72 valoraciones
Lucifer Mods For Soulmask
Artículos (35)
Larger Box
Creada por Lucifer
Set the capacity of thatched basket, small wooden box, large wooden box, metal storage box, steel box to 60,120,240,480,960 modid:3325143163 This mod fully supports English Lucifer Mod Collection...
Better Portal
Creada por Lucifer
Cancel the construction restrictions on the portal, and now it can be built without the need for foundations or campfires modid:3325034091 Lucifer Mod Collection...
Proficiency 120
Creada por Lucifer
Set the upper limit of proficiency for various professions of barbarians uniformly to 120 or above For example, the proficiency level of logging, mining, collection, and planting in manual labor must be 120, and other proficiency levels are defaulted modid...
Replace 2# 3# hairstyles
Creada por Lucifer
Replace female characters' hairstyles 2# and 3# with hairstyles 4# and 5# modid:3324469527 This mod fully supports English Lucifer Mod Collection...
Run Faster
Creada por Lucifer
Increase the movement speed of tribe members by 50% or 100% modid:3324992590 This mod fully supports English How to run faster: You can make a speed potion in your backpack. After using the potion, the movement speed of the tribe members within 100 meters ...
Better Beehive
Creada por Lucifer
Improved beehive: The upper limit of bees has been changed to 1000, the consumption of bee attractant syrup has been reduced to 1 per time, the production speed of bees has been accelerated, and the production speed of honey and beeswax has been greatly in...
Better Icehouse
Creada por Lucifer
Adjust the capacity of the icehouse from 36 to 120 modid:3325589784 This mod fully supports English Lucifer Mod Collection...
Better Well
Creada por Lucifer
Cancel the restrictions that water wells must be built within the campfire area and on the ground modid:3325560553 Lucifer Mod Collection...
Better Bonfire
Creada por Lucifer
Adjust the radius of the five campfires from 50 meters to 100 meters modid:3325592770 Lucifer Mod Collection...
Better Flooring
Creada por Lucifer
The 5 types of floor in game will have a foundation support effect, so you will be able to lay the floor infinitely! modID:3325629900 Precautions 1. This mod is only effective for the original ceiling and triangular ceiling 2. After subscribing, it needs t...
Recruitable Bosses [Work Version]
Creada por Lucifer
Adjust all wild people in the game, except for scouts, to be recruitable, including raiders, elite, leaders, and Hui Guangzhe! modid:3331511657  Update supports version 11.25 Attention: 1.I have replaced the AI of all bosses with that of regular NPCs. Som...
Delete Hobby Gift
Creada por Lucifer
Delete all hobby gift. modid:3327030980 This mod fully supports English Lucifer Mod Collection...
Delete Bad Gift
Creada por Lucifer
Delete all bad gift. modid:3326990719 This mod fully supports English Lucifer Mod Collection...
Proficiency Max
Creada por Lucifer
Set the upper limit of proficiency for various professions of barbarians uniformly to 150 For example,The non combat proficiency of laborers, miscellaneous workers, and craftsmen must be 150. modid:3326941063 Note: This mod has stopped maintenance. If you ...
Glass Building
Creada por Lucifer
A series of glass buildings Made in the construction workshop and doesn't require learning.Items called"Frosted Glass Roof Kit","Frosted glass support kit","Frosted Glass Wall Kit" and "Clear Glass Building Kit". modid:3344831027 This mod fully supports En...
Transfer Panel2.0
Creada por Lucifer
The teleportation panel allows you to instantly transfer to your campfire, bonfire, portal, clan, and wherever you want to go modId:3337606257 Usage: 1、Produce the“Shadow Soul Lamp” in your backpack. 2、place it in the shortcut bar and equip it. 3、Click on ...
Creada por Lucifer
A customizable mini map modid:3348014592 This mod fully supports English Minimap configuration method: 1. Press "Home" to open the configuration panel. 2. Adjust configuration items according to personal preferences 3. When re entering the game, the last a...
Satellite Minimap
Creada por Lucifer
A customizable satellite minimap modid:3348696336 This mod fully supports English Minimap configuration method: 1. Press Enter to bring up the mouse (or open the backpack interface) 2. Click on the compass in the upper right corner of the screen 3. Adjust ...
Creada por Lucifer
Adjust the stacking number of all items except weapons, armor, and tools to 10000, and adjust the weight to 0.0001 modid: 3350047118 Precautions 1. If there are any props that should not be stacked but are mistakenly stacked, please report to me Update log...
Creada por Lucifer
Adjust the stacking number of all items except weapons, armor, and tools to 100000, and adjust the weight to 0.00001 modid:3350049311 Precautions 1. If there are any props that should not be stacked but are mistakenly stacked, please report to me Update lo...
Bigger And Smaller
Creada por Lucifer
Two potions can respectively enlarge or shrink the clan member's model The potion is made in the backpack and is called“Amplification Potion"and "Shrinking Potion”. It does not affect the attributes and can be reused. If there is no real-time change after ...
肾上腺素 Adrenaline
Creada por Lucifer
使用肾上腺素后将周围50m范围内族人的攻速、流血效率、体力上限提升200% MODID:3354463493 用法 1、无需学习,背包里制作,道具名字:“肾上腺素”,长期有效 注意 1、效果比较变态,介意勿用,我不会制作其他版本 After using adrenaline, the attack speed, bleeding efficiency, and physical strength limit of the tribe members within a 50m range will be in...
Creada por Lucifer
使用科技石碑后科技点增加5000点 使用古代学者石碑后直接解锁“古代学者”成就 使用圣学者石碑后直接解锁“圣学者”成就 MODID: 3355691858 用法: 1、配方无需学习,背包里制作,道具名字:"科技石碑",“古代学者石碑”,“圣学者石碑“ 注意: 1、其他成就我都解锁了,就剩这俩坑爹成就,因此我不再制作其他成就的版本 2、No English support Lucifer Mod 合集 ...
Creada por Lucifer
使用熟练度药剂后目标所有熟练度上限强制变为150,熟练度强制变为30、60、90、120、150(5个版本) MODID: 3356077356 用法: 1、配方无需学习,背包里制作,道具名字:“熟练度30药剂”、“熟练度60药剂”、“熟练度90药剂”、“熟练度120药剂”、“熟练度150药剂” 注意: 1、效果比较变态,介意勿用,我不再制作其他版本 2、No English support Lucifer Mod 合集 ...
范围回血 Range Healing
Creada por Lucifer
使用“神一品绷带”和“神一品药剂”可为周围20米范围内的族人同时回血 MODID:3356075447 用法: 1、配方无需学习,背包里制作,道具名字:"神一品绷带",“神一品药剂” 注意: 1、回复效果分别为精制绷带和生血膏的效果,我不再制作其他版本 Use "God's First-class Bandage" and "God's First-class Potion" to restore blood for tribesmen within a 20-meter radius at the sam...
Creada por Lucifer
使用“地沟油”可将20米范围内的所有族人寒抗、炎抗、毒抗、辐抗提高50,体力提高50% MODID:3356076564 用法: 1、配方无需学习,背包里制作,道具名字:"地沟油” 注意: 1、效果比较变态,介意勿用,我不再制作其他版本 2、No English support Lucifer Mod 合集 ...
Creada por Lucifer
提高装备品质加成效果(原版白色-红色:100%-125%)→(MOD白色-红色:100%-200%) MODID: 3356078720 用法: 1、在主菜单MOD页面内勾选激活即可,制作装备自动生效 注意: 1、我不再制作其他版本 2、No English support Lucifer Mod 合集 ...
Recruitable Bosses [Battle Version]
Creada por Lucifer
Adjust all the wildlings in the game except scouts to be recruitable, including pillagers, elites, and leaders! modid: 3356669189 Update supports version 11.25 Note: 1. The AI ​​of the boss in this version has not been changed, so the recruited boss will n...
Creada por Lucifer
重铸魔剑·魄心,获得天魔·路西法的强大力量 MODID:3358887888 No English Support 新建筑: 剑冢:重铸”魄心“的锻炉,无需学习,背包制作 新武器: 魄心:原为天魔·路西法的佩剑,在上古帝陨之战中被天帝封印,经过重铸可逐步获得强大的力量 新道具: 龙精石:使用五大金字塔神兽灵魂精炼而成的结晶,是重铸“魄心”的必备材料 荒天血玉:“魄心”的魂石,将其铸入”魄心“可使魄心达到完全体形态 新攻击动作: 旋风斩:普通攻击【四段360°伤害】 千军斩:蓄力攻击【二段横向伤害】 碎神斩:...
Creada por Lucifer
MODID:3370618571 使用须知: 1、本模组为“天荒神域”服务器定制模组,不接受任何问题反馈和功能拆分建议。 2、本模组存在以下问题且无法修复,请慎重考虑是否使用:mod天花板漏雨、招募的boss无法工作睡觉、族人有时无法拿取材料。 3、本模组与我的其他模组均不兼容,与其他模组兼容性未测试,且不会进行兼容。 4、服务器添加mod方法:开服bat添加:-mod=\"3370618571\" 5、No English Support。 更新日志: 2024.11.25 正式发布 2024.11.26...
Creada por Lucifer
将准心瞄准50m内的蛮人以显示详细信息 MODID: 3374427602 说明 1、本模组仅支持单机模式,服务器、联机模式请使用面甲A镜模组 2、可显示信息:品质、等级、姓名、生命值、认可度、是否可招募、五维属性、天赋、熟练度。 3、在主菜单勾选模组后即可显示信息,游戏内按End键可关闭/开启信息显示 4、非失效不更新 English Version Lucifer Mod合集 ...
Creada por Lucifer
使用”望远镜“瞄准50m范围内的蛮人以显示详细信息,我们面甲也要拥有自己的A镜! MODID: 3376300398 说明 1、本模组为信息扫描模组的服务器适配版本,与信息扫描模组的区别是本模组可以在服务器、联机模式正常获取数据并显示,但因为服务器数据同步问题,显示信息会有一定延迟,如游玩单机模式,建议使用信息扫描模组 2、可显示信息:品质、等级、姓名、生命值、认可度、是否可招募、五维属性、天赋、熟练度。 3、背包内制造“望远镜”物品,瞄准蛮人以显示信息,无需学习科技 4、非失效不更新 English Ve...
Telescope: English Version
Creada por Lucifer
Use the telescope to aim at the barbarian to display more information MODID:3377107031 Description 1. Information that can be displayed: Quality, level, name, health value, recognition, whether it can be recruited, five-dimensional attributes, talent, prof...
更好的台阶 Better Stair
Creada por Lucifer
将5种原版台阶和半高台阶调整为无限支撑,意味着你可以建造天梯! ModID: 3387839028 【Mod大赛】 1、本Mod已参加小黑盒Mod大赛 ,如果你喜欢我的Mod,请为我投一票 注意事项 1、Mod仅对游戏原版台阶生效 2、订阅后需在主菜单—Mod菜单内勾选后方可生效 更新日志 1、已适配2024.12.20版本 Adjust 5 original steps and half height steps to infinite support, which means you can build...
1000叠加 Stack1000
Creada por Lucifer
将除了武器、护甲、工具外所有物品叠加数调整为1000,未调整重量 ModID: 3387821322 【Mod大赛】 1、本Mod已参加小黑盒Mod大赛 ,如果你喜欢我的Mod,请为我投一票 注意事项 1、如果有哪些不应叠加而误叠加的道具,请向我报告 2、订阅后需在主菜单—Mod菜单内勾选后方可生效 更新日志 1、已适配2024.12.20版本 Adjust the max stack of all items except weapons, armor, and tools to 1000 without...