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BETA - Item Controls
26.214 KB
2024年9月4日 6時15分
2024年10月18日 7時23分
6 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

BETA - Item Controls

- Set up for co-op not working fully yet (can't select the menu (IN CO-OP) but pre-configured set ups from setting up in single player will work)

Normal version available here:

Adds a very basic menu (visible at difficulty options section before each run) which enables user to add or remove items/weapons/upgrades from the games pools for the run.

Comes with an enable/disable button to allow easy revert to the normal pools.

Does not allow user to remove an element if it is the last element of that type for that tier. For example, the one consumable in the game cannot be removed from its list as this breaks the list for consumables (at common tier to be explicit).
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2024年11月1日 3時28分
item restrictions
24 件のコメント
jimmyblok2011 2024年12月12日 8時46分 
whn i click on items in the menu my game freezes and after 1 minute crashes :(
RandoBonanzo 2024年11月30日 20時43分 
How do you access the menu?
VioletGrey\\TTV 2024年11月13日 18時01分 
ElPip 2024年10月27日 11時21分 
@GreyGuy: can confirm with game version
unique items are not unique
uniques are ok without the mod installed
GreyGuy 2024年10月26日 11時34分 
@starkandco thanks for the update. it seems like after this update item limits was removed from the mod. could we have a switch to turn them back on? i would prefer to play with limits (set items, true uniques)
[SGSL] starkandco  [作成者] 2024年10月18日 7時32分 
I put up an update for the DLC but I had to delete my existing downloaded version for it to be reinstalled by steam. If others find this is the case could you let me know. I have yet to solve the other issues but I'll try dedicate some time to these soon.
->Cana-BeatZ<- 2024年10月12日 1時53分 
@Seiya yes I have the same problems since the last game updates(beta-dlc), just wait I´m sure the developer will fix the problems he was very fast after the beta update too.
Seiya 2024年10月11日 0時27分 
I am having a problem that was commented on a while ago. If I get a crate, the game closes right after the battle finishes. If I do not get one, it closes right after I chose a level upgrade.

My running thought is that it imported my non-beta setup and it is missing entries or is not compatible.

When I first looked at the item list, after loading the mod, it showed a lot of weapons being unmarked that are new to the beta.

I know some items are missing with the best example being that I can see the broken mirror, but the unbroken one is nowhere in the list.

I cannot find where the lists are saved. I want to see what happens if I completely reset them.
->Cana-BeatZ<- 2024年10月8日 13時11分 
runs very nice and you can finally banish stupid items like "toture" from your runs.
I was really upset that I had to play without it to play beta dlc^^
GreyGuy 2024年10月2日 14時48分 
@starkandco the purple "toolbox" isn't listed.