STAR WARS™: Bounty Hunter™

STAR WARS™: Bounty Hunter™

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Turbo Shooting
Por BleppyBoo
So you want to shoot crazy fast in Bounty Hunter? Don't know why Turbo doesn't work for triggers? Here I show you how to get them to work! - Credit to u/Mister-Walkway on the Steam Deck subreddit for the original post!
Starting Off
Open Up your Steam Input Controller Settings on the library Entry then click on "Edit Layout"
Trigger Set Up
Click on the Gear Icon next to the "Right Trigger Behavior" line. Here you will find different options for it.
You will want to change the "Threshhold Trigger Style" from "Hair Trigger" to "Simple Threshhold" as well as change the "Trigger Threshold Point" from the default 10000 to 2000 or lower.

This will make it so there is a difference between regular shooting and the turbo function.*

*You can also move it lower, I do the minimum for an easier distinction between soft and full pull

Scroll down to Analog Output

And change it from Right Trigger to Analog Off
Adding Turbo
Now that your trigger is acting more like two buttons, make sure you have Right Trigger mapped to both "Full Pull" and "Soft Pull".

This will divide it so you don't lose functionality for the capture wire or flame thrower.
Soft Pull = regular press
Full Pull = Turbo

Finally click on the gear icon next to Full Pull
Click on Settings
Turn on "Hold to Repeat (Turbo)"
Change Repeat Rate to "10" for the fastest shooting
Turbo Showcase
Short showcase of how the game changes with the turbo on as well as showing regular input still works.
All Done
And that should be it! You have turbo shooting in Bounty Hunter!

It's a little janky but with some practice you get used to the differences between the soft and full pulls of the trigger doing different things.

If necessary you could also always use steam input to make another button as an alt firing if you are having trouble firing the capture wire or flame thrower,

I hope this is helpful to anybody interested in this functionality!

Happy Hunting!
5 comentarios
BleppyBoo  [autor] 6 AGO 2024 a las 4:59 p. m. 
Here's a showcase of it, sorry for the awful quality
BleppyBoo  [autor] 6 AGO 2024 a las 4:59 p. m. 
The Black Death 5 AGO 2024 a las 5:28 p. m. 
Got a video example of this in game?
BleppyBoo  [autor] 4 AGO 2024 a las 5:40 p. m. 
Oh my gosh I'm so stupid I forgot the one important step. Go back into trigger settings, Under "Analog Output Trigger" click the drop down menu to change "Right Trigger" to Analog Off. This was my mistake and I'll be fixing it immediately in the guide right now
EvilSockPuppet9 4 AGO 2024 a las 1:06 p. m. 
Still isn't working for me, not sure what I'm missing.