keep going onward, with doing continue or reloading the file, as skipping any chapter via the selection menu will negate the trophy.
Here[] is a list of times for comparison
It Is What It Is: Finish the game without upgrading any skills with green gel.
First of all, know that there is no workaround to make that trophy easier. You might think all you have to do is complete the game from first chapter to last without using green gel; like starting at first chapter in NG+ and not upgrading anything until you finish? Well no. You have to make it to the credits screen without anything upgraded. So if you enhance anything during your first game, any subsequent NG+ will not allow you to achieve the trophy.
So this trophy is about starting a new game and not upgrading anything to the end. You must beat the last boss with everything still at level 1. Reap all the green gel you want, even sit in the upgrade chair if you feel comfortable, but do not raise any attribute, weapon, stock, or bolt! So this implies doing it all with low health, little firepower and tiny stocks.
If after a while it feels too hard, make a save and switch to casual difficulty to keep trying. If still too hard, give up to the dark side and come back to your save later on once you know the game better.
Or if you feel like a challenge, try to stack this trophy with The Quick and the Dead and You Asked For It! That would truly be hardcore.
Activity Achievements
Burn, Baby, Burn!: Kill 5 enemies with a torch.
You can even farm this achievement. If you find an enemy which carries a torch (for example at the end of chapter 2) you can use its torch to kill a zombie, then restart the last checkpoint to rinse and repeat. Your trophy will unlock after the fifth barbeque.
Full House: Kill 5 enemies with each type of Agony Bolt.
This achievement requires you to make five kills with each kind of bolts (those used with the agony crossbow). There are five types of agony to be found throughout the default game: the explosive bolts, the harpoon bolts, the flash bolts, the shock bolts, and the freezing bolts. Once you have found a bolt of a certain type, you are able to craft more bolt of the same type at the cost of parts (found in-game along XP and ammo or obtained by successfully defusing a bomb or booby trap). Note that the flash bolts and the shock bolts do not kill an enemy by just shooting at it. You must finish the dirty work by shooting your targets or burn them with a match stroke, respectively.
If you got the 'Fighting Chance Pack', you will have access to two new types of bolts: incendiary and poison. Note that in this case also performing five kills with each bolts is not mandatory to achieve the trophy (you do not need five kills with all 7 types of bolts). It will count toward the trophy though, so if you have trouble to make the trophy pop because of the flash bolts (per example), you can compensate by using the incendiary bolts.
Silent Kill: Kill 5 enemies in a row with a sneak kill without being discovered.
This trophy is pretty self-explanatory, but let's take a closer look at both conditions for the sake of clarity.
To make a sneak kill, you must approach the enemy by behind and be in sneak mode (CTRL); once you are close press Spacebar, if successful you should get rid of the enemy in a single stab. Although you are in sneak mode, you are bound to be seen if the enemy you aim at turns around or another enemy spots you. You know you are being discovered by watching the eye icon on top of the screen: if partially open, an enemy is around and may spot you, if totally open you've been busted! (those who played Skyrim should be familiar with the concept). So to get this
What's a good spot for doing this easily? The small village in chapter 2 after the first save point (the one that is not mandatory, i.e. behind the blood stained door) is a perfect place. Save your game and press on. You will come across a lone enemy before the next wooden cabin, which is a pretext to give you the silent kill tutorial. Get rid of him silently, open the door, jump through the window to pursue another enemy and go through the grid. Walk on until you make it to the lighthouse cutscene (checkpoint).
While waiting behind the straw cubes, to your left an enemy will walk by and turn his back, with a bit of patience (this is also the spot for Bloody Bar Brawl by the way), so you can close in for the kill. Go back to the straw pile and proceed the same way for the other enemy close to the house. Once done, go on until you make it to a cart (checkpoint) with a bottle in front and an enemy close by. Throw the bottle to the pool of blood by the left pathway and wait for the enemy to walk there so you can stab him from behind. A bit more ahead to your right, close by the door to the cabin should be another bottle. Grab it, cross to the fence in front of you and throw the bottle to the right path past the house for the final silent kill. Note that if you make it to a checkpoint with a silent streak, you can reload the checkpoint and the streak will still be on. This is why this village is such a good place for this trophy, with its lot of lone enemies and load of checkpoints!
Blow Up the Playing Field: Use a secret explosive weapon to kill 10 enemies. (Agony Bolt effects negate results)
Upon finishing the game the first time through, you will unlock a Rocket Launcher and a Machine Gun for use in New Game Plus (NG+). It does not even matter whether you beat the game on Casual or Survival. Simply use the Rocket Launcher and wreak some havoc with your new toy. This trophy will unlock once you have killed you tenth enemy with it. The cannibal feast at the end of chapter 2 is a well suited spot to get this quickly.
Be warned that the game does not provide you with extra ammo for the rocket launcher. Once you used all rockets that were given to you, the launcher becomes a dead weapon. Keep you're first save for ending the game apart, just in case you waste the rockets and have to try again. Unlikely, but possible.
Ammo Conservationist: Kill 25 enemies with melee attacks.
It's all in the description. The hard part of this trophy is that basic melee damage is very low and you are most likely to get slayed before you manage to punch any enemy to death. Although it can be done by mashing Triangle, but you better watch your health if you do it this way. The best rhythm is to lay in two punches (the first slightly incapacitate a human enemy for a few seconds, the second is free of charge), back off to dodge the retaliation, punch twice again, etc...
A first normal demarche would be to raise up the melee skill so your attacks are more efficient. But there are better ways to this:
  • Enemies that have been incapacitated can be killed with a few stomps, so finish off as many as you can this way.
  • in the cave of chapter 8, some crawlers will fall out on you when you try to raise a gate at some point. These are very vulnerable to stomp.
  • Pick up enemy weapons (mostly axes) whenever you can. These will allow you to make a one hit melee kill!
Drop It Like It's Hot: Kill 3 living enemies with one drop of a match.
If you play with fire, you might get burned! The game offers the opportunity to burn down enemy corpses, or various objects if the Circle icon appears (reminds me of the Resident Evil lighter technique...). This way you can rest assured no one comes back to life at the worst moment possible. If you play your matches well, you may even kill some live enemies.
A nice place for this is the small village of chapter 2. By the exit door you have to activate with a lever are two what-appear-to-be corpses (the ones that actually raise up when you try to activate the gate). If you get a third enemy (the one further down the pathway seems perfect) to stand close to these two, and throw in a match you've done it. You might want to knee shot the third enemy if you want him to stand still in the exact spot that you want him to.
You can also try your luck past the gate. There will be a cannibal feast there, with plenty of live and dead corpses to serve your purpose. Just throwing a match in there will do the trick, although it's a bit more random based than the previous option, but statistically easy to achieve, at worst with a few tries.
Bloody Bar Brawl: Sneak Kill an enemy after hitting them with a bottle.
Sounds easy? It is only if you go the right way about it. The best is to throw a bottle at an enemy which has his back turned on you, so you can go straight for the sneak kill. It also works if you take the enemy up front, it's just more of a rush, which you may be looking for?
An easy spot to achieve this is the first fight after you go through the grid in chapter 2. Right after the lighthouse cutscene, hide behind the straw pile and pick up a bottle. Wait for the enemy to walk up to the left path, turn his back then do your deed. Walk up a bit closer, throw the bottle at him and will he's stun, get in sneak mode and stab him by the back. Cheap fight, cheap trophy.
Grinding Achievements
Every Nook and Cranny: Collect every collectable in the game.
Master of Unlocking: Open up all the lockers in the save room.
My Best Friend: Completely upgrade one weapon.
The Power of Three: Completely upgrade three weapons.
Unstoppable Arsenal: Completely upgrade all weapons.
This is by far the most upgrade grinding trophy of the game, with its required 641,000 XP... You will necessarily need to farm green gel to end with this one. If you want an easy level for that replay chapter 3 again and again (slaying the sadist gives you a load of 10000 XP and takes about 5-8 minutes). If you want to be efficient and are not afraid of big enemies, replay chapter 10 for more than 60000 XP in 20-25 minutes runs (casual numbers, of course!)
You will also need to collect all five weapons of the game, but this is not really the issue here, as weapons are hard to miss. Anyway, all the detailed information you should need is below.
Remember you should not even get started for this trophy if you are doing a Gold It Is What It Is playthrough.
As a final word, know that the secret weapons unlocked after a complete playthrough cannot be upgraded and thus are not considered for this trophy.
Here[] is a detailed list of upgrades and their costs
Hardbody: Fully upgrade all of Sebastian's attributes.
You can upgrade Sebastian's attributes using the comfy lobotomy chair in the save room. Upgrading everything to max will cost you 178.000 in green gel, so you might consider some farming to get all those green gel-related trophies out of the way as quickly as possible. If you want an easy level for that replay chapter 3 again and again (slaying the sadist gives you a load of 10000 XP and takes about 5-8 minutes). If you want to be efficient and are not afraid of big enemies, replay chapter 10 for more than 60000 XP in 20-25 minutes runs (casual numbers, of course!). Here[] is a detailed list of upgrades and their costs
Why Can't I Hold All This Ammo?: Upgrade all options in the Stock menu.
One of the most important features of survival horror games is the constant shortage of ammo and health items. In The Evil Within you can do something about this... to a certain extent at least. Use the lobotomy chair in the save house to upgrade the amount of bullets/bolts, grenades, syringes and matches you can hold. Upgrading all stock options to max will cost you 133.300 in green gel, so you might consider some farming to get all those green gel-related trophies out of the way as quickly as possible.
If you want an easy level for that, replay chapter 3 again and again (slaying the sadist gives you a load of 10,000 XP and takes about 5-8 minutes). If you want to be efficient and are not afraid of big enemies, replay chapter 10 for more than 60,000 XP in 20-25 minutes runs (casual numbers, of course!). Here[] is a detailed list of upgrades and their costs
...And the Corpses Mount: Kill 30 enemies.
Krimson PD Fury: Kill 200 enemies.
One Man Army: Kill 400 enemies.
400 kills might sound a lot for a survival horror game, but when it comes to the number of enemies, The Evil Within is a lot like Resident Evil 4. Moreover, the game lets you farm kills. For example, if you are having difficulties with a certain passage so that you'll have to start over and over again from the last checkpoint, all of your kills will be added up to your total kill count. So if you need to kill the same five enemies over and over again this also means 50 more kills total.
If you are not the stealth type, you will probably unlock this trophy in chapters 12 - 15. However, just like the collectibles, kills also carry over to New Game Plus (NG+), so if you didn't get it on your first run just keep putting the undead out of their misery and this trophy will unlock naturally during your second playthrough. In case you need farming spots, know that chapters 2 and 12 are good options; the first has a fair amount of enemies at the last scene and the second has that amazing machine gun sequence that lets you pile up corpses in no time!
Chapter 1 - An Emergency Call
Document - Old Note from Sewer: This one will be right in your path. You'll find it while limping through the sewers, in front of a wheelchair, shortly before reaching the boiler room.
Document - Boiler Room Note: Shortly after the first Document you will have to climb a ladder. At the top you will see a desk with a lamp behind some bars. The document is on top of that desk.
Chapter 2 - Remnants
Newspaper - Bodies Found in Lakeside Town: When you wake up in the save room check the desk for this newspaper.
Missing Person - Sebastian Castellanos: This is only available in NG+! Leave your cell and follow the nurse to the reception area. Check out the bulletin board for this poster.
Map Fragment - No. 1: Still in the save rooms, check the floor behind the lobotomy chair to find your first map fragment.
Personal File - Log Entry - November 2004: You will find a shed with your first blood stained door. Inside, you will find this file on the table. You need to collect it in order to activate the mirror.
Newspaper - Serial Killer on the Loose: Use the mirror and check out the news paper rack in the reception area to find this paper...
Missing Person - Leslie Withers: ...and check out the bulletin board on the opposite wall for another poster.
Key - No. #1: To get the first key, look to the left of the metal gates before entering the town. The statue is on a half stone wall. Smash it with a melee attack to get the key.
Document - Lakeside Town Note: Back in the village there will be a cutscene in which two beautiful zombies are going to be introduced to you. Check out their bonfire and you will find this document.
Map Fragment - No. 2: In the village, look out for a cabin on top of a hill on the right. Inside, you will find another map fragment sitting on the couch.
Key - No. #2: Through the gate, continue into the town and follow the right path at the campfire to an optional building up the hill. Go inside and enter the first room down the hallway. There’s a box on the small sink.
Map Fragment - No. 3: In the final part, where you encounter a large group of people feasting on corpses, there is a cabin to the very left (from the entry). You will find the fragment in there.

À la Corvo: Have they lost their minds? Better get past them without a fight. (Ch.2)
In chapter 2, you have to go through the whole village part without putting up any fight to earn this trophy, making any sneak kills nor shooting a single round. Take the cowards way and make a run for it.
The trick is to know that the sequence actually starts before the grid and ends when you open the grate. That first enemy alone in front of the cabin at the silent kill tutorial? Let him live, rush through the door, jump through the window and carry on. After the lighthouse cutscene, run immediately to the left path to cut loose of your first two pursuers. Then keep your left, left, left... to avoid all enemies. A bit before you reach the gate, there will be a booby trap. Now, as you try to activate the lever the first time, two corpses will come back to life and try to grab you. Run away like never before, backtrack to the houses and avoid the bear traps. Go around the area again (like you did the first time) until you reach the gate. The enemies should be dispersed and you should be able to activate that lever tranquilly. Alakhazam!
Note that you are allowed to attack zombies, you just mustn't kill them! So if you should find yourself in a tight corner it is okay to melee your way out of it, just do not kill anyone. Apart from that it is also perfectly okay if enemies manage to get themselves killed by walking into traps, this does not count as a kill!
Chapter 3 - Claws Of The Horde
Personal File - Log Entry - December 2004: Right after the first checkpoint in the room with the blood stained door(the music room).The file is in the small table next to the bathtub. You need to collect it to activate the mirror.
Map Fragment - No. 4: In the same room as above. Check out the floor and you will notice another map fragment.
Missing Person - Oscar Connelly: Off through the mirror you go. Check out the bulletin board next to the grandfather clock for this poster...
Newspaper - Serial Killings continue: ...and the newspaper rack on the opposite wall for this artice.
Key - No. #3: This one is tricky to get without acquiring the Sniper Rifle first. In the main mission area, take care of the sniper, then look on the wooden struts of the tall watchtower. Shoot it to collect the key behind the tower.
Audio Log - Experiment 4: Back in the village you will find this in an upstairs room on the house where you talk with Dr. Jimenez from the attic. It is sitting on an armchair next to a hanged woman.
Key - No. #6: The second key is in the second floor of the barn. Climb the ladder up to a small room with a statue
Key - No. #4: In the main mission area area, walk down the main exterior path and look on the stone wall between the burning two-story house (where the sniper was waiting on the terrace) and the barn. Shoot the statue on the stone wall to drop it to the ground.
Key - No. #5: Go up to the terrace and look across at the windows of the mansion where the doctor hid. From the terrace stairs, look at the upper back window. The statue is hanging from a rope over the glass. Shoot it to drop the fourth and final key in the chapter.

Weapon of Choice: Defeat the Sadist within the village.
Knife Beats Chainsaw: His engine roars, but my knife is strong enough to take him out. (Ch.3)
Sounds like a challenge? It is, because this has nothing to do with going about it the hunter's way. This has to be done at the end of chapter 3, as the chainsaw is the key to getting out of the horde's village.
Before you even consider attacking the sadist (who is in chains until you free him) you should gather the required equipment. Find the shotgun, the Agony Crossbow, acquire three explosive bolts, two harpoon bolts, and the most important of all, the flash bolt (found on top the observation tower).
Once you are equipped, go to the barn where the sadist is held prisoner. Free him from his wooden prison by shooting it with the shotgun. Unload on the sadist your three explosive bolts as well as your two harpoon bolts. Run outside as more enemies should be coming, so the sadist takes care of them himself. Once he steps outside, shoot the flash bolt from a reasonable distance and perform a sneak kill on him.
Chapter 4 - The Patient
Map Fragment - No. 5: At the very start of the chapter, instead of following Marcello to his brother's office, go to the left. There will be a a cabin with a chest and the map fragment besides.
Key - No. #7: To get the key in this chapter, enter the hospice and go to the operating room where the doctor is butchering the presumably dead patient. Kill the doctor, check the X-Ray, then interact with the body. Jab the knife inside, and you’ll get a key along with your jump scare.
Personal File - Log Entry - February 2005: Back outside search for the next blood stained door. You should hear the music playing nearby. The file is nailed to the door.
Missing Person - Dr. Valerio Jimenez: Enter the cabin and interact with the mirror. Check the bulletin board...
Newspaper - Missing Patient Found: ...and the newspaper rack in the save room.
Map Fragment - No. 6: If you have already opened lockers in the save room check out the floor in your 'cell' Otherwise you will find this in NG+. Same counts for map fragment 7.
Map Fragment - No. 7: Go down the hallway to where the nurse is. The door opposite your 'cell' will open, you will find a map fragment sitting on the sink in there.
Document - Villager Note: Leave the cabin and head up the path until you come to a house with a burning shrieking ghost bursting through the door. Go inside and squeeze through a gap in the right corner and you will find this document on the bed in the adjacent room.
Key - No. #8: After meeting Ruvik and falling into the bloody body disposal room, look for a switch on the wall perpendicular with the catwalk. Pull the lever twice and a statue will dump out inside of a body.

Home is Where the Hospice is: That vision in the hospice... why here? Why now? (Ch. 4)
At the beginning of chapter 4, 'The Patient', you will be following the doctor. Just enter the building he takes you to and explore its ground floor. You should find a fat guy leaned over a corpse, which is in fact Valerio, the doctor's brother. Unfortunately he's been turned, so you have to slaughter him. Watch the cutscene and the achievement is yours.
Chapter 5 - Inner Recesses
Personal File - Log Entry - March 2005: Behind the blood stained door you will find this file on the left. Again it is needed to trigger the mirror.
Newspaper - Investigation Stalls in Serial KillerCase: Through the mirror you go! You will end up in the hallway. Go to the reception area and you will find this newspaper on the reception desk.
Map Fragment - No. 8: Just outside the room with the blood stained door, just below a wall saying "He's watching, we can't leave" look for the fragment on the floor.
Key - No. #9: This one is tricky. After dropping down through the hole in the floor past the bathroom, look around the room with the baby doll on a round table. There’s a rat scurrying around inside with the statue attached to the top.
Document - Underground Facility Note: In the tiled room with the holes in the middle of the walls you will find this document on a round table in one of the rooms.
Audio Log - Assimilated Consciousness: Look through another hole in the wall of the tiled room to make the door appear, then find this audio log on the desk on the left.
Map Fragment - No. 9: After a little chat with Joseph you will need to climb a ladder. Once up there, turn left and find the map fragment near the double door.
Newspaper - Mental Patients Claim Abuse: Near map fragment no. 9 you will find the next blood stained door. Open it and interact with the mirror and you will find this paper on the newspaper rack.
Key - No. #10: After shutting down the water trap and freeing Kidman, Sebastian needs to return to the cell block downstairs. Smash the first lock on the left and go inside to destroy the statue on the bed.
Personal File - Wedding Invitation: After you got separated from your colleagues you will come to another blood stained door. The file is sitting on the bed.
Map Fragment - No. 10: On the same room as above. The map fragment is just behind the door on the right.
Missing Person - Fernando Cabrera: Head through the mirror behind the blood stained door and you will end up next to the bulletin board with this poster...
Newspaper - Missing Parishioner Found in Mental Hospital: ...and the two-for-one collectible on the newspaper rack.
Key - No. #11: Fend off the blood-spawning woman, then return to the room where she appeared. Open the tall locker in the back corner, and a bird with the statue will appear. Shoot the bird to drop the statue to the ground.

Old Flame: Finish off a shrieking beast.
Not Part of the Job Description: The water's rising, but we'll get out of this without a scratch. (Ch. 5)
In order to unlock this trophy, you must rescue Kidman from the water tank in chapter 5 without your partner Joseph taking any damage whatsoever. Unfortunately for you, the n00b is standing in the middle of the room, obviously doing his best to act as living zombie bait. The easiest way to get this done is in New Game Plus (NG+), since you will have far better equipment. However, it is perfectly possible to get it on your first playthrough.
Use your Explosive bolts and your Shock bolts to your advantage. Place them on the ground in front of the cages where the zombies come from. Also use your grenades wisely. Have an eye on Joseph's health bar on the left side of the screen. If he loses any health hit the options button immediately and reload the latest auto-save data! It is going to get easier after the first wave, the enemies will be fewer and fewer and they won't come from everywhere at once anymore. Try to get them down near their spawn points so they will not come anywhere near Joseph. The achievement will unlock right after Kidman is flushed out of the water tank.
Chapter 6 - Losing Grip On Ourselves
Newspaper - Church Floor Collapses: You will come to your senses in the save room again - this time in the room with all the file cabinets. Check out the table for this article.
Key - No. #12: At the start of the chapter, head down the sea-side cliffs to a small ruined structure. Inside, there’s a body hanging over one window. Burn the body with a match to reveal a hidden statue — or just nudge it out of the way!
Key - No. #13: In the huge destroyed area where spear-gunners are shooting from boxes, use the Sniper Rifle to look on the tower. Look high above the box-gunners, there’s a metal ledge circling the tower with a statue smack in the center. Shoot it and the key will drop down to the tower door below.
Map Fragment - No. 11: Next to the elevator door which is blocked by the corps you will find another map fragment on the floor.
Personal File - Log Entry - May 2006: Near the elevator there is also another blood stained door. Head inside to find a file on a toppled locker.
Newspaper - KCPD Officer Missing: Using the mirror behind the blood stained door near the elevator you will once again end up in the save room. Head over to the reception and check out the newspaper rack.
Audio Log - Ernesto Victoriano: You will find this one outside. You will come to an area with a fountain with a huge angel. Ignore it and follow the path to the right. You should come across a rotten bedsheet hanging across the path. Keep following the path until you see some crates and barrels on the right. The audio log is waiting on one of the crates.
Key - No. #14: In the abandoned marketplace, stick to the right boundary of the area. Behind a wheelbarrow are two stacked breakable crates. Smash them and crawl under the hole in the stone wall. There’s a hidden statue down the path.
Map Fragment - No. 12: After a short cut scene with Joseph look for this fragment on a cage next to a rather disgusting table.
Missing Person - Pastor Salvador Garciano: In the next room the well known music will announce yet another blood stained door. Interact with the mirror and you will find the poster on the bulletin board.
Newspaper - Pastor under Investigation: The newspaper is waiting to be found on the newspaper rack on the opposite wall.
Document - Graveyard Note: You will find the graveyard note... in the graveyard! Who would have thought? It will be next to Joseph who is gonna be admiring a horse.
Key - No. #15: Dropping down into the catacombs, you’ll enter a sacrificial chamber with four slabs. On the left, there are body bags on hooks moving down a line. Wait in the fence opening and wait until a body cycles by with a statue attached to it’s back.
Document - Cemetery Lab Note #1: After the room with the altar puzzle get into the elevator. Once up follow the hallway and you will find this document on a brightly lit desk.
Document - Cemetery Lab Note #2: Follow the next hallway and you will come to a dark chamber. The document is lying on the floor next to a corpse.

Two on Two: Take out both guardians before the church.
Everybody Gets One: Who wouldn't reach out for a man clinging for his life? (Ch. 6)
The second scene of chapter 6 takes place in what is supposed to be some ruins, but in fact looks like a construction site.
Make it to the part where the gatling guns start shooting spikes, and you have to snipe them out. You have to go to the upmost portion of the site, which will have some wooden planks covered with blood and spikes. The idea here is to have Joseph fight some enemies while on these planks, so he looses balance. Clear the enemies yourself and then take him back up. There is a bit of chance involved for Joseph to fall off the planks, but the infinite enemy spawn should help your statistics.
Chapter 7 - The Keeper
Noted by Christophe: In chapter 7, it seems to be impossible to get key 19 if you've completed the right path first. The guide says you have to return there, but you cannot because the entrance and exit are blocked. Finish the left path first and turn off the poison gas. Then take the right path.
Map Fragment - No. 13: In a church, who wouldn't check out the altar?
Document - Catacomb Note: Down in the catacombs, get the first lithograph. The wall will rise, opening a room with this document waiting on a table.
Key - No. #16: After removing the Old Lithograph, the catacomb wall will slide open. Straight ahead and slightly left there’s a table with a lockbox helmet. Open it to get an easy key.
Personal File - Lily's Birth Announcement: Adjacent to the huge hall where you have to insert the three lithographs you will find another room with a blood stained door. Head inside and the file will be in plain sight.
Missing Person - Chris Taylor: Interact with the mirror and you will find this poster on the bulletin board....
Newspaper - Catacombs Found Beneath Parish: ...and the newspaper also jumps right into your face.
Key - No. #17: In the hub area where Sebastian needs to acquire three lithographs, go through the right door. Inside the first room with a dropping spike trap, use the switch to lower the platform. Step on and ride up until it stops. On one of the pillars there’s a statue you can destroy.
Audio Log - Guardian: Back in the catacombs insert the first lithograph, then follow the hallway on the right. The audio log will be sitting on a table with an oil lamp at the end of this hallway.
Key - No. #18: Moving on down the path to the larger spike ceiling trap room, the one with the crank device to open the exit gate, continue forward to another smaller spike trap right before the lithograph wall. Use the lever to lower the platform, then ride it up to a secret cache area.
Key - No. #19: There’s yet another key in this path. To the left of the crank door, several monsters will burst out when you attempt to turn it. Go through the unlocked double doors where there’s a guillotine. Return here after completing the left path and turning off the poison gas. When the gas is gone, go down the pathway to a sacrificial area where tons of items can be found, including a key.

What's In The Box?!: Escape the Keeper beneath the catacombs.
I Don't Have Time for This!: It won't stay dead! Better only fight when I have to. (Ch. 7)This trophy has to be done at the end of chapter 7, as you face the keeper. The idea is to keep the kills to a minimum during his sequence. You could kill the Keeper infinitely as he respawns without limit. So here is what you need to do.
As the sequence starts, you will finally be facing him. He has been taking on your nerve for a while and now is the time for payback. Shoot him with what you have, just don't waste your ammo on headshots (it will seem obvious when you'll see him...) and aim directly at the belly. You should watch out for the ivy mines he throws around, or those will immobilize you very annoyingly during the fight. Once you take him down a door will open. Remember this new room, it contains the valve you will need later on.
Proceed to the next section. You will have to close a valve as poison gas invades the air. As you start rotating the valve, the Keeper will start appearing in a corner, just hurry up and you'll make it. Once the valve is closed, run past through your foe and close the door on his face. Collect the useful ammo and items around the room and then close the second valve. A cutscene will trigger and the Keeper will appear right in your back. Blow his stomach away for the second time, which will open the exit of the room.
You now have to finish the sequence without a single kill more. Head for the third and last valve, only to find out the Keeper is ahead of you and destroys it. This is the time to go back for the extra valve in that room I mentioned earlier. Now you have to install and close it without getting killed. A good thing is that if the Keeper hits you while you are closing the valve it doesn't reset. If getting hit is not the best solution, you can lure the Keeper at the opposite of the area and freeze him with a bolt so you can rush your way out; this will not lock you out of the trophy.
If you make it out of the sequence with those only two kills, you are good to go. The trophy will only pop once you finish the level, so don't pest right away that it didn't work and go to the end of the chapter.
Chapter 8 - A Planted Seed Will Grow
Key - No. #20: This one is hard to miss. Eventually in the caves Sebastian will turn a crank to open a door. The statue attached to the chain will lower into your view.
Audio Log - AlterEgo: Shortly after you had to squeeze through a gap you will find this log on the left. It is really hard to miss.
Key - No. #21: Past the next crank gate, Sebastian will drop into the water. Stick to the right wall and continue until reaching an area where there are waterfalls. Behind one of the streams there’s a semi-hidden statue.
Document - Cave Note: You will come to a hallway with buckets of dried blood on the floor, spikes on the walls and an unfortunate corpse who obviously triggered a trap. The document is on the floor.
Map Fragment - No. 14: Keep following the path until the walls start to pulse again. You will end up in a hospital hallway. Turn around and check the area behind you for another fragment.
Personal File - Log Entry - June 2009: In the circular room you will notice a gurney with a glowing personal file waiting to be picked up.
Document - Research Facility Note: In the same room there is a machine. Is it part of an iron lung? Is it an old fashioned p**** enlargment device? Who knows, but there is a document sitting on it.
Key - No. #22: In the circular room where the strange system disappears (the STEM is missing) from the last time you entered, look at the double doors blocked by pipes. On the vertical pipe, a statue is poking out of the top hole.

Noted by Christophe: In chapter 8, if you want the achievement Item Mangement, you cannot shoot the statue to get key 22. The guide says you cannot fire a gun inside the cave, but it also counts when you fire a gun in the hospital.
Item Management: This cave echoes like crazy. Better put the gun away and keep quiet. (Ch. 8)
Starting of chapter eight will be in a cave. What you must achieve here is to not fire a single shot before you exit the cave. It should be pointed out right away that using melee attacks and matches will not lock you out of the trophy.
The first scene is somewhat the hardest part of the level to run through. You will have three two-headed enemies waiting for you just past your starting point; a fourth one lies in wait near the planked exit and may be burned to make it through more easily. Lure the enemies to the opposite point so you can destroy the planks with a good punch. Try not to have any enemies following you into the stretch corridor. At the end will be two more enemies waiting for you. You have to lure them out of this room and into the first, so you can have the time to open up the grate.
After that part, it will be childs-play to finish. You will cross some crawlers that can be taken out with melee stomps. You will have to make it across some spike shooting traps, which does not require you to shoot anything. And there will be some isolated enemies which are ridiculously easy to run past from.
Chapter 9 - The Cruelest Intentions
Newspaper - Estate Fire Claims Children: Back in the save room, leave your cell and interact with the spooky pictue in the reception. This will take you to an alternate version of the reception. This version has a newspaper on Tatiana's desk.
Map Fragment - No. 15: After you have picked up the newspaper check out the hallway with the patient cells. You are in for a surprise! After the meeting at the sunflower you will be transferred to yet another area. The map fragment is immediately to the right.
Key - No. #23: In the mansion courtyard, look in the branches of the dead tree to the right of the front doors.
Personal File - Krimson Post Article - Enter the mansion and find the blood stained door in the main hall. The file is on the sink, collect it to activate the mirror.
Missing Person - Ruben Victoriano: Interact with the mirror and you will be back in the hallway of the patient's wing. Turn around and check out the bulletin board...
Newspaper - Bodies Found Near Countryside Estate: ...and the newspaper rack on the opposite wall. It is almost too easy, isn't it?
Document - Dining Room Note: From the main hallway, go left into the dining room (Resident Evil much?) - you will find a document on the table.
Key - No. #24: Enter the dining room path and into the stock room where Ruben’s experiment is located. On one of the shelving units, look on top near the wall to find a statue.
Key - No. #25: Go upstairs and open the double doors into the gallery. Look up at the ceiling skylight where a statue is stuck to one of the corners.
Document - Ruvik's Room Note: From the main hallway head upstairs, then go through the door on the left. Turn right, then use the next door on the left. Inside, you will find a desk with this document on it.
Map Fragment - No. 16: Leave Ruvik's room, turn left and go down the hallway. Turn right at its end and then take the first door on the right. The map fragment is sitting on the rim of the bathtube.
Key - No. #26: Inside the back bedroom where one of the brain experiments can be found through the fireplace passage, look on the desk with the record player.
Audio Log - Psychic Barriers: Leave the bathroom, turn right and follow the hallway all the way to the end. There you will find a room with an audio log on a round table with an oil lamp.
Document - Music Room Note: From the main hallway, take the door on the right. Follow the path until you get to the music room This document is unmissable since you can't progress any further in the story without picking it up.
Map Fragment - No. 17: After the huge mannequin heads tried to smash you you will find this document on the table in the room you end up in.
Key - No. #27: In the burning barn, ride the lift up to the exit window. Don’t leave yet, burn the hay bails in the right corner to reveal a secret statue.
Chapter 10 - The Craftman's Tools
Document - Mansion Basement Note: Go down the ladder into the basement of the mansion. Head down the path and you will come to another blood stained door. Don't go through it yet but check out the table to its left.
Newspaper - Wealthy Land Owner and Wife Die in Car Crash: Now it is time to check out the save room again. Interact with the mirror behind the blood stained door and check out the newspaper rack.
Key - No. #28: Down the ladder in the basement, there’s a door on the left surrounded with spike traps. Don’t let them scare you. Go inside and smash the crates in the back corner to find a hidden statue.
Map Fragment - No. 18: After inserting the battery head over to the ladder leading down. Do not go down yet but check out the small storage room on the left. There you will find a map fragment sitting on a shelf.
Key - No. #29: The next key can be found before entering the maze to activate the spinning traps. Return to the “hub” area where the locked gate blocks your path. There’s a small chamber with low spikes. Shoot the statue, then you’ll be safe to sneak in and grab the key.
Key - No. #30: Inside the maze, you’ll eventually encounter a single heat lamp crusher near a door. Shoot the statue in the back corner when the crushed extends, then crawl into the alcove to collect the key.
Map Fragment - No. 19: After all those vicious traps you will come to a room with glowing stampers. Avoid being hit, then climb the ladder. You will need to crawl through a couple of rooms, there is a map fragment leaning against the wall of one of them.
Audio Log - Laura: You will come to a couple of hallways. The walls will pulse again, making the environment change. From the hallway with the gurneys which suddenly decide to avoid gravity turn left, then check out the bed on the left. There is an audio log waiting for you.
Personal File - Log Entry - February 2012: Keep following the path and soon enough you will hear music again. Go through the blood stained door and check out another piece of medical equipment with a personal file on it.
Missing Person - Patrick Higgins: Use the mirror and you will find this poster on the bulletin board in the save room.
Newspaper - Home Destroyed by Fire: The newspaper is on the counter in the save room, near the save point.
Map Fragment - No. 20: After you have escaped from the shrieking beast you will end up in a well-known entrance hall again. The fragment is leaning against the former blood-stained door in the far left.
Missing Person - Dr. Marcelo Jimenez: You will come to a special blood-stained door with someone banging at it from the other side. Examine it and you will be taken to the save room again. You will find the note on the bulletin board as usual.
Newspaper - Investigation Uncovers Irregularities at Mental Hospital: Opposite of the missing person note above you will find another newspaper in the newspaper stand.
Key - No. #31: To get the last key in this chapter, you’ll need to kill the Laura boss instead of just retreating. Do enough damage and she’ll die, but it may take a second playthrough to bring enough ammo and weaponry to bring her down. If she’s dead, instead of retreating to the elevator you can look along the outer edge for a cache of items. That includes a Goddess Statue.

The First, Not the Last: End a monstrosity in the underground garage.
Bathed in Flames: Enough running! I'll burn her to the ground right here! (Ch. 10)
By the time you make it to chapter 10, you will know the shrieking beast is the reincarnation of Laura. You will also have to face her again after the all 'House of Thousand Horrors' section.
It is highly recommended you wait your NG+ with that benefactant rocket launcher to earn that trophy without shedding blood and tears. Your firepower will just not be enough the first time through. You need to make it to the final room (the one with a couple of valves letting fire out and three corpses) and unleash your arsenal on her. Burn her up with the valves twice, incinerate the bodies she spawns from, add some rockets with green pepper, stir up and let her rot for good.
Chapter 11 - Reunion
Key - No. #32: In the opening area of the city, circle around the Merry-Go-Round and step onto the car floating in the water to get as close as possible. The Statue is on a horse, so just wait for it to circle around then smash it to grab the key.
Map Fragment - No. 21: When you are in the collapsing building look out for a room with a jukebox in it. You do not want to miss the adjacent room since you will find the Magnum there. The map fragment is in the same room, it is hanging on the wall.
Key - No. #33: After dropping into the water, look for the statue floating nearby. To get it, you’ll need to push it while swimming into the exit tunnel. This is right before you first encounter the deadly water creatures.
Newspaper - Mutilated Body Found in Sewer: You will be sucked into a totally filthy version of the save room. Check the usual newspaper rack for the latest issue.
Missing Person - Arnold Brown: Opposite of the newspaper rack. The bulletin board. As usual.
Map Fragment - No. 22: Right after the annoying passage with the moving platform you will find this fragment on the crumpled floor Jump down to the lower level and turn around and you will see it. You will have to crouch to get it.
Key - No. #34: Crossing two blue pipes into a building with a soda machine on your right, press the button twice to get a statue. Just watch out, press it three times and a proximity bomb will fall out.
Audio Log - Searching: Still in the same open space office with the blood stained door you will find this audio log in a corner. The room is rather dark so make sure not to miss this one.
Personal File - Log Entry - July 2012: Look out for the blood-stained door in the office area. You will find the diary behind that door.
Key - No. #35: Once you meet up with Kidman again and fend off the enemies, the double doors will open to reveal a stairwell and an elevator. Press the elevator button to open the doors and grab the statue.
Map Fragment - No. 23: Outside with Kidman in tow you will open a door and Sebstian will ask her about nosebleeds. Turn left immediately after this door and you will find a narrow alley with a map fragment.
Personal File - Log Entry - August 2012: After the short cutscene where you can see Joseph in the distance you will come to another blood stained door. You will find a personal file in the room behind it. Collect it to activate the mirror.
Newspaper - Serial Killer Investigator Missing: After interacting with the mirror this newspaper will jump right into your face.
Key - No. #36: Leaving the dark mannequin factory and stepping out onto the exterior catwalk, use the Sniper Rifle to scan the environment. Look on the front edge of the giant crane in the distance. Shoot it, it lands near the blue improvised bridge ahead.
Chapter 12 - The Ride
Map Fragment - No. 24: This one is in the ambulance, immidiately on the right behind the door.

Arachnophobia: Outrun a gigantic threat in the city.
Not a Scratch on Her!: I'm not taking any chances, this bus can't take much more damage. (Ch. 12)
Chapter 12 will end on a bus ride with you holding the wheel. The description of the trophy is not that explicit, so we broke it for you: you have to make it through the ride section, without running over any enemies; bumping into cars or the siderails is fine though. The sequence itself is not that long, but if you hit and run then reload you will have to replay the previous machine gun car part over again. Just keep to your side and switching from left to right between enemy waves and you should make it in a jiffy. If you need a visual tutorial, take example on someone who knows in the video below.
Chapter 13 - Casualties
Personal File - Log Entry - September 2012: After the cut-scene, check out the bedside table in the half destroyed sleeping room. Collecting this will activate another picture/mirror...
Newspaper - Century Old Mansion Burned to the Ground: ...use it to get to the save room and check out the newspaper rack.
Key - No. #37: Entering the apartment floor where the Keeper is waiting, sneak down the right path past the barbed-wire mine. Wait for the Keeper to leave, then look in the ruined section. The statue can be seen on the destroyed floor above next to the v-shaped girders. Shoot it and grab the key that falls down to the left of the fire.
Missing Person - Joseph Oda: Climbing down some rubble you will come to a hallway with another blood stained door. The door will take you directly to the save room. Check out the bulletin board.
Key - No. #38: At the hallway with the Haunted strapped with explosives, enter the door on the right and disarm the trip-wire trap. There’s a statue on the stack of crates inside the side-room.
Map Fragment - No. 25: Later in the level you will come to a hallway with blood stains on the floor. The map fragment is in one of the rooms leading away from this hallway.
Key - No. #39: Inside the trapped kitchen, a short cutscene will play revealing the spiked devices that slide around the floor. After the intro plays, move left and look on the metal table for a statue.
Key - No. #40: After the Keeper encounter in the meat locker, you’ll step out of the elevator into a room. Check the slightly-open elevator shaft to the left for another statue.
Chapter 14 - Ulterior Motives
Key - No. #41: In the opening hallway of the chapter, you’ll find yourself inside a subway station. Look for a glowing yellow sign with markers for the telephone and bathroom. Between the sign and a ruined pillar, there’s a section of missing ceiling tile. Look above and shoot the statue through the hole.
Map Fragment - No. 26: Down in the subway area you will find a door next to the ticket machines on the right-hand side. Head inside and go to the rearmost room to find the fragment on a work desk.
Personal File - Myra's Death: Go to the blood stained door right before the escalators, you will find this file on the toilet. Collecting it will activate the mirror. Use it to get to the save room...
Missing Person - Ivan Diaz: ...and find the poster on the bulletin board...
Newspaper - Office Linked to Foreign Intelligence Burned: ...together with the latest issue of your favorite newspaper on the opposite wall.
Key - No. #42: Past the Haunted creature with the Agony Bow, you’ll reach a tunnel with a view of the outside. Look on the right before going through the archway. There’s a Statue visible in the back train car window.
Personal File - Log Entry - December 2012: You will find the next blood stained door in a rather disgusting hallway. Head inside, collect this file and activate the mirror in the process.
Missing Person - Tatiana Gutierrez: Once in the save room you will find Tatiana staring at a missing person poster on the bulletin board.
Newspaper - Mental Hospital Case Sealed: The newspaper which goes along with it is not on the newspaper stand and not on the desk, but on the floor behind the counter, next to a puddle of blood.
Key - No. #43: In the underground sewers you’ll reach a hallway lined with traps and a fence to the right. Look through it to spot the statue. Go through the passage on the right, guarded by an AlterEgo, and burn through the stretched skin membrane to reach it.
Map Fragment - No. 27: You will come to yet another blood stained door. Go inside and check out the machines on the right, there is a map fragment on one of them.
Key - No. #44: Set the panels to power the elevator and fight the boss to use the crank and restore power to the lift. Once the electricity is back on, go right to spot electricity active and creating an opening. Crawl under the electricity and smash the statue embedded in the flesh.
Key - No.#45: Up the lift and just about at the end of the chapter, you’ll find the statue directly in your main path. It’s hard to miss.

Slither into Oblivion: Remove an invisible enemy from the equation.
Entry Level Electrician: I should get this whole generator panel running just in case. (Ch. 14)
Chapter 15 - An Evil Within
Personal File - Internal Affairs Transcript: Back in the save room again. You are forever alone, but at least you will find a personal file on the counter...
Missing Person - Woman: ...and a poster on the bulletin board.
Audio Log - Imprisoned: After having climbed down an annoyingly long ladder you will go through a mesh wire door. Turn left right after this and you will find this audio log on a barrel at the end of the corridor.
Document - Newer Note from Sewer: Remember the sewer where you found the very first document? Well, you will visit this place again, with a new document lying in the exact same spot as the first one (next to the wheelchair).
Audio Log - Betrayal: Head up the circular staircase and open the first door on the right. The last audio log will wait in the far right-hand corner.
Map Fragment - No. 28: After leaving the elevator head outside and turn left immediately. Go down a couple of stairs and find this map fragment at the end of the hallway.

One of the Many: Defeat the ultimate evil within.
Better late than never! I took my time for getting back to this guide and update it, I know, but after finishing the game I had my attention on other stuff, but now I`m back to finish this guide by adding the DLCs.
This guide will go in the same way as the previous one, text and video guides, but this time I`ll add a link to the guide on the name of the collectible, then I will change the main guide to reflect the same, no more video hunting. I will add the credits on top so it`s the first thing people see.
Note: Safe codes are randomized.

When hunting for Letter Scraps, look for locked safes in the environment. There are several types of puzzles you'll need to solve to open them; a finger print number key puzzle, an alternating light puzzle, and a pattern puzzle.

Collect all eight scraps to complete the hidden letter and unlock the "A Warning" trophy / achievement.

Search for Mobius symbols to find secrets. Mobius symbols are black or red spray-painted markings with stars and a nail. Sometimes these symbols are incomplete. Look for statues to shine your flashlight onto to match the complete Mobius icon.

Doctor's Notes: Collect all Research Documents in The Assignment.
A Piece of My Past: Collect all Personnel Files in The Assignment.
A Warning: Complete the hidden letter in The Assignment.
Not Afraid of the Dark: Clear The Assignment in KURAYAMI Mode
Kurayami, appropriately meaning "darkness" in Japanese is a mode in which the game is shrouded in overwhelming darkness. The only way to see is by using your flashlight and other light sources in the environment. This is far less difficult to beat than AKUMU mode from the main game because a large portion of the DLC is done is stealth and hits are not automatic deaths. Kurayami can not be played as a first playthrough and must be unlocked by beating the DLC on survival difficulty.
Kurayami Mechanics
  • No light aside from your flashlight and enemy sources
  • No detection indicator when or if an enemy nearby reacts to you or other sources.
  • Enemies do not react to your flashlight at all, so feel free to use it at will.
  • While some enemies react to sight, all enemies react to sound so move slowly because Kidman is mostly unarmed.
  • If you happen to take damage, standing still for a period of time will heal you back up to full health.
  • You are much less likely to be detected when you are in cover. You can't use cover until the tutorial indicator, but you can enter cover by pressing "C".
Chapter 1 - The Oath
Personnel File #1: At the start of the first chapter, Kidman will drop into a cave after being attacked by a Haunted cop. Down the path, watch for a branching road on the right. There's a chair in the dead end with the first file.
Audio Tape #1: This tape is hard to miss. After leaving the pristine Mobius facility, you'll go down a hallway with a dead body in the center. The tape is right next to the body. Picking it up will trigger the Haunted to attack.
Letter Scrap #1: Entering a well-lit room with lockers, you'll need to move a pushcart to exit. Before exiting, look on the table to the right. Press the keys from thickest blood finger-print to the lightest.
Letter Scrap #2: After escaping the creepy spotlight monster, you'll eventually reach a larger two-story room with stairs leading down to double-doors where two Haunted patrol around cubicles. Before going downstairs, look in the blocked hallway past the windowed rooms. There's a crawlspace here. The safe is on the coffee table inside. The code is written on the paintings.
Audio Tape #2: When Kidman reaches a wall with the Mobius symbol, she'll need to shine her flashlight on the statue on the right to complete the image. The wall disappears to reveal double-doors -- check the back left corner for another red Mobius symbol. Shine light on it until a desk appears with the tape.
Letter Scrap #3: In the bottom floor of the Biometrics wing, Kidman needs to kick down a ladder then avoid blind exploding cadavers. From the ladder, sneak right and you'll encounter a cadaver blocking the path forward. Sneak right of that cadaver to find another ladder. Climb up to find another safe. Light up all the squares to unlock it.
Personnel File #2: Look on the desk in the brain scanner office of Biometrics. This is the last device Kidman needs to use before she can activate the bridge hand-scanner.
Letter Scrap #4: In the massive room where Leslie ran through that's accessed after using the hand-scanner, go upstairs and to the cubicles on the left to find a safe. Continue forward on the left office level to find a light shining on red squares -- follow the pattern and light up the corresponding squares on the safe to open it. Shine your light on the red squares to reveal the correct pattern.
Audio Tape #3: From the same large office room, head down the stairs in the back-right. In the basement, look to the left of the double doors to spot this chapter's final collectible.

Prank Call: Lure an enemy with a phone call and lock them in a room. (Ch. 1).
In the first chapter after you get the first key card there are two offices that have a haunted patrol in front of. Call from the right office to lure the haunted to the left office and use the key card to lock the haunted in the office.
A Different Beginning: Clear Chapter 1, "An Oath."
Chapter 2 - Crossing Paths
Audio Tape #4: In the sewers, Kidman will encounter invisible stalkers that only become visible in her flashlight beam. Kill the first in the water, then kill the second in the storeroom upstairs. There's a metal gate you need to open with a crank wheel -- ignore it for now and enter the office door to the left of the crank. The tape is on a desk inside.
Letter Scrap #5: After falling into the sewer and shooting the swarm of Haunted and Cadavers that attack, Kidman will crawl out of the debris. There's a ladder on a pillar to the back-right of the room. Climb up and look on the pillar to the right of the catwalk with your flashlight to reveal a code.
Letter Scrap #6: In the sewers, Kidman will need to collect three plugs to power the exit door. Climbing down from the circuit board, look for a wall marked with a red Mobius symbol. Reveal the secret pipe and climb up the ladder to find a safe. Shine Kidman's flashlight on the red squares opposite the safe to reveal the code.
Audio Tape #5: Following the plug sequence, Kidman will enter a square-shaped sparse room with a long hallway and a drop to the left. Before dropping down, check the yellow barrels in the back-right corner to grab an audio tape.
Audio Tape #6: Kidman chases Joseph to a circular stairwell. There's a save point at the bottom of the steps. Up the stairs, pass the first door on the left to find a secret Mobius symbol. Open it with the flashlight, then turn the statue on the right once. Shine your light on the pointer-like symbol and back up to complete a second Mobius symbol. The tape appears in the small alcove.
Personnel File #3: Returning to the creepy old town, Kidman appears in her family's house. Leaving the first room, go down the hall to the right. There's a creepy shadow pointing, but nobody is in the chair -- instead, there's a personnel file.
Letter Scrap #7:(Note: The video says #3 but it is actually #7) Outside the house, follow the stone wall left to a dead-end gate. This is where Sebastian first entered the statue square. There's a wooden platform covered in crates. Smash the crates to reveal a hidden safe. Light up all the squares to unlock the safe.
Audio Tape #7: Past the statue puzzle, Kidman will crawl through a stone passage. There's a save point with three hanging body bags. The audio tape is to the right of the chair.
Letter Scrap #8: Reunited with Leslie, Kidman reaches a strange room with circular pipes on the left. Check out the pipes in the back of the room to discover the final safe. This is another bloody finger-print puzzle, just press the bottoms from most-thick to least-thick.

Clutch!: Use a single trap to kill two or more enemies in The Assignment. (Ch. 2).
As you get down into the area where the fuse box ignites and blows up you will need to retrieve 3 fuses and insert them into the large fuse box. When you place a fuse into the third slot opening up the path down at the water you will go through a red door and head back the way you can running into Ruvik. You must turn around and go through the silver door that was once locked, however, an enemy might kick through the door as you approach it so be careful. Inside that door is another 2 enemies with weapons so that is yet again another danger you face. There are two traps you can do this on, one just before you enter the silver door and one to the left of the girl as you enter the room. Gather the enemies up and stand on the spike trap until it's about to go off and allow them to get on releasing the spikes. if you do not accomplish this task die and restart from the previous checkpoint until you do.
All You Need is Axe: Survive the duel without using any electronic devices in the environment. (Ch. 2).
There is only one duel in chapter two and that's when you battle Joseph. This is easily accomplished while playing in Survival difficulty since you can see Joseph unless he is in one of the other rooms. For the purpose of this trophy you cannot interact with any of the electronics that would distract and lure Joseph to them allowing for an easy swipe with an axe.
Beginning the duel you must pick up an axe and get behind some cover (the small desk in the small room is suggested). Wait for Joseph to turn his back to you and sneak up to do a sneak attack followed up by running to find another axe. Go back to the same area you first engaged Joseph or remain where you are waiting for Joseph so you can hit him again. After the second time repeat the same step as above and he will die after you hit him a third time with the axe.
Death Grip: Get a Cadaver to grab and kill a Haunted. (Ch. 2).
The only chance you have to do this is while you're in the first portion of the cemetery. You will come to the the graveyard and approach a stone wall where you will want to lure the enemies towards you so you can run around them to the left (if you go to the right you will go over a wood plank and not be able to get across the same way). Once free continue straight and when you see the fire and axe to the right continue to go right to the Cadavers. Head to the wood obstacle staying crouched and one of the three enemies trailing you will get grabbed and killed. If for some reason you don't get the trophy with that Cadaver break the wooden fence with action and lure another enemy in there. If you fail die to restart from the latest checkpoint which is entering the graveyard.
Not as it Seems: Clear Chapter 2, "Crossing Paths."
Note: Safe codes are randomized.

Locked puzzle safes always contain one of eight letter scraps. Find them all to unlock an achievement / trophy and reveal a hidden message to Kidman.

Solutions are usually found nearby. Use the flashlight on surfaces to discover hidden red writing near the puzzle safes. The puzzles and solutions are often randomized, so it might take trial-and-error to solve.

It`s all your Fault: Collect all Research Documents in The Consequence.
Becoming an Agent: Collect all Personnel Files in The Consequence.
This is Just the Beginning: Complete the hidden letter in The Consequence.
None More Dark: Clear: Clear The Consequence in KURAYAMI Mode.
Kurayami Mechanics
  • No light aside from your flashlight and enemy sources
  • No detection indicator when or if an enemy nearby reacts to you or other sources.
  • Enemies do not react to your flashlight at all, so feel free to use it at will.
  • While some enemies react to sight, all enemies react to sound so move slowly because Kidman is mostly unarmed.
  • If you happen to take damage, standing still for a period of time will heal you back up to full health.
  • You are much less likely to be detected when you are in cover.
Kurayami Mode translates to Darkness and literally forces you to play through the entire DLC with only a flashlight to guide your way. This is much more difficult than the same difficulty in The Assignment
If you find yourselves experiencing difficulty with a section it is generally a good idea to aim the flashlight to guide your way
The sections that prove most difficult generally involve gunplay and my only tips here are to ensure your flashlight is turned on at all times and just go for body shots, you have ample ammo to waste anyway
The Shade boss battle is ridiculously easy on this difficulty as the boss itself will generally light up the arena for you, just shoot it in the head twice and you're done.
A final tip is to throw as many chemical lights as possible when they're in your possession, whilst constantly pushing forward, you can only have three active at once but your supply is unlimited so use them.
Chapter 3 - Illusions
Letter Scrap #1: The first letter scrap is found after leaving the hospital room. As the area transforms into the dimly lit asylum, turn around and re-enter the starting room to find a puzzle safe on the desk. The solution is on the wall, ahead of the bed.
Audio Tape #1: Return to the asylum hallway and enter the second door on the left from the nurse's desk. The tape is on the chair inside the cell.
Audio Tape #2: Eventually Kidman will enter Ruvik's research lab. There are four dissected severed heads with their brains revealed. Look on the desk in the back corner, to the left of the white board.
Letter Scrap #2: Entering the door marked "Dissection" you'll find stairs leading down into another larger room. Don't go down yet, instead turn left from the entrance to find a second puzzle safe on the desk. Match the blood stains on the tumblers to open it.
Audio Tape #3: After opening the massive safe doors down below by inputting the correct square sequence, you'll return to one of the strange Mobius hallways with wires running across the floor. Look on the cart along the right wall to get the next tape.
Letter Scrap #3: At the Police Station, Kidman will enter Sebastian's larger office and see a vision of the detective's past. Leave through the door on the right, and you should see an "Exit" pair of doors ahead. Don't go through yet, instead turn right and enter the first interrogation room on the left. There's a safe on the shelves. Shine your flashlight through the one-way glass window to get the solution.
Personnel File #1: Continuing through the exit doors, Kidman will return to Sebastian's office. Look on the smaller table to the right of his desk to grab a file before entering the city proper.
Audio Tape #4: Once Kidman encounters the first enemy in the city, you'll enter a construction site interior area. Push the worker Haunted off his ledge, then enter the site. After turning left, you should see a white electrical box with the fourth tape.
Personnel File #2: (Note: Same problem as before, video showing wrong number) Continuing into an office building with a glowing red neon reception desk, look on the wall to the left of the cubicles entrance. There' a Mobius file pinned to the wall.
Letter Scrap #4: In the same office area, swivel around the glass half-walls to find a small break area. Next to the microwave, there's a puzzle safe with glowing panels.

Fumbling in the Dark: Turn on the generator using no more than 10 chemical lights. (Ch. 3).
Early in Chapter 3 of The Consequence DLC you will lose your flash light. The Rooms are pretty much completely dark and you can only use chemical lights.
They don't do much while you hold them and only generate light when you throw them. Luckily the way to the power generator is a very short one and you can use 10 chemical lights on the way. Once you turn the power back on the achievement / trophy will pop.
Things Fall Apart: Clear Chapter 3, "Illusions."
Chapter 4 - A Ghost is Born
Audio Tape #5: After dropping out of the airduct and landing in a supply closet, look on the table with the lamp to get this chapter's first audio tape.
Letter Scrap #5: This one is easy to miss. Leave the supply closet and enter a hallway. Continue around the corner to the right and you'll have two directions -- a short dead-end hallway, and a fallen section of burning rubble ahead. Turn to the dead-end hall and shine your flashlight on it to reveal a secret door. The combination numbers are printed on the walls, pictures and white boards inside.
Audio Tape #6: Another easy one is located at the red chair save point. In the passages, you should spot the black cat running down a hall to the right. Follow it to find the save chair and a end table with the tape.
Letter Scrap #6: Kidman must navigate a dangerous restaurant and rescue Leslie. Once he's free, he'll run out of the burning room. Don't follow him yet, instead use one of the dumbwaiter elevators with a green light to the left of the exit doors. Solve the puzzle safe to get another scrap.
Audio Tape #7: In the grey concrete hallways, Kidman will come across a cart carrying another audio tape. This one is hard to miss. You'll spot it during normal progress.
Letter Scrap #7: Kidman appears in the horrible sadist chamber that Sebastian wakes up in at the start of the vanilla game. Enter the area behind the meat-covered table to find the puzzle safe. The solution is to the left of the table, there's a series of crate you'll need to kick to find the solution printed on the wall.
Personnel File #3: Transported back into the Mobius facility, you'll find another red chair save point before heading down stairs leading further down. Look on the metal table to the right of the leather-bound chair.
Letter Scrap #8: Returning to the Mental Hospital, Kidman will step out into the central courtyard while it's raining outside. Turn right and check the alcove next to the entrance doors to find another puzzle safe spattered with blood.
Audio Tape #8: Back inside after leaving the courtyard, enter the room to the right with a missing door. There's a red lamp illuminating your final collectible.

A Real Hero: Save Sebastian's life in the hotel. (Ch. 4)
Shortly after you obtain the hotel keycard,you will enter a room and 2 boxes will be in your way.Smash these and there will be 2 lift/dumb waiters at the side,press button on the right and achievement will pop.
There Will Not Be Blood: Get through the hotel without being spotted or killing any enemies. (Ch. 4)
Towards the beginning of Chapter 4, there are three segments which you must pass without being spotted by the enemy, and without killing any enemies. If you are spotted at any time, feel free to retry from the latest auto-save. Another all-round tip I would like to suggest is to not throw a bottle while in cover as it always seems to hit the wall in front of me whenever I try it.
The first segment requires you to burn one painting of Ruvik. There are two enemies here, one near your starting point and one near the painting. Make sure to take your time and use the bottles to lure the enemies away from the painting as much as possible. Once you burn the painting, you're safe to run around.
The second segment is the room with several Cadavers. Please note that the achievement will not unlock if you cause any of the cadavers to explode. This segment is the easiest of the three. Simply sneak through the duct and go all the way to the end of the room. You'll see two cadavers in front of you. Pick up the bottle in front of you and throw it at the other end of the room. Collect the card and make your way back to the duct. Make sure to pick the bottle up from the floor by the duct. Once you reach the end of the duct, look to the left and throw the bottle towards the stairs. Now move the object out of the way, head to the door and unlock it.
Now we come to the third and final segment. At first there are two paintings to burn; one to the left and one to the right. There are also three enemies in this area, one guarding each painting and one in the middle. Use the ducts and bottles to your advantage, and like the first segment, take your time. I found that it was easiest to burn the painting to the left first. Once you burn the two paintings, a door will open to reveal a third painting. You shouldn't have much trouble from here. Sneak into that room and burn the painting. A cut-scene will trigger and you're safe from here.
Head out of the room, up some stairs and through the double doors at the end. The achievement should unlock for you as the next cut-scene in the park starts. There is also a save point just before segement 2 if you wish to use it.
Stick to the Script: Defeat Ruvik before the final showdown in The Consequence. (Ch. 4)
You will be able to get this at the end of the last chapter. before the final boss battle.
When you reach the room where everybody is connected to the STEM (you will see yourself lying in the bathtub alongside Sebastian and all the others) don't exit through the next door just yet.
Instead go to the middle of the room where you will see Ruviks brain in the glass container, the one that Sebastian smashes at the end of the main campaign. Now simply pull out your shotgun shoot it (make sure you save up 1 shotgun shell for this).
Fake closing credits will roll and you will unlock your achievement.
Afterwards the game continues from where you left off.
Where Do We Go From Here?: Clear Chapter 4, "A Ghost is Born."
Collectibles Guide
Mobius Directive #1
Daughter's Diary #1: The first diary note can't be missed. After waking up in the massive Keeper's body, you'll need to collect the first page on the floor in the entrance hallway of the mansion. It's beneath Ruvik's family portrait.
Daughter's Diary #2: Enter the small room to the left of the family portrait with the save mirror and safe shop. The page is found under the mirror.
Daughter's Diary #3: Go upstairs and enter the gallery through the double doors. The large central statue of the woman contains the next page. Use the Memory Scanner ability to view it.
Mobius Directive #2
Daughter's Diary #4: Entering the dining room leading to the Sadist combat area, use Memory Scanner on the skull painting to the left of the table.
Transcript, Subject CB-212
Mobius Directive #3
Daughter's Diary #5: After using the Keeper's teleport ability for the first time to reach the piano parlor, use Memory Scanner on the piano itself. This is in the room right before reaching the monstrous giant twin boss.
Transcript Subject CB-207
Mobius Directive #4
Daughter's Diary #6: Upstairs, on the way to the Detective boss arena, make sure to check the restroom along the back hallway of the manor. Memory Scanner the bathtub to find the next note.
Daughter's Diary #7: In the same hallway as the bathroom, enter the master bedroom and use Memory Scanner at the foot of the bed.
Archive Record, Subject CB-204
Daughter's Diary #8: After defeating the three patients trapped in STEM, the family portrait will erode in a shower of blood. Enter the hallway that reveals itself and follow your ghostly daughter until you come across a diary page. This one can't be missed.
Mobius Directive #5
Daughter's Diary #9: In Ruvik's disturbing basement, you'll find two more locked doors and a safe room. Enter through the door marked with asylum symbol and look on the shelves to the left of the cracked mirror.
Daughter's Diary #10: On the path to the Soldier, enter the door after the slime recedes and go through the first open doorway to your left. Turn left again and use Memory Scanner on the dead end corner.
Daughter's Diary #11: Along the same path, navigate the chamber with the spinning blade traps. Use the switch to stop two shifting traps, and you'll be able to get behind two blade traps that were blocking the hallway. Behind the two traps is another note -- don't get too close.
Transcript, Subject CB-205
Mobius Directive #6
Daughter's Diary #12: Just as you open the door to the Alpha Amalgam path, there's an open doorway and an empty torture rack straight ahead. Use Memory Scanner to reveal the next hidden note.
Transcript, Subject CB-210
Mobius Directive #7
Daughter's Diary #13: Inside the strange asylum with locked doors with diamond-shaped windows containing all the bosses you previously defeated, your daughter's ghost wanders through a wall with bloody writing. Activate the Memory Scanner to reveal a door. The note rests ahead of the door and appears in the cutscene.
Daughter's Diary #14: Through the doors you reveal at the previous diary's location, you'll enter one last safe room before fighting the Dark Keeper. There's a desk to the left of the next set of double doors containing the final diary page.
Mobius Directive #8
Final Research Report
Achievements Guide
Nosy Parent: Collect all Daughter's Diaries in The Executioner.
Cruel and Unusual: Complete all Torments.
This is by far the most challenging achievement in the DLC.
Most of the Torments are pretty self-explanatory. You can read the requirements by checking into your journal. Some of them are linked to specific boss fight rooms like the car one or the one with the turret so you can pick them up in New Game + if you missed some.
The last one however will be the real problem. It requires you to beat the hidden execution chamber which will unlock in New Game +. It's located in the room with the last save mirror right before the final boss. (It's a red circle on the wall). In this challenge room you will encounter most of the bosses in the DLC again but this time you will have to fight them all in one go without dying. While you are fighting them an infinite amount of Haunted will come your way as well but you shouldn't focus on them too much after the first 3 waves.
I recommend using molotovs on the chainsaw/rocket launcher enemies and TNT on the big one with the large club. They shouldn't be a big challenge after a few tries.
You will earn a lot of money along the way (some tries I got up to 500 with the gold hammer) so if you want to upgrade everything do it here. You will need it.
The real tough part of this room are the last two guys. Save up a med pack, dropped by the regular enemies before you finish your last chainsaw guy. Afterwards both Sebastian and Joseph will come out of the elevator and shoot you relentlessly dealing a lot of damage. My strategy was to shoot the rocket launcher at the wall between them so I would hit them both with each shot. I also recommend throwing out a lot of wire traps beforehand because they often end up shooting them instead of you which gives you a great distraction or if placed correctly can even get them trapped. Other than that you can use the big truck to the right of the elevator as cover if your rockets didn't deal enough damage. Then you should throw out some more wire traps on the sides of the truck in case they try to flank you and throw out everything you have got left on them.
As a reward you will get infinite ammo for all of your weapons which will help greatly for the "I've Got Box of Steel" achievement and is also required to get the "I Might Close Early" achievement.
I Might Close Early: Purchase all items in the Shop.
Krimson Chainsaw Massacre: Kill 10 basic Haunted with the chainsaw.
You can get the chainsaw after beating the first boss in the DLC. I believe it cost 50 coins to buy and 30 to refill its gas. You will get this achievement easily if you use the chainsaw a lot during play time. I would recommend using the chainsaw in the first torment room that appears after entering and exiting the first save area that appears behind the door to left left of the painting in the house.
Trapper and Keeper: Kill 10 basic Haunted with environmental traps in The Executioner.
This achievement can easily be done at the second torment room after you clear the first 3 bosses and move to the second area of the game. Just enter the torment room and smack the enemies around till they are stunned. Then grab them and throw them into the spike traps in the room 10 times for the achievement. you can replay the room as much as needed to grind the kills, but there are enough enemies to get it the first time.
Got to Destroy the Brain: Use Executions on 20 basic Haunted.
Very simple achievement, beat the enemies till there stunned and execute them. I would recommend just grinding this at the start in the first torment room that appears after you enter and exit the first save area that is to the left of the painting in the house.
Home Invasion: Clear the first and second floors of the manor house in The Executioner.
The Craftsman's Tools: Clear the basement of the manor house in The Executioner.
I've Got Box of Steel: Clear The Executioner without taking any damage.
I recommend saving this one up for New Game ++.
At this point you should have already completed the last Torment and got infinite ammunition for all of your weapons. This will help you a lot because you will be able to spam the rocket launcher on all of the bosses and beat them all in no time.
Make sure to save at any time possible so you can always load your last save point if you took any damage by accident.
As I said, I recommend using the rocket launcher for every boss except the last one. Usually it will knock the boss down so you will be able to shoot the next rocket before he even gets up. Just be sure to go into cover for the long ranged boss fights to take no damage.
For the last boss I recommend throwing the wire-traps down on the spots where he needs to be hit by the spikes. This will trap him and give you enough time to pull the lever so don't bother attacking him with anything else.
You Had This Coming: Get payback on the cop who took down your predecessor.
This boss fight will appear in New Game +.
It's located on the second floor behind a locked door which opens up after you beat all the bosses in the area and the bloodstream downstairs opens your progress route. There will also be a little scene showing you the location.
You will fight Sebastian in the same area you fought Joseph.
The fight can be quite challenging but I recommend using the rocket launcher which seems to kill him in just 2 hits.
The achievement will pop right after you beat him and it will also unlock a new weapon the golden hammer which you will need for the "I might close early" achievement.
In the following section you will find all the collectables sorted by type. This will help you in the clean-up phase of your journey to Every Nook and Cranny. In New Game+, just hit the options button and head over to the archives section. Here you can view all of your in-game documents. Use the tables below to find out what you are missing.
Personal Documents
Chapter 2
Log Entry - November 2004: You will find a shed with your first blood stained door. Inside, you will find this file on the table. You need to collect it in order to activate the mirror.

Chapter 3
Log Entry - December 2004: Right after the first checkpoint in the room with the blood stained door(the music room).The file is in the small table next to the bathtub. You need to collect it to activate the mirror.

Chapter 4
Log Entry - February 2005: Back outside search for the next blood stained door. You should hear the music playing nearby. The file is nailed to the door.

Chapter 5
Log Entry - March 2005: Behind the blood stained door you will find this file on the left. Again it is needed to trigger the mirror.
Wedding Invitation: After you got separated from your colleagues you will come to another blood stained door. The file is sitting on the bed.

Chapter 6
Log Entry - May 2006: Near the elevator there is also another blood stained door. Head inside to find a file on a toppled locker.

Chapter 7
Lily's Birth Announcement: Adjacent to the huge hall where you have to insert the three lithographs you will find another room with a blood stained door. Head inside and the file will be in plain sight.

Chapter 8
Log Entry - June 2009: In the circular room you will notice a gurney with a glowing personal file waiting to be picked up.

Chapter 9
Krimson Post Article: Enter the mansion and find the blood stained door in the main hall. The file is on the sink, collect it to activate the mirror.

Chapter 10
Log Entry - February 2012: Keep following the path and soon enough you will hear music again. Go through the blood stained door and check out another piece of medical equipment with a personal file on it.

Chapter 11
Log Entry - July 2012: Look out for the blood-stained door in the office area. You will find the diary behind that door.
Log Entry - August 2012: After the short cutscene where you can see Joseph in the distance you will come to another blood stained door. You will find a personal file in the room behind it. Collect it to activate the mirror.

Chapter 13
Log Entry - September 2012: After the cut-scene, check out the bedside table in the half destroyed sleeping room. Collecting this will activate another picture/mirror...

Chapter 14
Myra's Death: Go to the blood stained door right before the escalators, you will find this file on the toilet. Collecting it will activate the mirror. Use it to get to the save room.
Log Entry - December 2012: You will find the next blood stained door in a rather disgusting hallway. Head inside, collect this file and activate the mirror in the process.

Chapter 15
Internal Affairs Transcript: Back in the save room again. You are forever alone, but at least you will find a personal file on the counter.
Chapter 1
Sewer (Old): This one will be right in your path. You'll find it while limping through the sewers, in front of a wheelchair, shortly before reaching the boiler room.
Boiler Room: Shortly after the first Document you will have to climb a ladder. At the top you will see a desk with a lamp behind some bars. The document is on top of that desk.

Chapter 2
Lakeside Town: Back in the village there will be a cutscene in which two beautiful zombies are going to be introduced to you. Check out their bonfire and you will find this document.

Chapter 4
Villager: In the village you will find a house with a burning shrieking ghost bursting through the door. Go inside and squeeze through a gap in the right corner and you will find this document on the bed in the adjacent room.

Chapter 5
Underground Facility: In the tiled room with the holes in the middle of the walls you will find this document on a round table in one of the rooms.

Chapter 6
Graveyard: You will find the graveyard note... in the graveyard! Who would have thought? It will be next to Joseph who is gonna be admiring a horse.
Cemetary Lab #1: After the room with the altar puzzle get into the elevator. Once up follow the hallway and you will find this document on a brightly lit desk.
Cemetary Lab #2: Follow the next hallway and you will come to a dark chamber. The document is lying on the floor next to a corpse.

Chapter 7
Catacombs: Down in the catacombs, get the first lithograph. The wall will rise, opening a room with this document waiting on a table.

Chapter 8
Cave: You will come to a hallway with buckets of dried blood on the floor, spikes on the walls and an unfortunate corpse who obviously triggered a trap. The document is on the floor.
Research Facility: In the circular room you will notice a gurney and a machine. Is it part of an iron lung? Is it an old fashioned p**** enlargment device? Who knows, but there is a document sitting on it.

Chapter 9
Dining Room: From the main hallway, go left into the dining room (Resident Evil much?) - you will find a document on the table.
Ruvik's Room: From the main hallway head upstairs, then go through the door on the left. Turn right, then use the next door on the left. Inside, you will find a desk with this document on it.
Music Room: From the main hallway, take the door on the right. Follow the path until you get to the music room This document is unmissable since you can't progress any further in the story without picking it up.

Chapter 10
Mansion Basement: Go down the ladder into the basement of the mansion. Head down the path and you will come to another blood stained door. Don't go through it yet but check out the table to its left.

Chapter 15
Sewer (New): Remember the sewer where you found the very first document? Well, you will visit this place again, with a new document lying in the exact same spot as the first one (next to the wheelchair).
Map Fragments
Chapter 2
1 Still in the save room, check the floor behind the lobotomy chair to find your first map fragment..
2 In the village, look out for a cabin on top of a hill on the right. Inside, you will find another map fragment sitting on the couch.
3 In the final part, where you encounter a large group of people feasting on corpses, there is a cabin to the very left (from the entry). You will find the fragment in there.

Chapter 3
4 Right after the first checkpoint in the room with the blood stained door(the music room). Check out the floor and you will notice another map fragment.

Chapter 4
5 At the very start of the chapter, instead of following Marcello to his brother's office, go to the left. There will be a a cabin with a chest and the map fragment besides.
6 If you have already opened lockers in the save room check out the floor in your 'cell' Otherwise you will find this in NG+. Same counts for map fragment 7:
7 Go down the hallway to where the nurse is. The door opposite your 'cell' will open, you will find a map fragment sitting on the sink in there.

Chapter 5
8 Just outside the room with the blood stained door, just below a wall saying "He's watching, we can't leave" look for the fragment on the floor.
9 After a little chat with Joseph you will need to climb a ladder. Once up there, turn left and find the map fragment near the double door.
10 After you got separated from your colleagues you will come to another blood stained door. The map fragment is just behind the door on the right.

Chapter 6
11 Next to the elevator door which is blocked by the corps you will find another map fragment on the floor.
12 After a short cut scene with Joseph look for this fragment on a cage next to a rather disgusting table.

Chapter 7
13 In a church, who wouldn't check out the altar?

Chapter 8
14 Keep following the path until the walls start to pulse again. You will end up in a hospital hallway. Turn around and check the area behind you for another fragment.

Chapter 9
15 After you have picked up the newspaper check out the hallway with the patient cells. You are in for a surprise! After the meeting at the sunflower you will be transferred to yet another area. The map fragment is immediately to the right.
16 Leave Ruvik's room, turn left and go down the hallway. Turn right at its end and then take the first door on the right. The map fragment is sitting on the rim of the bathtube.
17 After the huge mannequin heads tried to smash you, you will find this document on the table in the room you end up in.

Chapter 10
18 After inserting the battery head over to the ladder leading down. Do not go down yet but check out the small storage room on the left. There you will find a map fragment sitting on a shelf.
19 After all those vicious traps you will come to a room with glowing stampers. Avoid being hit, then climb the ladder. You will need to crawl through a couple of rooms, there is a map fragment leaning against the wall of one of them.
20 After you have escaped from the shrieking beast you will end up in a well-known entrance hall again. The fragment is leaning against the former blood-stained door in the far left.

Chapter 11
21 When you are in the collapsing building look out for a room with a jukebox in it. You do not want to miss the adjacent room since you will find the Magnum there. The map fragment is in the same room, it is hanging on the wall.
22 Right after the annoying passage with the moving platform you will find this fragment on the crumpled floor Jump down to the lower level and turn around and you will see it. You will have to crouch to get it.
23 Outside with Kidman in tow you will open a door and Sebstian will ask her about nosebleeds. Turn left immediately after this door and you will find a narrow alley with a map fragment.

Chapter 12
24 This one is in the ambulance, immidiately on the right behind the door.

Chapter 13
25 Later in the level you will come to a hallway with blood stains on the floor. The map fragment is in one of the rooms leading away from this hallway.

Chapter 14
26 Down in the subway area you will find a door next to the ticket machines on the right-hand side. Head inside and go to the rearmost room to find the fragment on a work desk.
27 You will come to yet another blood stained door. Go inside and check out the machines on the right, there is a map fragment on one of them.

Chapter 15
28 After leaving the elevator head outside and turn left immediately. Go down a couple of stairs and find this map fragment at the end of the hallway.
Newspaper Articles
Chapter 2
Bodies Found in Lakeside Town: When you wake up in the save room check the desk for this newspaper.
Serial Killer on the Loose: Use the mirror and check out the news paper rack in the reception area to find this paper...

Chapter 3
Serial Killings continue: Off through the mirror you go. Check out the newspaper rack opposite to the grandfather clock for this article.

Chapter 4
Missing Patient Found: Enter the cabin and interact with the mirror. Check the newspaper rack in the save room.

Chapter 5
Investigation Stalls in Serial KillerCase: Through the mirror you go! You will end up in the hallway. Go to the reception area and you will find this newspaper on the reception desk.
Mental Patients Claim Abuse: After a little chat with Joseph you will need to climb a ladder and find the next blood stained door. Open it and interact with the mirror and you will find this paper on the newspaper rack.
Missing Parishioner Found in Mental Hospital: After you got separated from your colleagues head through the mirror behind the blood stained door and you will end up near the newspaper rack.

Chapter 6
Church Floor Collapses: You will come to your senses in the save room again - this time in the room with all the file cabinets. Check out the table for this article.
KCPD Officer Missing: Using the mirror behind the blood stained door near the elevator you will once again end up in the save room. Head over to the reception and check out the newspaper rack.
Pastor under Investigation: After a short cut scene with Joseph, in the next room the well known music will announce yet another blood stained door. Interact with the mirror and you will find the newspaper on the newspaper rack.

Chapter 7
Catacombs Found Beneath Parish: Interact with the mirror and the newspaper will jump right into your face.

Chapter 9
Estate Fire Claims Children: Back in the save room, leave your cell and interact with the spooky pictue in the reception. This will take you to an alternate version of the reception. This version has a newspaper on Tatiana's desk.
Bodies Found Near Countryside Estate: Interact with the mirror and you will be back in the hallway of the patient's wing. Turn around and check out the newspaper rack. It is almost too easy, isn't it?

Chapter 10
Wealthy Land Owner and Wife Die in Car Crash: Now it is time to check out the save room again. Interact with the mirror behind the blood stained door and check out the newspaper rack.
Home Destroyed by Fire: On the counter in the save room, near the save point. The blood-stained door in this chapter is right in your path and can hardly be missed.
Investigation Uncovers Irregularities at Mental Hospital: You will come to a special blood-stained door with someone banging at it from the other side. Examine it and you will be taken to the save room again. It's sitting on the newspaper stand.

Chapter 11
Mutilated Body Found in Sewer: During chapter 11 you will be sucked into a totally filthy version of the save room. Check the usual newspaper rack for the latest issue.
Serial Killer Investigator Missing: After interacting with the mirror this newspaper will jump right into your face.

Chapter 13
Century Old Mansion Burned to the Ground: Can you believe it is in the save room?

Chapter 14
Office Linked to Foreign Intelligence Burned: Latest issue of your favorite newspaper in the save room.
Mental Hospital Case Sealed: Inside the last save point. For once, the newspaper is not on the newspaper stand and not on the desk, but on the floor behind the counter, next to a puddle of blood.
Missing Person Reports
Chapter 2
Leslie Withers: Check out the bulletin board on the reception area the second time through.
Sebastian Castellanos(NG+ Only!): Leave your cell and follow the nurse to the reception area. Check out the bulletin board for this poster.

Chapter 3
Oscar Connelly: Off through the mirror you go. Check out the bulletin board next to the grandfather clock for this poster.

Chapter 4
Dr. Valerio Jimenez: Enter the cabin and interact with the mirror. Check the bulletin board.

Chapter 5
Fernando Cabrera: After you got separated from your colleagues head through the mirror behind the blood stained door and you will end up next to the bulletin board with this poster.

Chapter 6
Pastor Salvador Garciano: After a short cut scene with Joseph, in the next room the well known music will announce yet another blood stained door. Interact with the mirror and you will find the poster on the bulletin board.

Chapter 7
Chris Taylor: Interact with the mirror and you will find this poster on the bulletin board.

Chapter 9
Ruben Victoriano: Interact with the mirror and you will be back in the hallway of the patient's wing. Turn around and check out the bulletin board, if you really know where to look by now.

Chapter 10
Patrick Higgins: On the bulletin board in the save room.
Dr. Marcelo Jimenez: You will come to a special blood-stained door with someone banging at it from the other side. Examine it and you will be taken to the save room again. You will find the note on the bulletin board as usual.

Chapter 11
Arnold Brown: Opposite of the newspaper rack. The bulletin board. As usual.

Chapter 13
Joseph Oda: Climbing down some rubble you will come to a hallway with another blood stained door. The door will take you directly to the save room. Check out the bulletin board.

Chapter 14
Ivan Diaz: Again on the dull'etin...
Tatiana Gutierrez: Once in the last save room, you will find Tatiana staring at a missing person poster on the bulletin board.

Chapter 15
Child: Back in the save room again. You are forever alone, but at least you will find a poster on the bulletin board.
Audio Logs
Chapter 3
Experiment # 4: Back in the village you will find this in an upstairs room of one of the houses. It is sitting on an armchair next to a hanged woman.

Chapter 5
Assimilated Consciousness: Look through another hole in the wall of the tiled room to make the door appear, then find this audio log on the desk on the left.

Chapter 6
Ernesto Victoriano: You will find this one outside. You will come to an area with a fountain with a huge angel. Ignore it and follow the path to the right. You should come across a rotten bedsheet hanging across the path. Keep following the path until you see some crates and barrels on the right. The audio log is waiting on one of the crates.

Chapter 7
Guardian: Back in the catacombs insert the first lithograph, then follow the hallway on the right. The audio log will be sitting on a table with an oil lamp at the end of this hallway.

Chapter 8
AlterEgo: Shortly after you had to squeeze through a gap you will find this log on the left. It is really hard to miss.

Chapter 9
Psychic Barriers: Leave the bathroom, turn right and follow the hallway all the way to the end. There you will find a room with an audio log on a round table with an oil lamp.

Chapter 10
Laura: You will come to a couple of hallways. The walls will pulse again, making the environment change. From the hallway with the gurneys which suddenly decide to avoid gravity turn left, then check out the bed on the left. There is an audio log waiting for you.

Chapter 11
Searching: Still in the same open space office with the blood stained door you will find this audio log in a corner. The room is rather dark so make sure not to miss this one.

Chapter 15
Imprisoned: After having climbed down an annoyingly long ladder you will go through a mesh wire door. Turn left right after this and you will find this audio log on a barrel at the end of the corridor.
Betrayal: Head up the circular staircase and open the first door on the right. The last audio log will wait in the far right-hand corner.
Keys 1/2
Chapter 2
Key #1: To get the first key, look to the left of the metal gates before entering the town. The statue is on a half stone wall. Smash it with a melee attack to get the key.
Key #2: Through the gate, continue into the town and follow the right path at the campfire to an optional building up the hill. Go inside and enter the first room down the hallway. There’s a box on the small sink.

Chapter 3
Key #3: This one is tricky to get without acquiring the Sniper Rifle first. In the main mission area, take care of the sniper, then look on the wooden struts of the tall watchtower. Shoot it to collect the key behind the tower.
Key #4: In the same area, walk down the main exterior path and look on the stone wall between the burning two-story house (where the sniper was waiting on the terrace) and the barn. Shoot the statue on the stone wall to drop it to the ground.
Key #5: Go up to the terrace and look across at the windows of the mansion where the doctor hid. From the terrace stairs, look at the upper back window. The statue is hanging from a rope over the glass. Shoot it to drop a key.
Key #6: The last key is in the second floor of the barn. Climb the ladder up to a small room with a fourth and final key in the chapter.

Chapter 4
Key #7: To get the key in this chapter, enter the hospice and go to the operating room where the doctor is butchering the presumably dead patient. Kill the doctor, check the X-Ray, then interact with the body. Jab the knife inside, and you’ll get a key along with your jump scare.
Key #8: After meeting Ruvik and falling into the bloody body disposal room, look for a switch on the wall perpendicular with the catwalk. Pull the lever twice and a statue will dump out inside of a body.

Chapter 5
Key #9: This one is tricky. After dropping down through the hole in the floor past the bathroom, look around the room with the baby doll on a round table. There’s a rat scurrying around inside with the statue attached to the top.
Key #10: After shutting down the water trap and freeing Kidman, Sebastian needs to return to the cell block downstairs. Smash the first lock on the left and go inside to destroy the statue on the bed.
Key #11: Fend off the blood-spawning woman, then return to the room where she appeared. Open the tall locker in the back corner, and a bird with the statue will appear. Shoot the bird to drop the statue to the ground.

Chapter 6
Key #12: At the start of the chapter, head down the sea-side cliffs to a small ruined structure. Inside, there’s a body hanging over one window. Burn the body with a match to reveal a hidden statue — or just nudge it out of the way!
Key #13: In the huge destroyed area where spear-gunners are shooting from boxes, use the Sniper Rifle to look on the tower. Look high above the box-gunners, there’s a metal ledge circling the tower with a statue smack in the center. Shoot it and the key will drop down to the tower door below.
Key #14: In the abandoned marketplace, stick to the right boundary of the area. Behind a wheelbarrow are two stacked breakable crates. Smash them and crawl under the hole in the stone wall. There’s a hidden statue down the path.
Key #15: Dropping down into the catacombs, you’ll enter a sacrificial chamber with four slabs. On the left, there are body bags on hooks moving down a line. Wait in the fence opening and wait until a body cycles by with a statue attached to it’s back.

Chapter 7
Key #16: After removing the Old Lithograph, the catacomb wall will slide open. Straight ahead and slightly left there’s a table with a lockbox helmet. Open it to get an easy key.
Key #17: In the hub area where Sebastian needs to acquire three lithographs, go through the right door. Inside the first room with a dropping spike trap, use the switch to lower the platform. Step on and ride up until it stops. On one of the pillars there’s a statue you can destroy.
Key #18: Moving on down the path to the larger spike ceiling trap room, the one with the crank device to open the exit gate, continue forward to another smaller spike trap right before the lithograph wall. Use the lever to lower the platform, then ride it up to a secret cache area.
Key #19: There’s yet another key in this path. To the left of the crank door, several monsters will burst out when you attempt to turn it. Go through the unlocked double doors where there’s a guillotine. Return here after completing the left path and turning off the poison gas. When the gas is gone, go down the pathway to a sacrificial area where tons of items can be found, including a key.

Chapter 8
Key #20: This one is hard to miss. Eventually in the caves Sebastian will turn a crank to open a door. The statue attached to the chain will lower into your view.
Key #21: Past the next crank gate, Sebastian will drop into the water. Stick to the right wall and continue until reaching an area where there are waterfalls. Behind one of the streams there’s a semi-hidden statue.
Key #22: In the circular room where the strange system disappears (the STEM is missing) from the last time you entered, look at the double doors blocked by pipes. On the vertical pipe, a statue is poking out of the top hole.

Chapter 9
Key #23: In the mansion courtyard, look in the branches of the dead tree to the right of the front doors.
Key #24: Enter the dining room path and into the stock room where Ruben’s experiment is located. On one of the shelving units, look on top near the wall to find a statue.
Key #25: Go upstairs and open the double doors into the gallery. Look up at the ceiling skylight where a statue is stuck to one of the corners.
Key #26: Inside the back bedroom where one of the brain experiments can be found through the fireplace passage, look on the desk with the record player.
Key #27: In the burning barn, ride the lift up to the exit window. Don’t leave yet, burn the hay bails in the right corner to reveal a secret statue.
Keys 2/2
Chapter 10
Key #28: Down the ladder in the basement, there’s a door on the left surrounded with spike traps. Don’t let them scare you. Go inside and smash the crates in the back corner to find a hidden statue.
Key #29: The next key can be found before entering the maze to activate the spinning traps. Return to the “hub” area where the locked gate blocks your path. There’s a small chamber with low spikes. Shoot the statue, then you’ll be safe to sneak in and grab the key.
Key #30: Inside the maze, you’ll eventually encounter a single heat lamp crusher near a door. Shoot the statue in the back corner when the crushed extends, then crawl into the alcove to collect the key.
Key #31: To get the last key in this chapter, you’ll need to kill the Laura boss instead of just retreating. Do enough damage and she’ll die, but it may take a second playthrough to bring enough ammo and weaponry to bring her down. If she’s dead, instead of retreating to the elevator you can look along the outer edge for a cache of items. That includes a Goddess Statue.

Chapter 11
Key #32: In the opening area of the city, circle around the Merry-Go-Round and step onto the car floating in the water to get as close as possible. The Statue is on a horse, so just wait for it to circle around then smash it to grab the key.
Key #33: After dropping into the water, look for the statue floating nearby. To get it, you’ll need to push it while swimming into the exit tunnel. This is right before you first encounter the deadly water creatures.
Key #34: Crossing two blue pipes into a building with a soda machine on your right, press the button twice to get a statue. Just watch out, press it three times and a proximity bomb will fall out.
Key #35: Once you meet up with Kidman again and fend off the enemies, the double doors will open to reveal a stairwell and an elevator. Press the elevator button to open the doors and grab the statue.
Key #36: Leaving the dark mannequin factory and stepping out onto the exterior catwalk, use the Sniper Rifle to scan the environment. Look on the front edge of the giant crane in the distance. Shoot it, it lands near the blue improvised bridge ahead.

Chapter 13
Key #37: Entering the apartment floor where the Keeper is waiting, sneak down the right path past the barbed-wire mine. Wait for the Keeper to leave, then look in the ruined section. The statue can be seen on the destroyed floor above next to the v-shaped girders. Shoot it and grab the key that falls down to the left of the fire.
Key #38: At the hallway with the Haunted strapped with explosives, enter the door on the right and disarm the trip-wire trap. There’s a statue on the stack of crates inside the side-room.
Key #39: Inside the trapped kitchen, a short cutscene will play revealing the spiked devices that slide around the floor. After the intro plays, move left and look on the metal table for a statue.
Key #40: After the Keeper encounter in the meat locker, you’ll step out of the elevator into a room. Check the slightly-open elevator shaft to the left for another statue.

Chapter 14
Key #41: In the opening hallway of the chapter, you’ll find yourself inside a subway station. Look for a glowing yellow sign with markers for the telephone and bathroom. Between the sign and a ruined pillar, there’s a section of missing ceiling tile. Look above and shoot the statue through the hole.
Key #42: Past the Haunted creature with the Agony Bow, you’ll reach a tunnel with a view of the outside. Look on the right before going through the archway. There’s a Statue visible in the back train car window.
Key #43: In the underground sewers you’ll reach a hallway lined with traps and a fence to the right. Look through it to spot the statue. Go through the passage on the right, guarded by an AlterEgo, and burn through the stretched skin membrane to reach it.
Key #44: Set the panels to power the elevator and fight the boss to use the crank and restore power to the lift. Once the electricity is back on, go right to spot electricity active and creating an opening. Crawl under the electricity and smash the statue embedded in the flesh.
Key #45: Up the lift and just about at the end of the chapter, you’ll find the statue directly in your main path. It’s hard to miss.

Key #46: Randomly found inside the Asylum safes.
Key #47: Randomly found inside the Asylum safes.
68 則留言
Tospow 1 月 20 日 上午 8:11 
Good guide, can you also make one for The Evil Within 2
Lux 2024 年 8 月 31 日 下午 5:39 
Last Newspaper - Ch. 14
Second save point instead of the last one , which is before the boss fight.
The Nurse is supposed to be there to be able to get it.
Ninjamantis 2024 年 8 月 24 日 上午 9:43 
Key - No. #31 :duranceleft::duranceright:
is in the wrong place in the list it should be like 4 spots up
Metaanimursu 2023 年 12 月 18 日 上午 6:25 
Full House is bugged. I've killed more than enough enemies with every bolt and it's not unlocking.
Voltekker 2023 年 11 月 9 日 上午 7:26 
Thank you so much for your guide, man. It's really helping me out.
BEWARE Key #28 as I melee smashed it and it went offlimits or something and I couldn't grab it. Had to do the whole section again. Just shoot the statue.
shade00 birthday~kitty 2023 年 8 月 6 日 下午 7:18 
chapter 7 if anyone took the right path first there is a shortcut to get the last key
directly across from the mirror door is the way to the area
can take the spike grate up for a ladder if needed but dont think it was
so not impossible, just the starter routes blocked off :manekineko:
Tedward Kaczynski 2022 年 11 月 7 日 下午 11:46 
Huge help. Just got every collectible. Great game.
DEUSANAVIT 2022 年 6 月 21 日 下午 6:44 
thx m8 didnt kno hoe 2 unlock her
Vichan 2022 年 1 月 30 日 上午 9:10 
In Chapter 8 you can use a bottle to hit the statue without voiding the 'no shooting' achievement.
dave. 2021 年 5 月 27 日 上午 8:34 
One super useful tip for grinding green gel - when you complete the game, you'll gain access to NG+. Start chapter 3, kill the Sadist in the barn, and then climb up to the attic (tiny room where one of the keys is) - there'll be a crow behind one of the windows. Shoot it and a cutscene will play. 5 new crows will now spawn around the level - 2 around the level's starting area, 2 on the tower and 1 on the gate leading to chapter 4. Kill them all and the last one will drop 100k green gel. Remember not to come too close to them or they'll fly away (if that happens, just reload the last checkpoint). You can repeat this method as many times as you like - finish the level, go to the main menu, start chapter 3 again, rinse and repeat.
I've heard conflicting reports regarding the trick working in regular game, not NG+. Some people say it doesn't at all, others say it works, but gives you "only" 50k of green gel.
Here's a quick vid: