Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

Tec-9 | Glued Paper (Synchrony)
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무기: Tec-9
무기 도색 스타일: 산화 처리 및 에어브러시
태그: 무기 도색, CS2
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45.557 MB
2024년 8월 15일 오후 3시 12분
2024년 8월 16일 오후 5시 38분
업데이트 노트 1개 (보기)

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MGBazz님의 1 모음집
아이템 217개
The Synchrony Pattern

This pattern shows fish swimming together in synchrony.
Schooling has two advantages: hydrodynamic efficiency and predator avoidance.

The Glued Paper Collection

With this collection, I try to give a new breath to random pattern skins.
Glued Paper is available for all weapons and will feature many patterns.
Basically: I created a mask of glued paper with tears and tape. The normal and ambient occlusion maps give the paper a fiber texture and creases.
The different patterns are applied using the triplanar projection of the Anodized Airbrush finish. The mask is arranged with the purpose to hide the parts where the projection is blurry or stretched.
All patterns include a roughness map. And because Anodized Airbrush is a metallic finish, I can give to the paper a very glossy effect.

Alternative colors
Here are the alternative colors because I don't want to flood the workshop with duplicated posts.
// Alternative 1 Color0: 39 52 91 Color1: 131 92 167 Color2: 199 197 187 Color3: 59 58 109 // Alternative 2 Color0: 46 59 37 Color1: 96 129 69 Color2: 199 197 187 Color3: 49 63 39 // Alternative 3 Color0: 76 61 19 Color1: 174 146 82 Color2: 199 197 187 Color3: 63 48 30 // Alternative 4 Color0: 77 47 67 Color1: 191 113 178 Color2: 199 197 187 Color3: 57 45 65