Prehistoric Hunt

Prehistoric Hunt

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Abandoned Park
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13 Thg08 @ 2:58pm
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Abandoned Park

Mô tả

Embark in the World of Jurassic Park. Preton INC. has purchased the park. After many failed attempts. Preton has decided the park is too dangerous to set up and has tasked big game hunters to thin out the specimens and in some cases capture the dinosaurs alive. As a hunter you will be paid handsomely, apply at your own risk. Welcome to Jurassic Park!
34 bình luận
ATP ENGINEER 21 Thg12 @ 8:23am 
np! keep the good work!
Danny Rico  [tác giả] 19 Thg12 @ 5:13pm 
Thank you ATP so much :steamhappy:
ATP ENGINEER 18 Thg12 @ 12:49pm 
the only thing i can say is ":steamthumbsup:"
Danny Rico  [tác giả] 14 Thg12 @ 3:46pm 
Thank you so much ben! Im glad you like it
ben 6 Thg12 @ 2:06am 
Danny Rico  [tác giả] 29 Thg08 @ 2:12pm 
Ill defiantly try to schedule that in 29 Thg08 @ 12:36am 
and a little swamp 29 Thg08 @ 12:36am 
to be more dinos 29 Thg08 @ 12:36am 
Instructions for beech forest map very small hills oleanders beech trees and make some beech trees and oleanders make them small and some rocks and cool locations and do the map large 29 Thg08 @ 12:31am 
Can you do a beech forest map?